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I am going to have a hard time with the summer wave, I know I will end up buying every single set :devil:

At least this winter's wave is hitting the shelves tomorrow so I will have something to distract myself with for the next 6 months...

Now that we've seen the Toy Fair sets we just have to wait and see the two UCS sets and the two Exclusive sets that are bound to appear in the future.

The leg printing of the sandtrooper looks odd. Compared with the old sandtrooper, the legprinting seems incomplete and as if the lower part of the printing was missing or "cut off".

Does anyone know if the clone trooper included in the calendar has a phase I or phase II helmet?

Edited by Brickadeer

It seems the Christmas tree astromech in the Advent calendar has another use. The body is a perfect match for the dome in the Microfighter X wing. You can now have a complete R2-X2 droid!

I was wondering if the two would match, it's a great idea and an excuse to buy another one of that set!

The leg printing of the sandtrooper looks odd. Compared with the old sandtrooper, the legprinting seems incomplete and as if the lower part of the printing was missing or "cut off".

Does anyone know if the clone trooper included in the calendar has a phase I or phase II helmet?

The leg printing does look strange with the way it cuts off at the bottom like that. I also don't know why Lego bothers keeping the black hips when they can just print the black undersuit on the legs. At least the dirt marks look better this time around.

Regarding the Clone Trooper - I don't think he comes with either helmet. Just the Santa hat. :sceptic:

It seems the Christmas tree astromech in the Advent calendar has another use. The body is a perfect match for the dome in the Microfighter X wing. You can now have a complete R2-X2 droid!

Good spot, it is an exact match for R2-X2. You have to commend them for their attention to detail.

I'm not going to complain about the figures getting more detailed... as long as they keep a lego feel. That means no gradients... make sure line details don't go too thin...

My only slight complaint would be the sudden need for everyone in the SW universe to have a headset. Not convinced by that one... but it's minor niggle.

The protocol droid in the Jedi Scout Fighter is perfect for the droid on the Sandcrawler in ANH... Be interesting to see if it's included in there or if it's another case of a figure being suitable for a different set (i.e. Ithorian not included in Cantina... although both these figures are in the same Jek set)

I'm glad to see they've kept the Snowspeeder pilot design the same as the planets set and the Battle of Hoth set... at least there's consistency in that and it separates them from Battle of Yavin pilots. More helmet designs now please!

The colours on the General Veers are a brave move but apparently more movie accurate so I'm happy with that and I like the AT-AT so all good for me on that... those Snowtrooper helmets are absolutely superb now.

Cantina in general is really good... I've said before that unless we got a £200 Ewok Village style set we'd be missing 'something' but as a smaller set I think it does the job. The Bith are excellent.

I actually prefer my original Greedo if that's a finished version... the arm printing on the old one really set his jacket off and the old colours seem much more accurate. Glad I didn't eBay that now!

I like Ben's printed robes... and a really nice new face design. Sandtrooper again looks great... I can overlook the issue of no shin printing as the rest of it is great. I have no issues with articulation on the Dewback... they've never struck me as particularly manoeuvrable anyway so static beast it shall be.

The B-Wing is the real winner for me here... I never bothered to get the UCS version and I actually really like the scale of this one. Those figures are the real gem on this one though.

I love the caps on the ISD Imperials but my only gripe is that we don't have a black one to update the Microfighter version. Seems odd to have that figure just being released in parts of the world and technically it will need updating within 3 months or so.

The Calendar will just be for Vader and the Droid body as I'll have the Luke, Reikann, Snowtrooper and Snowspeeder pilot. Vader is worth it though.

Looks as though the snowtrooper in the advent calendar is the older version too and not the newer one with the separate helmet, backpack and kama.

FBTB's pictures are up, at least for the Star Wars sets and Ace reports that the Phantom is $30! :wacko: As much as I want this set, it looks like a $20 set or $25 at most.


But that B-Wing :wub: looks delicious! And the engines on the Star Destroyer are perfect! Guess I am back into collecting OT.

I was waiting for FBTB's photos to come up. They always seem to take the photos that I want to see.

My only slight complaint would be the sudden need for everyone in the SW universe to have a headset. Not convinced by that one... but it's minor niggle.

