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I've been out of the Spiderman loop for a long time now (I focus mostly on Batman). With that said, why are we getting a Green Goblin big fig? I always thought of him and Hobgoblin as normal sized.

In Ultimate Spider-Man, the Green Goblin is a massive hulking beast instead of his human sized self.

Put me down for the Green Goblin and Electro Spider-Man sets. Definitely want that Flash in the Riddler Chase though. I was really hoping to see a new fig for Man-Bat. Who knows, these are prelims, so maybe there is something better planned.

Interesting. I'll have to take a look sometime to see what he looks like in the show.

After seeing the new Chima prelim pics i hope we will see an Iron Spider fig,the Spiderclan legpieces are perfect for him and since he appears in the USM show i thing there is a high chance to get him.

Interesting. I'll have to take a look sometime to see what he looks like in the show.

Looks like this in the video gamepost-74311-0-36581500-1382978039_thumb.jpg

Love all of them! :D Can not wait for Avengers set images!!! :)

There is a french seller on bricklink who claims to have 20 of the new Nightwing. Not sure how credible this is though:


There is a french seller on bricklink who claims to have 20 of the new Nightwing. Not sure how credible this is though:


If it was a bit cheaper I'd grab one early as Nightwing is my favourite Superhero. However for €10 ( which is about £8 ) I would rather wait and spend the full £20 to get the whole set.

I love that this wave it looks like Robin is getting 2 updated variations, the classic looks cool. However the Damian Wayne type looks awesome.

The black and Gold Batman however is a bit of a waste for me. I have the 2006 black and gold variant and the recent black and yellow is more than enough. The 1980's suit is by far my least favourite of the bat suits, especially with the terrible yellow and black symbol.

There is a french seller on bricklink who claims to have 20 of the new Nightwing. Not sure how credible this is though:


It'd cost more than the €10 as it's part of a Superlot with a custom Daredevil! You can't buy it without shelling out €30 for the DD figure too!

Edited by Robianco

I wonder how different the Hulk will be. Never did get one.

That's just a digital stand-in for Green Goblin.

Hm, I wonder what happened to that mythical MODOK set, Would have liked that. Anyway, Overall they look good and i will pick up one of each if I have the money. So comparing this wave to the old batman stuff, We are still missing alfred and Killer croc. However we are up Man-bat, Batgirl and Harleen quinzel.

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Hm, I wonder what happened to that mythical MODOK set, Would have liked that.

That is part of the Avengers sets, which are not on the site yet. :wink:

That is part of the Avengers sets, which are not on the site yet. :wink:

Ahh i see, So are we still expecting them for the Jan release or will they be coming later?

Black and gold batman!!!! Awesome!!!!! Looking good those. Hope we see some leaked marvel figures soon. I reckon maybe for this wave they are paying tribute by having the black and gold design return with the new face plus the gold design fits in with batgirl's you can't have a gold and black batgirl next to a black and yellow batman it would just look odd! I like juniors batman and robin so I may end up getting that for those two.

That "new black and gold" Batman minifigure, is ​from the old Batman Theme.

Here's the gallery that I comprised for ease of viewing. I threw the Juniors sets in there as well.

I was browsing around looking for them and stumbled across them on http://www.tamayk.com. I couldn't actually find them by searching on the website itself, but rather googling the term:


I'm sure you can find pictures for many other themes using that method. I myself only spent the time looking for a few themes. :)

Junior Spidey looks pathetic. The Green Goblin like from Spectacular Spider-Man or the game would have made much more sense. Venom isn´t that iconic a villain and even still available in the exact same form. This is just the inferior version of the Nick Fury set.

Electro set looks a little less worse since he is at least a new fig. Would have been funnier if it actually were a regular tricycle instead of a giant bike thing. I hope the price of Electro alone isn´t that huge on Bricklink. Yellow Lighting would also be useful, already have a good amount of blue ones and yellow probably won´t have a better chance to appear other than here.

The bank truck looks like one of the vehicles from the game. Maybe someone could make a screenshot of it? I hope Ock and Spidey have better costumes than in the first USM set from 2012. Driver could be useful if he has a new uniform. Truck itself looks a bit too 90s LEGO but the best set of the wave overall.

