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Have we had any pictures on greivous? He looks the same design exept his head. Also about the microfighters, are they replacing the planet sets?

Like the sets, am a bit disappointed in the Saleucami set (too little minifigs, too many droids)

i don't get the Death Star set though. One royal guards I could understand, but two? It's not exactly that there are hundreds of them in the Universe...

Its like when we got the Bomb squad clone troopers... I had an army of those, thank goodness for bricklink. :tongue:

Have we had any pictures on greivous? He looks the same design exept his head. Also about the microfighters, are they replacing the planet sets?

Someone said the planet sets will be discontinued and this new line will replace them.

To be honest, there aren't very many DS gunners in the films, so two is a good number in a battlepack. I'd rather that one of the Guards was replaced by an imperial technician or black suit.

Could these minifigs hint at a new ISD or Imperial Shuttle? Battlepacks tend to be released near similar larger sets. I'm hoping for both!

I look forward to pinging blue studs off the edge of my table and under the fridge forever! It'll be so much fun! And my Wookie army will be so large! Two new Wookies. For all of Kashyyyk. And six clones to kill them. Well, one of them. It'll be so fun playing with all the original new vehicles! Wait a minute- there aren't any original ones. Not even the Death Star turret.

Isn't it a little strange that we have only 2 Jedi in this wave so far? And zero Sith? The Saleucami set is just a glorified battle pack, but barely glorious at all. One clone? And don't ask me my opinion on those blobby, shapeless, inaccurate and NOT PLANETS sets that hurt to look at.

On a lighter note- those new missiles look super compact and useful. I'm guessing the missiles will be laser coloured, but they'll beat the ol' flick fire. The inclusion of which seems to be part of the brief for those chibi sets. Oh well. At least I can get my hands on some of those rareish hoods for my ninjas and such.

I have to admit that the Kashyyk troopers look nice but the rest of the line is really disappointing. The Death Star battle pack is seriously a disaster. One Stormie would have made this into a big seller, but who needs an army of gunners or Royal Guards? It's called Battle pack, no? Also kind of lame to give us 2+2 in both BPs, guess this is cheaper to produce, but an OT fan or collector would have surely welcomed an Officer, normal DS Trooper or Stormie.

The Chibi line is seriously awful, but the X-Wing and Star Destroyer have some nice figs, so I might check these out on sale.

And as Blondie-Wan said, this constant changing of slight details on the minifig prints is getting so annoying and impossible for us to mass up a bit of troops.

I have to admit that the Kashyyk troopers look nice but the rest of the line is really disappointing. The Death Star battle pack is seriously a disaster. One Stormie would have made this into a big seller, but who needs an army of gunners or Royal Guards? It's called Battle pack, no? Also kind of lame to give us 2+2 in both BPs, guess this is cheaper to produce, but an OT fan or collector would have surely welcomed an Officer, normal DS Trooper or Stormie.

The Chibi line is seriously awful, but the X-Wing and Star Destroyer have some nice figs, so I might check these out on sale.

And as Blondie-Wan said, this constant changing of slight details on the minifig prints is getting so annoying and impossible for us to mass up a bit of troops.



To be honest, there aren't very many DS gunners in the films, so two is a good number in a battlepack. I'd rather that one of the Guards was replaced by an imperial technician or black suit.

Could these minifigs hint at a new ISD or Imperial Shuttle? Battlepacks tend to be released near similar larger sets. I'm hoping for both!

I really hope we don't get an ISD. I say this because that would mean no Mos Eisley Cantina or Cloud City. Having said that though we do always get two large star wars sets in the summer line so maybe we could get an ISD and Mos Eisley Cantina, or an ISD and Cloud City. :grin:

Not a fan of the new blasters they look like the old megaphone blasters too big and bulky! Anyone else feel the same??

Yeah I'm not too keen on them either. The good news though is they look to be in only some of the battlepacks and aren't replacing the current blasters for the whole line.

I dont like the DS battlepack,because,who needs that huge cannon?And like I said the Swamp Speeder in the Clone BP is really little,they might do a real-scaled AT-RT at least,and bring us a real swamp speeder as other set.I love the battle of saluecami yet,4 droids is a useful thing,but it left one clone :'( The Interceptor looks really flawless.The vulture is too big.The microfighters...SO RIDICOLOUS.The At-AP very improved.The droid gunship very boring.The V-Wing very well.And the Wheel bike is very improved,I love that legs :wub:

This might seem like a really silly question but I'll ask it anyway, are we going to get lightsabers with General Grievous or not ? I only ask this because he didn't have any left when he was on his wheel bike in the movie as it was after the lightsaber duel with Obi-Wan.