I agree with this, too many headsets! It is nice to see another death star trooper (named imperial navy trooper) in the star destroyer since they are expensive to buy, but they have replaced his chin strap with a headset and it just looks weird.

I like the sets in general, but that piece of Playmobil (the Bantha) is seriously a complete disgrace. That is not LEGO. Did they hire a Galidor designer for that?!!

Edited by HJR

The AT-AT looks almost identical to the last one. How many pieces did they change, ten at most? Still very ugly. Will we ever get a UCS AT-AT? :(

Edited by bjorn77

The AT-AT looks almost identical to the last one. How many pieces did they change, ten at most? Still very ugly. Will we ever get a UCS AT-AT? :(

Try 300. And the motorized AT-AT was technically a UCS AT-AT.

I don't ser 300 new pieces in those pictures. I just double checked pictures of the previous one and the differences are not more than between the new snowspeeder and its billion predecessors. :P

I went to toys r us in the US and they have the new winter sets out with a good deal! Buy one get one 50% off!

Are there any pictures out there of the Ghost's interior? (Does it even have one?)

The Brick Show has video of a rep showing off the Ghost which shows what is inside. The Front cockpit pulls out and seats two in a row. The top turret has a seat for a fig. There are two pretty typical escape pods on either side with seats and minor detailing, and there is space for at a minimum storage in the two large forward cargo bays inside the front forks. I don't think they can fit a standing minifig. One side has a holder for the extra spring missiles. The center back area is kind of open until you attach the Phantom. Overall it seems to have interior seating for maybe 7? 8 if the Phantom is docked. (Assuming each escape pod takes the normal 2.)

Overall it looks to be about the same size, weight and complexity as the Sith Fury.

Edited by Faefrost

After examining pics from various sources (thanks to all who have posted a link! :thumbup: ), i must say that my enthusiasm remains pretty high! :classic: Overall, this is a very interesting wave which offers quite some variety. This is good in it's own right.

I will most certainly leave the Rebels TV series as what it is - a random cartoon that i have too little time and ambition to ever watch. This put aside, TLG's iteration of the minifigs and ships might make for a worthy addition to the SW universe. They are a mix of being odd and generic at the same time. Just like the SWTOR sets this is what makes this universe a little more diversified and interesting. A freighter and a shuttle, some (new) aliens and other people seeking their fortune. I might go for the sets at a serious discount.

For people (like me) who already own the predecessor sets, the AT-AT and snowspeeder really aren't necessary to get. Some minor change here and there but apart from the better roof of the AT-AT cockpit, i cannot see anything that i feel an urge to own. The change of the snowtroopers remains a mystery to me. The helmets don't fit with the eyes and i honestly must say that i like the previous snowies much more. Except for the leg printing, there was little to improve. I will gladly pass those.

The Cantina is less than being hoped for but way better than what it could have been. From a general perspective, it is a huge improvement over the old one and offers new minifigs as well as new parts and display/play value. Aliens and animals, which we yet have fairly few of, are always good! Quite a lot seems to be executed well. Hopefully, a cape with matching color for ObiWan will be part of the set. The dewback is a little static but a valuable addition to everyone's collection, i think. I will get it for sure!

The Star Destroyer can be judged in a similar manner. I consider the lack of a playable bridge as a missed opportunity. The main interior room has to make up for that. We have some different areas where minis can pose and kids can play. There could have been more elements but the general concept is well thought. The design of the exterior (dagger) shape and the interior places, elements and decoration is well done, i think. The minifigs are all excellent. The new hats for the crew look very close to the filmed material. I will get it for sure!

The Jedi Scout Fighter is an interesting design, too. But to me, i cannot see any place for it in the SW universe. I would have expected it to appear among some of it's brethren in some sci-fi video game. The minifigs are ok except for the Ithorian, which is outstanding. Sadly, i won't spend that much money for just one fig that is supposed to appear in some OT set - and hopefully will.

Time for a new B-Wing was due, i guess. It's the only OT rebel starfighter we haven't gotten in the last few years. The build and shape seem pretty accurate and show improvements over the 2006 version. The minifigs are very good, too. Getting more and different helmets is very nice. EU character General Airen also is a reasonable addition to the rebels's staff. Did i already mention that i love alien minifigs? Ten Numb with his ship and comrades will certainly find a path to my collection's hangar!

