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On top of not really looking like his hair it's such an overused hairpiece at that. Storm, Power man and Falcon really kind of got the short end of the straw this year. All of them desperately lack proper hairpieces. Lego finally diversify's the character's but can't bother with accuracy. I just hope future variations of these characters correct that.

Well, we're still not sure about Storm's final hairpiece. She may just get a custom hairpiece after all. I've only got two of that piece in that color, and their always being swapped out between my purist Vandal Savage, purist Amazo, Bruce Wayne, and General Zod, so I'm not too disappointed by getting another one. I do agree, though, they need to come up with a new piece for characters with much shorter hair. Bruce Wayne and Power Man should not have the same haircut ever.

And of course Cyclops will be like Captain America. We need more bald minifigs for non-bald characters. :thumbdown:

I mean the way they're printing fleshtone on a dark blue head, we're likely to get the coloring issue we got with Cap.

Well, we're still not sure about Storm's final hairpiece. She may just get a custom hairpiece after all. I've only got two of that piece in that color, and their always being swapped out between my purist Vandal Savage, purist Amazo, Bruce Wayne, and General Zod, so I'm not too disappointed by getting another one. I do agree, though, they need to come up with a new piece for characters with much shorter hair. Bruce Wayne and Power Man should not have the same haircut ever.

I mean the way they're printing fleshtone on a dark blue head, we're likely to get the coloring issue we got with Cap.

Fair enough, that's a valid point too. I just don't like the lack of headgear anyway, as a kid I was always obsessive about putting a hat on every minifigure I had. I'm not as OCD about it now but I still don't like it much.

Counter-seconded, to pretty much all of that. Next year could actually be great for DC. Batman's bases will be mostly covered from this year's sets, aside from maybe a new batcave (though that seems unlikely so soon after the last one). Arkham will probably stay on the market, too, since D2Cs seem to hang around a bit longer than the standard sets. Next year could be a great opportunity to give us some more sets, hopefully with Green Lantern, but with a dearth of other DC media to base the sets on I might even be optimistic enough to hope for some Flash stuff to coincide with the show (as far as I know, it's got an ETA of 2015. Correct me if I'm wrong though). It might end up being the best year, if they don't half-megablocks things, since the Batman/Superman movie and accompanying sets are being pushed back, they might fill in with something other than Batman and Superman. Especially since Green Lantern and Flash (now that he has a headpiece in production) can be done without much in the way of new molds. Captain Cold, Heatwave, Gorilla Grodd, Mirror Master, Trickster, Sinestro (and other humanoid lanterns) could all be done without any actual new molds, and done well.

Plus, I know it's crazy, but we might actually see set pieces instead of vehicles in those cases. All hypothetical though, of course.

Short answer = Batman & friends will continue in 2015 and beyond. :grin:

But in all seriousness, I thought they would branch out this year too, and they didn't, I expect this trend of heavy Batman to continue, just like in City where Police and Fire are repeated and even in Star Wars where many of the main characters are featured repeatedly. Nothing new, what is popular will continue to sell. Would I like to see sets featuring Green Arrow, Shazam and Martian Manhunter as the stars? Absolutely, but for now unfortunately those characters will be confined to SDCC.

Fair enough, that's a valid point too. I just don't like the lack of headgear anyway, as a kid I was always obsessive about putting a hat on every minifigure I had. I'm not as OCD about it now but I still don't like it much.

I can't blame you. I'm going to at least try and see what this Cyclops looks like with the hair from the game. I like that version much better. Some characters really don't need hair or a hat or anything, like Red Skull or Lex Luthor, but others would be better with hairpieces or masks like Power Man or Captain America. (Cap's head looks okay to me without anything else, but it certainly could be improved by some kind of mask or helmet, especially if they ever do the Cap from the first movie.)

Has anyone heard anything else about that Green Lantern figure that that one website said we'd be getting this year? Maybe something concrete about a second DC wave this year?

