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Like the popular opinion, I too think the new Magneto is ugly. The first version was perfect, and based off the more famous costume from the comics, so this seems disappointing and unnessissary. I don't know why we need another Magneto again, and hopefully Lego using Magneto here means more new X-Men characters in other new sets. Or it could just mean they're wasting a spot to give us a subpar rehashed villain. I think the latter is more likely.

Or they need to recoup a little more on the helmet mold that can only be used for Magneto ;)

Oddly enough the costume magneto is wearing he only wore when he worked as a head-master of xavier's school. So him being against the Xmen in this variation is highly illogical according to my research.I think they just randomly picked a variant as they don't appear to be able to use fox's DOFP costumes or any x-men trilogy ones. Magneto the younger version appears to be sporting dark reddish purple plated armour that I think would translate quite well in Lego: http://xmenfilms.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/magnetoflight.jpg The current magneto is adorned in black military style armour/uniform: http://xmenfilms.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/dofp-charleserik.jpg with a dark gold cape.

I've had a custom Storm sitting around for ages unfinished because I couldn't decide on which head to use.

Guess that riddle's been solved.

I've had a custom Storm sitting around for ages unfinished because I couldn't decide on which head to use.

Guess that riddle's been solved.

Yeah, I ended up finally going with Stass Allie, from Star Wars, a few months back. She works alright.

Well from the looks of the storm and magneto set, I'm guessing it will be around £40-£50 Mark. Ye can see the corners of what appear to be the Black bird. Also for everyone saying that the picture doesn't look preliminary, you can clearly see part of the watermark in the corner.

The set underneath with Wolverine on the box will probably be about £20. I have nothing to go on but LEGO love those three figure sets at that price point.

Even tho it's another Magneto and Storm doesn't seem to have a custom hairpiece, I still can't be upset about new X-Men sets! Assuming they do end up looking like this (and as it's been pointed out, they could just be preliminaries) then at least Magneto is a variant - although I hope his helmet will be purple also in the end. And if Storm ends up with that hair, it is more reusable than one with her tiara-thing would be.

Yeah, I ended up finally going with Stass Allie, from Star Wars, a few months back. She works alright.


Oh, good pick.

Remember the minifigs might not be finalised yet, so things missing might be included when finally released.

Bear in mind that image looks pretty early in development, Just think back to the marvel set when we saw a yellow and green preliminary figure for electro, Then he turned out to be blue with transparent arms. A lot can change in a little time...

I feel like these needed repeating. :look:

Honestly, I can hardly stand Magneto's classic costume, so I'm liking this one much better. Storm I can't comment on because she I can see so little, but I would not be surprised if it turns out that she does have the design that TT used in their game. I bet that we'll be getting that masked Wolverine in one of these sets too....

This is a US version, so my guess is that it's already in the States! Maybe Target put out their Valentine's Day display early.

Ah! Well, I've recently been at two Target stores but didn't see anything.

Ooh, exciting! Can't wait to see what the rest of the set is and what Storm's torso looks like.

Nice, I really like that micro-Batwing!

Really don't care for Magneto's new threads. Storm looks nice though. Fingers crossed that the Blackbird will be fighting the Juggernaut.

I was hoping we'd get Storm and there she is, so I'm happy. Definitely looks like a prelim though, the printing seems a bit sparse, so I'm guessing there will be some changes for the final. Her arms are black though, so I guess that means we might not get the game version after all. Hopefully they at least give us the hairpiece from the game.

Storm definitely has brown arms. Her left arm is covered up by the cape giving the impression its black. If you look closely you can see her right hand going through one of the holes.

I am overjoyed that we are getting a Storm, if anything to start a regrettably small collection of colored female heads. I don't like her body design though, even without really seeing the torso. The game design was perfect, and this figure lacks everything that fig had. Also no leg printing on Storm, ala Wonder Woman. Come on Lego! Literally every other theme has leg printing. I have to say I'm really dissapointed; to me it's becoming evident that Lego is not putting in the effort that this theme requires in terms of character design (don't get me started on set design), which is actually the most important part about making superheroes into sucessful minifigures.