One last note - it might be the lighting but the minifigs seem to be a little bleached. I am used to stronger color. Maybe it's the material and some new plastic was used?!?

I don't get why the storm/snowtroopers have the clonetrooper face - they have a balaclava face that they can use - yet they don't use it...

I don't get why the storm/snowtroopers have the clonetrooper face - they have a balaclava face that they can use - yet they don't use it...

Some (Most) Storm Troopers were clones. As is the case with Rebels, it's set between Eps III and IV, so the Storm Trooper Corps is almost completely made of Clone Troopers.

So I decided I'd hold off from commenting until most of the pics had surfaced from the NY Toy Fair. It always seems that FBTB gives the best coverage of the sets, so after taking a long look at the new sets, here are my thoughts:

Rebels Sets

The Phantom - A decent enough set on its own. I've always had a soft spot for compact one-man fighters (like the Jedi Interceptors), so this is really appealing to me. The ability to attach it to the Ghost is pretty cool as well. The figs are cool, although without any background on who they are, they'd be way less interesting. Ezra looks like a great representation of the character from the show, and overall seems like an interesting character. Same goes for Chopper. Very cool to see a smaller astro droid.

The Ghost - I love the look of this ship. It has a very unique shape, yet still retains similarity to the Falcon. The set itself seems a little small. I would have preferred a larger version, with more of an interior, and more figs (at least an extra Stormtrooper). Speaking of the figs, I'm very excited by these characters. LEGO's has been smart and avoided the cartoonish eyes, which means this figs won't look out of place next to regular Saga figs. Kanan looks really cool. His hairpiece is particularly interesting. Hera looks kinda meh, but I'll probably like her more once I see the show. Zeb looks really cool, and I'm excited to fond out what species he is, and why he's so purple. The new Stormtrooper looks cool. They've tried to make him look cartoonish, but I'm not sure what they succeeded at. It still looks awesome.

The Yoda Chronicles Sets

Jedi Scout Fighter - This set instantly caught my eye. While the first Yoda Chronicles set looked kinda terrible (Jek's fighter just looked oddly proportioned and ugly), this ship looks just plain awesome! Its as if a set designer sat down with an 11 year old kid and they made a ship out of the random parts of a collection. It reminds me of my old attempts of making ships when I was a kid, with simple pointy wings and lots of slope parts around the cockpit. It has a very appealing look. The figs are also amazing. The Ithorian Jedi and Protocol droid are the standouts of the set, while the astro droid is cool, and Jek (sure, new outfit), feels like old news. I love how the Ithorian can easily fit into the Cantina and not look out of place. He isn't wearing any blatantly obvious Jedi robes, which is cool. The droid, like others have said, looks like it was stolen from the Sandcrawler. My only gripe is no printing on the droid's head. Sure, it may sound like I'm asking for too much, but when you look at all the detail being crammed into these new Star Wars figs, a few little rust stains on the new head couldn't have been too much trouble.

Saga Sets

Snowspeeder - looks better than previous incarnations, but I don't understand why LEGO seems to think Snowspeeders are white! For the most part, they are grey. Using grey for the bulk of the ship would look so much better. The figs look good. The actual jumpsuits seem to be the same as the most recent Hoth set, although the faces have more detail. It seems that LEGO is putting more detail on Luke's face, and it makes him look old. The new Snowtrooper looks amazing!

B-Wing - A tremendous improvement from the 2006 version! Overall, it looks studier than the old version, and slightly larger. The figs are really what stand out. Nien Numb looks awesome, and its nice we're finally getting a plain Sullustian face. The other pilot (not sure what his name is) looks amazing as well. The technician also looks cool, and its nice to see the short male hair in grey.

Cantina - Amazing! Streets ahead of the 2004 version! I love the fact that you can fold the building to make it more compact. The Landspeeder also looks awesome. Much better than the 2011 version. The Dewback is beautiful. Sure, its kinda of a static mold, but thats no big issue. The Luke looks good, but I'm not too sure about the white legs with printing. It looks odd. The Han is the same as the Microfighters version, which is awesome. Greedo feels a little lacklustre. The colours of his vest and sleeves/pants is good, but his head and hands need to be a bit more of a bright green. The sand green isn't very fitting. Ben looks good, but I'm undecided of the printed robe. While an interesting idea, it looks like he stole Aragorn's jacket and doesn't look like a Jedi robe. Also, I feel like printing the hood on his back is a wasted opportunity to reprint Wyldstyle's hood. Having that on the fig might make the fig look more complete. The Snadtrooper looks amazing, and it seems like LEGO has really got the looks of the Stormtroopers spot-on this year. They look far more menacing.

