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So, uh, Electro looks like the ASM2 version... Uh, what?

That is because ASM & USM are both based/inspired from the Ultimate comics.

Also I am so disappointed that we didn't get a new Spider-man variation. I have hated that variation for so long now, I am thoroughly irked that I'm going to have a total of five of that crummy variation while I have four Iron Man variations. The four main Avengers have at least two variations each and appear rarely in sets, meanwhile Spider-man has an entire sub-theme around him and we're still stuck with that variation. There better be an exclusive set on the way to right this.

I agree completely, why must there be so many of the same Spider-man? :cry2:

He has as many different suit variations as Batman, and TLG has failed to even give us one variation in 4 sets + a polybag? I mean if you are going to give us mishmash USM sets instead of WS, DW or ASM2 sets, at least give us the Black, Iron, ASM2, Future Foundation and Superior suit designs. :facepalm:

As for the rest of the sets, they are pretty poor too. I wanted Cap in his Winter Soldier or First Avenger costume, not AA. Thor is pretty much the same, would have liked a new helmet. Falcon looks good, but I like the MCU version better.

Again TLG has failed to impress, waiting on GotG and X-men, but I am not setting very high standards.

I suspect LEGO (or Disney/Marvell) have made the decision that all the Spider-Man sets are going to be Ultimate-Spider Man based and therefore will contain the USM version of Spidey.

Same with Avengers, LEGO have made the decision to follow Avengers Assemble and not the movies or other cartoons.

I think the DC sets are overall better than the Marvel ones..

The build seem boring and I also wish we had better versions of the minifigs..

Giant goblin makes me sad. I was really hoping that we'd get the classic comic costume. And, as a comic geek in my youth, I would have preferred the green and yellow costume for Electro. Other than that I'm really happy with all of the figs, although some of the sets are a little dull. I know some haven't liked the Hydra goon but I think he looks great and may well try to pick up quite a few of him!

I would've really liked a Thor helmet like we saw in those great animated shorts - silver Castle dwarf one works okay, but the look of the other one is fantastic. I do like that armoured truck. It'll be great for any super hero game, and has a bit more muscle to it than the City one. Probably the most useful multi-purpose vehicle in any of the Marvel or DC sets. Shame there aren't more like it in the other sets.

I personally love all the sets revealed thus far! :)

Spider Trike- Nice new Electro Minifig, and an easy way for a Spiderman if you are new to buying Spidey sets like I am. :classic:

Doc-Ock- Nice Truck, it has a beautiful design to it, and the Minifigs are pretty cool; always nice to get more guards! :classic:

Spidey Copter- Beautiful, I absoloutely love it to pieces and will buy it, although I wish that Power Man had come with a new Hair Piece. Lazy Lego. :hmpf_bad:

Hydra Tank- I personally love the design on the tank, I think it looks absoloutely gorgeous and very militaristic. Definantly a buy, and the awesome figures top it off. May even get two when it goes on sale! :grin:

AIM Lab- A beautiful looking Lab with so many diverse features going on, this again is a purchase for me! Thor looks like he may be new, and there are some other sweet figures who I am not familiar with but definantly like! :grin:

Over-all, I love this wave, just dissapointed in the lack of Thor: Dark World sets or Captain America: The Winter Soldier sets. Still, I am hoping the summer wave will bear fruits, since CA:TWS looks SHIELD heavy so would be awesome to see sets! :grin:

I'm going to buy several spidey sets with the new electro and burn them!!!

I thouht this set would have the classic Electro in it! Bad bad bad Lego!!!

And now i'll go to bed again and cry myself to sleep

:cry_sad: :cry_sad: :cry_sad: :cry_sad:

Ok, i wept for a while. Here's my opinion on the sets:

76014 - well, i don't like it. (it's a shame that Marvel/Disney ever redesigned this guy in the first place)

76015 - It's a somewhat boring set. Doc Ock is nice though. I already have a Doc, so this will be an easy pass for me.

76016 - Once again, why the redesign of Green Goblin Marvel/Disney? Ultimate Green Goblin does nothing for me. Mary Jane on the contrary looks nice. Power Man, he's ok i guess though i prefer his 70ies look with the chain and the afro. And the helicopter is also rubbish. But this set will be good fun for kids.

