June 6, 201410 yr I think that's rather selfish of Disney. The Fox and Sony films are great films but they never have really stood up to marvel box office wise even when they had their own merch rights. I think Disney should just bugger off and let Lego make the sets they want to make! Lego bought the rights to make any marvel stuff Disney own so surely Disney should just leave em to it. DC didn't control Lego's sets this year! Maybe if Disney just let Lego make their own choices we'd have less sets like the spider copter and more of the quality of the Milano. I mean we still don't have winter soldier, ASM2 Spiderman was wasted on comic con scalpers and the closest thing we have to a good green goblin is a figure that looks like something out of BEN 10! Had lego been given control we might've seen Two Captain America the winter soldier sets, Three amazing Spiderman 2 sets and A days of future past set then the epic guardians wave which certainly makes all of the April wave look terrible! Guardians sets nailed the look,the vehicles,the character designs and finally gave us a proper interior to a vehicle. Imagine TWS, ASM2 and DOFP treated with the same care: We'd have movie spidey, Winter soldier, MCU Fury, 2 variants of cap (maybe Steve), proper widow, falcon, pierce, dehaan's goblin, gwen, Rhino, Peter parker, movie electro, Old magneto, Future sentinels, Prof x (hover chair), Future wolverine, Future storm E.t.c. Movie representation has been terrible for 2 years in Lego form.The Guardians sets and Avengers line are the only marvel movie sets worthy of remembrance. Don't get me wrong I love comic ock, Red Skull, Storm, electro e.t.c I just have never been excited by the sets after avengers other than new X-Men set and Guardians line. Marvel and Lego had better have something pretty special for Avengers 2 cause if they don't go all out on those then that will be this line's crowning failure. It's a bit unfair to call Disney/ Marvel selfish just because they aren't making sets around the franchises you like. Why should Disney invest money, time and effort into someone else's film? Technically The MCU and the X-men films are competing against each other, so it makes even less sense for Disney promote DOFP. Disney and LEGO already have enough on their plate with Star Wars, The MCU, Disney princesses, USM and comic X-men without taking on another franchise. Plus who said DC doesn't have a final say on what LEGO does? I'm sure either DC or WB are the main reason we only see Batman and Superman sets. Just look at the films they have made In the past 50 years, we've hade 6 superman films and one spin off, 8 batman films and one spin off plus a single Green lantern film. Oh and looking at the future we will get one Superman/ Batman film followed by a JL movie in 4 years. WB are obviously have the same amount of input as Disney have, and I'm sure LEGO have a certain amount of freedom to make what they want. But as I've said it's unfair to call a company selfish because they don't want to promote a rival companies film. Just because they are not making exactly what you want doesn't mean they are doing a bad job, if anything Disney is trying as much as they can to cater to the majority of people. In the last few years we've had Toy Story 1/2/3 Cars 1/2 Prince of Persia Pirates of the Caribbean Lone Ranger Princesses Ultimate spider-man Avengers Avengers assemble Iron man 3 Guardians of the galaxy X-men And they now Star Wars as well. I'm not sure a selfish company would put that much effort into its franchises.
