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quick question what would lead up to having a hulkbuster vs hulk? I collect hot toys and have the 1/6 scale hulk, I can't imagine the price of the Hulkbuster if it ever made it 1/6, I am guessing 800usd for a figure that size since it looks huge!!!....

Even then I can see this being a mech vehicle if anything, maybe like the size of groot to match the size of the hulk.

I read the comics too, thank you very much. Your condescending attitude towards other people in this thread really isn't appreciated.

I simply don't care that much about the perceived lack of 100% accuracy in Cyclops' attire. It's more close enough to what he was wearing up until recently to pass.

And for the record, I like it better than the Jim Lee version.

I believe the mod said 1) that I wasn't being rude, and 2) that this was over.

And 3) you're entitled to your opinion. I know not everybody cares for the Jim Lee version.

I wasn't being condescending. You are misreading what I said. I was merely offering to show what costumes the figures were based upon, for those who were interested in that sort of thing. Of course it looks condescending when you misquote me, and crop off the most important part of the quote.

I think the reason I would prefer the Jim Lee design is the opportunity for a hair piece with a sculpted visor. Not that I hate what we're getting, only that There's more deco/design to the Jim Lee look.

Edited by B-Lister

Well from the concept art I think a set with Hulk and the Hulkbuster Armour is pretty much inevitable, and it will be a good way for TLG to test how well a set with 2 bigfigs would do and if it would be financially viable (the price would likely be steeper than usual). Even with such concerns, I hope a set like that does happen. Other than that, I hope we see Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver in sets, even if Quicksilver is extremely bland. I'm liking this appearance of Scarlet Witch though; she'd be nice to have as a minifigure.

Bring on 2015, and here's to hoping we get an Ant-Man set or two as well.

*EDIT* ^ Where is that Deathstroke from? It looks excellent.

Where did you find that image?

What about Vision in one of those sets? After all he is confirmed for the movie.

I found it online. It looks really cool and a fantastic idea for deathstroke

I found it online. It looks really cool and a fantastic idea for deathstroke

As with the Iron man helmet, I'm not sure where it would be ok legally for LEGO to use Bobas helmet. It has some features like the lines on the back and the lines on the side that are unique to mandoloreans. I'm sure Disney and Lucasfilm would be too pleased if LEGO recoloured there design and used it for rival companies characters.

Fett's helmet just doesn't work for me. I would love to see a solution that makes everyone happy. I'd be all for a removable mask, just because it's cool to see Slade's face (plus it could be used for a classic Fury despite the beard and wrong eye being covered).

Edited by B-Lister

I hope that the Hulkbuster armor isn't going to be renamed like it was in IM3. I was so excited when I saw it in the trailer only to figure out it was called Igor... oh... I don't know why they made the asinine decision to rename every single comic based armor in IM3. Way to tease the fans, Marvel. But since this armor appears to actually be busting Hulks, I don't see why they wouldn't call it the Hulkbuster armor.

Whedon is very good at capturing the essence of the comics and putting it onto the big screen. It will most definitely be called the Hulkbuster armor. How do I know this? I don't think Igor was the Hulkbuster. The Hulkbuster armor is used to bust the Hulk (hence the name), which didn't happen in Ironman 3. Igor's just another suit.

Yes, Igor (Mk 38) is the heavy lifting suit and not the Hulkbuster suit. Although I did want to get Igor as a big fig as well.

Can we have a full day of no reports coming from this thread some day soon? Let's all mellow out a bit and not take things too seriously, please.

Suspsy, if you think someone has insulted you, don't bite back. Bring the situation to me.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought 'Hulkbuster' when I saw the Heavy Lifting suit.

One of my biggest fears is that the ensembles will get too big, and that the stars will start competing for face time.

We're adding three confirmed new characters (Vision, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch), and possibly cameos from others (such as Ant Man, and/or Black Panther).

More characters = More merch/figures, but oversaturation can lead to a weak story.

Edited by B-Lister

I can see the Hulkbuster armor being brick-built with some bigfig parts--i.e. using the Hulk's handpieces recolored.

Whatever we get, it will definitely be an improvement over the last wave of IM sets.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought 'Hulkbuster' when I saw the Heavy Lifting suit.

The Igor suit was blue, so I thought it was kind of a giveaway. Not only that, we actually see it doing some heavy lifting in the final fight sequence.

