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Skids and Mudflap filled the stereotype of black people in America. Not very well educated (as they said they didn't do a lot of reading), at least one had a gold tooth, and the way they talked with bad grammar and with a underlining tone of unintelligence. I am not saying that I agree with these stereotypes at all, but they definitely had all of these characteristics. If you don't live in the US I can understand why you might not get the stereotypes.

First off, yes, i do live in the U.S.. And second, as an African American Male myself, i did not see any stereo types of African Americans that you have pointed out. Why is that? Cause they were not African Americans.

You want to know what i saw? Two ORANGE AND GREEN ROBOTS that acted dumb and immature that gave great comic relief and learned that behavior through earths kids. (as stated by Optimus in the first movie) Not African American Behavior.

It seriously aggravates me to know end when people see this type of behaviour and automatically think..

"Man, look at his uneducated, gold tooth, bad grammar individual. Man, they must me making fun of black people!"

I don't consider Bay a Racist in any way. I consider the people that take offense by these robots the racist. Cause as i pointed out, they are the ones that are associate this behavior with black people.

And just so were clear, I'm not singling you out, or associating in this category SWMAN, as you already stated that you don't agree with the above stereo types. But this whole topic has been seriously been blown way out of proportion.

No one b!tches when the Wayne Brothers (african American actors/directors) make obvious cracks at black people. No one complains when Spike Lee makes a movie with a bunch of black gang memebers doing a drive by..

But Micheal Bay makes a movie with to transforming robots from another planet with gold teeth and can't read,and people automaticly think "Racist Bastard!!"


First off, yes, i do live in the U.S.. And second, as an African American Male myself, i did not see any stereo types of African Americans that you have pointed out. Why is that? Cause they were not African Americans.

You want to know what i saw? Two ORANGE AND GREEN ROBOTS that acted dumb and immature that gave great comic relief and learned that behavior through earths kids. (as stated by Optimus in the first movie) Not African American Behavior.

It seriously aggravates me to know end when people see this type of behaviour and automatically think..

"Man, look at his uneducated, gold tooth, bad grammar individual. Man, they must me making fun of black people!"

I don't consider Bay a Racist in any way. I consider the people that take offense by these robots the racist. Cause as i pointed out, they are the ones that are associate this behavior with black people.

And just so were clear, I'm not singling you out, or associating in this category SWMAN, as you already stated that you don't agree with the above stereo types. But this whole topic has been seriously been blown way out of proportion.

No one b!tches when the Wayne Brothers (african American actors/directors) make obvious cracks at black people. No one complains when Spike Lee makes a movie with a bunch of black gang memebers doing a drive by..

But Micheal Bay makes a movie with to transforming robots from another planet with gold teeth and can't read,and people automaticly think "Racist Bastard!!"


I agree. I am just pointing out what I saw that people might see as well.

I saw it yesterday (really because my wife wanted to go, not for me). It just didn't do it for me, but neither did the first.

The humor was too forced. It was definitely humor for twelve-year-old boys. The robot testicles, and the swearing that was funny because it was done in often nasaly robot voices, not human voices.

The plot was bad and predictable, but this movie was never about a story.

All in all, I just felt it was a continuation of the abomination of my favorite after-school cartoon.

Oh, and I saw the trailer for GI Joe...more blech.

I just saw it, and it had some great pros but some terrible cons...

I liked the movie overall. The Transformers were well designed (except for the balls) and the action sequences were great, but I couldn't see them since it went so fast and the camera shake was so bad...

I think Optimus's last stand was the best sequence. He was doing pretty good until Megatron stabbed him from behind. He ripped Starscream's arm off. :laugh:

Now I know about the humor of the film, since the first film had the same kind, but it was just too much for me this time. I was almost okay with it until the Devastator balls scene. It was just too much. And Mudflap and Skidz just felt like the worst racial stereotype characters I’ve seen in a film! I just could not stand them! If you enjoyed the humor in this film, that's fine, I'm not judging anyone about it but to me I just could not stand it like the first film. It was too much.