Spidercopter looks and is stupid as expected. Not a fan of USMs Goblin or Power Man but I have to say the glider looks good. Spidey looks like he will stay the same but M.J. intrigues me since she kinda looks like the one from the game with the Spidey heart shirt. Would be nice to have if she isn´t too much on the aftermarket.

Batcave doesn´t look like a good set (which was to be expected) and I already have Joker and Robin. Blue Batman would be nice to have, I hope he has an acceptable price or that the Junior sets make at least enough to warrant a sequel. Robin maybe has a new design but as long as it isn´t BTAS Dick or 60s which I don´t expect it looks like a pass.

Penguin set looks passable. Not really satisfied with the duck, would have preferred a bigger duck for 2 people and scrapped the Waterbat thingie. Already sold my Arkham Penguin since I don´t like his design that much. Either this will be the same fig or a better design. Penguins look fine, all in all a great relation between value and cost but not the best set.

Man-Bat is a crappy villain, already have enough helicopters and red Nightwing is just wrong.

Beware-Man, 52 Flash and the racing Riddler are crappy characters too, only made crappier by the dragster and Bewaremobile. The gold details on Beware-Man look kinda nice. Don´t know if I should buy him alone or better wait for another set in the summer with him. Ah, what am I even talking about, New 52 Batman has the same costume with a better belt and the way it looks right now they are just trying to turn LEGO DC into New 52 anyway.

That Batplane is huuuuuuuge. Should have been part of the title. Already expected nothing exciting since I own a City Bulldozer but it should have at least been a monster to plow over a small building but this is even smaller than the City vehicles. Even if I hadn´t already a comparable vehicle, I wouldn´t have bought this to modify it to a city fitting design. Batman could really use some sets without a vehicle. All other heroes are much better in that regard. Joker looks better than the regular design from 2012 but that´s not worth the set. Just hope it gets repeated somewhere else. Batgirl looks pretty good despite 52 lines but I don´t know. I much prefer the old comic designs over this and both my plans sound stupid: Either I get the fig alone and just make my own torso designs or I wait for the release of a comic-design.

Only sure thing are Penguin and Ock out of this. I am much more hyped for the two Avengers sets and even then the Hulk set sounds less and less appealing. Probably no purple pants Hulk, Modok fig from the game looks wrong, the Comic-Thor in the game has no helmet and still too light blonde hair. What is even left over? Hood-dude and Falcon? Couldn´t care less for those.

At least this wave feels better than last year.

All the Spidey sets are from the television show.

Technically Electros set could be from anything since he uses his classic outfit and Ock seems to be the 90s Spider-Man design (plus maybe a labcoat if they go with the ock fig from the game 1:1).

I hope that's Damian Wayne in the Steam Roller set :)

God, I hope not. Are children even reading New 52? This pushing of the 52 designs like red Nightwing and "random lines Batgirl / Flash" is already bad enough but now even characters that people don´t even know? I hoped we could get at least the Superfriends or JLU characters and designs before having to resort to new films and shows.

I hope that alternate Spider-man is supposed to be a stand in for an ASM 2 fig.

Would be nice if it is the on from the Con. Or just some other design than the USM costume.

Ock set. I've got a feeling it's gonna be a season two ock with aSM2 ock as a prototype. i think the other guy is just a driver for the truck.

How much different is USM Season 2 Ock from the existing one? Heard something of an eyepatch. If that´s the case they could have just made the old USM Ock as a stand-in.

I hope it will be the one from the game in this set. Still not sure if it would be a good idea to use the games arms instead of the click arms. On one hand he surely can´t balance on the game arms but they look so much better.

After seeing the new Chima prelim pics i hope we will see an Iron Spider fig,the Spiderclan legpieces are perfect for him and since he appears in the USM show i thing there is a high chance to get him.

Would have been nice to get as a variation in one of the three shown sets. All those Spider-Men are much worse than the Batmen.

If it was a bit cheaper I'd grab one early as Nightwing is my favourite Superhero. However for €10 ( which is about £8 ) I would rather wait and spend the full £20 to get the whole set.

I am pretty sure the Copter is turning out to be more than 20 pounds. 30 or 35 for sure.


...Okay, do I get my 'treat' now?! :) Happy Halloween!

So far my favourite vehicle is truck ... I hope sets are better in reality ...

