March 16, 201410 yr "Oh, wow. That is cool." Usually I hear this in the following context (or something similar): wife's friend comes over, wife explains that yes her husband still plays with Lego, and then she goes and gets something I have made and brings it out to show off. While I hear this way too often, I could also stand to hear it even more
March 26, 201410 yr I've yet to hear any of the negative comments everyone mentioned. So far, I've only got positive comments on my LEGO hobby, and the products thereof (buying sets, showing MOCs, etc.). I once brought a LEGO house to church (Yes, I did, believe it or not!) Everyone in the congregation of 40 or so, thought it was cool. Including the pastor. I have had, however, got less-than-positive comments on the fact I do not partake of anything containing alcohol, tobacco, or caffeine (save for the one-or-twice-a-year soda). Or profanity. ("You can swear, because you're an adult") I'd rather be an adult, and not swear, curse, or cuss. The lesson here, is anyone that thinks ill of you or your hobby(ies) is sure to make a lousy friend. Especially after you've shown/explained them the joys of doing this or not doing that. You could end up with someone you could brick with, else, just go home and Brick On. Yep, borrowed that one from the electric striped cat from Down Under.
April 2, 201410 yr "Man! I wish I had all of this when I was a Kid!" Got this one yesterday. A friend who had never before been to my house was introduced to my MISB collection It is great fun to see the them light up like a 5 year old in Legoland
April 7, 201410 yr "You still play with Lego toys? Grow up..." To quote Will Ferrell in the Lego movie; "It's not a toy! It's a highly sophisticated, interlocking brick system"
April 7, 201410 yr "You still play with Lego toys? Grow up..." To quote Will Ferrell in the Lego movie; "It's not a toy! It's a highly sophisticated, interlocking brick system" Truth right there
April 21, 201410 yr "You're still playing with lego?" I hear that a lot and to be honest, this kinda hurts me. Because people cannot realise that saying this just as disrespectful as saying; "you still reading books?" or "you still make puzzles?" etc etc.
April 27, 201410 yr Get this, guys. My brother actually talked me out of buying seven complete Kingdoms sets from a guy on Craigslist for $125 (but a $210 value; retired too!). He succeeded for the time being, having decent points about priorities and what not, but such an offer is just too good to pass up since I can just sell the stuff for a profit. I didn't outright reject the seller, so the offer is still on the table. Sounds like they've never heard of City! Another one from I hear quite often: "What's so fun about clicking some bricks together?" ~ Says the girl who spends all day looking at 'selfies' That's a total textbook case of a complete lack of creativity, right there. The occasional one night stand: "Wow! I haven't played with that stuff in years! We should build something!" We spent half the night building modulars (imagine my disappointment ). That's pretty cool, actually. I have had, however, got less-than-positive comments on the fact I do not partake of anything containing alcohol, tobacco, or caffeine (save for the one-or-twice-a-year soda). Or profanity. ("You can swear, because you're an adult") I'd rather be an adult, and not swear, curse, or cuss. The lesson here, is anyone that thinks ill of you or your hobby(ies) is sure to make a lousy friend. Especially after you've shown/explained them the joys of doing this or not doing that. Some people just need to realize that not everybody is compatable. My brother has a friend who keeps trying to (well he asked twice, yet quite nicely if I may add) get me to go out drinking with them and get easy girls and all that jazz. But I'm just not into that scene; I'd rather have lasting, quality material goods and relationships. It doesn't make either type of person inherently bad/a scumbag/loser; it just makes us all different and keeps the world interesting. Edited April 27, 201410 yr by InvincibleEagle
April 29, 201410 yr My Mum when I buy a new lego set "Well, it's a wonderfull world, it takes all sorts" Also I've had "Hope you got THAT on sale. Who'd pay full price for that s*it??"
April 30, 201410 yr Also I've had "Hope you got THAT on sale. Who'd pay full price for that s*it??" Oh, how insightful is this. Who'd pay full price for overpriced body products signed famous people?
May 3, 201410 yr Pretty much everything said in here: https://community.le...-Café/bd-p/1384 Reading some of those, and just wow. Themes based off of PG-13 movies a problem? Kids have been playing with R-Rated movie action figures since at least the 80s. The Simpsons inappropriate? 1990 called; it wants its controversy back. To be fair, I haven't kept up with the Simpsons since 2002 or so; they may have gotten more raunchy since everything's gotta compete with Family Guy.