But I guess, given the suit's size, and the sheer number of suit variants in the film, it is a logical conclusion that one of them must have been the Hulkbuster. As long as we actually get it this time around...

Edited by rodiziorobs

Well, until IM3 they called the Mark II the Silver Centurion.

So I just figured they could call the heavy lifting suit 'Hulkbuster' despite it not resembling the actual comic suit. But I'm glad Hulkbuster appears to be faithful.

So do you think it possible that Lego could do a BigFig that could contain a Minifigure? Or do you think it more likely that the head would flip up and just Tony's head would be visible? Or maybe they won't have a feature like that at all, just a BigFig?

Or would they just do a brickbuild?

Edited by B-Lister

So do you think it possible that Lego could do a BigFig that could contain a Minifigure? Or do you think it more likely that the head would flip up and just Tony's head would be visible? Or maybe they won't have a feature like that at all, just a BigFig?

Or would they just do a brickbuild?

I think you could certainly fit aminifigure inside a big fig, but it would be difficult to get right. Looking at the concept art and mentally turning it into a Big fig, the head of the Hulk Buster could be separate and detach from the main torso.Inside you could have a seat or some studs to place Tony inside, but really it depends on the movie. As many others have Said it could be Ultron controlling the Armour in which case Tony may never actually operate the thing, in this case i can't see why LEGO would spend time designing a feature that isn't used in the film. however if Hulk rips the helmet off and then rips Tony out of the Hulk Buster then I could certainly see it being Designed in to the Big Fig. in regards to them using a Brick built method I could see them doing something similar to a Mixel, the Ball joints would add to the mechanical feel of the Armour, but at the same time it would shame the Hulk big Fig, as using a Mixel type design would have much more articulation. Having a Mech that can have its Legs, feet, elbows, pelvis and fingers positioned would make the Hulk look poor and cheaply designed.

And a brick build could easily dwarf the Hulk bigfig.

Doesn't matter how much bigger or more poseable the potential Hulkbuster is. Hulk will still smash it. Hulk always beats the Hulkbuster.

quick question what would lead up to having a hulkbuster vs hulk? I collect hot toys and have the 1/6 scale hulk, I can't imagine the price of the Hulkbuster if it ever made it 1/6, I am guessing 800usd for a figure that size since it looks huge!!!....

Even then I can see this being a mech vehicle if anything, maybe like the size of groot to match the size of the hulk.

Well, given the Hulk is a giant unstoppable rage beast with little to no self control, I'd say you're imagination could fill in those blanks. :wink:

Hulk strongest there is.

One of my biggest fears is that the ensembles will get too big, and that the stars will start competing for face time.

We're adding three confirmed new characters (Vision, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch), and possibly cameos from others (such as Ant Man, and/or Black Panther).

More characters = More merch/figures, but oversaturation can lead to a weak story.

Expect your Avengers to grow soon to be Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Vision, Falcon, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, Black Panther, and possibly the Guardians of the Galaxy. I think the bright side of this is that someone working on the Avengers movies in a very important role (Joss Whedon? I can't remember) said that the Avengers films are going to try to mirror the way that you can't look at two different runs of Avengers books and see the same team, which says to me that the movies are going to start pulling in certain Avengers for certain films and putting a lot of others on the bench or in their own movies. I feel like Hawkeye, Vision, and Falcon are probably going to be the first of those to sit out in Avengers 3.

So do you think it possible that Lego could do a BigFig that could contain a Minifigure? Or do you think it more likely that the head would flip up and just Tony's head would be visible? Or maybe they won't have a feature like that at all, just a BigFig?

Or would they just do a brickbuild?

A brick-built Hulkbuster would be quite larger than Hulk, but the suit is larger than Hulk anyway. I think they'll go with the Bigfig on this one, though. It's more fitting. In my wildest dreams, the Hulkbuster bigfig would seat an angry Tony Stark in a tank top (it's a giant battle suit with a closed hatch, it's gotta be hot as hell in there) and would have a hinged head that would flip open to pull him out. But alas, LEGO has often disappointed me in fulfilling nerdy fantasies.

Doesn't matter how much bigger or more poseable the potential Hulkbuster is. Hulk will still smash it. Hulk always beats the Hulkbuster.