June 6, 201410 yr I didn't mean Disney tie ins in general I just meant recent marvel Disney tie ins. The Lone Ranger line was shockingly accurate and one of Disney's best they've done. The new sets this year other than guardians ones and the great X-men one just seem lacking. I love the array of figures we have now but the sets just don't really thrill me as much as the avengers line from 2012 and the even better Man of steel line from 2013. To their credit Disney's marvel line have given us an incredible array of characters in just three years, quite an achievement. Its just this year I've enjoyed the three marvel character films more than I've enjoyed anything since Avengers and Man Of Steel. Its just disappointing that possibly the three best superhero films since avengers have no Lego representation. I mean there is so much set potential in those films. The power plant and clock tower sequences from ASM2 would have made an incredible set! The future and past action of DOFP would've been great in Lego form and the car chases, Plane takedowns and Huge battles at the triskellion would've flown off shelves. When I went to see avengers on opening night this youngster must've been only five or six and his mum was sitting in the row below me holding a cosmic cube escape set. When the film ended I overheard him saying " wow that was so cool I wanna get all the avengers and Loki" . I went to Ace comics afterward to get myself an avengers set and I got there and 75% at least of the audience of kids were queuing up holding avengers sets. My point is after the movie in one shop in Colchester just one small part of England the mere fact that there existed sets for the movie just made the movie feel even more like a special event. I just find it sad that after I saw these three films and heard such laughter, excitement and wonder from the younger audience during those (even nick fury got a cheer) that there aren't sets based on those that the movie could cause an entire shop to be full to the brim with excited people trying to relive those movies in their own way. Disney aren't a selfish company its just sad that they have such power over the merch of those two movies and they choose to neglect them almost entirely because they don't make anything from film rights they gave up in the first place. The franchises by their own admission were dead ends. I hope I can relive that feeling of excitement when avengers 2 rolls around and when Disney (if they have any sense) make a line as great as the avengers and guardians lines. Then again just my opinion. Edited June 6, 201410 yr by legofreak86
June 6, 201410 yr I'm actually ok with the movie set choices on the Marvel side for the most part. To me, it's clearly a business strategy that Disney is using--we may not own the film rights but we own the toy rights so let's not help promote the film. It is a double edge sword since toys would sell faster with a film connection, but Disney maybe hopes that lack of advertisement outside of trailers may hurt the film (which does seem like a foolish notion, they're superhero films after all , people are going to see them regardless). Anyways, I think the distribution movie-wise has been rather good on the Marvel side. We got Avengers as the first wave, which was great, and we got Iron Man 3 last year--which I think is only considered poor since there's almost no connection to the film, clearly due to Marvel's secrecy around the plot and all. Plus we are getting GotG his year, which are already getting rave reviews. And then there's the sets that are kinda movie tie ins without directly stating it; the Electro set (characters only of course that that four wheeled trike) and the new Sentinel set. I'm fine with those last two sets being semi-tie-ins. We get some of our favorite characters out of it. Now in terms of missing out on old films, I have to say I think the one we really missed out on was Thor the Dark World. Lego easily could have built a cool line with giant spaceships and Dark Elves. I almost dropped dead when I saw the gorgeous Malekith movie design in the Lego Marvel game. Aside from the Winter Soldier himself, I don't think we really missed anything but updated costumes from Captain America 2; and I think I'd actually prefer our current Sentinel set than one based off the movie (I'm a sucker for classic costumes). Amazing Spider-Man 2 may have given us some characters like Gwen and Goblin (annoyingly still not in classic appearance!), but not much else (although I'm sure I'm biased against that film since I hated it). So in short, for me, I'm only really disappointed in the lack of Thor 2 sets; and I think the way the Marvel them is moving is good (Aside from all that 2012 Spider-Man design stuff of course!).
June 6, 201410 yr So some of you like Groot? I still have mixed feelings, Im a big fan of the Star-Lord and Rocket figs but Groot... I really dont care about his size its just those grey parts make him seem Cyborgy I really dont know... I've never really spoken my opinion about Groot on here but I've always really liked his look. I think they got his face perfect and I like his design. In all honesty, I'm not really picky about most of the minifigs we get because ten years ago I never would've dreamed of getting a Groot fig, nor a Deadpool or even a Wolverine minifig. It's an exciting time to be a geek and a Lego collector. We have a Guardians of the Galaxy movie and a movie with Batman and Superman fighting each other coming out! Yup, it's an exciting time to be a geek and I'm going to enjoy it for as long as it lasts.
