January 11, 201411 yr What else base it off of? A reboot that hasn't been making comics since 2011? The new 52 is their current line of comics, what else to do but advertise it, I mean really, at this point it'd be stupid to put costume designs for characters that haven't appeared in those variants for around 2 years. I say just have some classic designs and then a bit of made up variants, to avoid this type of problem altogether. Except we -do- get some older styled stuff considering the Joker in the Steamroller and the whole Penguin duckboat are both basically throwbacks to the old Batman movies. At least, I'm assuming the steamroller joker is a reference to Jack Nicholson's, given the fedora. Also the junior's set is straight up '60s TV Batman.
January 11, 201411 yr Black Manta is too obscure... Yet we've already got Nova, Iron Fist and now Power Man. Life is too cruel.
January 11, 201411 yr Black Manta is too obscure... Yet we've already got Nova, Iron Fist and now Power Man. Life is too cruel. They're all in a current kids TV show as main characters. To kids those 3 are already 10x less obscure.
January 11, 201411 yr That is a fair assumption. Casuals do not know who the Black Manta is. Therefore it would sell less. Yeah, some of us would love some of the more obscure characters but that's just in reality not the smartest business move. Apparently it's not that stupid of a move, since Imaginext made a whole playset for Black Manta. Lego should be playing the same game, getting kids interested in characters other than Batman and the occasional Superman. However, in that particular instance, It probably was better that they use Mr. Freeze, as including a lesser known villain, a lame Batman variant that just screams "toy company", and the butt of every superhero joke probably wouldn't have had it flying off the shelves. Hopefully they'll make a stand-alone Aquaman set that includes Black Manta. (I wonder if they'd make his helmet the whole head or make it a helmet with a head underneath?) Except we -do- get some older styled stuff considering the Joker in the Steamroller and the whole Penguin duckboat are both basically throwbacks to the old Batman movies. At least, I'm assuming the steamroller joker is a reference to Jack Nicholson's, given the fedora. Also the junior's set is straight up '60s TV Batman. Oh no, the Joker in the Steamroller set is an obvious reference to the legendary book the Killing Joke. The fact that they included Batgirl specifically in this one almost confirms it, since she had a major role in that story. Look it up if you haven't heard of it, it's really a fantastic read. They're all in a current kids TV show as main characters. To kids those 3 are already 10x less obscure. Well, Black Manta was a major player in the second season of Young Justice, so I'm certain he isn't completely unrecognizable to kids. Even so, he looks really cool, which is plenty of motivation on its own. I remember when I was just a tiny thing buying Spider-Man toys. I'd never seen a Spider-Man cartoon, and this was before the Sam Reimi movies came out, so I was buying these things simply because they looked cool. They also introduced me to Hulk and Wolverine. Now, I'd say a decade or so later, I'm a pretty big fan of Spider-Man, Hulk (rather Bruce Banner) is one of my favorite Avengers, and I just watched the Wolverine about twenty minutes ago. If you make the set fun and not necessarily include just the characters everyone already knows and loves, you can sell the set and get kids interested in the other characters as well. Too many Batman fans, not enough DC Comics fans.
January 11, 201411 yr MUST BUY!!!!! http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp160/vicnasty8333/img_0995.jpg Edited January 11, 201411 yr by Rick Please don't embed preliminary images
January 11, 201411 yr Cool looking Wolverine. The Sentential, not so much. Still there is a high chance I will buy this regular price.
January 11, 201411 yr The Duplo figures are very similar to Bobskink's, but his are better. Joker has a bubble spray can or something. Oh, and the Batwing has a huge missile on the front! -Sci Edited January 11, 201411 yr by CM4S
January 11, 201411 yr I came across Imaginext's DC line earlier and compiled a list of the characters I noticed they had produced and a comparison to LEGO's. I would share it, but it's on another computer. That image is still preliminary, right? Wolverine looks cool, but I'm not a big fan of that Sentinel...I hope that it isn't the supposed fifth figure in the set. That's assuming it's final though, which is something I shouldn't do.