Does he really? I'm not too well-versed in Marvel, but it seems that giant Hulk-sized Iron Man specifically designed to beat the purple boxers off of Hulk and armed to the teeth would trump Hulk. Is this kinda like the Batman/Superman thing where everyone's like "Superman's got all these powers, he would kill Batman in an instant!" but in reality Batman would beat him into the ground every single time?

One of Hulk's traits is narcissism. He truly believes he is stronger and unbeatable. Plus hurting him, or making him angry actually does make him stronger (my favorite Hulk Moment is in Secret Wars when the heroes literally have a mountain dropped on them, and to escape they have to insult the Hulk until he's angry enough, and strong enough to throw the mountain).

Edited by B-Lister

The Hulk soundly and brutally defeated nearly every superhero on the planet during World War Hulk. Dr. Strange? Crushed his hands and pounded the crap out his demonic form. The Fantastic Four? Burnt out Torch and Sue's powers and pounded the tar out of Reed and Ben. The Avengers? Pow, pow, pow.

And Iron Man in the biggest Hulkbuster armor ever? Trashed like a tin can.

Can I be the scrooge of this conversation and ask: What are you all doing?

The past three pages have contained future set ideas, how unrumored/unconfirmed figures could get made, flaring tempers, and MARVEL comics/CU discussion. Do we even remember what this year's sets are? Does anyone remember the Green Lantern rumor, or the Tumbler rumor? Does anyone remember the two GOTG sets we have yet to see?

Well? This should be titled "Super Heroes discussion 2014", because it certainly doesn't live up to it's title right now. I don't want to be a mini-mod, but I feel that this thread is lost.

Shut up @korpen4444

'Nuff said.

Shut up @korpen4444

'Nuff said.


If I wanted talk about the MCU, I'd visit the MCU thread. If I wanted a future sets list, I'd go to the Future Super Hero sets topic. If I wanted talk on how Lego could make deathstroke, I'd visit the Most Wanted Characters thread.

When I come here, I want pictures and news on the latest, confirmed, DC and MARVEL sets.

Can I be the scrooge of this conversation and ask: What are you all doing?

The past three pages have contained future set ideas, how unrumored/unconfirmed figures could get made, flaring tempers, and MARVEL comics/CU discussion. Do we even remember what this year's sets are? Does anyone remember the Green Lantern rumor, or the Tumbler rumor? Does anyone remember the two GOTG sets we have yet to see?

Well? This should be titled "Super Heroes discussion 2014", because it certainly doesn't live up to it's title right now. I don't want to be a mini-mod, but I feel that this thread is lost.

When there's a lack of sets we theorize the next batch. Logically that means that the source material is brought up, and we must discuss the pros and cons of that material as well as past sets to determine what the next ones will be like and how they can improve. We consider what we could see and what we are likely to see. Remember that this is a forum and not a news broadcast; we are here to discuss not just report. Personally I like the liveliness of this thread, and our ability to voice our opinions on all forms of comic-based entertainment. It all feeds back into LEGO.

Can I be the scrooge of this conversation and ask: What are you all doing?

The past three pages have contained future set ideas, how unrumored/unconfirmed figures could get made, flaring tempers, and MARVEL comics/CU discussion. Do we even remember what this year's sets are? Does anyone remember the Green Lantern rumor, or the Tumbler rumor? Does anyone remember the two GOTG sets we have yet to see?

Well? This should be titled "Super Heroes discussion 2014", because it certainly doesn't live up to it's title right now. I don't want to be a mini-mod, but I feel that this thread is lost.

While I sympathize, we get someone at least every five pages saying "this thread has been off topic to the point of being lost for 3 pages now," but things always circle back. It only "derails" (and is still talking about relevant information, really) when there's no news to actually discuss. If you don't want to be a mini-mod, don't.

In response to your second post that you made while I was typing this, I don't mean this in a rude way but this thread isn't just about what you want. The fact that the conversation continues to go in the way it does means multiple people want it to, at least enough to keep that discussion going.

Edited by Hrafnblod

While I sympathize, we get someone at least every five pages saying "this thread has been off topic to the point of being lost for 3 pages now," but things always circle back. It only "derails" (and is still talking about relevant information, really) when there's no news to actually discuss. If you don't want to be a mini-mod, don't.

I agree. Go check out the future LOTR sets. They have all sorts of future sets to talk about. ;P

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