June 6, 201410 yr Good point captain nemo! I couldn't agree more! I loved Thor the dark world! I still hold out hope we may someday get a heimdall, odin, warriors three. My jaw dropped open when I saw the game version of movie malekith! I make it no secret I really liked malekith, His intelligence, ferocity,fighting skills. IMO he didn't need in depth backstory to be a cool character! Plus I know he was evil because his wife and family were killed by the coming of the light when the asgardians brought the new universe to fruition and the dark elves resisted. In the interview with chris ecclestone he didn't specify how his family died but he hinted it was the fault of Thor's grandfather bor when they attempted to destroy the once peaceful dark elves to preserve peace in a new universe as the dark elves viewed the universe as an abomination and the asgardians attacked them worried they may try to rebel. Back to the point. I would love to see sets for the eventual thor 3 if they would give us odin, warriors and heimdall. I would've preferred nothing for IM3 and then accurate sets for Thor 2 last year. Guardians sets are awesome can't wait to own em!
June 6, 201410 yr I may be wrong on this, but as I understand it, Marvel and Fox's licencing agreement is how the agreement with Sony used to be: Sony owned the movie rights to Spider-Man, Marvel owned the merch rights, but they were required to share profits between the companies. So after each film release, they would come together and negotiate how big of a chunk they got of each other's pie. Obviously, given how frustrating and ineffective that would be, both studios got fed up with the process and so amended the contract to remove the profit-sharing requirement. Now Sony gets any money from the movie, distribution, etc. and Marvel gets everything from the merchandise. However, Fox's agreement is (I believe) still set up the old way, and so if Marvel put out movie-related toys and merch they have to cut a check to Fox. Reading some articles at Bleeding Cool and other sites, apparently the CEO of Marvel got tired of paying Fox, who was unwilling to renegotiate their contract the same way Sony had. So, Marvel decided to just cut them off--both X-Men and FF--in toys and other merchandise to avoid having to pay contractual royalties to them for selling toys based off its own characters. For the near future, my guess is we won't be seeing any FF sets, and probably only enough X-Men sets to fulfill any pre-existing contract Marvel/Disney already had with Lego, or they will make them decidedly un-movie-related. (I believe that comics are not part of the studios' agreement, but rumors have been swirling that Marvel might cancel its run of FF books anyway as a further move to make Fox's properties irrelevant. I have not heard the same for any X-Men books.)
June 6, 201410 yr I've finally built the 'Knowhere escape mission' set, the figures are fantastic; I particularly like rocket raccoon and groots printed pieces. The model itself is a fun build that doesn't get too repetitive either. Now I've gotta save up and work hard in order to afford the X-men and other two GOTG sets.
June 6, 201410 yr rodiziorobs: This right here is why I said Disney were being a bit crafty and selfish trying to run Sony and Fox's films into the ground by neglecting to make merchandise based on their films hoping it will fail with rights they aren't even using nor need. Its just another scheme to stop anything marvel that's not Disney owned. Well sorry house of the mouse! Days of future past was a larger critical success than the winter soldier and spidey is still webbing in lots of cash around the world! Their movies may be fantastic but their morals on this issue are questionable to be certain. Its an interesting topic the process that makes sets and its cool to hear other people's thoughts on it! If they wanted to capitalise on movies of those characters then they shouldn't have sold them like they were nothing In the first place! Edited June 6, 201410 yr by legofreak86
June 6, 201410 yr I've finally built the 'Knowhere escape mission' set, the figures are fantastic; I particularly like rocket raccoon and groots printed pieces. The model itself is a fun build that doesn't get too repetitive either. Now I've gotta save up and work hard in order to afford the X-men and other two GOTG sets. Good to know I'm really looking forward to this set. But I will have to save up to get them all too. On a separate note I was on the Lego website and they have little character profiles and they decided to rate their attributes, nice touch http://marvelsuperheroes.lego.com/en-us/products/default.aspx
June 6, 201410 yr So has anybody mentioned the (albeit low-res) picture we got of the Big Hero 6 team? Because I think there may be a chance we see these guys in a set as Disney seems to be struggling with the film's marketing and will probably try to force these guys into as many toys as possible so it gets on the map.
June 6, 201410 yr Author So has anybody mentioned the (albeit low-res) picture we got of the Big Hero 6 team? Because I think there may be a chance we see these guys in a set as Disney seems to be struggling with the film's marketing and will probably try to force these guys into as many toys as possible so it gets on the map. It's not being marketed as a Marvel film, though.