Technically Electros set could be from anything since he uses his classic outfit and Ock seems to be the 90s Spider-Man design (plus maybe a labcoat if they go with the ock fig from the game 1:1).

Actually Electro uses his classic outfit in show (and Spidey is making fun of him because of that). Later he gets supercharged an turns into ultimate version. After being defeted he goes back to his regular self.

Woohoo 100th post!

Wow, I thought I'd be picking up NO DC sets at all. I guess I should have bit my tongue! The Man-Bat is alright (of course, these are preliminary) I was hoping they would give him a ripped labcoat with an alternate head showing him as a scientist. I don't think I love that steamroller (or even like it!) but I don't like going to second-hand sources (bricklink,ebay,amazon,etc) for figs, so $50 it is.

Rather interesting that Spiderman variant. I was 99.9% certain they wouldn't re-use the 2012 Ock, thank you Lego, for that. Green Goblin set is meh, but with MJ, Powerman, and some sort of GG, it's passable.

Of course these are all prelim- but I'm loving them already! Now if only they gave us a green arrow...

OK, some of the spider-man prelims look promising.

I like the Junior set. With a goofy car, because the whole idea of Spider-man in a car is pretty goofy. Plus it resembles the Spider-mobile a little. Back in the days Spider-man got it from some advertisement guys i believe. Eventually the car turned on him. Epic! (plus i don't have Venom so that's also fortunate for me)

Spidercopter (why?!) is probably a pass for me. Since the Green Goblin is some sort of monster instead of Norman Osborn in Leotards it doesn't do it for me. They will restyle PowerMan also in some sort of USM-way (curse you usm) of course? :sick:

Electro. If they make Electro as in the comics than this will be my most beloved lego spiderman set. Electro has such a cool costume.

Doc Ock. Well, i already have a Doc. So i don't know if my wallet will come out for this set. It also depends on whether those spideys have different costumes in all these sets.

Yeah, i think i will quite like this wave.

Ok, I've seen prelims of the two other sets we haven't seen yet:

-76017: Includes Captain America on a red motorcyle (different than the last one, think Mutt Williams) Red Skull (red head, black body) and some green guy with yellow hands. The vehicle is olive green and has 8 wheels. It's some sort of terrain vehicle, as the background is set in a snowy area. Two long antennas in the back.

-76018: MODOK (head is a huge 3D minifigure head in grey), Falcon, Thor in a prison cell similar to the Helicarrier Breakout set, and some purple/orange guy in a black robe holding a shield and sword. Overall, it looks really blocky and there's studs everywhere. Black stairs leading to the prison cell on the right side, a yellow railing, and a huge breakable wall in the middle, which Hulk is bashing through. There's also some sort of yellow robot drone with 4 legs.


-76018: MODOK (head is a huge 3D minifigure head in grey), Falcon, Thor in a prison cell similar to the Helicarrier Breakout set, and some purple/orange guy in a black robe holding a shield and sword. Overall, it looks really blocky and there's studs everywhere. Black stairs leading to the prison cell on the right side, a yellow railing, and a huge breakable wall in the middle, which Hulk is bashing through. There's also some sort of yellow robot drone with 4 legs.

Actually, Taskmaster should be included in this set.

Actually, Taskmaster should be included in this set.

That's the orange/purple hooded guy, then!


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Ok, I've seen prelims of the two other sets we haven't seen yet:

-76017: Includes Captain America on a red motorcyle (different than the last one, think Mutt Williams) Red Skull (red head, black body) and some green guy with yellow hands. The vehicle is olive green and has 8 wheels. It's some sort of terrain vehicle, as the background is set in a snowy area. Two long antennas in the back.

-76018: MODOK (head is a huge 3D minifigure head in grey), Falcon, Thor in a prison cell similar to the Helicarrier Breakout set, and some purple/orange guy in a black robe holding a shield and sword. Overall, it looks really blocky and there's studs everywhere. Black stairs leading to the prison cell on the right side, a yellow railing, and a huge breakable wall in the middle, which Hulk is bashing through. There's also some sort of yellow robot drone with 4 legs.


Yep, 76017 is Captain America vs. Hydra, and 76018 is Hulk's Lab. Oddly enough, they say they're featured in a film that's out May 2014.

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