Has anyone heard anything else about that Green Lantern figure that that one website said we'd be getting this year? Maybe something concrete about a second DC wave this year?

Don't think there's been any kind of substantiated hint even.

I can't blame you. I'm going to at least try and see what this Cyclops looks like with the hair from the game. I like that version much better. Some characters really don't need hair or a hat or anything, like Red Skull or Lex Luthor, but others would be better with hairpieces or masks like Power Man or Captain America. (Cap's head looks okay to me without anything else, but it certainly could be improved by some kind of mask or helmet, especially if they ever do the Cap from the first movie.)

Has anyone heard anything else about that Green Lantern figure that that one website said we'd be getting this year? Maybe something concrete about a second DC wave this year?

Yeah guys like Red Skull don't need (and really can't make use of) any headgear which is part of why I'm coming around on 'bald' figures. Plus actual bald guys like Lex Luthor. But Cap would really benefit from a Flash style helmet with the iconic wings on the sides. But no, not a peep about Green Lantern or a second DC wave this year from anywhere that I've seen. Looks like I'll be breaking down and getting myself a custom GL.

Yeah guys like Red Skull don't need (and really can't make use of) any headgear which is part of why I'm coming around on 'bald' figures. Plus actual bald guys like Lex Luthor. But Cap would really benefit from a Flash style helmet with the iconic wings on the sides. But no, not a peep about Green Lantern or a second DC wave this year from anywhere that I've seen. Looks like I'll be breaking down and getting myself a custom GL.

I don't think I'll ever buy customs unless it's a character I'm certain will never see the light of day in a Lego set. Mostly because they're so expensive, and if the figure actually does come out (which trust me, Green Lantern will be coming sooner rather than later. I'm guessing he'l be in the 2015 wave) then all of that money was kinda wasted on a figure that looks out of place next to the rest of them. I'd buy custom Watchmen, but certainly not custom Plastic Man, y'know?

I don't think I'll ever buy customs unless it's a character I'm certain will never see the light of day in a Lego set. Mostly because they're so expensive, and if the figure actually does come out (which trust me, Green Lantern will be coming sooner rather than later. I'm guessing he'l be in the 2015 wave) then all of that money was kinda wasted on a figure that looks out of place next to the rest of them. I'd buy custom Watchmen, but certainly not custom Plastic Man, y'know?

Some customs actually look just as good as official figures, or really close to it. I might go for a John Stewart GL since if we get one officially it's more likely to be Hal Jordan, I imagine. Plus $20-30 for a decent custom vs. a year wait for a $20-30 set I may not like the design of anyway (assuming he comes with Batman and a Batman villain or something like that), I don't budget that tightly. If I did I don't think I'd be buying Lego at all. :tongue: Besides, worst case scenario I end up with 2 Green Lanterns. Considering how many black-suit Batmans I've got currently, and Spider-men for that matter, I can probably cope with that.

Man we really need a new hair piece for African-Americans. That looks bad.

Is it that hard just to say 'black people'? It's not like there aren't people outside America with hair like that. This is the same ignorance that caused an American commentator at the Olympics to call a Jamaican runner African-American.

Is it that hard just to say 'black people'? It's not like there aren't people outside America with hair like that. This is the same ignorance that caused an American commentator at the Olympics to call a Jamaican runner African-American.

Unfortunately here stateside they do everything they can to condition us to use politically approved terms. It always makes it weird when talking about things in a more global context, but why would we be talking about anything but America anyway? :tongue:

On the note of the hair and the concerns that were pointed out before, for a buzzcut or other short style they could make a piece similar to the CMF grandpa's bald piece? I dunno if that would work though.

Is it that hard just to say 'black people'? It's not like there aren't people outside America with hair like that. This is the same ignorance that caused an American commentator at the Olympics to call a Jamaican runner African-American.

