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Might have to come to that, yeah. Cheers for the suggestion.

Actually you can find most of the Beast Wars episodes on youtube by simple typing in "beast wars episode." Check some of the episodes out first before spending a lot on a DVD set :wink:. But if you find a cheap place online... please tell me :sweet:.

I might also suggest downloading Veoh TV at veohtv.com. Great program with a broad spectrum of international tv shows, movies, et. al. Been downloading the new Macross Frontier with English subs...it's not always the best quality, but it's certainly better than not seeing it at all.

I haven't checked to see if either BW or BM are there, but given their popularity I'd be willing to bet the odds are high.

All the best to ya, Brainbox!

A friend of mine bought me a late birthday present...

Universe prowl! Reminds me alot of the classis TF i used to have when i was a kid. Modern day vehicle with the classic transformers look and transformation. I'm going to have to look inot the rest of the universe line.

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Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'll look into it.

Universe prowl! Reminds me alot of the classis TF i used to have when i was a kid. Modern day vehicle with the classic transformers look and transformation. I'm going to have to look inot the rest of the universe line.

So am I when they finally arrive over here. Prowl does look pretty nice though, as does Sunstreaker. The only thing that bothers me about Prowl, and it's a little bother, but the divides in the front bumper look quite noticeable in teh pictures. Maybe it's the black and white colour scheme. Does it stand out as much in the flesh?

A little bit. i don't know why Hasbro didn't paint the sides of the chest black. It would have looked better in bot mode, and would make the split between the fenders and the main chest/bonnet area much less noticeable. As is out of the box, I still don't think he's that bad...all my gripes are minor and easily remedied, save the lack of detail in the leg showing through trans-black windows. That would require some serious out-of-my-league modding.

Picked up TFA Snarl and Oil Slick. OS is an excellent toy all around, although he's a 4 wheeled motorcycle. It's not terribly noticeable and doesn't detract from the overall look of the bike mode. Transformation is simple yet effective: legs fold at knees with lower legs bending nearly 180 deg with the feet rotating back to form the exhausts, head rotates 180 deg into fuel tank/ chest, and two-piece shoulder mounts rotate up and around so that the shoulders click together and the ram skull can rotate around and lock into a plate formed by the joined shoulders. The shoulders on mine are very tight, to the point I was afraid I might break the ball joint off ( the shoulder mount pieces are not very big, nor do they inspire confidence regarding their tensile strength. )

The locust-like aesthetic is certainly unique and interesting...I get a real loner vibe from the character in both modes.

Snarl is pretty cool; there are some sacrifices made that do not allow the dino's front legs to rotate forward or back, but he''s a decent looking Triceratops. I fidgeted with him for a few minutes working his various parts until I was able to get the head and neck crest to sit close/flush with the bot's body. He's not super poseable, but he does have a moderate amount of articulation. I love how this guy looks...squat and tough. Shame Hasbro didn't paint his club as shown on the box..it's just all transluscent orange.

Edited by M'Kyuun

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A little bit. i don't know why Hasbro didn't paint the sides of the chest black. It would have looked better in bot mode, and would make the split between the fenders and the main chest/bonnet area much less noticeable. As is out of the box, I still don't think he's that bad...all my gripes are minor and easily remedied, save the lack of detail in the leg showing through trans-black windows. That would require some serious out-of-my-league modding.

To be honest, I don't mind the visible legs bit. That's all part of the fun really. But the chest bit is a little annoying. I mean, sure, mine will likely spend most of the time in robot mode, but still. :sceptic:

Snarl is pretty cool; there are some sacrifices made that do not allow the dino's front legs to rotate forward or back, but he''s a decent looking Triceratops. I fidgeted with him for a few minutes working his various parts until I was able to get the head and neck crest to sit close/flush with the bot's body. He's not super poseable, but he does have a moderate amount of articulation. I love how this guy looks...squat and tough. Shame Hasbro didn't paint his club as shown on the box..it's just all transluscent orange.

I was only going to get TFA Prowl, but I think I might have to get the Dinobots as well now. Grimlock looks fantastic, and Snarl and Swoop look pretty nice as well. Grimlock with that underbite... :wub:

  • 4 weeks later...

Grimlock's cool, but Hasbro could have made him a bit cooler had they made folding plates attached to the "wings" to hide his robot head in dino mode. Still, he's a good homage to the original, with a lot of character on his own.