I will not spoil any part to anyone so I will not comment in specific scenes but rather as a whole thing. My first complain needs to go with the character development :hmpf_bad: , I wasn´t really expecting an Oscar quality plot of any kind but really Bay focused too much in the action sequence and very little in the development of the characters. You barely see any of the new autobots or decepticons developed and what is worse is that they lose track of some of the characters that the last film established :sadnew: .

I also don�t like how they based the movie so much into it�s comic relief :hmpf_bad: . What I liked about the last ilm is that it gives you some TRUE laughs and is quite serious at times but I really don�t see even a small bit of good humor in this one. It also contain too many sexual themed jokes to my taste, don�t get my wrong many movies use them nowadays but they just doesn�t feel right in this one.

I must admit that the effects and action sequences are REALLY GOOD and that they have a pretty good quality too. I also like how they make me remember does God Of War like kills around all the action sequences (Don´t fear thought they don´t contain any kind of blood just metal parts flying everywhere :tongue: ).

Oh, and one other thing relating to a review I read of the movie: Michael Bay really went insane the day he decided to put balls on a transformer. Seriously, what in Optimus Prime's name was he thinking? :wacko:

I have to agree on the humor. All of it was either stupid or overly sexual. I remember seeing the first one with my sister and squirming the whole time whenever they let off... I couldn't enjoy the movie at all because of it. This time, while I didn't have any vulnerable young relatives with me, I liked the movie more, but the humor was even worse. The action in this movie was great, but Michael Bay seems to think it needs to have sex in it.

Once again, it felt a lot like one big Chevrolet cartoon.

*Snips most of the rubbish*

But Micheal Bay makes a movie with to transforming robots from another planet with gold teeth and can't read,and people automaticly think "Racist Bastard!!"


Your arguments are poorly constructed, exaggerating how we are supposedly reacting and then trying to start an argument. Like always.

They were racist stereotypes because they fell in line with all other racist stereotypes of african-americans in film, and almost identical to many characters that Bay has had in his films that were, you guessed it, african-american. I'm not calling Bay a racist, don't be ridiculous, but he is pretty ignorant, just read a couple of his interviews and you'd think he'd never been to real life.

And I'm not complaining because they were stereotypes anyway, comedians get big laughs from exploiting stereotypes. It's because they were unoriginal, unfunny and generally annoying, as well as taking up way too much screentime that Arcee or another transformer could've had.

Batbrick Away! :devil:

I just saw it, and it had some great pros but some terrible cons...

I liked the movie overall. The Transformers were well designed (except for the balls) and the action sequences were great, but I couldn't see them since it went so fast and the camera shake was so bad...

I think Optimus's last stand was the best sequence. He was doing pretty good until Megatron stabbed him from behind. He ripped Starscream's arm off. :laugh:

I have to agree on the humor. All of it was either stupid or overly sexual. I remember seeing the first one with my sister and squirming the whole time whenever they let off... I couldn't enjoy the movie at all because of it. This time, while I didn't have any vulnerable young relatives with me, I liked the movie more, but the humor was even worse. The action in this movie was great, but Michael Bay seems to think it needs to have sex in it.

Once again, it felt a lot like one big Chevrolet cartoon.

I don't really see how there was anything that sexual in it. I admit, the ball sequence and the scenes between Sam and Megan Fox/The Decepticon Girl were a bit sexual, but it's a PG-13 movie. It added a little something to a movie that otherwise had all action. I don't know how old your sister was, but the first movie barely had any sexual sequences of even references.

Your arguments are poorly constructed, exaggerating how we are supposedly reacting and then trying to start an argument. Like always.

Here we go.....

Your going to insult me by telling me that MY arguments are poorly constructed, claim that I'm exaggerating on how your reacting,then say I'm the one trying to start an argument?? Please. I at no point initiated any argument, rather a debate. You ever have one of those? Don't dismiss my points (especially being an African American myself) as being poor, and then make claims that I'm over reacting and trying to start an argument. Its comments like these that make these friendly conversations escalate into something alot more than it should be. I stand behind everything I said. Don't dismiss my points cause you don't agree with them.

They were racist stereotypes because they fell in line with all other racist stereotypes of African-Americans in film, and almost identical to many characters that Bay has had in his films that were, you guessed it, African-American. I'm not calling Bay a racist, don't be ridiculous, but he is pretty ignorant, just read a couple of his interviews and you'd think he'd never been to real life.