June 6, 201410 yr It's not being marketed as a Marvel film, though. Not yet. I mean, they're not making much of an impact with it as just a Disney movie, so I'd say before too long they'll start calling it a Marvel flick.
June 6, 201410 yr Good to know I'm really looking forward to this set. But I will have to save up to get them all too. On a separate note I was on the Lego website and they have little character profiles and they decided to rate their attributes, nice touch http://marvelsuperhe...ts/default.aspx They are nice yes, but i dont agree with Groot. Groot is supposed to be the smart one, Marvel did mention he is really smart Lego just thinks he is the dumb muscle i guess
June 6, 201410 yr It's not being marketed as a Marvel film, though. That's because it isn't part of the MCU, and they don't want to confuse people. Heck, some still can't figure out why Spidey and the X-Men don't just team up with the Avengers My guess is as the release gets closer, they will advertise the Marvel name while still driving home that this is a Disney movie. Edited June 6, 201410 yr by rodiziorobs
June 6, 201410 yr Author Got around to building the Milano... here is the review and some pics! Great set! I love the design of the Milano, and the minifigures are amazing. Not only are four out of the five exclusive, but Drax is one of the most detailed minifigures I've ever seen. The major downside is the US price, which is $75 for 665 pieces. The villain's ship is pretty weak, but it's not the main part of the set, so I don't mind it.
June 6, 201410 yr That's because it isn't part of the MCU, and they don't want to confuse people. Heck, some still can't figure out why Spidey and the X-Men don't just team up with the Avengers My guess is as the release gets closer, they will advertise the Marvel name while still driving home that this is a Disney movie. They could make it a part of the MCU. It is based on a Marvel comic. The Marvel trademark really doesn't matter whether it gets made into a set or not. We've gotten Toy Story, Cars and Disney Princess sets. There's still a possibility. I don't think Big Hero 6 will be doomed without the Marvel trademark either considering that they've put "From the Creators of Frozen and Wreck-It Ralph" in the trailer. Both of those movies are critically acclaimed and huge box office successes.. Edited June 6, 201410 yr by Moon_Knight
June 6, 201410 yr Author The Marvel trademark really doesn't matter whether it gets made into a set or not. We've gotten Toy Story, Cars and Disney Princess sets. There's still a possibility. I don't think Big Hero 6 will be doomed without the Marvel trademark either considering that they've put "From the Creators of Frozen and Wreck-It Ralph" in the trailer. Both of those movies are critically acclaimed and huge box office successes.. We're definitely not getting sets this year for it, as we know just about every set coming out this year.
June 7, 201410 yr Hi guys, i just signed in, I already built the gotg and x men sets,I had a blast! The problem is that when my niece visited me today, she accidentally made rocket's right face side some very little scratches, like most collectors i want to find a way to remove the scratches and paint them, should I do it with a permanent marker or what do you suggest?
