May 26, 201410 yr It's not even the worst typo on the cover! ;) Hahaha nice Edited May 26, 201410 yr by Ecclesiastes No need to quote pictures
May 27, 201410 yr I don't know if there's any stock to be put in those LEGO mini-movies, but I've looked over them and made a list of their features: Released Winter Wave R2-D2 AT-AP Chewbacca 41st Troopers Obi-Wan Kenobi 212th Troopers Jedi Interceptor Old Obi-Wan Kenobi Royal Guard Han Solo Luke Skywalker C-3PO Jawas Unreleased Summer Wave Stormtrooper Imperial Officer Star Destroyer Darth Vader Dewback Landspeeder Ithorian head Naboo Guard (unseen set 75058) AT-AT Jedi Scout Fighter Unconfirmed/Potentially New Padawans Boga* Cody* Yoda's Escape Pod MTT Padawan Ship 4-LOM Wuher* Pink astromech Old Jek-14 Boss Nass So given all the recently released figures and vehicles featured in the videos, and all of those that are still mostly unknown to the general public, can we assume the final list is a collection of things to come? - I would think that several of those (padawans & their ship, pink astromech, and Yoda's escape pod) were included purely for story purposes and so are very unlikely to get real LEGO versions. *The fact that LEGO used the Phase I Commander Cody figure (with a recoloured visor) among Phase II 212th troops suggests to me that they will not be releasing a set featuring a new Phase II Cody, despite my biggest hopes of seeing him and Boga coming out next year (even if that meant another Obi-Wan). Following on from this, if LEGO were going to release a new Boga, I'd have thought it would feature in the Grievous' Wheel Bike set of the previous wave, although this isn't certain as the set is named after the one vehicle and so a Part 2 set could follow up - however unlikely. *As with Boga, I think LEGO missed their chance if they were going to release their Wuher figure. The only set he could potentially appear in is a Mos Eisley Cantina set, and since he doesn't appear in the upcoming version - and there's no potential add-on set to go with it - it is also very unlikely that we'll see his LEGO figure. The only way I can see this happening is as an exclusive promo figure such as with a book or for 'May the 4th'. - If I'm correct and haven't missed anything, the new 75058 Naboo set still remains a mystery. The appearance of a new & detailed MTT and Boss Nass figure in the video could hint at their inclusion in the set, however I think Boss Nass would have featured on the poster with the other figures from this set, and so it is unlikely he will be included... in that set, anyway. The MTT is a possibility, but I agree that it will probably be an AAT and/or Flash/Gian speeder as there are no Gungans from the battle against the MTTs, and so will probably be a Theed-based set. - That leaves old Jek-14 and 4-LOM - two very nicely-detailed new figures. I don't know anything about the Yoda Chronicles beyond these videos and do not know anything about Jek-14, so I don't know whether this could be a potential new figure or not. 4-LOM however would be very welcome in a future set, especially with Zuckuss in order to complete the group of bounty hunters seen in Episode V. Edited May 27, 201410 yr by ADHO15
May 27, 201410 yr!/photo.php?fbid=512805315511631&id=155279034597596&set=a.157318637726969.32147.155279034597596&source=46 New MTT!
May 27, 201410 yr https://m.facebook.c...97596&source=46 New MTT! Is there a price for it yet? It's awesome! Thanks! I cant see anything... Delete the "m." from the beginning of it to see it.
May 27, 201410 yr If they're following standard imperial procedure it'll be around 100€/$ ;-) Edited May 27, 201410 yr by cookiemonster
May 27, 201410 yr Someone already asked for the price under the pic, but the store didn't answered yet.
May 27, 201410 yr Is there a price for it yet? It's awesome! Thanks! Delete the "m." from the beginning of it to see it. Thank you. ;) What a missed change for an AAT...
May 27, 201410 yr I wonder what the price will be. Looks like a 50 EUR set to me. But since the new 2014 Star Wars stuff is heavily overpriced I won't be surprised if it is 65 EUR
May 27, 201410 yr Looks good! Anyone want to hazard a guess at the number of Battle Droids? I would say 10, just a guess!
May 27, 201410 yr Looks like seven battle droids to me too: 6 ground/blaster droids, one on the STAP, and one pilot. This is a weird direction to go with the MTT, honestly. It's just rather small-looking. I'm usually not in favor of making things huge, but the MTT is a big vehicle and the last version captured that perfectly. This looks like a funky mid-scale MTT. Also odd to note that there are no 'new' bubbles by Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. I thought LEGO usually puts 'new' next to any figure that has even the slightest change, but I guess not here.
May 27, 201410 yr I have to admit, I actually really like the look of this new MTT! Although it's reduced in size, the set still looks well constructed, detailed and offers a large amount of minifigs(I count 13-14 overall). It makes a nice Toys R Us exclusive set in my opinion, and opens the door to possible having more Naboo based sets in the future. Hopefully we'll get to see the other exclusive set soon!
May 27, 201410 yr Could someone post the picture please? The link wont work. EDIT: nevermind, I found it. Honestly its kind of disappointing. It seems like a huge step back from the last one. And the high amount of studs on the sides make it kinda ugly. Plus the low amount of droids in comparison to the last is also disappointing. Overall I had high hopes for the set, this is kinda a let down. Oh well. I'm hoping we get a new AAT next year. Hopefully that wont end up like this. Edited May 27, 201410 yr by arc
May 27, 201410 yr Looks great! It'll likely be $100 here in Canada. The Qui-Gon is the real draw for me.
May 27, 201410 yr Wow... They cut the droid number in half? What a waste. At least the old one had racks for them.
May 27, 201410 yr I have to see this set for real first, hopefully my local lego store will put it on display. If only they would make an AAT to accompany this new MTT.
May 27, 201410 yr Wow. That MTT is... wow. Just awful. Yet another case of Lego trying to cram a large set into a small price range. I was really looking forward to this one, too.
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