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Who are you, my mom? It's a forum and I'll complain if I want to. I keep it respectful and call it like I see it: Too many repeat minifigs, strange versions of minifigs and bad vehicles. I am truly happy for anyone pleased with these lackluster sets but I want better. In all things, without criticism, there can be no improvement. I would end this post in the exact manner you did, but that would be rude.

Except there's a difference between criticism and complaining. If you hadn't noticed, Lego is a toy company that pleases kids, not people like yourself. And, with regards to your first post, films are easier because they're not as vague as comics. And people like myself are happy to see interesting versions of minifigs. In fact I have plans for making variations of Spider-men with the many I hope to get. And kids will have a variety of options to choose from when it comes to buying Spidy. I also personally prefer vehicles to bases. Hang me :sarcasm_hmpf: . I also think that certain variations are good. Arctic, Black, Classic, Electro, TDKR, BTB, and Scuba Bats are very useful in their situations. Sure Spidy could use more suits, but hey! That's where you come in. If you want more variation, make more variations. And these vehicles aren't that bad. A little uninspired yes, but not horrible. And I think, personally, that official minifigs feel right-er to me than decal and paint/sharpie customs. If you wants boots on your Flash, PAINT SOME ON! Is that so hard? Sheesh people, quit sitting at your computers complaining about minifigs and actually do something with them to make you happy about them!

Except there's a difference between criticism and complaining. If you hadn't noticed, Lego is a toy company that pleases kids, not people like yourself. And, with regards to your first post, films are easier because they're not as vague as comics. And people like myself are happy to see interesting versions of minifigs. In fact I have plans for making variations of Spider-men with the many I hope to get. And kids will have a variety of options to choose from when it comes to buying Spidy. I also personally prefer vehicles to bases. Hang me :sarcasm_hmpf: . I also think that certain variations are good. Arctic, Black, Classic, Electro, TDKR, BTB, and Scuba Bats are very useful in their situations. Sure Spidy could use more suits, but hey! That's where you come in. If you want more variation, make more variations. And these vehicles aren't that bad. A little uninspired yes, but not horrible. And I think, personally, that official minifigs feel right-er to me than decal and paint/sharpie customs. If you wants boots on your Flash, PAINT SOME ON! Is that so hard? Sheesh people, quit sitting at your computers complaining about minifigs and actually do something with them to make you happy about them!

So because you like the sets, that means you are allowed to express your opinion. Yet, because he doesn't like them, his opinion is just complaining and therefore shouldn't get to be aired and he should just suck it up? A little hypocritical of you that your opinion's fine to say and his is not. No one is telling you that you can't like the sets, they are just stating why they don't like them as much.

Edited by rakky

So because you like the sets, that means you are allowed to express your opinion. Yet, because he doesn't like them, his opinion is just complaining and therefore shouldn't get to be aired and he should just suck it up? A little hypocritical of you that your opinions fine to say and his is not. No one is telling you that you can't like the sets, they are just stating why they don't like them as much.

Criticism is the act of stating how you would make something better. He doesn't like the sets. OK! But instead of "These sets suck!", he could have said, "I would have changed a few things." See my point? Let's not forget that in this day and age, kids are more into cars and things that move, than boring old labs and bases. I don't mind the occasional base here and there, but people must remember what kids today like. Not what you would have liked as a kid. The world is progressing, and Lego along with it.

I teach a class full of 10 year olds every day, we talk about lego a lot, 3 guesses what they like? I'll give you a hint, it's not all the cars.

Criticism is the act of stating how you would make something better. He doesn't like the sets. OK! But instead of "These sets suck!", he could have said, "I would have changed a few things." See my point? Let's not forget that in this day and age, kids are more into cars and things that move, than boring old labs and bases. I don't mind the occasional base here and there, but people must remember what kids today like. Not what you would have liked as a kid. The world is progressing, and Lego along with it.

Lol, boring labs and bases? The world is progressing? Your opinions, although stated as facts, are in fact, just opinions.

This is my last words for you, as this is so not the place for this (but you called me out, so I'm returning the favor): I don't care if you like how I criticize something or not...but, my whole last paragraph is all about proposed changes I feel would make the line better. I know how to criticize and don't need you help in that regard. I also don't need to hear, for the umpteenth time, that LEGO makes these sets for kids. I was a kid once too. A Spidey trike would've been just as lame then as it is now (IN MY OPINION!!!! Is that allowed anymore?). I also have made over 150 Marvel and DC purist customs and know that the same Spidey, over and over again is boring. There are only so many customs one can do with that one minifig. As to other customs, do you even know about the many great customizers out there? Go google Christo and tell me his customs aren't up to par.

