March 6, 201410 yr The summer wave looks great, but I'm most interested in the Sandcrawler, as I passed on the first one. I'll reserve making final judgments, but I'm already thankful I waited instead of picking up the original. It was not my cup o' tea, but my collection was begging for one. And Jawas! I hope when the new version is officially revealed, it meets my expectations. Just because I haven't seen it mentioned, though it is pure speculation, I'd like to say that the possibility of a Lars homestead isn't entirely out of the question. It opens up the door to Tatooine, that is, it leaves room for the inclusion of other Tatooine-specific characters, such as a highly-sought Bantha and redesigned Tusken Raiders. A Lars homestead set may also be the only chance we get to get a redesigned T-16 Skyhopper. The ship is only ever seen as a model being played with by Luke and then later mentioned by name by him, but his later mentioning includes info that states he owned a T-16 back home, so why not put it in a Lars homestead? Then again, how well did the original T-16 do in sales? My guess is that it didn't do so hot. But in a playset type of set, adding a swooshable vehicle can make all the difference, no matter how obscure. Back on topic: of the whole wave, save the Sandcrawler, I'm looking most forward to the B-wing and its unique figures. The visual dictionary is an easy pass for me, considering I'd only pick it up for the exclusive figure in the first place. However, I'd be more interested in a retro-styled figure instead of full retro, with updated printing on the face as well. That's right, yellow Luke with white gleams in his eyes ahaha. P.S. One post deep! Edited March 6, 201410 yr by Cousteau
March 6, 201410 yr That fig in the book is a bummer Why, O why Lego??? (or DK? who actually decides that?)
March 6, 201410 yr Pretty disapointing choice for a figure. I would have preferred a new variant of Luke instead of a re-release.
March 6, 201410 yr The figure is actualy new! Well, at least they changed like 5 or 10% of the design.. the creases on the torso and legs are altered, and they got rid of the printed dots.. Even better, it manages to not even be an exact copy of the original despite the fact that they're both supposed to be the same. Part of the reason I never buy these books is because the minifigure isn't overly good. I mean the nostalgia factor was an interesting choice, but it fails to sell me on it. I guess I'll wait and see what the next updated version has.
March 6, 201410 yr The figure is actualy new! Well, at least they changed like 5 or 10% of the design.. the creases on the torso and legs are altered, and they got rid of the printed dots.. What a waste by Lego. Opportunity to give us a great new fig and look what they give us.
March 6, 201410 yr So, we get a brandnew book , with spoilers for 2014, a minifig included, and people still moan about what kind of fig it is ??? I for one like the fig, retro or not, I pre-ordered the book , I'm happy with a new fig for my collection!! Just saying guys, we arn't the target audience ! It's for kids, so they can only dream about such a collection of figs !!! And I only have to look at my collection display !!! . Try not to be too negative gentleman !! grtz Saint
March 6, 201410 yr It's neither a new book or a new minifigure. Just an update. And I don't feel like anyone's being overly negative, I think that a lot of the comments have actually been pretty constructive. I mean I've seen people get almost violently angry about this stuff, but in this case people just seem slightly disappointed. And this is a comparatively weak release, I mean usually these books at least give us valuable variations on characters. Rereleasing an older minifigure (That doesn't even quite match the original) is sort of disappointing in comparison to the many worthwhile things these books have given us in the past (like variations we'd never see in an actual set). And I'm not sold on how much kids will want this minifigure. I mean it's an oddity in this era of overly detailed minifigures, but otherwise I'm not sure what the appeal is. I mean kids can't have nostalgia for this minifigure since just about anyone who owned one of these originally would have to be like 15 or older now. Play value isn't great since this specific costume for Luke has been remade constantly and is still available. At this point the only real appeal I see is from a collectors standpoint.
March 6, 201410 yr Pretty disapointing choice for a figure. I would have preferred a new variant of Luke instead of a re-release. Pretty slack on Legos part, that figure is no different from the one you get in set 7110, they didn't even update to wavy hair and considering we will be getting a similar figure in the eisley set pretty much makes this one redundant
March 7, 201410 yr Wasn't the Sandcrawler supposed to be revealed at brickcon or something today? Bricks Cascade is the 8-9. So it will most likely be revealed on Saturday.