AT-AT - I don't see too much of a change from the 2011 version. Except for certain details around the head, the build looks extremely similar. The new Snowtroopers look awesome. The new helmets are way better than the old ones. However, I feel like the distinction between a Snowtrooper and Snowtrooper Commander is unnecessary. No kid will really care, and I don't remember any distinction made in the film. It seems like a cheap way for LEGO to make us feel like we're getting more new figs. The driver looks far better than the old versions, as does Veers. Finally, we're getting some more distinct Imperial Officers.

Star Destroyer - Epic! Such an amazing improvement over the 2006 version! The build looks way better, with the stability improved tenfold. Also, the removable top seems extremely sturdy, with the handle being a major plus. The interior is kinda lame, but the way the ship is built doesn't allow for lots of space inside. The figs are really what blow me away. The Palpatine hologram is amazing. The two Stormies look exceptional. The Imperial technician and Officer look good, but given the new caps, they are awesome. Very satisfying to see the new cap, but as someone else mentioned, its a shame that we didn't get a black one with the Microfighetrs Officer.

Now I'm gonna give myself some extra space to discuss the new Vader, because this, at least to me, is a very large development. LEGO really went all the way with the detail of this fig. They improved his torso print extremely, along with giving him the much awaited leg prints he deserves. His new face, at first glance, is horrid, and looks nothing like Anakin. But after some close inspection, it is without a doubt the best incarnation of the character. Hopefully he has some printing on the back of his head with more burns and scars.

So LEGO put all this effort into a new Vader, but we still have the old helmet? It makes no sense! You look at the advancements LEGO has made in their molds since 1999 and see what they are now capable of. They can cram a lot of detail into a very small piece of plastic. So give us a detailed, three-piece Vader helmet. The first piece is the breather, which could fit on like a beard around the neck. The silver and black breastplate that is always printed on could also be part of the breather, which would secure the piece and assure that it wouldn't move. Then, the mask could cover just the front of his face, and connect to the stud like any old hat. The helmet could then attach via a Tonto's bird style peg and hole to the top of the mask. All of this would make Vader way more detailed, up to par with most of the figs today, as well and make him taller (because we all know that the current Vader is notorious of being shorter than Sandtroopers or any fig that wears something around the neck, which look weird). Anyway, all I'm saying is that this was a missed opportunity for a complete overhaul on the Vader fig, and its a shame.

Now, I have some final comments on the overall wave. For the most part, they are complaints. Firstly, it seems that LEGO is pushing the prices of Star Wars sets higher and higher each year, and its getting to the point of being unfair. $30 for the Phantom a small set with only two figs? What the heck! In any other theme, that would be $15-$20. Same goes for the rest of the wave. The ISD is $150, which just seems outrageous. LEGO is getting away with robbery with these prices.

My second gripe has to do with the odd disconnect between the winter and summer waves, mainly regarding the new Imperial cap. What prevented LEGO from giving us a black version of the new cap in the ISD Microfighter? There seems to be no logic in LEGO's choice. Its also sad that now it seems LEGO is putting effort into leg printing on all the troopers, which leaves us with a bunch of AOTC Clone Troopers with plain white legs. A lot of army builders will be forced to Bricklink a ton of the new printed Stormie and Clone legs to make the older versions of the troopers fit in amongst the newer ones. It just annoys me.

However, despite all my gripes with this wave, I am thoroughly impressed by LEGO, and cannot wait to get my hands on these sets. The Rebels sets in particular make me giddy with excitement, because with this show, as well as the new Trilogy and spin-off films coming our way over the next few years, LEGO Star Wars with get a complete reinvention, and it will all be amazing.

Looking closely at the pictures, the Stormtrooper in the Ghost is different than the one in the Imperial Star Destroyer. The printing is different on the helmet, torso and legs. Hopefully next year's BPs will give us an opportunity to army build some Stormtroopers.

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