Ignorance? You sound ignorant right now. I was talking about a African-American not a Jamaican.

Man we really need a new hair piece for African-Americans. That looks bad.

Yeah! I think he now sorta looks like he being from India. If we just got the classic hair-piece, but curly of course, then it should work great. It even can come in blondes, browns or reds.

I think i'm gonna have my falcon bald, because the hair is really way off.

Is it that hard just to say 'black people'? It's not like there aren't people outside America with hair like that. This is the same ignorance that caused an American commentator at the Olympics to call a Jamaican runner African-American.

You need to stop this off topic conversation now. Thank you.

Well Falcon is an American so that's why I used that term.

I know, I was just messing with you. ;)

I agree with Spider-man that the bracket looks trans. Even if that wasn't apparent, Red chroming the wings doesn't make a lot of sense for a regular set, even though it would be tremendously awesome.

As for the hair, the old part on the left hairpiece would look better even if it wasn't any more accurate. I think a true buzz cut would be hard for TLG to do without making a really thin piece that would be prone to breakage. I'm not sure even a rubbery one would work any better in that situation.

Yeah, I sort of agree. I've thought long and hard how LEGO could pull it off. I think we would be left with a somewhat 'too' thick of a hair piece if stability/breakage was a big concern. I wouldn't mind a thinner, weaker piece, but I'm not exactly TLG's target customer.

Some customs actually look just as good as official figures, or really close to it. I might go for a John Stewart GL since if we get one officially it's more likely to be Hal Jordan, I imagine. Plus $20-30 for a decent custom vs. a year wait for a $20-30 set I may not like the design of anyway (assuming he comes with Batman and a Batman villain or something like that), I don't budget that tightly. If I did I don't think I'd be buying Lego at all. :tongue: Besides, worst case scenario I end up with 2 Green Lanterns. Considering how many black-suit Batmans I've got currently, and Spider-men for that matter, I can probably cope with that.

This is exactly the way I feel about customs! At the rate LEGO releases Superhero characters, I'll be collecting Social Security (provided the Gov. doesn't run it into the ground by then), and that kind of fixed income is really gonna put a crimp in my LEGO budget. Besides, I could be waiting 2-3 years for a lackluster design. I had really high hopes for the upcoming X-Men set, but after everything I've read from the London Toy fair reports, it seems like a really poorly executed set. Anymore, with the 3D printing, customs look just as good, if not better, than the official thing. Most customs have printing on the front and back torso, arms, and legs. Heck, some customizers are printing designs on the hands now. And yes, they're pricey, but I'm paying at least $20 now for a Superhero set that consists of a vehicle I don't really want, and at least one rehashed or re-released Minifig of which I already have 2-3 copies. I know this isn't entirely the fault of LEGO, but it is what it is. Luckily, LEGO is really outdoing themselves with their other products, like LEGO Creator modulars. It may be like comparing apples to oranges, since modulars are more for AFOL's, but it's frustrating to see what LEGO is capable of creating and then realizing the wasted potential of a line like Superheroes.

If only DC had continued the DC Animated Universe beyond Justice League Unlimited, we'd probably still have good DC shows on the air then we'd have sets based off of that. Instead they've opted to create increasingly worse shows (Hated BYB, YJ bored me, couldn't even sit through GL). It's sad the only DC cartoon I actually like right now is Teen Titans Go and that's just a watered down version of a better show. Please Bruce Timm, bring back the DCAU so we can get sets based off of good DCAU.

Totally agree, the DCAU would have made the best source material for DC LEGO sets ever. I wonder if DC will ever reboot the DCAU with the same animation look and some of the same voice talent… meh, I can dream can't I?