I'm still trying to find Swoop. I haven't seen him anywhere yet, although I've found Oil Slick, Snarl, and Soundwave.

Galvatron is my latest acquisition. I was a little disappointed. Several of his ball/socket joints are weak, and he is indeed pretty small. His poseability is hampereed by the large back kibble (aft sides of the tank) and the fact that he has no extendable heels to help him balance. I can stand him up and that's about it. Aesthetically, I think he captures the look of the movie depiction very well, despite the obvious tank parts/detail.

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Grimlock's cool, but Hasbro could have made him a bit cooler had they made folding plates attached to the "wings" to hide his robot head in dino mode. Still, he's a good homage to the original, with a lot of character on his own.

I was reading about that today. Shame it's so obvious, but he does look pretty cool otherwise. Pity he's a Voyager... that's £20 I have to find from somewhere. :laugh:

I'm still trying to find Swoop. I haven't seen him anywhere yet, although I've found Oil Slick, Snarl, and Soundwave.

I came across Oil Slick, Jazz and Soundwave in TRU today, along with Lugnut, Roll Out Prime, Grimlock, Ratchet, Blackarachnia and a couple of other TFA figures. They also had Universe Blaster, Tankor, Sunstreaker and Prowl. I was going to get Sunstreaker and TFA Jazz, plus maybe Prowl, but it was really busy, it was warm, the queues were really long, and I was tired. I thought "nah" and left it for another day, when it's less busy.

Jazz does look pretty neat though. I'm reading good reviews, and he looks homage-y enough to be worth getting. That and he's Jazz.

I can verify that, I got him Saturday and he is a very cool homage to our Jazz. Grimlock is fantastic too, bar initial trouble getting the arms to fold in. Animated leader class is great so far (not got Magnus but not so interested).

I can also say Sunstreaker is total win, Prowl is great and Onslaught it particularly bulky and menacing.

It has been a good month for Transformers.

I walked into walmart last night and theree was a large display of TFA figs. I finally scored Blitzwing. Holy crap is he chunky in his alt modes...both of 'em, but his bot mode vcaptrures the cartoon look very well, the face gimmick is effective, and his articulation is great. I'm hoping to find Swoop and Universe Ironhide soon.

I can't recommend Universe Prowl and TFA Jazz enough. Sunstreaker is very well done as well, but I'm looking even more forward to Sideswipe. I wish the leg transformation was different compared to Sunstreaker's ( the original art shown at SDCC showed the legs looking very similar to the G1 figure), but it's still a good looking fig overall.

I'm very much looking forward to the '09 figs, specifically The Universe Hound and Ravage set, and Cyclonus. For TFA, LongArm/Shockwave is awesome from the pics I've seen. Can't wait.

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I can verify that, I got him Saturday and he is a very cool homage to our Jazz. Grimlock is fantastic too, bar initial trouble getting the arms to fold in. Animated leader class is great so far (not got Magnus but not so interested).

To be honest, I rather like the TFA toys. I've not had a chance to watch any of the cartoon yet, but I think the toy style is very nice. I had a long break at college the other day, so I nipped into town. I caved, and picked up TFA Prowl. Honestly, I love him. He's just so cool. I got back to college way before the end of my break, and caved again. I couldn't wait until I got home to open him, so there I was sat in the canteen eating my lunch, playing with Prowl. Suffice to say, I got a few weird looks. :laugh:

I can also say Sunstreaker is total win, Prowl is great and Onslaught it particularly bulky and menacing.

Woolies doesn't seem to have got them in yet, at least not here. Neither has Tesco. I'll have to wait until I'm next in TRU. Funny thing about when I was in the other day, is that not only was the store ridiculously warm and ridiculously busy, but the TF shelf was an absolute mess. There were figures everywhere, thrown on the shelves, resting on top of others, hidden behind and underneath others.

Sunstreaker is very well done as well, but I'm looking even more forward to Sideswipe. I wish the leg transformation was different compared to Sunstreaker's ( the original art shown at SDCC showed the legs looking very similar to the G1 figure), but it's still a good looking fig overall.

I imagine they'll look great together. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, together as they should be. :wub:

As for the '09 figs, Hound/Ravage looks to be great. There were a few others I liked as well, but I can't quite remember who... might have to check out the pics again.

I recall seeing a terribly mistranformed Cheetor and a rather boxy Inferno who I will be picking up with the Cyclonus/Targetmaster set.

I really should buy Lockdown, especially since all 2 or 3 new different paint jobs will probably wipe out the original one.