March 7, 201410 yr Bricks Cascade is the 8-9. So it will most likely be revealed on Saturday. Very nice can't wait to get more concrete visuals and info on the SC
March 7, 201410 yr Wow that Luke is a big miss imho. What kid does want a yellow Luke?? Fail. The kids who were too young / weren't even born in 1999 ? The right question here should rather be "What AFOL does want a yellow Luke ?", IMO. ;)
March 7, 201410 yr As much as i like getting a figure with the books (I dont actually take the figure out as I want to keep the book as mint as possible) I am more interested in the book itself. The last visual dictionary was awesome and I have been hoping for an updated version for over a year. Of course the book is going to be pretty much the same, why rewrite pages about figures and sets they have already covered in previous editions? I pre-ordered the book purely so I have an updated version and am pleased that even future sets are included even though printing seems to have finished. I just hope they keep the timeline part near the front, it clearly states the year something was released and also what part of the Star Wars world its based on. I like this because personally I am not a fan of the Clone Wars sets with their cartoon faces etc and sometimes sets come out that I am not 100% sure what they are based on. The Clone tank being a good example, 2 were released, 1 for Clone Wars and one for Revenge of the Sith, same goes for the ARC fighter etc.
March 7, 201410 yr I'm not sure who the targeted audience for the retro Luke figure is. Kids probably won't be interested because most aren't interested in vintage stuff. Adults, unless they are trying to create a classic Star Wars display, will have no use for it either. And, in all likelihood, adults who want a classic Luke figure already have one. I think a figure based on Luke from the early posters of Star Wars would have been fantastic. But, alas, no such luck.
March 7, 201410 yr Well, i actually cannot see any reason to bemoan the content of the upcoming Lego stuff, either. I consider this summer wave the best since i entered collecting Lego SW in early 2011. I saved a lot of money during the very last wave(s) and therefore gladly look forward to Aug/Sept. Still, living in Germany, i have to wait until the starting napper pricing wears off. Being supposed to be ripped while the sets get produced a mere 300 miles away, we pay 40-80% more than our fellows across the Atlantic. One simply cannot buy anything until the 20% off sales make their start. But then i will buy a big deal of the summer wave. Regarding the Sandcrawler i lack access to the insight of the old clutz being any better than the tuned design we get to see yet. The pricing seems astrnomic but i reserve any judgement until i see the whole of the set. While the minifig choice for the expanded dictionary doesn't fit my taste, i will buy the book anyways once it's translation will be published in Germany.
March 7, 201410 yr Well that bonus figure is entirely pointless. I may not have a yellow Luke Skywalker like a lot of people seem to, but I don't exactly want one either. And how can DK call it an exclusive figure when it's just a re-release of an old figure? I was going to get this, but I can't see that happening now.
March 7, 201410 yr Is it really that bad? We do get an updated book with 5 years worth more of Lego SW. Is an exclusive figure the whole point of the book? (Im probably gonna get shot down pretty soon.)
March 7, 201410 yr Is it really that bad? We do get an updated book with 5 years worth more of Lego SW. Is an exclusive figure the whole point of the book? No, it's not really the point, but it is an incentive to buy the book. The thing is five more years of SW stuff only equals out to 1/3 of the book really being new. Which means owners of the previous book are paying to get those new pages and the exclusive figure. And when the exclusive figure isn't really exclusive or new, than at this point they're just paying full price for the new pages. I mean it's not an awful minifigure by any extent of the imagination, but it's not really an incentive either. The other thing is that for these books they've set a precedent of giving us new minifigures that wouldn't likely appear in a set otherwise. I look forward to these book exclusives because they're usually one of a kind and unique. I think in comparison to the past getting a retro Luke is disappointing.
March 7, 201410 yr I am beginning to like that Luke more and more. I don't have the yellow Luke, and only 3 flesh Lukes, 1 being the stormtrooper. I am happy to get the "new" fig.
March 7, 201410 yr I just sold my last old yellow head luke skywalker today now they bring out an other one???
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