As far as Super Heroes becoming an evergreen theme - great thing as no matter how much Spidy and Bats there is there will probably be a couple good sets, increasing in number as the theme gets older, and as long as I eventually get Green Lantern, Hawkman/Hawkgirl, Martin Manhunter, Green Arrow, and Black Canary. But, I'd also love to get Dr. Fate, Huntress, The Question, Gorilla Grodd, Brainic, Darkseid, brick…, I'll take anything new on the DC side besides the Bat family, even though Bat-excess does save me money…

As far as Marvel goes, as long as Marvel and TLG get their act together and make sets off of all MCU movies and hopefully eventually TV shows then I'll be happy.

Even though the X-Men are my favorite Marvel team I'm not big on a lot of the suit variations, but I rather liked the ones on X-Men: Evolution, so if future X-Men suits were styled akin to those or Wolverine and the X-Men I'd be happy, and the ones in the Civil War series were good.

Once again, evergreen theme is good because there's a greater chance of getting aforementioned characters/outfits.

Edited by The_Creator

Lego could make the piece Tt games came up with

Lego could make the piece Tt games came up with

And why not make blade while they are at it

Excellent idea for the hair piece! It looks to be the same size as the flat top. Come to think of it, I wonder whether using a dremel to lightly buff off the flat top texture would be a viable option. A spritz of black spray and clear coat would do the trick to finish it. BTW, where to members usually post pics of their customs on this site anyway? I have some ideas I would like to share with others, and if I can help just one person make that step towards making the Minifig of their dreams, then there we go.

BTW, where to members usually post pics of their customs on this site anyway? I have some ideas I would like to share with others, and if I can help just one person make that step towards making the Minifig of their dreams, then there we go.

Customs go in the Minifig Customization Workshop forum.

This is exactly the way I feel about customs! At the rate LEGO releases Superhero characters, I'll be collecting Social Security (provided the Gov. doesn't run it into the ground by then), and that kind of fixed income is really gonna put a crimp in my LEGO budget. Besides, I could be waiting 2-3 years for a lackluster design. I had really high hopes for the upcoming X-Men set, but after everything I've read from the London Toy fair reports, it seems like a really poorly executed set. Anymore, with the 3D printing, customs look just as good, if not better, than the official thing. Most customs have printing on the front and back torso, arms, and legs. Heck, some customizers are printing designs on the hands now. And yes, they're pricey, but I'm paying at least $20 now for a Superhero set that consists of a vehicle I don't really want, and at least one rehashed or re-released Minifig of which I already have 2-3 copies. I know this isn't entirely the fault of LEGO, but it is what it is. Luckily, LEGO is really outdoing themselves with their other products, like LEGO Creator modulars. It may be like comparing apples to oranges, since modulars are more for AFOL's, but it's frustrating to see what LEGO is capable of creating and then realizing the wasted potential of a line like Superheroes.

Pretty much, Even though I like the Batcopter this year I don't have a lot of actual use for it. I already had the Monster Fighters man-bats and some blue legs, so I basically had Man-bat already, and lord knows I have black suit Batman. So I essentially paid $20 for a Nightwing figure, as it is. Just like I'll be spending $50 for Batgirl and Robin, even though that set doesn't have a ton of appeal for me otherwise (assuming I don't bricklink them). When it gets to that point it really isn't so different for me to spend $20-30 on just Green Lantern without a bunch of extraneous vehicle piece I won't really be using for MOCs anyway. And I really don't want to wait that long for my Green Lantern. :tongue:

Excellent idea for the hair piece! It looks to be the same size as the flat top. Come to think of it, I wonder whether using a dremel to lightly buff off the flat top texture would be a viable option. A spritz of black spray and clear coat would do the trick to finish it. BTW, where to members usually post pics of their customs on this site anyway? I have some ideas I would like to share with others, and if I can help just one person make that step towards making the Minifig of their dreams, then there we go.

I believe over in Minifig Customization Workshop.

Edit: Clone O'Patra beat me to it.

Edited by Hrafnblod

Totally agree, the DCAU would have made the best source material for DC LEGO sets ever. I wonder if DC will ever reboot the DCAU with the same animation look and some of the same voice talent… meh, I can dream can't I?

