August 13, 201311 yr impossible!!! Awesome sets, tsumey-6 wheel bike will be nice set, i hope. May be Yoda Chronicles Grievous is one of figs of that set?
August 13, 201311 yr Can't help to read Battle on Salami. Clone Troopers in a meat kinda outfit Neyo may be in that battlepack. And new BARC speeder with that fig:
August 13, 201311 yr And seriously, we're getting a set of this? (snip) No thanks! I can understand the reaction, but I'm thrilled about this. I believe this only appeared in the finale (or near the end of the series) and when I first saw it, I'd hoped there would be a kit. The long red dome in the front looks great, at least it did glowing at night. Maybe we'll get crazy lucky and it'll come with a little piece of the Coruscant underworld or some shop fronts, etc. Plus... I don't see much in that list that we haven't seen already in 2005 which was a while ago, I guess. Shame there is no Wookie Catamaraan. I have high hopes for the Wheel Bike. The effort from 2005 was pretty weak. There's a much improved Grievous figure now so hopefully he'll fit inside a bit better. Best part of this news? Death Star Troopers. So glad I didn't break down and pay the ridiculous ePay prices for singles. (whew!) Let's hope there is at least 2 of them in each pack. Edited August 13, 201311 yr by darththeling
August 13, 201311 yr I really hope that in the Death Star pack, apart from these: They could also put in these: I'd normally make these figs myself, but the store who sold these is no longer there...
August 13, 201311 yr I really hope that in the Death Star pack, apart from these: They could also put in these: I'd normally make these figs myself, but the store who sold these is no longer there... A Death Star Gunner would be awesome. Hopefully we'll see both those figures in the battlepack.
August 13, 201311 yr The sets sound decent, I am really looking forward to the 'recruitment' line: MF, ISD and TI really sound great!
August 13, 201311 yr 2014 might turn out to be a "cheap" Lego SW year for me. But, being mainly interested in the OT, I am realy looking forward to the Death Star troopers pack. Just hoping it will be a mixed pack and not 3 or 4 of the same ; e.g. 1 officer, 2 DS troopers and 1 DS gunner ; or 1 officer, 1 stormtrooper, 1 DS trooper, 1 gunner.. If it is a good mix, I probably get a couple of them. Depending on how it will be done I might get a Kashyyyk pack too. I 'll probably pass for the rest of the line-up so far.
August 13, 201311 yr I really like this new wave.I´m very pleased for posting it. The battle of Saluecami,sound well,but If it is gonna be a battle pack,we won´t have a Stass Allie Order 66,I know that this order will be a difficult set,cause 3 BARC speeders in the same set… Maybe LEGO will do an battlepack in winter and,in summer an order 66 set to complete with the battlepack.It would be awesome.For example: _Battle of Saluecami battlepack 3 commander neyo’s clones and commander neyo,with one barc speeder and rocks or other playset things.In summer ,Stass Allie order 66,with 2 barc speeders Stass Allie and another Neyo´s clone. The policeman gunship,maybe is a firemans gunship that helps Anakin,Obi-wan…fighting the fire in the malevolence in ep.3. Anakin´s Interceptor sounds great,I love that ship,but I don´t understand why lego do another Anakin interceptor,they could make an Obi-wan´s one. I wish they will be cheaper than now.I don´t really like the new battlepack form,I prefer the 2v2,for example,this year,75000 Clone troopers vs Droidekas is my favourite set,even the command center is midi-scale.
August 13, 201311 yr I saw here: That at the siege of Saleucami there were galactic marines present. I would be a very happy camper if those showed up in the LEGO sets :-)
August 13, 201311 yr Utapau Troopers This is going to be an expensive wave. :wub: I've found the last few Star Wars waves to be lackluster, but it really sounds like LEGO is revamping the line! . All the sets sound incredible, especially the Grievous Wheel bike and Battle Packs. . I think the Police Gunship could be an outstanding set if done right, maybe even include Phase II Fox! Sounds like a great exclusive set!