But see, here's the problem that Lie's within your logic and everyone one else that seeing these two as acting in Black Stereo types. THEIR NOT BLACK They are ROBOTS that exhibited immature behaviour that is common among today's youth of all cultures. Do African Americans exhibit this behaviour? Sure. But so do white people, Asian, Europeans, Latino, etc. Its sad that when you see behaviour like this you automatically think of the African American race. Open your eyes alittle more to the world around you.

Check out a comedy called "Malibu's most wanted". While its nothing serious, and portray many stereo types in itself, it really does bring light to stereotypes. If you don't get anything out of it, you should at least get a laugh.

And I'm not complaining because they were stereotypes anyway, comedians get big laughs from exploiting stereotypes. It's because they were unoriginal, unfunny and generally annoying, as well as taking up way too much screen time that Arcee or another transformer could had.

Batbrick Away! :devil:

No one said you had to like them. Though i do agree, that it would have been nice to see more of Arcee.

I don't really see how there was anything that sexual in it. I admit, the ball sequence and the scenes between Sam and Megan Fox/The Decepticon Girl were a bit sexual, but it's a PG-13 movie. It added a little something to a movie that otherwise had all action. I don't know how old your sister was, but the first movie barely had any sexual sequences of even references.

Its coments like you quoted SWMAN, that shows that many have never experianced "college life" so to speak. Frat parties, half naked girls, sexual advances.... This is what college is. Not saying that i agree with it, or that everyone that attends college exhibits this behaviour, but it is a very real part of college life. Some schools are more known for parting than others, but even the most prestegies of schools live up to the "Stereo type". Oops!! Threre's that word again!

Edited by 5150 Lego

Whatever, I'm not going to continue with this game. You claim to love "debating", not arguing, when the former clearly takes an appropriate perspective rather than the overreacting one you adopt. Next time don't make simple assumptions about people.

Moving on from that debacle, did anyone think the sand crossing scene went on way too long? I think that should have been cut down more so the climactic battle with The Fallen could be better.

Batbrick Away! :devil:

Were you not paying attention??? The Combination sequence of devestator was defenatly in the movie, and it was incredible!!

Oh yeah, I saw it but I can see that it could be argued that the

Constructicons didn't form Devastator in the film but just regular construction vehicles, like Devastator was in pieces until he formed together. Even you mentioned that the Constructicons were in a different area at the same time of the Devastator formation scene. It could well be an error or they are completely separate things. I really don't know.

Here's a link on what I was talking about: Devastator (ROTF) Once you're there, scroll down to the very bottom and read the trivia section and it talks about it. And remember, for those who haven't seen the movie yet, don't click the link since it has some spoilers.

Moving on from that debacle, did anyone think the sand crossing scene went on way too long? I think that should have been cut down more so the climactic battle with The Fallen could be better.

Moving away from that debate might be best for the topic. I didn't intend for it to get that way, I'm sorry about that. So moving on, I also felt the climactic battle should have been longer. I felt as if it went by too fast. I can't say it didn't look awesome but it was just too short for my taste. And since Bay, so far, won't be directing the next one, I wonder who they're going to find to replace him. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Brett Ratner.

Does anyone know what happened to the twins. They said to stay under it and then we never saw them again.

Whatever, I'm not going to continue with this game. You claim to love "debating", not arguing, when the former clearly takes an appropriate perspective rather than the overreacting one you adopt. Next time don't make simple assumptions about people.

What are you talking about? What game? Have a look at post 724, through 727 of this thread.

See how i asked a question, another member gave a response in a civilized manner, and i gave similar response back in a civilized manner? Do you see that? That's called a debate. But instead of doing this, you start off my saying my arguments are poorly constructed, (which they weren't) and tell me I'm just trying to start an argument. Well here you have it. Don't be naive in thinking you can say these type of comments and not expect a response. That's not very smart on your part.

I find it odd that every time i ask a question/ disagree with a comment, you and your little friends automatically start off as rude and disrespectful and have the audacity of telling me I'm trying to start an argument. And yes, it is you that is starting all this.