May 3, 201410 yr Reading some of those, and just wow. Themes based off of PG-13 movies a problem? Kids have been playing with R-Rated movie action figures since at least the 80s. The Simpsons inappropriate? 1990 called; it wants its controversy back. To be fair, I haven't kept up with the Simpsons since 2002 or so; they may have gotten more raunchy since everything's gotta compete with Family Guy. Compete with Family Guy? Both franchises are owned by Fox. They don't compete.
May 3, 201410 yr Maybe competition isn't exactly the right word, but they'd still want to emulate what's successful.
May 4, 201410 yr "Would you like these wrapped up as gifts?" "Nah, no real need to" "How old is the kid getting these Legos?" "About 35" "Oh..."
May 6, 201410 yr I have mostly just gotten the classics: "Did YOU build that?" , "when I was a kid all the bricks were square" followed by some weird explanation of why it was better or why it was so much harder to build with them. And then of course "aren't you to old for that" :) no I'm not, never will be:)
May 13, 201410 yr I don't know if this has been posted but, "Whats so fun about a bunch of blocks?" "What can you build with a bunch of blocks?" "Building with legos is a waste of time" "Legos are stupid"
May 13, 201410 yr "Get over it" - I hate that one. I also get a lot of stupid comments when asking where I can find the LEGO aisle in a shop or if they have a certain product. Some have pointed at competing brands and others have usually given me a look of confusion before telling me that they have no idea what I am talking about.
May 13, 201410 yr I’m not a fan of Lego, but I’d really like *Tower Bridge, Taj Mahal, Eiffel Tower, Palace Cinema, VW etc…* But there’s no way the wife would let me spend that much on Lego. Get that a lot…
May 13, 201410 yr "Would you like these wrapped up as gifts?" "Nah, no real need to" "How old is the kid getting these Legos?" "About 35" "Oh..." I like it when the LEGO employees at the register ask if DUPLO or the girl sets are for you. "Yes, I am adult male purchasing LEGO Disney Princess DUPLO sets for my enjoyment."
July 23, 201410 yr This needs to be revived. There are still more people out there ignorant about the hobby! A few weeks ago while in the LEGO aisle in Target, a lady (I think she was Grandmother getting some set for her grandchildren.) And she asked me do they have the SpongeBob Legos. Um, you're a few years late.
July 23, 201410 yr Most annoying thing I hear on a regular basis is "don't you have better things to spend your money on?" why sure I could go out and buy my self a 72" TV but why spend all that money on a bigger TV when I get bored between commercial breaks. so better things than Lego? no I don't think there are any. Oh, except my kids, but they get Lego too convenient ;)
July 23, 201410 yr My family always comes over and want to know what's new in the Lego town I have on my breakfast niece likes all the gifts I give her. So no outright criticisms, who knows what they are thinking though.. I don't let that bother me. I had to have the cable guy come over last week, my phone just stopped working, and I find out I have to get a whole new cable modem, one that does the phone too. It is on my desk and my desk is buried under Lego, and other things...and I had a folding table next to it buried in Lego. Well, he takes one look at it and says wow, you have a lot of that. While he was outside, I cleared it all away, I was in the midst of sorting and putting it away, and the space was completely cleared out by the time he got back down from the telephone pole. Was amazed how fast I was to clear it out of the way to work on the wires. After finishing, he had to take a good look at my Lego modular town, and first thing had to say was 'thats some expensive stuff' so knew what they were. He seemed amazed by what you can do with the bricks. I had fun showing it off.
August 2, 201410 yr 'So let me get this straight. You don't want any dinner, you want to play with your Lego!' 'Are you feeling OK?'
August 2, 201410 yr "What? Do you actually play with it? Like in 'beep beep, hello neighbor, pew pew, blargh!"?? … erm…. nooooo? I'm not a 5 year old child... I build stuff with it! That's me "playing" with it! "Oh right! I had playmobil when I was a kid, that's the same right?" - "You want this wrapped up?" *already rips off giant sheet of wrapping paper* - No thanks, it's for me - "Er… oh… ok..." *looks of bewilderment and confusion* - *me, giant 270 pound bearded man, skips out of toyshop with pink Friends box under arm* Everybody around me knows about my hobby, and I never get stupid questions or weird looks or something. My friends and family fully support it (and will always buy Lego for me when they find some crazy sale or a box full on a yardsale). At every gift-giving event I ask for, and get, Lego…. except my partner can be a d-bag about it sometimes; "I don't wanna give you stupid Lego! I wanna give you something lasting and meaningful!" is what I got for my last birthday. Wow dude, thanks for the support… F you and YOUR hobbies. Of course there was a big BL order as a peace offering 2 weeks later.
August 3, 201410 yr "Those belong in the back basement" - mom "Those belong in the back basement" - mom
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