If you would like to argue with me further on this, take it to PM. This is not the place for it. This place is for opinions and wishes for the new sets, which my post was all about. Thanks for caring, though.

Edited by Repeter

I teach a class full of 10 year olds every day, we talk about lego a lot, 3 guesses what they like? I'll give you a hint, it's not all the cars.

Well lego must be doing something right with Superheroes, since it hasn't really changed its strategy with it. Every year we get a number of $20 sets that include 3 minifigures and some sort of vehicle or 2. If those were unpopular LEGO wouldn't have continued to make sets around this formula. We have 9 sets based around this formula so far. As far as I can see the Superheroes line is selling extremely well, last year everyone complained about the sets, but they still sold well. I always see people buying them whether they are kids or adults, which means that despite what a lot of people say about the sets that they are popular.

Just built 3/4 of the new batman sets and I must say they are all fantastic. My most favourite has definitely gotta be the steam roller set, It is such a fun build, not to mention the figures are fantastic and honestly the steam roller has got to be one of my most favourite vehicles from lego in all time. The penguin set is a nice little one too, quick build but awesome figures, its nice to have a new batman variation. And last of what I have built so far but certainly not least is the man bat set, the helicopter is a rather nice new addition to batmans vehicle collection. :classic:

Just built 3/4 of the new batman sets and I must say they are all fantastic. My most favourite has definitely gotta be the steam roller set, It is such a fun build, not to mention the figures are fantastic and honestly the steam roller has got to be one of my most favourite vehicles from lego in all time. The penguin set is a nice little one too, quick build but awesome figures, its nice to have a new batman variation. And last of what I have built so far but certainly not least is the man bat set, the helicopter is a rather nice new addition to batmans vehicle collection. :classic:

Lucky guy! the Toysrus up here in Canada always gets this stuff later, i only managed to get the Man Bat set, which was probably my least wanted set. Which set do you think is the best and the worst so far from what you built?

Well lego must be doing something right with Superheroes, since it hasn't really changed its strategy with it. Every year we get a number of $20 sets that include 3 minifigures and some sort of vehicle or 2. If those were unpopular LEGO wouldn't have continued to make sets around this formula. We have 9 sets based around this formula so far. As far as I can see the Superheroes line is selling extremely well, last year everyone complained about the sets, but they still sold well. I always see people buying them whether they are kids or adults, which means that despite what a lot of people say about the sets that they are popular.

Huh, looks like the cavalry's arrived.

Don't want to get involved at all in this, but I think why some people (at least me) are annoyed is that we expect more from Lego. Particularly in recent years, in all themes, in all aspects, Ideas, Minifig quality, printing. Sure, we could fix them, but why should we? When I buy a £30.00 set, I expect Flash, an A-list Superhero character, to have boots. £10 no, £20 maybe, but £30? And a licensed set? Seriously. All kid's are different. I, and my friends and any kids I know like a few vehicles, but more over bases/buildings. Sure the FF are nothing without the fantasticar, but then again the FF are nothing without the Baxter Building/Four Freedoms Plaza. I always wanted something to smash when I was a kid, something for Dr Doom to smash Iron Man into. I'm fine with affordable vehicles, just quit the stupid ridiculous Spiderman Helicopters.

As to other customs, do you even know about the many great customizers out there? Go google Christo and tell me his customs aren't up to par.

I too like Christo's work. But I'm not gonna pay $50+ for boots on my Flash. :hmpf_bad: But that's me.

Edited by korpen4444

Guys, lets not argue please. At the end of the day, we all have perfectly valid opinions since everyone has a different opinion on different sets. Let's remember that we are all Lego fans, and we should all except each other's opinions. Sarcasm and Cynicism towards each other will get us no where. We are all Lego fans at the end of the day, and we are all part of this community, so please remember that before commenting.