June 7, 201410 yr rodiziorobs: This right here is why I said Disney were being a bit crafty and selfish trying to run Sony and Fox's films into the ground by neglecting to make merchandise based on their films hoping it will fail with rights they aren't even using nor need. Its just another scheme to stop anything marvel that's not Disney owned. Well sorry house of the mouse! Days of future past was a larger critical success than the winter soldier and spidey is still webbing in lots of cash around the world! Their movies may be fantastic but their morals on this issue are questionable to be certain. Its an interesting topic the process that makes sets and its cool to hear other people's thoughts on it! If they wanted to capitalise on movies of those characters then they shouldn't have sold them like they were nothing In the first place! It's a business decision. If rumors are true the worst of it actually stems from Fox's end. While Marvel would love to get X Men and FF back in house they really are not that worried about it. The Fox and Sony movies do make them money. But last year Fox's contracts for Daredevil, Electra Punisher and I believe Ghost Rider came due. The properties were reverting to Marvel. Fox would not be able to get the Daredevil movie made in time. Marvel offered to extend the contracts, what they wanted was for some of the FF sub properties to be returned. The Cosmic villains. Galactus, Silver Surfer and Annihilus being the main ones. The movie vs merchandise split may also have been part of it, but the big thing is they wanted to have all of the pieces on the table. They were looking at the Annihilation or Annihilation Conquest story lines. (This was after Avengers so the Skrulls weren't on the table at all.) what Marvel asked for was pretty reasonable all things considered. "You can keep that stuff you have, just give us back this stuff to make our movie with please?" The Fox CEO rather rudely told Marvel to go fluq themselves, in no uncertain terms. Ever since then the two have treated each other with complete unconcealed contempt. And Disney has nothing to do with it. The point of conflict is between the Fox CEO and the Marvel CEO who now loathe each other. Disney has not gotten involved. From Marvel's point of view it makes perfect sense. They are withdrawing their take on the FF from public view so as not to have it either conflict with or reinforce Fox's new take on the characters. What Marvel wants strategically is for the only thing movie goers to be remembering or thinking of when they see ads for the new FF movie is the prior two Fox abominations. Marvel certainly doesn't need the Marketing money. They now have two additional properties that are hitting the A list merchandising levels of Spider-Man Batman and the Hulk. Iron Man and Captain America. They no longer need a direct tie in movie to sell. Especially Iron Man. The FF were never very merchandisable and the 30k monthly readers can be shifted to other books for a year or two. But it leaves Fox with nothing to sell the movie on but the posters and the memories of the old ones. And it gouges a huge chunk out of Foxes accounting and budget for the movie. Marvel just exercised an absolute veto on merchandise. So no toys, no Burger King meals, etc. which may even cut into the otherwise lucrative product placement deals. And all of this is not business as usual for Marvel or Disney. While they would love to get Spider-Man back they certainly have not been uncooperative with Sony. Other than the whole Quicksilver tit for tat there have been no real issues over the X Men movies. Marvel had been doing their normal highlight the characters from the movies in comics. And the reason DC does not seem to have this issue is because they have been owned outright by Warner Brothers far far longer than Marvel has been connected to Disney. WB is way more heavy handed than Disney. They meddle openly and daily in DC editorial decisions. The volume of MoS sets and Batman all comes from DC. I'm sure Lego would love to broaden the things a bit. It is WB that keeps things focused on their core pop culture properties. Batman, Superman, Batman V Superman! (Seemingly having forgotten an "s").
June 7, 201410 yr Hi guys, i just signed in, I already built the gotg and x men sets,I had a blast! The problem is that when my niece visited me today, she accidentally made rocket's right face side some very little scratches, like most collectors i want to find a way to remove the scratches and paint them, should I do it with a permanent marker or what do you suggest? I would use some sort of acrylic paint for that Good luck! Rocket is a great fig so hopefully you can get him back to new!
June 7, 201410 yr It's a business decision. If rumors are true the worst of it actually stems from Fox's end (snip) I posted a similar reply but as a PM to legofreak86 (I don't want to drag the topic too far off ), except I had not considered the cosmic villains aspect, which makes a lot more sense in addition to what I already expected. I agree that Fox is the ones shooting themselves in the foot here (being uncooperative with Marvel), but I also believe Marvel is cutting off its nose to spite its face (cancelling anything FF related). At least that means we'll probably still be getting X-Men sets, although it may be a long time before any FF.
June 7, 201410 yr So does this all mean we also won't be seeing the likes of Galactus, Silver Surfer and Annihilation in the Lego future? :-(
June 7, 201410 yr So does this all mean we also won't be seeing the likes of Galactus, Silver Surfer and Annihilation in the Lego future? :-( Galactus would never happen anyway. Silver Surfer would be difficult too; Chrome would be too expensive and light grey wouldn't look very good.
June 7, 201410 yr Hi guys, i just signed in, I already built the gotg and x men sets,I had a blast! The problem is that when my niece visited me today, she accidentally made rocket's right face side some very little scratches, like most collectors i want to find a way to remove the scratches and paint them, should I do it with a permanent marker or what do you suggest? You can contact Lego and get a new piece, for free
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