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that surprised me actually, but couldn't lego have only put one or two biths instead of three then we could've actually had a ponds baba or Dr evazan or even garindan minifigure, there would've been room. Three biths is a bit much.

I agree. I would have gladly taken two Biths and then Ponda Baba as the last slot, that would have made it perfect in my opinion. Still, even though the only aliens are Greedo and the Biths, at least we're still getting that new Dewback too.

See the point I'm making? ;)

I do and did before. And I would agree with you if you kept your argument factual and not opinion based. Just because you think a starfighter is boring doesn't mean LEGO shouldn't release it. I think the Royal Naboo Cruiser is boring and pretty uninspired, but I would be fine with a set for those who love its design. I do agree about the constant rehashes though, and it's especially apparent with the Snowspeeder. However, I believe that enough time has passed for both the Star Destroyer and B-Wing.

I like the looks of the white phase two clone that comes with the micro fighter set.

I do and did before. And I would agree with you if you kept your argument factual and not opinion based. Just because you think a starfighter is boring doesn't mean LEGO shouldn't release it. I think the Royal Naboo Cruiser is boring and pretty uninspired, but I would be fine with a set for those who love its design. I do agree about the constant rehashes though, and it's especially apparent with the Snowspeeder. However, I believe that enough time has passed for both the Star Destroyer and B-Wing.

Didnt they release a snow speeder in 2012 or 2011? Weird

I agree. I would have gladly taken two Biths and then Ponda Baba as the last slot, that would have made it perfect in my opinion. Still, even though the only aliens are Greedo and the Biths, at least we're still getting that new Dewback too.

Perfect would be Ponda Baba, Dr. Evezan, and Wuher instead of the band. The band is nice and all but they don't do anything except stand there...and they get 3 figures devoted to them? If kids want to actually act out scenes that the set description promises, you need Ponda, Evezan, and Wuher. Oh well. I knew we wouldn't get Ponda because of the whole arm thing but I thought maybe we'd get another interesting cantina creature. Disappointing.

Didnt they release a snow speeder in 2012 or 2011? Weird

There was one included in 2011's Wampa Cave and the 2013 Battle of Hoth. It hasn't even been a year... :wacko:

All I can say is that I hope that this will be as much of a substantial redesign as it sounds like it will be.

I like the EU. But, to answer a question the last snow speeder was 2010 then 2013.

Edited by korpen4444

To all those unhappy with the line-up of figs, just remember ho well Jabba's court has been fleshed out with a few add-on sets. The palace itself only included Oola, Bibb, Salacious, Leia/Boush and a Gamorean, but be got Fett, Weequay, Rhee-Yees, Kithaba, Max Reebo, Kithaba, Malakili, Slave Leia, Guard Lando and the Rancor in the complementary sets. It does seem like the cantina set would be the only chance to include Ponda and crew, especially given the presence of the bar itself, but Lego may surprise us, how many of us could have forseen having all those above figs just two years after Jan 2012????

To all those unhappy with the line-up of figs, just remember ho well Jabba's court has been fleshed out with a few add-on sets. The palace itself only included Oola, Bibb, Salacious, Leia/Boush and a Gamorean, but be got Fett, Weequay, Rhee-Yees, Kithaba, Max Reebo, Kithaba, Malakili, Slave Leia, Guard Lando and the Rancor in the complementary sets. It does seem like the cantina set would be the only chance to include Ponda and crew, especially given the presence of the bar itself, but Lego may surprise us, how many of us could have forseen having all those above figs just two years after Jan 2012????

But it was really easy to make many, many sets based off of all things Jabba related. It featured many locations and even after four great sets, they could still find a few things to make more sets off of if they really wanted (like a dungeon). Sadly I don't think we'll be getting any Cantina add-on or related sets in the near future like we saw with the Jabba stuff, and it comes down to the placement of the main characters. With the Jabba sets, the main characters were spread out pretty evenly, with at least two in each set. Buy them all, get all the main heroes and their many costume changes. In contrast, the one Cantina set we are getting already has all the main human characters from that scene (Luke, Han, Obi-Wan) and there is no way LEGO would release another Cantina or Mos Eisley related set without including a main character (kids love main characters and heroes). Ok, Chewie and the droids were left out, but I don't think LEGO would want to build a set just around them without a human hero (the recent Escape Pod set being the exception).

