January 17, 201411 yr Thanks for the confirmation Legoevilelmo! Does the Blackbird look decent? It's surprising that there's only 4 minifigures, but I guess the addition of the Sentinel as another bad guy somewhat makes up for it.
January 17, 201411 yr I'm excited, I'd really like to see picutes Any news about like the x-jet itself? is it similar to the video game version?
January 17, 201411 yr It's entirely up to you if you choose to be snooty, why would I make up that I saw an image? I have seen it and the full image shows both of the previously shown imaged, but with Cyclops piloting the Blackbird in the middle. CM4S - I can certainly take a look tomorrow for you. Anything else you would like to know? Around this time people like to claim to know stuff like they've seen the catalouge or they know someone who work for Lego somehow but cant prove squat. So sorry if i came off harsh or snooty because of it. Alright can you tell the set name it should be somewhere on the page under the set number and also describe the three DUPLO sets on the DUPLO pages.
January 17, 201411 yr How long's the Blackbird, roughly? And why's Cyclops in the middle of the Blackbird? Is there a nose cone on the end? And, not to push it or anything, how many pieces are there? Thanks for this enlightening information, I'm disappointed there's no fifth figure, still, thanks. I eagerly await more info, on both the Blackbird, and the Agents sets.
January 17, 201411 yr That's disappointing if there really is only four figures. We've only had one X-men set so far, and in our second set, half of the four figures we get are just variations of ones we already have? Really Lego?! At this rate it'll be years before we can even field an X-men team. Granted, that's faster than we can form a Justice League.
January 17, 201411 yr I think its great: 2 new figs: cyclops, storm 2 new versions: wolverine (awesome new helmet) and magento awesome for variatin :)
January 17, 201411 yr CM4S - I can certainly take a look tomorrow for you. Anything else you would like to know? As much as possible. Reach 10 posts, then you and I can talk privately! Sneak some pics, c: -Sci
January 17, 201411 yr As much as possible. Reach 10 posts, then you and I can talk privately! Sneak some pics, c: -Sci this :P
January 17, 201411 yr Having seen the catalogue, I can confirm that there are the following figures : storm, wolverine (with mask in brown), cyclops (looks sort of like astonishing x-men). The bad guy is magneto obviously. The sentinel is packed in with the blackbird itself. No mention of a second DC wave for the year... Thanks for that information. Cyclops isn't a surprise but I am very happy we are getting him in his Astonishing outfit. That set is easily a must buy.
January 17, 201411 yr Ok, will see what I can do tomorrow. I'd feel a bit rude asking to take photos, but I will definitely make notes. Edited January 17, 201411 yr by Legoevilelmo
January 17, 201411 yr Thanks for the news, Legoevilelmo Cyclops was to be expected since he's A) one of the key members of the X-Men and B) doesn't require new molds Too bad there's no fifth minifig, but a great line-up nonetheless
January 17, 201411 yr Extremely disappointing there's only 4 figures, and a pretty awful piece count for the price. Even more disappointing that only two of those characters are new, on top of there just being 4. Might just bricklink Cyclops and Storm if that's the best they can do, unless the Blackbird looks a lot better than I'm expecting it to.
January 17, 201411 yr I must admit, I'm not going to complain too much about this new set because I'm happy to get 2 new figures and the new magneto and wolverine. Not a huge fan of the sentinel but nevermind... Also I have been looking at the beast figure recently and realised that it has these claw pieces which unless I'm mistaken, haven't been .featured in any sets. Now that I think about it quite a few of the characters use that claw. Just something to think about....
January 17, 201411 yr Yeah...I find it hard to believe there is only four minifigures at that price point. I personally don't trust the guy with 3 posts. It's nothing personal but people always do this.
January 17, 201411 yr I must admit, I'm not going to complain too much about this new set because I'm happy to get 2 new figures and the new magneto and wolverine. Not a huge fan of the sentinel but nevermind... Also I have been looking at the beast figure recently and realised that it has these claw pieces which unless I'm mistaken, haven't been .featured in any sets. Now that I think about it quite a few of the characters use that claw. Just something to think about.... 100% agreed. I was blown away by the news that we would get X-Men sets. Sure, these sets turned to a set, then it got rapidly smaller, but still, I'm pleased after the slightly lack-lustre 2013 sets. Don't get me wrong, some of them was great (Dr Doom, nuff said), however, overall it seemed 2014 was going to make it or break it for Super-Heroes, Marvel at least. I don't won't to get hyped up, but three/four Spidey sets, three GOTG sets, two Avengers, and one X-Men set in a year is fantastic, and for me makes it possibly the best year yet. Real pleased, as for weather the guy is trust worthy, I'm going to keep an open mind. It's possible that there is a forth fig but it isn't pictured for what ever reason, maybe its too pre-production to be shown. Edited January 17, 201411 yr by Dr Leg O Brick
January 17, 201411 yr Well I'm thoroughly pleased so far. Really after this set I only really want Mystique, Jean, Xavier and Rogue. Past that I don't care too terribly much (Though with Jean I'll probably just buy a high quality custom) and Xavier is easy enough to make with existing pieces. As much as I like X-men I only really need a few characters for my collection. I can understand the disappointment of only two new characters though (Though I do pretend that terrible first variation of Wolverine doesn't exist, so it's three to me). But if this set sells well I'm sure Lego will feel compelled to do another.
