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Would someone please tell me if the Plo Koon set is Clones Wars or movie based? Thanks :)

Clone Wars. :classic:

I think just the death star trooper BP for me. I'd love the new R2 units and an updated Wookie . . . but. . , must . . hold back, control . . . just the Death Star BP .. . .

the octuptarra droid is far away from having the same quality as the other 2014 sets.

I hope it is just a prototype because I have been waiting for the lego version of this droid for so long and at the picture it looks terrible... :sadnew:

I'll wait for the updated Chewbacca to appear in an OT set later on. I don't hate the PT or anything, but the gunship does nothing for me. The other ROTS sets do look good, and I'll probably be in for half of them.

I'm disappointed that Chewie's bowcaster is still medieval. It has a freakin' arrow. XP

Also I think the rifles are dumb too. Tarfur and that soldier d00d come with a classic musket. I don't know why Lego is being so cheap there.

What a terrible wave ;(

I agree - The only remotely interestings things are the DeathStar troopers and maybe Grievious' wheel bike.

Why would Lego ruin the Battle Packs with those lame blasters? Do they know that the SW theme is popular with adults?

Agreed, I didn't notice at first but those blasters are horrible. I'm glad I got a crap load of the old ones.

Its a good thing Lego used to fill there star wars sets with blasters. The new spring-loaded blasters are great for play, but horrible for the older audience who moc.


as many other "OT lovers and PT acceptors" stated, this will be a cheap wave for me.

I already have the Death Star, so even the DS battlepack has halve of the value for me. The gunners are great, but like in the movies you do not need to army build them. Its the same with the guards, why having 10 of them, if even in the famous "emperor arrives scene" are only six 6! in total of them. So my DS and two BPs ;)

I might get Ani and his new fighter. I passed on the last (but have the fig) and have been in the dark ages since the others have been available. The new one looks good and have a unique fig.

This wave is made to save money for the UCSs ;)


Is anyone else disappointed with the lack of a boga in the Previous Bike set? IMO lego threw out a golden opportunity.

Well, its not the first time something similar happens. In e.g. the 9490 Droid Escape they missed the perfect opportunity to give us an (updated) Dewback, but we received a crappy speeder instead.

I am starting to suspect that there is a chapter in the "Ultimate Corporate Lego Marketing and Product Development Manual" that demands to exclude some obvious or key elements from a set (but contrary include some random ones).

What a terrible wave ;(

Yeah, I will just get most figures on Bricklink. The only sets i will get are the vulture droid, jedi interceptor and AT-AP, maybe 1 time battle of Selucami... So not a 2 expensive wave for me. Good thing as a still need Jabba's Palace.

Look what i found . Its the part of the summer wave :laugh: Just kidding. :grin:


Good one 'nrg'......pity it wasn't April 1st. ! :laugh:

Anyway, it does seem we are divided.....either it's a wonderful series of sets or a complete bust......perhaps a poll might be in order ? :wink:

Edited by lightningtiger

Really not impressed with this line up but it'll allow me time to pick up some of the older sets I missed and build up some armies. I really like the Death Star Battlepack and will probably get a couple of these, other than that though this seems like a lot of re-releases of sets that weren't that popular first time around. And only so Lego can release them with "new guns" in the hope that everyone will buy them all again. Disappointing line up but hopefully that will mean I can save a bit of money.

Anyway, it does seem we are divided.....either it's a wonderful series of sets or a complete bust. :wink:

I was thinking the exact same thing! I will definitely pick up the BP's even if they put in those crappy blasters, and no other single set looks awful, but I probably won't pick up the droid gunship.

You ppl do understand that in all BPs vehicles/something are just there so that lego can say its "playset - look there are bricks and not just figs and we are not breaking exclusive hasbro licence for action figures stating that only hasbro can relese figs" ?

So vehicles/something in BPs are supposed to be bad, inacurate and flimsy..since there are just necessary evil so that we could all have nice figs in good quantitys.

And now my opinion on sets...

Kashyyk bp - 41th elite corps in camo - love it.

Utapai bp - 212th attack battalion/2nd airborn company - both paratroopers and regular troops - you have to love it.

Death star bp - Imperial gunners/ royal guards - its good, but I would prefere imperial navy troopers instead of royal guards.

Battle on saleucami - this looks like expanded droid battlepack with wierd barc speeder...This will cost too much for nothing special. Clone trooper is good but more or less everything else is just droid battlepack...

Anakins jedi interceptor - nothing new, if the price will be normal this is ok set. Nothing new or special but for someone who missed last ones this is good set.

V-wing - it looks smaller than the last ones, whitch are too big, but boy they really missed the shape of this one. Bad set.

Wheele bike - great one. Looks good from all angles. Shame they didn't put boga. I would gladly give extra $$ for it.

Vulture droid - looks good, nothing special but good.nemodian is greaaaat!

Droid gunship - best set of the wave - can't find anything bad about it.

