August 24, 201311 yr Hey guys, Been away for 2 weeks without any internet so i am all out of sync, Could anyone give me a quick recap of the past two weeks. I am eager to hear news on this grevious wheelbike i have been told about. Cheers Lets see, where do we begin? Battlepacks: Kashyyk Troopers- Comes with a scaled down version of a Swamp Speeder. Comes with 2 troopers with a Phase 2 helmet mold and 2 with a Scout Trooper helmet mold. Also comes with guns that fire blue studs. Death Star Troopers- Comes with some Death Star cannon-thing. Has 2 Royal Guards and two Death Star Gunners Battle on Salucami- Comes with a BARC Speeder, a STAP, and some bushes. Has Commander Neyo/ one of his troops, 2 Super Battle Droids, and 2 Battle Droids Utapau Battlepack- Not much known about this set so far New Recruitment Sets- Mini-scale sets a bit bigger than planets sets and can hold a minifigure Millennium Falcon- Comes with a new variant of Han Solo Tie Interceptor- Comes with a new variant of a Tie Pilot Clone Turbo Tank- Comes with a new variant of a Phase 2 Clone Trooper AAT- Comes with a Pilot Battle Droid X-Wing- Comes with a new variant of a X-Wing Pilot Imperial Star Destroyer- Come with some new Imperial with a black suit System Sets Vulture Droid- Comes with a Nemodian Warrior, Buzz Droid, and, a Pilot Battle Droid Anakin's Jedi Interceptor (Yellow)- Comes with a new Anakin and a new R2-D2 V-Wing- Comes with a Clone Pilot and a Astromech Droid General Grievous Wheel Bike- Comes with a new variant of General Grievous and Obi One (only system set to have flick fire missles) AT-AP- we have seen Droid Gunship- Come with a new Chewbacca, the same Kashyyk Clone as the one in the battlepack(Scout Trooper helmet), a Battle Droid, and a Super Battle Droid Droid Tri-Fighter- Rumor has it that it comes with a Episode 3 Palpatine Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon- not much is known about this set. It is believe to be one of the last CW sets Coruscant Police Gunship- not much is known about this set either. It is believe to be one of the last CW sets Edited August 25, 201311 yr by eric729 Link Removed on request!
August 24, 201311 yr Wow, Thanks very much, I wasn't expecting so much info in just two weeks, I really like the look of this wave as i remember getting the originals of the grevious bike and anikan ship in the early 2000s so these bring back fond memories. Im not sure about the microfighters but they may be a bit of a laugh. Cheers
August 24, 201311 yr here you go: *snip* It looks like someone shamelessly mashed together a TIE Defender and a Mandalorian Ship in a trash compactor and called it a ship. Well, that's one set I'm definitely not buying...
August 24, 201311 yr Why do people post links to prelims when mods have made it CLEAR they are not to be posted here?! TLG ask Eurobricks not to post them for TLGs own reasons and Eurobricks comply with them in order to keep their good relations so we can continue to be given tidbits of information and pics from people with legitimate contacts such as Grogall and his amazing pics. The more you guys flout these rules the more unnecessary work you make for the mods to have to trawl through and waste THEIR time removing links or risk losing good contacts/relations. Yes these links are available elsewhere, then bloody use google to find them. As has been said by someone defending posting links, theyre not difficult to find but dont be selfish and/or use ignorance as an excuse. You know prelims arent meant for the public domain so dont ruin a legitimately run website forum with your need to boost your own ego of having been 'one of the ones who helped bring you the access to them first'... Edited August 24, 201311 yr by Fuppylodders
August 24, 201311 yr TLG ask Eurobricks not to post them for TLGs own reasons This is correct. TLG has requested that we avoid linking or embedding to any pictures stamped with the 'Confidential' mark. Please do not link or embed such pictures, and please use the Report button to notify us of any posts that do contain such images or links. Thanks.
August 25, 201311 yr On the subject of the confidential images: the sets do look really neat, especially General Grievous's Wheel Bike. It does of course have the confidential mark meaning that the set will most likely be altered from the confidential image.
August 25, 201311 yr On the subject of the confidential images: the sets do look really neat, especially General Grievous's Wheel Bike. It does of course have the confidential mark meaning that the set will most likely be altered from the confidential image. True, but the changes made for the final wheel bike will probably be pretty minor, such as finalized mini figs, added decals, and occasionally small part changes. The final wheel bike most likely will look pretty much the same as its prelim. I still wish TLG had used a clear dish instead of a wheel in the middle to get rid of the spokes. I may be in the minority here, but I hope General grievous is tan instead of white. That way is closer to the movie counterpart.