January 17, 201411 yr 100% agreed. I was blown away by the news that we would get X-Men sets. Sure, these sets turned to a set, then it got rapidly smaller, but still, I'm pleased after the slightly lack-lustre 2013 sets. Don't get me wrong, some of them was great (Dr Doom, nuff said), however, overall it seemed 2014 was going to make it or break it for Super-Heroes, Marvel at least. I don't won't to get hyped up, but three/four Spidey sets, three GOTG sets, two Avengers, and one X-Men set in a year is fantastic, and for me makes it possibly the best year yet. Real pleased, as for weather the guy is trust worthy, I'm going to keep an open mind. It's possible that there is a forth fig but it isn't pictured for what ever reason, maybe its too pre-production to be shown. I'm still not going to rule out an D2C X-Mansion sometime in the next year and a half. So hopefully if we do get a X-Mansion we will see a variety of new characters. I'm pleased Cyclops is getting his 'Astonishing' suit from Joss Weadon's run. The 90's version in the video game looked terrible, as does most of the 90's outfits for Marvel and DC. One hopeful factor for storm getting a new mold is that TT games added in the upcoming figures for both Wolverine and Cyclops, so since they didn't with Storm it's possible that's how she'll look. Off course the one thing going against that is that the new Magneto Variant isn't in the game.
January 17, 201411 yr 100% agreed. I was blown away by the news that we would get X-Men sets. Sure, these sets turned to a set, then it got rapidly smaller, but still, I'm pleased after the slightly lack-lustre 2013 sets. Don't get me wrong, some of them was great (Dr Doom, nuff said), however, overall it seemed 2014 was going to make it or break it for Super-Heroes, Marvel at least. I don't won't to get hyped up, but three/four Spidey sets, three GOTG sets, two Avengers, and one X-Men set in a year is fantastic, and for me makes it possibly the best year yet. Real pleased, as for weather the guy is trust worthy, I'm going to keep an open mind. It's possible that there is a forth fig but it isn't pictured for what ever reason, maybe its too pre-production to be shown. I'm being cautious about the guy, too. Until he provides pictures I won't take it as complete truth, but the X-men side of things has gotten continually disappointing as more news has come out, generally speaking. Also man, for some reason I was thinking the Dr. Doom set was a 2012 one, already impossible to find around here. Though, it seems like a lot of my stores have been reducing their Lego sections in general since the holidays, for some reason or another (not just removing holiday excess, either, my walmart went from a both-sides-of-aisle to 3/4 of one side of the aisle for theirs). Is it just me or do 2013 sets in general seem to have a short shelf life, though? Castle 2013, most of the most recent Superheroes sets, Lone Ranger, and even Ninja Turtles and 2013 Chima are all getting really scarce, whereas for most of last year I could find 2013 and 2012 sets almost everywhere. I can understand the disappointment of only two new characters though (Though I do pretend that terrible first variation of Wolverine doesn't exist, so it's three to me). But if this set sells well I'm sure Lego will feel compelled to do another. Wolverine we got might not be the greatest, but is he really that bad? I don't mind him too much. All he's really missing is a cowl, and that's not too surprising since he doesn't wear one in any of the movies. I'm still not going to rule out an D2C X-Mansion sometime in the next year and a half. So hopefully if we do get a X-Mansion we will see a variety of new characters. I'm pleased Cyclops is getting his 'Astonishing' suit from Joss Weadon's run. The 90's version in the video game looked terrible, as does most of the 90's outfits for Marvel and DC. One hopeful factor for storm getting a new mold is that TT games added in the upcoming figures for both Wolverine and Cyclops, so since they didn't with Storm it's possible that's how she'll look. Off course the one thing going against that is that the new Magneto Variant isn't in the game. I'm not all that optimistic about a D2C X-mansion, myself. Sure, DC got Arkham Asylum, but that's probably only because it's Batman who evidently sells unbelievably well. X-men, on the other hand, can't even get a subtheme to themselves unlike Avengers and Spider-man. And the Marvel side of things in general seems to be heavily character-slanted with considerably worse builds than DC (subjective, maybe, but I feel like Spider-trike/copter/bike say enough). So all things considered, Marvel side, I'm not hopeful about a big, build-centric set, especially not an X-men themed one. Edited January 17, 201411 yr by Hrafnblod
January 18, 201411 yr Having seen the catalogue, I can confirm that there are the following figures : storm, wolverine (with mask in brown), cyclops (looks sort of like astonishing x-men). The bad guy is magneto obviously. The sentinel is packed in with the blackbird itself. No mention of a second DC wave for the year... When you say "with mask in brown," do you mean the mask itself is brown? And I'm glad Cyclops will resemble his Astonishing X-Men design. To be honest, I liked it more in the Marvel game than the classic version.
