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That also isn't a valid point. you're not a kid right now and you cant just assume that you would have had an adult mindset as a kid and not like these sets. again ive shown my 6 year old and around 10 other kids in that range from my family and friends kids and they have all like them with the Falcon and X Wing being the favorites. they said that it was cool and fun looking. they liked that a figure fit in the ship even though it was small. they also liked the flick missiles(yes, kids like them)

It's a very valid point as I know what I did buy as a child and what appealed to me. As a child I didn't buy battlepacks, or the mini-builds and I didn't waste my money on the $10 sets as I wanted to save up for something that was good rather than half of a wall featuring Luke. I personally didn't like sets like that, I just didn't care for scaled down vehicles and so I didn't buy any. And as a child I didn't buy sets just for parts either. I only bought what I really wanted.

Because I was once a child I remember what I bought and why I wanted it in the first place, and the Microfighters just don't fit into what I was into at the time, maybe if I was a child in this time period I would've been different, but I'm not. I was voicing an opinion based on my own experience. I wasn't saying it was everyone's opinion, I was saying it was mine. And just because you talked to a couple of kids doesn't mean that their opinions represent every child's. Everyone is different which is why we all have separate opinions. This is a forum, we're all allowed to have opinions, even strong ones. Just because you don't agree doesn't invalidate my personal opinion.

I don't really like being able too see the trooper's neck from under the hetmet. I would have prefered the baclava type head from the new OT troopers.

same here, they try to be to realistic and detailed. So this is wath we get, a more acurate figure, but not sush a good Lego figure.

It's a very valid point as I know what I did buy as a child and what appealed to me. As a child I didn't buy battlepacks, or the mini-builds and I didn't waste my money on the $10 sets as I wanted to save up for something that was good rather than half of a wall featuring Luke. I personally didn't like sets like that, I just didn't care for scaled down vehicles and so I didn't buy any. And as a child I didn't buy sets just for parts either. I only bought what I really wanted.

Because I was once a child I remember what I bought and why I wanted it in the first place, and the Microfighters just don't fit into what I was into at the time, maybe if I was a child in this time period I would've been different, but I'm not. I was voicing an opinion based on my own experience. I wasn't saying it was everyone's opinion, I was saying it was mine. And just because you talked to a couple of kids doesn't mean that their opinions represent every child's. Everyone is different which is why we all have separate opinions. This is a forum, we're all allowed to have opinions, even strong ones. Just because you don't agree doesn't invalidate my personal opinion.

again sorry for not being more clear. when i said kid, i mean as in the age 5-10 where they usually don't have their own money to buy toys. My son is 6 and other family members kids, and friends kids are around the same age so when new sets from every theme comes out, i show them the sets that are in their age range and get their opinions first because the "age range opinions matter most" and not mine or any other person above the age range. let me just ask you this:

Lets just say your'e in the LEGO store and your child wants the X-Wing microfighter more than anything and wants nothing else, are you not going to buy it for them just because "you" don't like it???

ive seen that happen in person before at the LEGO store and the poor kid looked crushed. the boys dad didn't like the set his kid picked out(boy was ecstatic, but dad said it wasn't a good set) and told him to get one he picked out instead. the boy agreed probably just to not argue with his dad and walked with his head down, toy in hand up to the register. it was sad to see

At the end of the day, the targeted age range opinions is what makes a set lame or not. anyone else's opinion is just an opinion that doesn't matter.

im really not not trying to sound rude in any of my post but i just see to often on here that adults seem to forget that LEGO is a kids toy first.

Edited by vriverajr3

Well said vriverajr3. But can't we all just agree that Lego sucks and move onto Mega Bloks? :sarcasm: These microfighters may not be the best looking sets, and neither are the rest of the wave compared to 2012 and 2013's January waves, I think that is a shared opinion. Honestly, as long as the summer wave gives us something remotely similar to cloud city, I'm good.

ive seen that happen in person before at the LEGO store and the poor kid looked crushed. the boys dad didn't like the set his kid picked out(boy was ecstatic, but dad said it wasn't a good set) and told him to get one he picked out instead. the boy agreed probably just to not argue with his dad and walked with his head down, toy in hand up to the register. it was sad to see.