In Lego's defense, Storm's modern costume is often depicted with full length pants instead of the swimsuit. I don't really mind the lack of leg printing.


In Lego's defense, Storm's modern costume is often depicted with full length pants instead of the swimsuit. I don't really mind the lack of leg printing.
I hated the Wonder Woman's leg printing turned out. I mean, full credit to Lego for trying, but I think the "swimsuit" look on female figures should be avoided as much as possible.

I really hope Storm has a new hairpiece to depict her tiara, and not just that generic one thats hopefully a stand in. Though its wierd that semifinal version of the figures are in the preliminary pictures.

Storm definitely has brown arms. Her left arm is covered up by the cape giving the impression its black. If you look closely you can see her right hand going through one of the holes.

In Lego's defense, Storm's modern costume is often depicted with full length pants instead of the swimsuit. I don't really mind the lack of leg printing.


That's her old costume, this is the modern costume:


I'm just happy we are getting lomg white hair!!!

That's her old costume, this is the modern costume:

Previous modern costume then. :tongue:

Storm definitely has brown arms. Her left arm is covered up by the cape giving the impression its black. If you look closely you can see her right hand going through one of the holes.

Indeed you're correct, she does indeed have brown arms. Also upon further examination the printing is showing a yellow border with the X symbol in the center. It also makes me wonder if her cape is of the usual design as it does indeed seem wrapped around her wrists.

Perhaps the design they're using is this one: http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20050409033445/marveldatabase/images/8/88/Storm_004.jpg

Yes! More please...

Also, is that another Wolverine box art at the very bottom?

Uh, so few x-men sets and they use magneto several times.. :thumbdown:

BrickForge makes a custom short-hair Mohawk in a few different colors. For my Storm, I used some custom decals for torso and face, the LEGO Minifig black rocker pants, and made a custom black Minifig vest out nor LEGO cape material. The white short-hair Mohawk was the icing on the cake! I'd post pics here, but I'm relatively new to this forum. Can I attach pics directly to comments on this forum, or do I have to post a link to the pic on another site, like Flickr?

Uh, so few x-men sets and they use magneto several times.. :thumbdown:

I totally agree with you… but then I think about the X-Men's villains, I can't come up with many that have cool costumes, especially that anybody would know. I'm not big enough into comics to know them, and all I can think of is the Sentinals, who would take up a whole set themselves. I suppose the likes of Toad, Mastermind, Emma Frost, Sabretooth and some others could make cool figures, but if LEGO needed to throw in a figure to attack a plane without its own vehicle - Magneto makes sense. At least we get a different costume (hopefully, things like that have reverted sometimes in the past).

I hope whoever possesses this catalogue is kind enough to take full pictures of the X-Men and GotG sets soon. Who knows what other minifigures may be included in the X-Men set.

I'm really hoping they make a new hairpiece for Storm. That one in the prelims has just become overused to me, I have a ton of them (Not in white obviously, then again how many character really need that color). And honestly if they can create a hairpiece for Wonder Woman that incorporates her tiara they should really do the same for Storm.

Hopefully only the angry side of her face features the white eyes (Sort of like how superman's angry side has red). For a none superhero white eyes would be distracting, and I would like to be able to use that head elsewhere as well.

Hmm. You are right. Didn't think about that since Spidey and X-Men are not under Disney/Marvel at the movies.

Well, let's cross our fingers for Storm with a mohawk then!

Sony sold the merchandise rights to the Spider-Man movies back to Disney last year. So we may see ASM2 type sets. X Men and FF movie sets are still under Fox's control. (Although TLG now has a business interest with Fox via the Simpsons, so other Fox related sets may not be farfetched. )

Thanks for the picture, too bad they didn't snap a picture of the whole page, I would have liked to have seen the GoTG set. The X-jet with Storm, Cyclops and Wolverine against Magneto sounds very plausible, and a must buy if that is what it is. :thumbup:

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