January 18, 201411 yr If there was any planned LEGO sets for "Batman Vs Superman" it looks like will have to wait until 2016 for them. Source
January 18, 201411 yr I like to think we could get Flash sets when he gets a TV show, but evidently Lego doesn't have any kind of agreement that pertains to Arrow (or it's not kid friendly enough? It really doesn't strike me as any more adult than Avengers though, maybe a little more violent but not a lot). When Green Arrow takes on a serial killer who kidnaps young women, dresses them up like dolls, then dumps cement down their throats in a filler episode, yeah, it may be a little too dark. Then again, they did Dark Knight sets and that movie's pretty dark too. I don't see what possible problem TLG would have with Beast. In fact, he might not even need any new moulds if they recolored the elf/werewolf hair. He'd be easier to make than Juggernaut, I'd think. And he'll be appearing in the movie, which makes him much more likely to appear in the set if TLG wants to capitalize on character recognition. His hair in the game is just blue Wolverine hair. Beast will definitely be coming eventually. Having seen the catalogue, I can confirm that there are the following figures : storm, wolverine (with mask in brown), cyclops (looks sort of like astonishing x-men). The bad guy is magneto obviously. The sentinel is packed in with the blackbird itself. No mention of a second DC wave for the year... Do you think that Cyclops would still look alright with the ruffled brown hair? Have you seen anything of the Guardians of the Galaxy sets or are they under heavy wraps? If there was any planned LEGO sets for "Batman Vs Superman" it looks like will have to wait until 2016 for them. Source That's actually pretty depressing. I was really looking forward to that but now I'm not going to see it until I graduate. That fact actually depresses me a little more, though.
January 18, 201411 yr When Green Arrow takes on a serial killer who kidnaps young women, dresses them up like dolls, then dumps cement down their throats in a filler episode, yeah, it may be a little too dark. Then again, they did Dark Knight sets and that movie's pretty dark too. His hair in the game is just blue Wolverine hair. Beast will definitely be coming eventually. Do you think that Cyclops would still look alright with the ruffled brown hair? Have you seen anything of the Guardians of the Galaxy sets or are they under heavy wraps? That's actually pretty depressing. I was really looking forward to that but now I'm not going to see it until I graduate. That fact actually depresses me a little more, though. Oh jeez, I'd forgotten that episode of Arrow. Also, I can't really say I'm shocked about Batman-Superman being pushed back. The more I hear about it, the more it seems like DC is trying to make it a JL movie since DC just wants their own "Avengers" without actually putting forth the effort to get audiences attached to the ancillary Justice League characters by giving them their own films.
January 18, 201411 yr Wolverine we got might not be the greatest, but is he really that bad? I don't mind him too much. All he's really missing is a cowl, and that's not too surprising since he doesn't wear one in any of the movies. Well first off despite growing up with the yellow and blue costume I've never really been a fan of it. The brown and yellow version has for quite some time been my favorite. Second Lego printed the cowl on the back of the torso, which I consider to be very taunting of them (Didn't appreciate that at all). Then on top of that they give us Wolverine's face fully revealed, which bothers me for very basic reasons. For instance what is the point of the costume if you're not going to bother wearing the mask that's literally attached to it? Or why take the mask off in the middle of a battle? and on top of that why print the mask on the torso if the character can't use it? And even with the new cowl I can't use it on the old minifigure because of that goofy printing on the back, so it would always look wrong from the back. At the end of the day it just equals an unusable minifigure to me. So I will buy the new set happily and forget how disappointed I was at the last set.
January 18, 201411 yr If there was any planned LEGO sets for "Batman Vs Superman" it looks like will have to wait until 2016 for them. Source You know, it is probably for the best. Age of Ultron and Ant-Man are also planned for 2015, so one less superhero movie frees up space for some possibly decent Marvel sets. I was disappointed to not see anything for Thor: Dark World or The Winter Soldier for 2014. Granted, might see something later on, but I prefer TLG having more space for some Ultron and Ant-Man. Considering all the new characters to be featured in Age of Ultron (Baron Strucker, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and of course Ultron), I am hoping to see plenty of sets for the film. At least 2 will be enough for Ant-Man I think. Edited January 18, 201411 yr by Dr Axels
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