At-ap - good really good

Av7 cannon - bad set with awesome minifigs! Come on lego guys did you even see av7 cannon in cw movie and than in cw series? Need glasses? Its not like its 2 sec vehicle. Bad. Bad. Bad. Its not like av7 has some hard to do curves, special out of this world shape or anything.the hardest part of cannon are legs and easy part is cannon itself, and lego menage to do a good legs and bad upper part...

Box art is good. Reminds me of older sets.

Edited by Davor

Ooh, funky new plant pieces in Battle on Saleucami!

I'll have to get some of these, as always, though my mercilessly pummelled bank account is grateful there aren't that many OT sets. I'm also still irked about the needless changes to perfectly fine minifigures like the extant Rebel pilots, but oh well.

As an OT fan I'll only by the Microfighters that interest me and the DS Battle Pack, but this wave looks great in terms of set quality. I'll have to see how they look without the stud in them, but those new blasters are looking much better than what we saw in the blurry preliminary pics.

It seems that from now on, LEGO will be using the one by one round tile with republic logo printed on it. I think it's a little bit too small...

But hey, the minifigs look good (lovin' those death star gunners!), and the buzzdroid looks like a clever assembly.

Ooh, funky new plant pieces in Battle on Saleucami!

I'll have to get some of these, as always, though my mercilessly pummelled bank account is grateful there aren't that many OT sets. I'm also still irked about the needless changes to perfectly fine minifigures like the extant Rebel pilots, but oh well.

I've just noticed it myself, and those new plant parts indeed look gorgeous. At last, we can expect some great Felucia-MOCs with these!

Edited by BEAVeR

Personally, it looks like LEGO got it right this year, no cruisers or shuttles, just tanks, walkers, bombers, and clone troopers. Especially Gree, I always wanted an official fig since 2005.

Just think, In 2005 we were lucky to get the one "Kashyyyk Trooper" and now we have FIVE, including Gree! I honestly never saw this coming this year.

Just think, In 2005 we were lucky to get the one "Kashyyyk Trooper" and now we have FIVE, including Gree! I honestly never saw this coming this year.

6, since one comes with the Droid Gunship. 4 with the BP + 1 with gunship + 1 Gree = 6.

Death Star Troopers 75034:

Dosn't have any actual Troopers in it. The royal guards do look good but I'm not sure if I would prefer those batons over the old black castle spear weapons. They gave the gunners those goofy new pea shooters, but no matter, as DS gunners are usually seen sitting at a console anyway. The gun itself is alright and has some useful pieces.

Kashyyyk Troopers 75035:

The camo print on these guys looks really good, even if the one guy's helmet is a little derpy. I'd like to get quite a few of these. The vehicle is not bad, and has some ok parts including an (engine piece?) and some jumpers and plates.

Utapau Troopers 75036:

Now, these guys are really nice! Too bad they skipped the blasters and gave us those pea shooters again. This is going to be a very popular BP, I think. The droid is stupid looking and does not even have much for useful parts unfortunately, but the 212th clones more than make up for it.

Battle On Saleucami 75037:

This is not a battle, because it's four against one, and from the picture it seems more like an ambush. Although the BARC Trooper is a very nicely done figure, only one in here is a cheap shot. Bad LEGO ! Some random rubble and plants do not make for a very good build, but the pieces are alright. Too bad the BARC does not match the couple dozen I already have.

Jedi Interceptor 75038:

A slight variation on the previous Eta-2 fighter, which I absoloutely adore! Looks good in yellow and comes with (who else) another Anakin and Artoo. Sure, why not?

V-Wing Starfighter 75039:

An improvement over the previous Republic V-Wing but not an improvement over the Imperial V-Wing. This looks like a clearance rack purchase to me. Cool pilot and astromech droid (What, no numerical designation?).

General Grievious' Wheel Bike 75040:

A new grievious head. wow. Another Obi-Wan and a nice model of an ugly vehicle with a bunch of useless parts. A lot of people are going to really like this set. I will not be one of them.

Vulture Droid 75041:

Cool that the buzz droid is back, uncool that TLG considers it a minifigure. I also think the Pilot Droid is a bit redundant, and would have much rather seen another Neimodian Warrior, because that guy is sweet! The Droid itself is actually a nice design, save for those curved stickers (shudder).

Droid Gunship 75042:

Loving that new Chewie! Would have been nice to see a new bowcaster to go with it but poor Chewie has been neglected for all these years printing is good enough. That derpy trooper and a couple droids, meh. The gunship is a cool model with dropping bombs and firing missiles, but I don't really like it enough to get one, I don't think.

AT-AP 75043:

The new Gree has some amazing printing and the Tarfful Wookiee minifig looks very nice, too. I just don't believe the vehicle can be effectively opereted by just one guy. The set needs more clones. Another nice model of yet another terribly ugly vehicle. Seventy dollars worth of parts, I guess.

Republic AV-7 Anti-vehicle Cannon 75045:

Are those Wolfpack Troopers? Awsome. Also Master Plo Koon offers tremendous levels of awsome. The cannon itself is actually pretty cool and you get a good selection of useful parts. I think this will be a good set, and I'm looking forward to it.

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