Haha, I can relate though. Having to reassemble a set for the umpteenth time because of poor construction (every single ninjago/chima set!) is rather annoying. And I could probably start my own LEGO store specializing in claws and teeth with all the pieces I find in the vacuum cleaner.

again sorry for not being more clear. when i said kid, i mean as in the age 5-10 where they usually don't have their own money to buy toys. My son is 6 and other family members kids, and friends kids are around the same age so when new sets from every theme comes out, i show them the sets that are in their age range and get their opinions first because the "age range opinions matter most" and not mine or any other person above the age range. let me just ask you this:

Lets just say your'e in the LEGO store and your child wants the X-Wing microfighter more than anything and wants nothing else, are you not going to buy it for them just because "you" don't like it???

ive seen that happen in person before at the LEGO store and the poor kid looked crushed. the boys dad didn't like the set his kid picked out(boy was ecstatic, but dad said it wasn't a good set) and told him to get one he picked out instead. the boy agreed probably just to not argue with his dad and walked with his head down, toy in hand up to the register. it was sad to see

At the end of the day, the targeted age range opinions is what makes a set lame or not. anyone else's opinion is just an opinion that doesn't matter.

im really not not trying to sound rude in any of my post but i just see to often on here that adults seem to forget that LEGO is a kids toy first.

Well, it is your duty as a parent to influence the taste-development of your child. Kids wouldn't be kids if they weren't susceptible to the first flashy thing they see. I am more of an adept of a method where you take time to explain to the kid a shortcoming of a specific set and advantages of others, that's called upbringing. Otherwise your kid grows up to drinking budweiser just because other kids do and preferring going to football matches rather than to opera, theaters or museums. It takes time and a lot of dedication to develop taste for more sophisticated things in your child rather than creating another average consumer.

As for your last line, mea culpa, yes I seem to forget it's a kids toy, but that's just because I always considered a SW line with its UCSs (and price premium...) to be more adult-oriented. That is regrettably changing, and unless the trend is reversed and we get more of a Death Star, AT-OT and Battle of Endor sort of sets, and keep getting microfighters, I might just fall back to the dark ages...

Edited by Spyderlord

Well, it is your duty as a parent to influence the taste-development of your child. Kids wouldn't be kids if they weren't susceptible to the first flashy thing they see. I am more of an adept of a method where you take time to explain to the kid a shortcoming of a specific set and advantages of others, that's called upbringing. Otherwise your kid grows up to drinking budweiser just because other kids do and preferring going to football matches rather than to opera, theaters or museums. It takes time and a lot of dedication to develop taste for more sophisticated things in your child rather than creating another average consumer.

As for your last line, mea culpa, yes I seem to forget it's a kids toy, but that's just because I always considered a SW line with its UCSs (and price premium...) to be more adult-oriented. That is regrettably changing, and unless the trend is reversed and we get more of a Death Star, AT-OT and Battle of Endor sort of sets, and keep getting microfighters, I might just fall back to the dark ages...

I've been holding my tongue till now, but I believe a parent steers a child or at least gives pointers on direction in life so as the child grows older he or she can make choices....hopefully the right ones.

The microfighters are a perfect child's toy, it's an odd ball space craft/vehicle made as if the child designed the sets themselves....something that looks like a model but can just sit someone in it and then they play with it. I would call it a starting point for a child into Lego in a way....something fun that can lead into other sets or themes.

Well, it is your duty as a parent to influence the taste-development of your child. Kids wouldn't be kids if they weren't susceptible to the first flashy thing they see. I am more of an adept of a method where you take time to explain to the kid a shortcoming of a specific set and advantages of others, that's called upbringing. Otherwise your kid grows up to drinking budweiser just because other kids do and preferring going to football matches rather than to opera, theaters or museums. It takes time and a lot of dedication to develop taste for more sophisticated things in your child rather than creating another average consumer.