Reason being, I'm a sucker for black and lime green, and this sticker set from reprolabels.com that make him look like the guy from an earlier year (Cybertron? Energon?) are freaking SWEET.


  • Author
I recall seeing a terribly mistranformed Cheetor and a rather boxy Inferno who I will be picking up with the Cyclonus/Targetmaster set.

Oh yes, that's right. I wasn't too sure on the Cheetor, but if he was mistransformed, maybe he'll turn out to be better. Inferno was pretty nice, but I'm not too bothered about Cyclonus.

Reason being, I'm a sucker for black and lime green, and this sticker set from reprolabels.com that make him look like the guy from an earlier year (Cybertron? Energon?) are freaking SWEET.

You mean the pirate? After a bit of research, you appear to be thinking of Cybertron Cannonball.


Yeah, Cannonball. Thanks.

Lockdown's sexier with that app though, now that I'm lookin' at the original.

I recall seeing a terribly mistranformed Cheetor and a rather boxy Inferno who I will be picking up with the Cyclonus/Targetmaster set.

I think the complete list of what we know are those and Hot Shot (Yes, a new mold that looks like the Armada one. JaAm), plus some Legends toys and a mysterious 5 pack of deluxes

Things that might appear include Overload, Leo Prime, Dinobot, Scourge, Superion, Bruticus, Vector Prime, and a Starscream who we know nothing about, but who is possibly Arm. Starscream based on the Cheetor-Dinobot and the fact there's a Hot-Shot


Yeah, Cannonball. Thanks.

Lockdown's sexier with that app though, now that I'm lookin' at the original.

I personally like it better on Cannonball though.

In other news I picked up Big Daddy, Breakaway, and Blitzwing today. Best Walmart ever.

  • Author
I think the complete list of what we know are those and Hot Shot (Yes, a new mold that looks like the Armada one. JaAm), plus some Legends toys and a mysterious 5 pack of deluxes

Yes, there's Hot Shot as well. I think the 5-pack has been revealed recently. It's got repaints of Armada Deluxe Prime, Cyclonus, Sideswipe, Blurr and Hoist. Can't quite remember what they've been renamed as.

I think the Legends toys you're thinking of are the Legends Minibots. Brawn, Bumblebee and Beachcomber, I think.

In case anyone is interested...

A few years ago there was a Transformers site called Transfandom. Well, that site imploded, but a lot of the core staff is still around and we've started a Transformers blog to serve as a sort of online e-zine

The Underbase Online

Now, we only have 3 entries so far, but give it a shot, we're brand new :wink:

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In case anyone is interested...

Sounds good. Thanks for bringing it to our attention, and I wish it every luck for the future. Neat reference with the name there as well.

In other news, word has come out that TFA Wave 3 is available in Asda of all places. Need to call in and check that out, all my Woolies has is two Bumblebee's. Tesco also has the Wave 3 voyagers (Grimlock et al), but no deluxes.

Edited by Brainbox

Glavatron and Acidstorm are appearing in TRU and Forbidden Planet too.

I'm sorry if its not allow to post leaked pic but her it is



HE IS AWSOME, and ready to kill some one.

  • Author
Glavatron and Acidstorm are appearing in TRU and Forbidden Planet too.

Hmm... I've not got Sunstreaker or Prowl yet. Are they TRU exclusives or are they just not out anywhere else?

I'm sorry if its not allow to post leaked pic but her it is

Oh, you might as well. We'll be asked to remove it soon enough. I don't think Megs has got the "in disguise" bit quite right though. Quick question, btw: Who's Megatroon? :wink:

I picked up TFA Jazz yesterday from Asda, on your recommendations. He's pretty nice. I think I prefer Prowl, but Jazz is pretty cool. In related news, some new pictures of next year's offerings have surfaced here. Not too sure what Classics Starscream is doing there, but otherwise it's a pretty nice bag. Still not sure about Cheetor, but TFA Blurr, Hound, Inferno and the Legends Minibots (Brawn especially) all look great.

It appears the next crossovers line appears to be disney!?!


Here's hoping to a Gaston Tank transformer.

  • Author
It appears the next crossovers line appears to be disney!?!


Some more pictures of Universe Deluxe Wave 4 here (Hound/Ravage, Starscream, Cyclonus, Cheetor), as well as a look here at more new stuff: Universe Smokescreen, Mighty Muggs Soundwave, Legends Cosmos and RID Robot Heroes.

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