76017 - Oooh, i like it! A fun vehicle and great mini-figs! That Cap. America is also so much better than the last one. Too bad they didn't print wings on his head, that would really finish him off. Definite buy

76018 - Haha That Modok is superfunny! Yeah, i like this set too. There are some minor let-downs and the build is not really superb, but just a playset with some action features in it. I actually don't like too much of those big pre-fab bricks, so i hope those blue and grey pieces are not all quite like that. The let-downs to me are: Thor is missing his helmet (great classic look btw. I think this version is beardless). Why has Falcon straight hair (we need an afro for this man!). What happened to Taskmasters shield??? It should be like Cap America's but with a different print. That's a stupid mistake and a ugly one. But in the end, i think this is a fantastic set with great figures in it. This one i'm gonna buy too!

So, the spider-man sets are the big losers here. Poor vehicles (why does spidey even need vehicles anyway) and a bad job in choosing baddies. If Lego just made more variations of the spider-man costume, i would probably buying the sets. Now i'll end up buying no spider-man sets.

Edited by Borex

Ah, more money I'll spend next year in March and April......they are all fantastic but that money truck :wub: ! :grin:

I don't know if anyone noticed on that page on flickr that two of the sets had their titles on the wrong set ? :blush:

Thanks for the images, my overall impressions are:

76014-Loving the electro figure although I hope this set doesnt cost £10+ as the build doesnt consist of much.

76015-Im really like the car, the build looks good and the doc ock figure is really nice.

76016-The figures are great, and although Im not loving the design of this green goblin, its good that they've included a maxi figure, there also looks to be some nice (new) or rare parts in this set, I can imagine it having a multiple number of play features.

76017-As always the figures are of high quality, Im glad lego have made this a more militarised set with the colours if the tank.

76018-Now this one is the most unique of this wave imo, Im liking modoks head, and the fact that all of these figures are either new or of a different variation makes this set a must buy, great job lego and the lab actually looks pretty decent too.

Roll on March and April, I certainly can't wait to pick these up :classic:

Finally seeing the sets in their finished forms I love these! The cap set looks much cooler than expected and the figures in all of them are just ace! Beyond glad we get the videogame doc ock as it just looks awesome! Suppose I can live without dark blue Spidey! The electro actually looks really cool and although based on the ultimate Spiderman animated show not far off from the ASM 2 design! Glad to see some more villains for our heroes to fight and even though he is based off his ultimate design gobby looks very high tech and cool! The cap set looks very nice with the huge tank and cap's motorcycle. That's odd I was originally not going to buy nay of these set based on the prelims but now seeing them in true form I really want them all roll on march!! I especially love the minfigure selection lots of good new ones!! I'm a very happy customer!

I've also noticed the avengers set figures look similar to EMH as well as AA. So if you don't like the Avengers Assemble show (like myself) you can use them as EMH variants or comic variants! I mean the USM sets I just use as general marvel superheroes! Everything seems to link back to the Lego marvel superheroes videogame variant wise in all sets so that's a good lego are making their own scenarios rather than going with the scenes from the two animated shows.

Is that security guard a superhero whose power is the ability to travel between the Marvel and DC universes?

I think so! :laugh:

One more thing. If Electro is based on the cartoon, then what is this from?:


That's Electro's first apearance in the cartoon, but he got super charged by our man Spidey's electro-webs.

I would have liked this version though, Still getting the set. My Clone Army of spidermen must be completed!

And yes, I am a fan of USM, and I'm not ashamed.

Edited by korpen4444

Really happy with some things while I'm extremely disappointed with others. Great to see a purple pants Hulk, Taskmaster, classic Doc Ock, Red Skull, Hydra goon, new Cap, Powerman and that damn brilliant Hydra tank, I'll be buying a few of those. However, I am extremely disappointed about (the lack of) Thor's Helmet, Falcons wings, the cruddy electrical spark, second rate Hulk and the slightly multi coloured van. Other than that, this looks like a good year for Marvel.

Only the cpt america and hulk set for me then. And maybe buy the doc Ock and MJ fig seperately.

Too much stuff is coming. Hobbit, Dc, Marvel, Lego movie :/

I really like all these sets, only two complaints, like everyone else I wish that there had been a new spidey, and I also wish the Ock had the same tentacles as in the game.