As far as Super Heroes becoming an evergreen theme - great thing as no matter how much Spidy and Bats there is there will probably be a couple good sets, increasing in number as the theme gets older, and as long as I eventually get Green Lantern, Hawkman/Hawkgirl, Martin Manhunter, Green Arrow, and Black Canary. But, I'd also love to get Dr. Fate, Huntress, The Question, Gorilla Grodd, Brainic, Darkseid, brick…, I'll take anything new on the DC side besides the Bat family, even though Bat-excess does save me money…

As far as Marvel goes, as long as Marvel and TLG get their act together and make sets off of all MCU movies and hopefully eventually TV shows then I'll be happy.

Even though the X-Men are my favorite Marvel team I'm not big on a lot of the suit variations, but I rather liked the ones on X-Men: Evolution, so if future X-Men suits were styled akin to those or Wolverine and the X-Men I'd be happy, and the ones in the Civil War series were good.

Once again, evergreen theme is good because there's a greater chance of getting aforementioned characters/outfits.

That was kinda the idea behind Green Lantern: The Animated Series. All the designs were done by the legendary Bruce Timm, founding father of the DCAU. The cast was entirely new, but Hal Jordan only appeared once in the DCAU before this and that was just a cameo in a crossover episode of JLU and Batman Beyond. As much as I love those shows, I'm interested in seeing them make a new DCAU. If they don't cancel Beware the Batman (and maybe take the Dark Knight in the direction of that first scene of him with the bank robbers) that would make a good starting point to launch a new Justice League. Although it seems BTB is going to be forming the Outsiders first, since they've already got Katana and Metamorpho. Say, why aren't we getting BTB sets like the Ultimate Spider-Man ones?

You've got a great list going, and I'm sure we'll get most of those, though Dr. Fate, Huntress, and the Question don't seem likely. I made a decent purist Question, though. Well, purist apart from the trench coat I had to cut a cape for. The good news is, we're pretty much out of Bat-Family members. All that's left now are Red Hood, Red Robin, 2 other slightly obscure Batgirls, and the extremely unlikely Batwing. I doubt we'll be getting any of those for an extremely long time (well maybe Red Robin and Red Hood). It seems the goal of this wave was to complete the Batman family, and they accomplished that pretty well.

I hope Marvel at least gives a suit variation for Captain America to match up with his Winter Soldier look. I just love that suit. Ant-Man's going to be a cool one to see, too. I'm hoping we'll get an Agents of SHIELD set sometime soon, a la this project. The show may have its flaws, but it would still be nice if it felt more connected to the Marvel CU apart from constant name drops and crappy "clean-up after the movie" episodes.

You've got a great list going, and I'm sure we'll get most of those, though Dr. Fate, Huntress, and the Question don't seem likely. I made a decent purist Question, though. Well, purist apart from the trench coat I had to cut a cape for. The good news is, we're pretty much out of Bat-Family members. All that's left now are Red Hood, Red Robin, 2 other slightly obscure Batgirls, and the extremely unlikely Batwing. I doubt we'll be getting any of those for an extremely long time (well maybe Red Robin and Red Hood). It seems the goal of this wave was to complete the Batman family, and they accomplished that pretty well.

I hope Marvel at least gives a suit variation for Captain America to match up with his Winter Soldier look. I just love that suit. Ant-Man's going to be a cool one to see, too. I'm hoping we'll get an Agents of SHIELD set sometime soon, a la this project. The show may have its flaws, but it would still be nice if it felt more connected to the Marvel CU apart from constant name drops and crappy "clean-up after the movie" episodes.

Thanks. Well, Since Bats vs Sups was postponed till '16, and the sets moved a year I'm hoping for a great DC wave in '15, hopefully a few new characters.