August 13, 201311 yr Well it looks like I might be able to afford the Ewok village now, I certainly won't be spending my money on any of those Ep 3 sets. Ugh.
August 13, 201311 yr Well to me it's no surprise that they didn't make any droid battle packs, because people already have enough droids and don't want to get them. I always thought they were made just so the clones could fight something, other than that they were really boring on their own, unlike the republic ones. But I too am very excited for the clone and imperial ones and am definitely looking forward to the Grievous bike set. Hopefully that one will include a phase 2 commander cody. Edited August 13, 201311 yr by Darth Nader
August 13, 201311 yr Death Start Troopers, Kashyyyk Troopers and possibly up to four of the new recruitment sets depending on minifigs. I'm glad of an inexpensive wave once in a while! My thoughts exactly. This wave looks pretty cool, but the sets you mention are the only ones I'll likely be buying. I'm looking forward to seeing the new Star Destroyer.
August 13, 201311 yr Thanks for the list, and looking forward to the new official pictures when they come out. Aside from the battle packs, though, this will be a very cheap wave for me. I don't really worry about Clone Wars sets and the Ep. 3 sets that are coming don't have much interest either. I had my hopes up that the ISD was going to be system scale when the first rumor broke, but unfortunately it looks like Lego is coming back with a type of Midi scale set, which is not interesting at all. Will continue to spend money on other lines it looks like.
August 13, 201311 yr So "Battle on Saleucami" will be the CW BP, Death Star will probably have Stormie, Officer, DS Trooper and Gunner - leaves 2 Episode III BPs and very little chance for a Marine, but hopefully some variation. Those Phase II troopers haven't been seen in a long time! Those mid-scale sets, I don't know. Lego might be on to something here, but I remember the Midi Falcon and SD sold not very well. Will have to take a look but if done right, those certainly sound like a nice model for a desk. They might also jump on the chibi-train, which attracts kids but surely is not to every Afol's taste. With only so few interesting sets around (BP and midi models aside), the Ewok Village becomes more and more tempting...
August 13, 201311 yr Wow, this seems like quite a large assortment for a winter wave! I'll have to wait and see what the new "Recruitment" sets look like, but I'm definitely in for everything else.
August 13, 201311 yr I just hope the storm and clone troopers come with leg prints in these new bp's.
August 13, 201311 yr Thank you very much for this information, darth_tader! So that set with the strange name "Death Star Troopers" will actually be a set containing Stormtroopers and other Imperial Troppers - so I guess either two DS Troopers or one DS Trooper and one officer (which I would prefer over the first mentioned possibility). Nice that we get at least a BP for the OT. Nevertheless I'm not content about the big lack of regular OT sets in that wave. Perhaps TLG will do like in 2008 - only one BP (at that time that BP with the Rebel Troopers) and then a huge exclusive set (at that time the Death Star) - this time possibily Could City. But supposably this is only wishful thinking. What do you think? Klaus-Dieter
August 13, 201311 yr Have anyone seen a preview of the new box design and SW theme logo for 2014? I wonder how it looks like.
August 13, 201311 yr Have anyone seen a preview of the new box design and SW theme logo for 2014? I wonder how it looks like. Someone posted a shot of the box art for all SW licensed products (As this is not limited to LEGO.) a little while ago. I'd find it, but I'm on mobile right now. It's a Sith-themed design with the yellow gradient SW logo similar to what we got in '05.Edit: Ah, nrg's got a picture.
August 13, 201311 yr Ah, so Darth vader is the new boxart, for episode lll sets I suppose, correct me if I'm wrong but it looks very similar to the 2005 boxart.
August 13, 201311 yr I'm interested in this list. I will have to wait for pictures of course since I know very little about about the SW universe. If it wasn't for LEGO SW, I wouldn't know who anyone was outside of the pop culture icons. The battle packs sound good. I may have to get some of them. The recruitment line sounds interesting. I liked the planet sets, so it is too bad they aren't around anymore. So I'm hoping this mid scale set will be a nice display piece. Although I don't know how many more x-wings I need. I still need to get the UCS version I guess.
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