Loving all these sets! Definitely picking up the Cap and Doc Ock sets, I do hope they're in the $20 range.

I really like all these sets, only two complaints, like everyone else I wish that there had been a new spidey, and I also wish the Ock had the same tentacles as in the game.

I really wanted those tentacles too. However I ended up building those tentacles a few weeks ago and honestly they may look great but they suck. They fall apart so easily, there's little to no stability to them. And worst of all is that even when you hook the tentacles to something the minifigure weight sort of drags the entire thing down or makes it lean in an odd direction. But if you really want them all the pieces do exist, they're just not practical outside of the game. Granted this certainly isn't the first time Lego designed something for looks over practicality (Harley Quinn's motorbike is stupidly unstable when built in real Lego).

Edited by strangely


76014: Classic Doc Ock! YES! SOLD! :D

76015: I really like that Electro, especially with his abundance of lightning bolt pieces. The Spiderbuggy is hit or miss.

76016: Meh. I don't care for the giant Goblin or that version of Power Man. Moreover, the Spidercopter has the most bizarre design ever. Combining a main rotor with two tiltrotors means you're going to crash and burn on your first flight attempt.

76017: I would have preferred Red Skull's black custom car from the first CA movie, but this vehicle will do fine.

76018: I definitely need MODOK and Taskmaster. Falcon will be welcome as well. And hey, an extra Hulk figure is a good thing. I just wish they'd given Thor bare arms and a helmet.

More Marvel sets, please. Lots more!

for some reason i only like the captain america and doc ock set

is it just me or does the Taskmaster (I think) has Boromirs Shield... BASTARD sneaking around Boromir to steal his shield!

Wow. All those builds are rather plain. Remember when LEGO was all about the build, and the minifigs were only accessories? Good times...good times. While I am VERY grateful form such an assortment of Marvel heroes AND villains, I wish the sets accompanying the minifigs didn't look like something my 4 year old son whipped up in an afternoon. I don't understand how TLG can release such gems as the Quinjet and Tony Stark's Malibu mansion, then release an entire line of this stuff. TLG is capable of so much more!

It seems that the USM Electro figure has trans-blue arms and head.

Meh, a few minifigs interest me but none of the models appeal to me, I'll probably end up getting 76014 and 76017… I'd like Taskmaster, Power Man, and Falcon though so I guess depends on Bricklink prices and how big of sales go on the sets.

Really LEGO? 3 more of the exact same Spidey? I expected more from them, but oh well.

The good news is that it looks like they are using the video game for figure inspiration, which gives me hope for the GotG sets :wub:

A few thoughts:

76014 - Im' surprised to see they changed their minds and instead of the classic Electro made this Ultimate version. Which is good, because I'm really digging this figure. But Jesus, that Spider-Trike is awful. I hope the price will be 10$ so it will affordable here.

76015 - What happened to the Spidey variant from preliminary picture?! :angry: I was hoping for a blend of ASM2 and Superior Spider-man costumes. Too bad. Which means we will never see SDCC Spidey again. :cry_sad: So, that's Spider-man. What's next? Aha, a random driver. Another wasted slot. It's great to see Doc Ock from the game, but he alone is not enough. And I already have the old version. I must admit the truck is superb, however. Unfortunately, a car and one fig isn't enough for me to buy it.

76016 - The real helicopter looks much better than in the prelim picture and the fig selection is good, yet with the price tag of 50$ (thus about 70$ here), it's a pass for me.

76017 - I can't believe we won't have any CA:TWS sets because of this. The tank is absolutely ugly. :wacko: I'm still gonna buy it though, because the figs are fine. I don't have Cap yet, missed the Avengers one because of the steep price, and although this one is different, I like him. Red Skull and Hydra goon are win, too.

76018 - The most controversial set from this wave for me. Main reason to buy it is naturally Hulk. The set 6868 was really expensive and contained absolutely nothing, just a few lab section bashed together, plus three totally common figs. This is basically the same - another lab, same size, presumably same price, too. Only much better figs. And I need Hulk finally. Not a fan of comic (AA) Falcon and Thor, but I guess I'll buy it.

Quite a mediocre line. And to everyone who keeps talking about switched set names: look at the text under Captain America in the bottom figure line. :laugh:

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