August 25, 201311 yr Speaking of the Wheel Bike, I find it's box size a bit strange. Seeing how it's just the bike and no Boga, I think a square box would work? It doesn't seem right. -Sci
August 25, 201311 yr Speaking of the Wheel Bike, I find it's box size a bit strange. Seeing how it's just the bike and no Boga, I think a square box would work? It doesn't seem right. -Sci Agreed, but lego probably made it wider so it appears to be better value for $20, which is probably going to be the price point of the set. It's definitely not the first time lego has done this.
August 25, 201311 yr Actually, assuming that all the boxes appear at the same scale, the box for that set is probably about as tall as a $10 set is wide (The box I have near me at the moment in the size I'm thinking of is the Mirkwood Spider set.), and that's smaller than the standard square box for that size range. (Boxes in that size near me at the moment are the TIE Bomber set and the Uruk Army set.) This is probably a reasonable standard size of box for this size set.
August 25, 201311 yr After studing the preliminary pictures for quite a while, I must admit I'm not at all impressed with the new 2014 wave. While the new minifigures are yet to be finalized, I'm sure the majority of the new ones and redesigns will be pretty cool, as usual. That having been said, the sets themselves are not seeming all that great. The Recruitment Series of chibi ships: OK for kids and LSW noobs, not OK for the rest of us. The new BPs: OK so far, from what I can tell. Not amazing, but not too bad either. The new "system" sets: With the exception of the Jedi Interceptor and possibly the V-Wing, these sets don't really interest me at all. I can only hope the ones we haven't seen yet are amazing enough to help me forget how "meh" the rest of the wave is.
August 25, 201311 yr The Recruitment sets look like a promising line, the minifigures for some such as the MF and ISD are good, hopefully we will see a redesign of some figures. It's a real shame there was no boga in the wheel bike set, the only thing that can save the set is greivous if TLG have made a good redesign of him I may consider buying the set depending on prices.
August 25, 201311 yr Who knows, if enough people here mention how much better the wheel bike set would be with Boga and TLG have people who check this thread then perhaps we could get a change, I think this set is light on w.r.t decent EP 3 vehicles, the Selucami set missed the mark by some ways in my book. Some wookie crafts would've been nice, all we've got so far is the Trade federation crafts, can't remeber the AT-AP being there, thought they were at Felucia gunning down Aayla Secura.
August 25, 201311 yr Looking forward to the new sets, especially the 'recruitment' sets ? (are they the micro fighters sets I've seen mentioned elsewhere?) They sound interesting, though probably not to everyones taste
August 25, 201311 yr Who knows, if enough people here mention how much better the wheel bike set would be with Boga and TLG have people who check this thread then perhaps we could get a change, I think this set is light on w.r.t decent EP 3 vehicles, the Selucami set missed the mark by some ways in my book. Some wookie crafts would've been nice, all we've got so far is the Trade federation crafts, can't remeber the AT-AP being there, thought they were at Felucia gunning down Aayla Secura. Wasn't it the 327th Star Corps that gunned down Aayla? The AT-AP is on Kashyyyk, Felucia and even on Salucami.
August 25, 201311 yr I just saw Rex in the turbo tank in the mini pack...really? No, he is a place holder for a generic Phase II cone trooper. :)
August 25, 201311 yr I just saw Rex in the turbo tank in the mini pack...really? No. It's a prelim stand-in. The actual minifigures are shown in the drawn artwork; that set will come with a newly designed plain Phase II clone. Ninja'd. As to Boga - I guess it's a shame that Boga's not in the set, but it would make the set so much more expensive. It looks to me like LEGO is making all of those 'great vehicle' sets the same price, and Boga would definitely push the Wheelbike above whatever pricepoint that will be. Now, the Wheelbike isn't really a great vehicle anyway, so maybe they should've just made a more expensive set with an awesome new Boga. They could've made a Wookiee flyer for the 'Great Vehicle' pricepoint with a couple of generic wookiees.
August 25, 201311 yr Wasn't it the 327th Star Corps that gunned down Aayla? Yes, it was the 327th and Commander Bly too !