January 11, 201411 yr http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp160/vicnasty8333/4be92af6-fe74-4c26-b92a-3c948ecd00ce.jpg http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp160/vicnasty8333/img_0962.jpg http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp160/vicnasty8333/img_0961.jpg http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp160/vicnasty8333/img_0960.jpg Edited January 11, 201411 yr by Rick Please don't embed preliminary images
January 11, 201411 yr The Sentinel looks a bit average. I think they could have done a better job with the head. Even just lowering the face print would make a huge difference. Still at least we're getting one. I'm a bit disapointed the Sentinel is also coming with the X-Jet. I would've preferred them to be two separate releases if it meant getting more characters. Just getting two new X-Men plus variants of Wolverine and Magneto isn't enough. Edited January 11, 201411 yr by wesker
January 11, 201411 yr Wolverine looks good, that Sentinel is bleh, hope they make it much better for the final set. No pictures of the GotG sets, understandable since they are movie based. I wonder if they will be on display at the Toy Fair(s).
January 11, 201411 yr Wolverine is ok, and I suppose it's better that we get a new one with a mask, rather than the same old one. I think from what we see, the Sentinal is just ok, but kind of meh. I don't think he has the right amount of bulk he should have; something more similar to the Lex mech would look better--this one seems like it'd fall apart if Wolverine just snarles at it.
January 11, 201411 yr For prelims I think that Wolverine set looks amazing! I am so happy we are getting his mask, and I am 100% certain that the Sentinel will look better in the final set. Definitely a must buy! Can't wait for that one to come out
January 11, 201411 yr Oh no, the Joker in the Steamroller set is an obvious reference to the legendary book the Killing Joke. The fact that they included Batgirl specifically in this one almost confirms it, since she had a major role in that story. Look it up if you haven't heard of it, it's really a fantastic read. Ive read the Killing Joke several times (in fact, it was the first comic I ever read) and I disagree. Batgirl made no appearences in the comic, only Barbara Gordon. Even then, that was the comic she got shot in, rendering her paralyzed and leading up to her becoming Oracle. Also, the only time the Joker wore the fedora was in his hawaiian shirt outift, and this outfit is obviously not that one (although it would be a cool one to see).
January 11, 201411 yr Wolverine is ok, and I suppose it's better that we get a new one with a mask, rather than the same old one. I think from what we see, the Sentinal is just ok, but kind of meh. I don't think he has the right amount of bulk he should have; something more similar to the Lex mech would look better--this one seems like it'd fall apart if Wolverine just snarles at it. He could have a bit more bulk but for me its the head thats really throwing it off. If the face wasn't so squashed and printed lower on the piece like this it would look MUCH better: http://i43.tinypic.com/2e48z6f.jpg
January 11, 201411 yr Wolverine is ok, and I suppose it's better that we get a new one with a mask, rather than the same old one. I think from what we see, the Sentinal is just ok, but kind of meh. I don't think he has the right amount of bulk he should have; something more similar to the Lex mech would look better--this one seems like it'd fall apart if Wolverine just snarles at it. Exactly. Sentinels are supposed to be towering Robots, that smash through roofs to grab one x-man, while fighting another. This looks to be a 15$ Set, where a 25$ set with a bigger sentinel and 3 figs would have seemed appropriate.
January 11, 201411 yr ^ I'm pretty sure the Sentinel comes with the Blackbird and isn't a set on its own.
January 11, 201411 yr Damn, I wish the Sentinel came in a $15 set. But Wolverine looks good, and I hope the Blackbird turns out great!