As for your last line, mea culpa, yes I seem to forget it's a kids toy, but that's just because I always considered a SW line with its UCSs (and price premium...) to be more adult-oriented. That is regrettably changing, and unless the trend is reversed and we get more of a Death Star, AT-OT and Battle of Endor sort of sets, and keep getting microfighters, I might just fall back to the dark ages...

this is probably the most ridiculous post I've read on these forums. It doesn't matter how much comparing you do to the set your child wants and the one you want him to get, if he likes the one he picked, then you get him that one, plain and simple. Any parent who wouldn't needs to take a long hard look at themselves. And I've played football(American), Basketball, MMA, as well as other sports all my life and also would rather go to their events than the Opera, theater, or museum. So by your BS statement, that means im less of a person? yea right. also by your comments, my child would have "bad" taste just because he(a kid) likes the microfighters(for kids) and you(an adult) doesnt??? now that's just stupid of you to say. haha. good day sir...

Edited by vriverajr3

again sorry for not being more clear. when i said kid, i mean as in the age 5-10 where they usually don't have their own money to buy toys. My son is 6 and other family members kids, and friends kids are around the same age so when new sets from every theme comes out, i show them the sets that are in their age range and get their opinions first because the "age range opinions matter most" and not mine or any other person above the age range. let me just ask you this:

Lets just say your'e in the LEGO store and your child wants the X-Wing microfighter more than anything and wants nothing else, are you not going to buy it for them just because "you" don't like it???

ive seen that happen in person before at the LEGO store and the poor kid looked crushed. the boys dad didn't like the set his kid picked out(boy was ecstatic, but dad said it wasn't a good set) and told him to get one he picked out instead. the boy agreed probably just to not argue with his dad and walked with his head down, toy in hand up to the register. it was sad to see

At the end of the day, the targeted age range opinions is what makes a set lame or not. anyone else's opinion is just an opinion that doesn't matter.

im really not not trying to sound rude in any of my post but i just see to often on here that adults seem to forget that LEGO is a kids toy first.

Honestly I don't think you understood the point of my post at all. I was just saying it was my opinion and I have a right to have it and that as a kid I didn't buy those types of sets, it wasn't my interest. And I agree that most kids will like them, but not every kid will, because not all kids are the same. And I rate these products as an adult because I am an adult fan of Lego. Just because it's a toy doesn't mean that I should give a free pass to things I feel are inferior. And while kids will buy them I still think Lego could have made a better product that could have appealed to a wider range of builders. Sure, hitting the 5-10 market is fine, but Lego probably could have made a product that appealed to all ages, they do it all the time with other sets, why should these be any different? And honestly even for the age group these are intended for I feel like they could have done better, they could have added more play features and another minifigure. Sure it's good enough, but it could have been better.

I'm 39, and going too get all of them just once, more if I like them :sweet: . Specialy the Kasyyyk troopers :devil:

grtz Saint

I'm 39, and going too get all of them just once, more if I like them :sweet: . Specialy the Kasyyyk troopers :devil:

grtz Saint

Same here for myself and son. And ill defiantly be getting tons of Kasyyk troopers. probably 20 for my son and 20 for me :grin: haha

Edited by vriverajr3

I'm 39, and going too get all of them just once, more if I like them :sweet: . Specialy the Kasyyyk troopers :devil:

grtz Saint

I plan to get AT LEAST 20 Utapau BPs.

And I don't care what people say. I think the MicroFighters are really neat.

Is it safe to say that the CW phase II clone troopers and ROTS clone troopers are identical and no difference in printing?

Unfortunately they are different... :sceptic:

Well, it is your duty as a parent to influence the taste-development of your child. Kids wouldn't be kids if they weren't susceptible to the first flashy thing they see. I am more of an adept of a method where you take time to explain to the kid a shortcoming of a specific set and advantages of others, that's called upbringing. Otherwise your kid grows up to drinking budweiser just because other kids do and preferring going to football matches rather than to opera, theaters or museums. It takes time and a lot of dedication to develop taste for more sophisticated things in your child rather than creating another average consumer.

#edited# anything in *** is completely wrong, and I apologise for it.

***Wow, is this the most self righteous arrogant post so far!***

It is a parents job to teach their kid right from wrong and to guide them to have the best possible education they can get so they can do good in life. As for likes, that should ALWAYS be their choice, not your job to influence!!