Edited by Legoman123

Like the sets, am a bit disappointed in the Saleucami set (too little minifigs, too many droids)

i don't get the Death Star set though. One royal guards I could understand, but two? It's not exactly that there are hundreds of them in the Universe...

A lot of people seem to be focused on the fact there are two guards in the set, but I have to admit I actually prefer it that way. For some reason it just feels to me that they should always be in even numbers, for symmetrical formations and such. Note that every set in which Imperial guards appear has featured two of them - just one feels wrong, somehow.

That said, it is an odd choice for a battlepack, and I'm not exactly crazy about them being redesigned, either...

Guys Its almost 100% those Kshyyk clones will use regular blasters.. these are preliminaries rmemeber.... there is no good reason to have some blasters like those and others different.... no logical reason for ''new'' stuff if you do not use it in the WHOLE line....

Guys Its almost 100% those Kshyyk clones will use regular blasters.. these are preliminaries rmemeber.... there is no good reason to have some blasters like those and others different.... no logical reason for ''new'' stuff if you do not use it in the WHOLE line....

The Battle Droid BP in 2007 still used the megaphone blasters while everybody else got the new style rifles. They only changed it in summer with the MTT. This may be because they couldn´t release the new straight arms in January but why couldn´t they?

The AT-AP on San Diego showed the 2007 design blasters so it´s safe to say the new tube thingies will be used as a substitute not as a replacement or design change. I mean, why would they want to go back to cartoonish tubes when their figures become ever more realistic with cheekbones on people who don´t have any? They are probably a BP only substitute for action functions since flickfire missiles all the time becomes boring now, even for kids, and they couldn´t afford pieces with springs like the Battle or Saleucami.

I have to admit that the Kashyyk troopers look nice but the rest of the line is really disappointing. The Death Star battle pack is seriously a disaster. One Stormie would have made this into a big seller, but who needs an army of gunners or Royal Guards? It's called Battle pack, no? Also kind of lame to give us 2+2 in both BPs, guess this is cheaper to produce, but an OT fan or collector would have surely welcomed an Officer, normal DS Trooper or Stormie.

The Chibi line is seriously awful, but the X-Wing and Star Destroyer have some nice figs, so I might check these out on sale.

And as Blondie-Wan said, this constant changing of slight details on the minifig prints is getting so annoying and impossible for us to mass up a bit of troops.

Amen! :tongue:

I have been looking even more closely at the DS BP......white lightsabers and is that meant to be a turbo laser cannon of some sort ? :laugh:

Can anyone with good eyesight tell me if the new Grievous is white? I certainly hope so.

People, ya´ll shall keep in mind that these are Prelim-pics! They show very often replacement-figs/parts that will look totally different in the final set! Even if Grievous looks white in the pic we will not know if he will look that way in the final product.

Those questions/discussions are the reason prelim-pics are not made for public!

Can anyone with good eyesight tell me if the new Grievous is white? I certainly hope so.

In the drawing he looks lighter than Obi-Wan and he is tan like always. So yes, he should be white.

This might seem like a really silly question but I'll ask it anyway, are we going to get lightsabers with General Grievous or not ? I only ask this because he didn't have any left when he was on his wheel bike in the movie as it was after the lightsaber duel with Obi-Wan.

On the box art he has something blue in the area of his knees but I wouldn´t bet on it being lightsabers.

A lot of people seem to be focused on the fact there are two guards in the set, but I have to admit I actually prefer it that way. For some reason it just feels to me that they should always be in even numbers, for symmetrical formations and such. Note that every set in which Imperial guards appear has featured two of them - just one feels wrong, somehow.

That said, it is an odd choice for a battlepack, and I'm not exactly crazy about them being redesigned, either...

Yeah but, who needs an army of Royal Guards? How many were on screen at the same time at most? 4 or 6 when Palpatine went out of his Shuttle. Great, I already bought the Death Star, 6211 Star Destroyer and Imperial Inspection, I got my share. I know not everyone had a chance to buy those sets but even then who needs so many guards? You would need a Palpatine fig, without him they are only usefull for Crimson Empire MOCs and nobody ever made something based on this comic.