January 11, 201411 yr ^ I'm pretty sure the Sentinel comes with the Blackbird and isn't a set on its own. Oh well, should have been a single 25$ set anyway This doesn't look like something you just throw in with some "source of conventional transportation" (quote marvel wiki) Edited January 11, 201411 yr by DarthBrickus
January 11, 201411 yr Oh no, the Joker in the Steamroller set is an obvious reference to the legendary book the Killing Joke. The fact that they included Batgirl specifically in this one almost confirms it, since she had a major role in that story. Look it up if you haven't heard of it, it's really a fantastic read. As I think someone else pointed out, while Batgirl's alter ego was in the Killing Joke fairly prominently she didn't actually appear as Batgirl at all. And the duck boat is a pretty overt Burtman reference, so I'm still gonna call the fedora Joker a movie throwback, just not a set actually based on the film. Also, what I really wish is that DC would run some cartoons for the sets to be based on like Ultimate Spider-man, in the sense of adding more obscure characters. Brave and the Bold has been gone for a bit now, so they probably won't be using that as a source, but as bad as the cartoon is, Ultimate Spider-man is the only reason we've gotten Iron Fist/Power Man/Nova (though we may have gotten Nova in GotG sets later depending on how the movie goes). It's too bad DC isn't pushing their other characters a little harder, or at least running a JL cartoon (as far as I know there isn't one on the air right now?). Would like to see some support characters like Black Manta, Professor Zoom/Reverse Flash, Martian Manhunter and obviously Green Lantern and Sinestro. All that being said, nice to see some new photos. Everyone was hoping for a brick-built Sentinel and really, it looks about like what I'd expect from an official set. I bet it could be modded into something better pretty easily, if that's what it looks like. Disappointed though, that if we're only getting one new X-Men set it's gotta have two characters we already got in the only X-men set to come out already, even if it's nice to see Wolverine's cowl. Would've much preferred the Blackbird come with Storm, Cyclops, and Beast + Sentinel and another figure or two (not a huge X-men fan so I don't care who fills in the rest, mostly just want 4 different protagonists to make a sort of 'core' team with). Edited January 11, 201411 yr by Hrafnblod
January 11, 201411 yr I am on FIRE! Predicted the Sentinel with cowl Wolverine variant and the Blackbird in the Future Superheroes Sets topic and, in the Future Star Wars Sets topic, the Imperial Star Destroyer and the B-Wing! The Sentinel does look a little bleh, but I'm sure it'll all be sorted out when the final product surfaces. A great year for LEGO Marvel indeed!
January 11, 201411 yr I am on FIRE! Predicted the Sentinel with cowl Wolverine variant and the Blackbird in the Future Superheroes Sets topic and, in the Future Star Wars Sets topic, the Imperial Star Destroyer and the B-Wing! Does that give you credibility as a master at speculation? I don't see the purpose to toot your own horn... Anyways, how many X-Men figures are suppose to get released with this one set again? Edited January 11, 201411 yr by namioik
January 11, 201411 yr Does that give you credibility as a master at speculation? I don't see the purpose to toot your own horn... Anyways, how many X-Men figures are suppose to get released with this one set again? Lets see. Wolverine, Storm, Magneto, an unkown blue guy with yellow hand(Cyclopes i bet). Maybe another villian and the Sentinel. Wish we would have gotten a pic of the Blackbird, but i hope the Setinel improves, the head is horrible, the rest is okay
January 11, 201411 yr A sentinel!!! It's not perfect, but I'm sure the final version will be much better.
January 11, 201411 yr Cowled Wolverine! Glad to see I was wrong in assuming he'll be maskless again. Also really appreciate that they gave us the yellow-and-brown suit, in order to give us a variant but still have the cowl be compatible with the 2012 Astonishing suit (if you ignore the Astonishing suit's back-cowl, anyway). It's nice of LEGO to have given us a Sentinel, even though it may have been done better. But as a secondary build in a larger set, I think they captured the thing's stature and likeness fairly well. Shame about the face though. Also wish the torso was more than just a printed (and it -is- printed; notice how the lines don't stop because of needing multiple stickers) slope. Funny how the Sentinel has flickfires on its shoulder.
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