Also, after this Cantina, what else could you make that would be iconic and sell well and include all the missing aliens that we want? They already threw a Landspeeder in this set, so can't do that. There's Docking Bay 94, but that's just a giant round room with nothing in it (parked Millennium Falcon sold separately). The alleyways of Mos Eisley? I mean, I'd personally love a Mos Eisley alleyway set, but kids would find it boring. :tongue:

So sadly, I don't think we're going to get a shot at [insert name of your favorite Cantina alien that's not a minifigure yet] until they rehash this set in ten to fifteen years. :cry_sad:

Edited by pranas

The Cantina set is ruined for me now that I know that Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes play "Jizz Music" Link: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jizz

I lie, I'll probably still buy the set but really? What was the EU thinking?

I'm quite certain that the EU stuff was specifically designed to make people hate things they previously loved (just like George Lucas intended)

Reading any wookipedia page makes my skin crawl. The only information I need about Star Wars can be obtained by watching the original trilogy. Anything else just seems like terrible fanfiction.

Erm, have you listened to their music? Jizz is the right name for it. :grin:

I do and did before. And I would agree with you if you kept your argument factual and not opinion based. Just because you think a starfighter is boring doesn't mean LEGO shouldn't release it. I think the Royal Naboo Cruiser is boring and pretty uninspired, but I would be fine with a set for those who love its design. I do agree about the constant rehashes though, and it's especially apparent with the Snowspeeder. However, I believe that enough time has passed for both the Star Destroyer and B-Wing.

actually the star destroyer is the one set that I am glad to see this year and look forward to seeing all the photos from the toy fair. Yeah I mean we got a snowspeeder in the wampa cave set, a recent battle of hoth set and a recent echo base set so a snowspeeder on its own is a waste of time. Someone in the lego star wars design team really likes snowspeeders.

Perfect would be Ponda Baba, Dr. Evezan, and Wuher instead of the band. The band is nice and all but they don't do anything except stand there...and they get 3 figures devoted to them? If kids want to actually act out scenes that the set description promises, you need Ponda, Evezan, and Wuher. Oh well. I knew we wouldn't get Ponda because of the whole arm thing but I thought maybe we'd get another interesting cantina creature. Disappointing.

preach!!!!!! I agree 100%! Ps who is wuher? Lol is that the little bat creature at the bar? I really thought that was cute!

To all those unhappy with the line-up of figs, just remember ho well Jabba's court has been fleshed out with a few add-on sets. The palace itself only included Oola, Bibb, Salacious, Leia/Boush and a Gamorean, but be got Fett, Weequay, Rhee-Yees, Kithaba, Max Reebo, Kithaba, Malakili, Slave Leia, Guard Lando and the Rancor in the complementary sets. It does seem like the cantina set would be the only chance to include Ponda and crew, especially given the presence of the bar itself, but Lego may surprise us, how many of us could have forseen having all those above figs just two years after Jan 2012????

yes those minifigures that we want to see in the new cantina but aren't in there might be included in add on sets later this year or next year :) feeling hopeful

preach!!!!!! I agree 100%! Ps who is wuher? Lol is that the little bat creature at the bar? I really thought that was cute!

He is the bartender, I believe.

Right now, the thing that gives me hope is that the Rebels show could easily include a plot line involving Ponda Baba, thus giving us another chance to get him.

Problem solved ;)

Right now, the thing that gives me hope is that the Rebels show could easily include a plot line involving Ponda Baba, thus giving us another chance to get him.

Problem solved ;)

your a really smart guy, you know that?

Right now, the thing that gives me hope is that the Rebels show could easily include a plot line involving Ponda Baba, thus giving us another chance to get him.

Let's hope there is a plot involving Ponda Baba, Dr Evazan, Kabe, Mosep, Muftak and Takeel.

Then another plot that involves Nabrun Leids, Hrcheck Kal Fas, Hem Dazon, Gotal, Feltipern Trevagg and Reegesk.