We don´t need everybody in a Battlepack, that´s why there aren´t Jedi Battlepacks. If a figure was the least deserving of a place in a BP it would be the Royal Guard, they should be coupled exclusively with Palpatine, otherwise they are dead weight. They already were annoying in the 6211 Destroyer and as part of the old magnet set line but this is just ridiculous.

BTW. They are redesigned? The drawing shows them the same as always just with red hands like in the first sets they were in.

The Death Star battle pack is seriously a disaster. One Stormie would have made this into a big seller, but who needs an army of gunners or Royal Guards? It's called Battle pack, no? Also kind of lame to give us 2+2 in both BPs, guess this is cheaper to produce, but an OT fan or collector would have surely welcomed an Officer, normal DS Trooper or Stormie.

This. Looking at all the BPs, especially the clones and the one stormie BP it looks like LEGO wanted to give the BPs as much variety as possible while still giving us a good deal of easy regular troops. Like how the stormtrooper BP had 3 stormies and a black stormie and nobody ever wanted the black one because he is based on a comic book nobody read. The new BPs are even worse. Royal Guards you need 6 at most, there are only three or two Gunners on the Death Star, the green clones never were seen on Kashyyyk in the film and are solely a Hasbro invention, I only remember the green Scouts being there and Gree who stood out like a sore thumb. The only decent decision were the green Scouts since they are actually on screen in greater numbers but they still have only a single scene. Is there really anybody hyped for Kashyyk sets? It had the biggest battle scequence but Utapau and Coruscant with the 501st Legion are much more important. Really, if they would have done sets based on the Order 66 it would have been great. Mygeeto BP, Utapau BP, AAT v.s. 327th Star Corps with Aayla and slug horses. AT-AP, Droid Gunship and Saleucami just look dull and boring. It´s not just because they are all remakes, the first versions were boring enough already. There is no color and no soul, Order 66 is the crux of the whole film and I would like to know if LEGO just sees it differently as me or because they don´t like being reminded of their hypocrisy for deeming zombie films as too brutal while endorsing a movie with themes such as child murder and mutilation.

God, why don´t we get easy Navy/Death Star troopers? They are basically Stormtroopers just without armor and with a stupider helmet. They guard the Endor bunker and are filling the role of Stormtroopers on imperial star destroyers. If LEGO would have done a BP like in the good old days it would have been a Gunner, an officer and two Navys or maybe a navy and a stormie. Why is it that LEGO now ruined all two chances we had on Navys in BPs? I probably would already be content with a single Navy in a BP, I just don´t want to pay 8 bucks per Navy and 4 for a Royal Guard. This is becoming like 2003 all over again. Regular troopers are the most expensive and side characters and bit soldiers are the cheapest.

Edited by Navy Trooper Fenson

The Battle Droid BP in 2007 still used the megaphone blasters while everybody else got the new style rifles. They only changed it in summer with the MTT. This may be because they couldn´t release the new straight arms in January but why couldn´t they?

The AT-AP on San Diego showed the 2007 design blasters so it´s safe to say the new tube thingies will be used as a substitute not as a replacement or design change. I mean, why would they want to go back to cartoonish tubes when their figures become ever more realistic with cheekbones on people who don´t have any? They are probably a BP only substitute for action functions since flickfire missiles all the time becomes boring now, even for kids, and they couldn´t afford pieces with springs like the Battle or Saleucami.

TLG's designers are allowed to make a maximum number of 8 (or something like that) each year. they might have reached that number already in that year, so they couldn't make straight arms.

the same goes for minifigure redesigns, they also have a maximum number for that.

that might be the/a reason why there is no chewie in the ewok village this year.

It looks like the premilinary pics of the new sets at mintinbox.net have been deleted.

luckily we can still view it on CM4s' test wikia :sweet:

Personally I would of loved a 501st trooper battle pack. This could give us one of my favourite commanders, that been Commander Appo. :grin:

Yeah, that would be nice. But hey, we get 2 great clone trooper bp's this wave. TLG seems to have realized that clone's are popular, so give it some time. :wink:

Almost every set is a cheap remake, I don't like this wave, the new clones and wookiees although are very good looking, I'm guessing Lego keeps the big boom for the 2nd half of 2014. Oh and there are those recruitment stuff, horrible, I don't know if it's replacing planet sets, but it would be a bad idea IMO. Also I'm glad to see that the flick-fire misisles are being replaced, hope this spring-stuff will work better.

Edited by Csacsa234

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