August 25, 201311 yr About the box of the Wheel Bike set, it seems to be the angle it's at, but I'm sure it's the same size of the three other sets to the left of it, all being thin $20 boxes (for example, see the two TMNT $20 sets).
August 25, 201311 yr So I've been looking more and more at the prelims, and I'm kinda annoyed with the shooting guns. It seems like a lame new thing LEGO is trying to have catch on, like light up Lightsabers or the hand held cannons from Space Police. They look ugly and will likely only work well 50% of the time. THe only thing I like about them is how they harken back to the good old days when all the Star Wars guns were megaphones. Also, if you look at the new Obi-Wan in the Wheelbike, he has dark tan trousers with light tan printing. I've been finding that LEGO is starting to print the Jedi robes over the colour of a Jedi's trousers rather than his boots. Swap this new Obi-Wan's legs with the printed CW versions', and then give the new Obi-Wan's tan and dark tan to Qui-Gon. It'd look WAY more accurate.
August 25, 201311 yr So I've been looking more and more at the prelims, and I'm kinda annoyed with the shooting guns. It seems like a lame new thing LEGO is trying to have catch on, like light up Lightsabers or the hand held cannons from Space Police. They look ugly and will likely only work well 50% of the time. THe only thing I like about them is how they harken back to the good old days when all the Star Wars guns were megaphones. I agree, the guns seem a little stupid. They just don't seem like they will be able to harness the power of the force ( ). I did however like the concept of the light-up lightsabers, though the designs weren't so great. I really wish the Wheelbike would include a Boga, that would set it over the top for me, even though it would up the price a bit.
August 25, 201311 yr Why do people post links to prelims when mods have made it CLEAR they are not to be posted here?! TLG ask Eurobricks not to post them for TLGs own reasons and Eurobricks comply with them in order to keep their good relations so we can continue to be given tidbits of information and pics from people with legitimate contacts such as Grogall and his amazing pics. The more you guys flout these rules the more unnecessary work you make for the mods to have to trawl through and waste THEIR time removing links or risk losing good contacts/relations. Yes these links are available elsewhere, then bloody use google to find them. As has been said by someone defending posting links, theyre not difficult to find but dont be selfish and/or use ignorance as an excuse. You know prelims arent meant for the public domain so dont ruin a legitimately run website forum with your need to boost your own ego of having been 'one of the ones who helped bring you the access to them first'... This is correct. TLG has requested that we avoid linking or embedding to any pictures stamped with the 'Confidential' mark. Please do not link or embed such pictures, and please use the Report button to notify us of any posts that do contain such images or links. Thanks. I posted a link once, and I'm sorry, I didn't knew it wasn't allowed, I thought posting links was OK but posting pictures was not permitted. so, suppose if I see new images, and they are confidential, what do I have to post to make everyone happy? a link for e.g. Mintinbox is not allowed, but can I post "new preliminary images at a site called mintinbox"? and say, for example "new preliminary images on my Flickr" (while I have a link to my Flickr in my signature, for example) or is it better to post "if you'd like to see new preliminary images send me a PM and I will send you the link?" or, "If you google for winter <year> sets, the fourth link will redirect you to the images?" (just to be clear, I don't know a site for more images, so don't spam me with PM's )
August 25, 201311 yr so, suppose if I see new images, and they are confidential, what do I have to post to make everyone happy? a link for e.g. Mintinbox is not allowed, but can I post "new preliminary images at a site called mintinbox"? and say, for example "new preliminary images on my Flickr" (while I have a link to my Flickr in my signature, for example) or is it better to post "if you'd like to see new preliminary images send me a PM and I will send you the link?" or, "If you google for winter <year> sets, the fourth link will redirect you to the images?" (just to be clear, I don't know a site for more images, so don't spam me with PM's ) I think TLG would prefer that you not point anyone to Confidential images at all. You can always PM myself or another staff member if you aren't sure if information you have is okay to post. I don't think it would be wrong to just describe what you saw in the images, for example. (But don't take that as an EB ruling on the subject, because I'm not entirely sure.)
August 26, 201311 yr Wasn't it the 327th Star Corps that gunned down Aayla? The AT-AP is on Kashyyyk, Felucia and even on Salucami. Wasn't really talking about the clones that gunned her down rather that this seemed to be the scene which you get a better look at the AT-AP.
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