***Just because you dont like theatre why shouldnt they?! That is not only selfish but such a narrow minded view that there is something wrong with museums and theatre etc? But then I dont like football and think a lot of people who think its the next best thing since sliced bread are brainless. You havnt proved me wrong on that with your first statement so far.***

***Your post is full of hypocricies it is laughable. You say you want your kid being able to develop a more sophisticated choice and yet you want them to like things such as football rather than museums and theatre, both of which are seen as more sophisticated than football?***

You say you want kids growing up not following other kids like sheep but instead want them to be influenced by your choices making them a sheep to you instead?!

Nothing more needs to be said on the matter.

Edited by Fuppylodders

Wow, is this the most self righteous arrogant post so far! It is a parents job to teach their kid right from wrong and to guide them to have the best possible education they can get so they can do good in life. As for likes, that should ALWAYS be their choice, not your job to influence!! Just because you dont like theatre why shouldnt they?! That is not only selfish but such a narrow minded view that there is something wrong with museums and theatre etc? But then I dont like football and think a lot of people who think its the next best thing since sliced bread are brainless. You havnt proved me wrong on that with your first statement so far.

Your post is full of hypocricies it is laughable. You say you want your kid being able to develop a more sophisticated choice and yet you want them to like things such as football rather than museums and theatre, both of which are seen as more sophisticated than football? You say you want kids growing up not following other kids like sheep but instead want them to be influenced by your choices making them a sheep to you instead?!

Nothing more needs to be said on the matter.

Mate, there was no need for that....I'm not a moderator or anything of the sought but this is a forum for Lego, not for debating parenting techniques although i agree with you in a way, nevertheless it is ultimately a kids product and statements like yours are a bit cold, you got something to say to him, then PM the guy, not where the whole world can see....

After spending a little bit of time off the grid I've returned to what looks like a pretty solid winter wave. All of the minifigures are top notch and none of the sets look like they have high piece counts so prices should be reasonable. My son is pretty excited to army build clones from RotS and although we have the older Droid Gunship, my son really wants this newer version. We have a bunch of older sets but I think now that he's older, he wants sets to call his own. Being away from LEGO the past few months and going through this detox period so to speak has allowed me to appreciate my son's LEGO preferences.

I can't believe some of this off-topic chatter......we don't want to upset the good doctor now do we ? :wink:

Now for on-topic.....Has it been noticed yet or it could just be me but the police gunship looks similar to one featured in the Lego Movie trailer ? :wink:

The Kashyyk battle pack is probably my favourite from the pictures, cool figures and the ship looks like it has potential.

I like the troopers in the death star pack but not overly keen on the gun, likewise with the Utapau set.

But I guess battle packs are mainly for figures, the model is a bonus.

Eurobricks is not the place to talk about parenting. There probably are plenty of discussion fora on the internet about the topic.

This argument ends right here. Please go back to discussing the 2014 SW sets. Thanks.

The Kashyyk battle pack is probably my favourite from the pictures, cool figures and the ship looks like it has potential.

I like the troopers in the death star pack but not overly keen on the gun, likewise with the Utapau set.

But I guess battle packs are mainly for figures, the model is a bonus.

Yep, usually the model is so-so just to keep Haspro from fighting Lego again.

Now the canon with the DS BP looks to be a basic laser canon......turbo lasers are many storeys tall. :wink:

It appears that Disney have asked Lego to add extra play value to the BP's with those new blasters....we shall see how they are received in 2014. :wink:

I think you need 2 read the post a little better, it doesnt say that he rather have hes kids go to a football game, but the opposite.

you your entirely right, i completely misread that bit. However i do stand by the rest of my statement, despite the fact I should have pm'ed it instead of here. If a mod could move/delete as appropriate and ill take whatever warning/action for posting that sort of thing on the open forum.

Is it going to be late December or early December when we get the names of the summer sets?

Is it going to be late December or early December when we get the names of the summer sets?

It depends. We usualy get leaked pics mid-to-late-December, but the set names can come at anytime. I believe last year they came in early December.

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