Don't want to get involved at all in this, but I think why some people (at least me) are annoyed is that we expect more from Lego. Particularly in recent years, in all themes, in all aspects, Ideas, Minifig quality, printing. Sure, we could fix them, but why should we? When I buy a £30.00 set, I expect Flash, an A-list Superhero character, to have boots. £10 no, £20 maybe, but £30? And a licensed set? Seriously. All kid's are different. I, and my friends and any kids I know like a few vehicles, but more over bases/buildings. Sure the FF are nothing without the fantasticar, but then again the FF are nothing without the Baxter Building/Four Freedoms Plaza. I always wanted something to smash when I was a kid, something for Dr Doom to smash Iron Man into. I'm fine with affordable vehicles, just quit the stupid ridiculous Spiderman Helicopters.

I can see that. I just care about the mini figures in all honesty though. Vehicles and bases are a bonus for me.

*My posts keep being separated!*

Edited by korpen4444

Again, as said before Gentlemen, let's leave this issue. We all have different opinions, that is perfeclty understandable and acceptable, but let's try and consider the effects our comments will have on others. :)

Does anyone know the American price of the steamroller set? I haven't seen that or the Penguin set yet.

Does anyone know the American price of the steamroller set? I haven't seen that or the Penguin set yet.

Judging on the UK prices from the previous page, it's probably $50 which is probably $65 CAD :(

Lucky guy! the Toysrus up here in Canada always gets this stuff later, i only managed to get the Man Bat set, which was probably my least wanted set. Which set do you think is the best and the worst so far from what you built?

Try checking out Walmart or a Lego Brand Retail store, the ones at Vaughan Mills and Fairview mall have the Riddler Chase as well as the Penguin Face Off.

I love the designs of the DC minifigures, but I find the Batplane from the Joker Steamroller to look a little odd, does anyone know Lego's reference when coming up with the Batplane?

Oh come on! I live a half hour away from Toronto! Well next year ill ask for a Lego Store Gift Card instead of a TRU but I am goig to try and get the Riddler Chase and the Penguin Faceoff set ASAP

It would make me very sad if the American price was only $50, as £50 is worth a lot more than $50. Not that I don't want you guys to get a bargin.

Lucky guy! the Toysrus up here in Canada always gets this stuff later, i only managed to get the Man Bat set, which was probably my least wanted set. Which set do you think is the best and the worst so far from what you built?

Ooh the best has definitely gotta be the steam roller set, Imo its too good to pass up, I mean 5 mini figures, 4 of which are completely new and exclusive as far as we know, plus the steam roller vehicle itself is superb and will be sure not to disappoint :wink:. The worst Imo is probably the man bat set, although there is nothing wrong with it, but the others seem to stand out more as unusual to what we've had and seen compared to this one :classic:

Ooh the best has definitely gotta be the steam roller set, Imo its too good to pass up, I mean 5 mini figures, 4 of which are completely new and exclusive as far as we know, plus the steam roller vehicle itself is superb and will be sure not to disappoint :wink:. The worst Imo is probably the man bat set, although there is nothing wrong with it, but the others seem to stand out more as unusual to what we've had and seen compared to this one :classic:

Nice list! Mine would have to be

1. Riddler Chase

2. Juniors Batcave ( kind of counts)

3. Tie between the Steamroller and Penguin

4. Man Bat Attack

It would make me very sad if the American price was only $50, as £50 is worth a lot more than $50. Not that I don't want you guys to get a bargin.

Yes, the pound price usually converts exactly to the dollar.

Yes, the pound price usually converts exactly to the dollar.

I was wondering about that, for a moment I thought the prices were going to be sky high. :grin:

Edited by Lego Spy

You guys tend to forget the licensor half of the discussion when talking about these Lego sets; I don't know why, but Marvel is pushing the spider vehicles hard in their spiderman cartoon, and I'm not surprised the sets reflect that. They also love pushing their main characters - remember back in the nineties when you'd have twenty batman action figure variations for every one villian? Which ties into another factor here; Lego is marketing to two distinct groups: kids, and the parents who will be the ones actually buying the sets. They want to have a recognizable character for parents to pick up instead of some obscure third stringer they wouldn't know which would make them skip the set in the first place. That means lots of spiderman and batman and so on. Same reason you get a Harry Potter and R2D2 in every other set.

Differing opinions are welcome. Let's just try to be courteous to others when expressing them.

I don't think anything here got too far out of hand, but I think the reminder was needed.

As with most themes, I think some of the DC sets look better than others. And some may surprise us when we get our hands on them. I wasn't a big fan of the Arctic Freeze set from last year and only bought it for Aquaman. But I ended up really liking the Batboat when I built it. I hope for more such surprises in the future.

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