I'm really struggling to understand why people seem to be aching for minifigs of characters that have a combined screen-time of probably 10 seconds. I get that people like variety but come on, they didn't even have names till some lame EU story. I've honestly only read a few lines of wookieepedia on these characters, but they really don't seem to be interesting or even memorable enough for the average fan of the movies.

That being said I would like minifigs of all the individual stormtroopers present at arrival of the emperor, preferably with back-story written by a Star Wars fanatic.

Edited by khatmorg

TLG already gave us minifigures of characters with even less screen time. But I know what you mean.

I can understand them not making minifigs of the extremely minor characters (i.e., most of the ones TheBear mentioned), but the common consensus is that leaving out Wuher, Ponda Baba and Dr. Evazan is just wrong. And I agree 100% with that.

I'm really struggling to understand why people seem to be aching for minifigs of characters that have a combined screen-time of probably 10 seconds. I get that people like variety but come on, they didn't even have names till some lame EU story. I've honestly only read a few lines of wookieepedia on these characters, but they really don't seem to be interesting or even memorable enough for the average fan of the movies.

The Ponda Baba/Luke and Obi-Wan conflict in the Cantina is pretty iconic and key to the scene. Dr. Evazan and Wuher would be great to have and all but I don't really think he's as important as Ponda, so I agree with you there.

Edited by montyofmusic

To be fair, we did get that weird dinosaur head guy in the recent at-te set who showed up in the movie for 20 seconds and was then killed. ponda/walrus man may not have much more screen time, but he is a somewhat memorable character.

Edited by arc

Not that I am unhappy with the fact the we will receive the Bith bandmembers, on the contrary, but it is true that it would have been better if Lego gave them via another set.

In an ideal world the cantina set should have Ponda and Evazan, as suggested by so many here. Including those two would give us a "conflict situation" for Luke and ObiWan too, something Lego seems to find important.

Wuher honestly isn't that high on my desired figures list. He is just a human with a 70's haircut afterall.. A stand-in is easy to make with other minifig parts. Any other cantina alien over him..

Personally, I saw the bandmembers as ideal battlepack (well, musicpack) material: they are generic enough, no main characters, it makes sense to have several (2 or 3) of them in the same set, and it would realy have people tempted to buy several packs in order to have a complete band. Give the Biths brickbuild instruments and a small bandstand in order to solve the "no minifigs only" problem and top it up with another rather generic Tatooine citizen.. (Jawa, Tusken, or just a human civilian/moisture farmer) or sandtrooper... voila, I present you a nice little set for OT fans..

Bit if one now wants a "complete" band, and isnt able or willing to burn some cash on a second cantina set, only option will be bricklink or ebay.. but I fear a lot of future cantina owners will try to do the same, so the demand will be reflected in the asking price of those biths.

Anyway, since I missed the first one, I am already glad that I will have another chance to buy a cantina with Greedo and Dewback.

While I will skip most of the SW winterwave , only got 2 DS battlepacks and that will probably be all, this summerwave looks a lot better. Certainly getting the cantina, ISD, and depending on if it looks better then my 6208, the B-wing

Well, to put it into perspective: Kenner / Hasbro have released well over 2500 different action figures, whereas LEGO is currently at about 600.

I am really a fan of the more variation, the better. But then again, I have all sets ever since they started back in 1999, so I'd even be disgruntled if they did a re-release of Gasgano (2000) or Aldar Beedo (2001), favoring another minifig that hasn't been made yet...

I'm also quite a fan of building MOC minifigs, so new non-minifig heads are always welcome ('human faces can be more easily made). There aren't that many Bith characters in the EU...

Edited by HJR

Ponda Baba would be a cool character if they had him in the Cantina.. Is Toys R us already carrying the new winter sets?

Ponda Baba would be a cool character if they had him in the Cantina.. Is Toys R us already carrying the new winter sets?

They are listed on the website, but only for in store purchase.

is three not the complete band? did we not establish many pages earlier that there was only three band members....

btw funny when we first saw that we would get this set everybody shouted first priority is THE BAND!!!!!!!

now everybody is dissapointed that they actually get the band :classic:

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