Yeah, that suit is awesome…, maybe a polybag will be made. From what I've read it sounds like AoS is going to and has recently improved a lot, although I'm a few episodes behind at the moment so I'm not sure. I wonder if there's any chance if a set or two off of the Netflix series this fall…

Edited by The_Creator

Say, why aren't we getting BTB sets like the Ultimate Spider-Man ones?

You've got a great list going, and I'm sure we'll get most of those, though Dr. Fate, Huntress, and the Question don't seem likely. I made a decent purist Question, though. Well, purist apart from the trench coat I had to cut a cape for. The good news is, we're pretty much out of Bat-Family members. All that's left now are Red Hood, Red Robin, 2 other slightly obscure Batgirls, and the extremely unlikely Batwing. I doubt we'll be getting any of those for an extremely long time (well maybe Red Robin and Red Hood). It seems the goal of this wave was to complete the Batman family, and they accomplished that pretty well.

I hope Marvel at least gives a suit variation for Captain America to match up with his Winter Soldier look. I just love that suit. Ant-Man's going to be a cool one to see, too. I'm hoping we'll get an Agents of SHIELD set sometime soon, a la this project. The show may have its flaws, but it would still be nice if it felt more connected to the Marvel CU apart from constant name drops and crappy "clean-up after the movie" episodes.

BTB has basically been killed. It was put on "hiatus" by CN after less than 10 episodes and as far as I know it never popped up again. The last few DC shows to go "on hiatus" were subsequently cancelled. So we won't be seeing any BTB stuff. We might get a Red Robin but I'm skeptical of whether we'll see a Red Hood. He's not really a kid-friendly character, but then, neither is Deadpool so who knows.

Plus we've already seen our new Captain America and he isn't a variation based on The Winter Soldier. Unless a surprise polybag pops up we won't be seeing anything to do with The Winter Soldier this year. As for Agents of SHIELD I'll actually be surprised if it's around much longer anyway, response has not been all that positive to the show.

BTB has basically been killed. It was put on "hiatus" by CN after less than 10 episodes and as far as I know it never popped up again. The last few DC shows to go "on hiatus" were subsequently cancelled. So we won't be seeing any BTB stuff. We might get a Red Robin but I'm skeptical of whether we'll see a Red Hood. He's not really a kid-friendly character, but then, neither is Deadpool so who knows.

Plus we've already seen our new Captain America and he isn't a variation based on The Winter Soldier. Unless a surprise polybag pops up we won't be seeing anything to do with The Winter Soldier this year. As for Agents of SHIELD I'll actually be surprised if it's around much longer anyway, response has not been all that positive to the show.

Actually, while the critical response to Agents of Shield hasn't been the greatest; it's still pulling in a decent viewership anyway. When you include the live + DVR numbers the least watched episode was still above 9million viewers. There's a decent chance of a second season and they're even looking at doing a separate series focusing on Peggy Carter from the first Cap movie that might show what came before Shield was established.

I doubt we'd see sets for it though. The best we could hope for is to get a Coulson minifig from either the movie sets or the Ultimate Spider-Man sets.

BTB has basically been killed. It was put on "hiatus" by CN after less than 10 episodes and as far as I know it never popped up again. The last few DC shows to go "on hiatus" were subsequently cancelled. So we won't be seeing any BTB stuff. We might get a Red Robin but I'm skeptical of whether we'll see a Red Hood. He's not really a kid-friendly character, but then, neither is Deadpool so who knows.

Plus we've already seen our new Captain America and he isn't a variation based on The Winter Soldier. Unless a surprise polybag pops up we won't be seeing anything to do with The Winter Soldier this year. As for Agents of SHIELD I'll actually be surprised if it's around much longer anyway, response has not been all that positive to the show.

Erm... There has actually been some pretty poitive stuff about it and obviously with all shows there are some mixed opinions, but compared to othef shows it actually not that bad!

However I think it is really unlikely that we will get a set based on it

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