I've had plenty of debates on this site (alot of which are in this thread) without the wining, complaining that you seem to cause yourself. People are going to disagree on matters, and some people are going to be more pasionite about it than others. This doesn't mean their trying to impliment an aurgument.

Oh yeah, I saw it but I can see that it could be argued that the

Constructicons didn't form Devastator in the film but just regular construction vehicles, like Devastator was in pieces until he formed together. Even you mentioned that the Constructicons were in a different area at the same time of the Devastator formation scene. It could well be an error or they are completely separate things. I really don't know.

Here's a link on what I was talking about: Devastator (ROTF) Once you're there, scroll down to the very bottom and read the trivia section and it talks about it. And remember, for those who haven't seen the movie yet, don't click the link since it has some spoilers.

Ah, OK. I see what your talking about now. Yes, as i said i agree that this was a point in the movie that should have been addressed better. I would have much rather seen other decepticons battling in the final desert scene

instead of the construcicons "clones " that technically should have been in devastator. .

Something tells me that it wasn't an error, but done for the reasons

to justify why the vehicles that form the big devastator toy don't have robot modes.

It really doesn't bug me that they

didn't show the constructicons in robot mode, then turn into devastator. I actually liked that they showed them combine in vehicle mode.

Either way, it is what it is. The more i think about it, the less it really bothers me.

And since Bay, so far, won't be directing the next one, I wonder who they're going to find to replace him. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Brett Ratner.

He is coming back for the 3rd. He's just talking a yr off.

Does anyone know what happened to the twins. They said to stay under it and then we never saw them again.

At the end scene

i believe they were on the deck of the aircraft carrier in vehicle mode along with the other autobots. So this would suggest they survied.

He is coming back for the 3rd. He's just talking a yr off.

Actually, there are rumors that he will not be returning due to the negative criticism. Now, due to the fact that the movie has made so much money, I am guessing he will come back.

Actually, there are rumors that he will not be returning due to the negative criticism. Now, due to the fact that the movie has made so much money, I am guessing he will come back.

And that's the real kicker. Money. Critics and say what they want about it, ( "Die hard" fans as well), but bottom line is its making a killing. I really do hope he does return. At minimum, to keep the general feel the same. Each movie has worked kind of in waves.

The first movie was going into unknown territory. New designs, new story, live action. NO one (as much as G1 fans like to say would) truly knew what was, and wasn't going to work. Bay and the writers did what they felt was going to appease the fans, as well as general audience. For the most part, they succeeded.

The second movie was really an appeal to try and please the fans even more. More characters, more character development, more action. Unfortunately not everyone liked every bot, and others felt others should have had more development. (which i can't argue). Again, for the most part, i felt they succeeded,but still there is room for improvement.

Now we have the third (hopefully)coming. I think we now have a solid structure of what will, and won't work to appease everyone. (fans and general public alike). Although your never going to make everyone happy, i think Bay and team is moving in the right direction. I feel at this point if anyone else takes the directors throne, the movie time line will just go all out of whack. Like when Joel Schumacher took over the Batman movies from Tim Burton. Only time will tell though.

Does anyone know what happened to the twins. They said to stay under it and then we never saw them again.

I was wondering about that... My guess is:



Personally, if Bay don´t return for the third film I will understand it. That could change the whole feel of the third one and maybe they can get the film right again (I love the first one but can´t get over the second one). A new director like Zack Snyder could make great thing for this films mainly because he can add that mature touch I like in the movies (With this I don´t mean I want any kind of sex scene or such but that I want a more mature plot and storyline).

Personally, if Bay don´t return for the third film I will understand it. That could change the whole feel of the third one and maybe they can get the film right again (I love the first one but can´t get over the second one). A new director like Zack Snyder could make great thing for this films mainly because he can add that mature touch I like in the movies (With this I don´t mean I want any kind of sex scene or such but that I want a more mature plot and storyline).

Honestly, I think Snyder would be overkill for a Transformers movie. He has done some really visually striking stuff like 300 and Watchmen. I don't think Transformers needs those deep plots and really striking images. It needs big explosions and a fun story. It is based off of toys after all. I am afraid that he would take what he did with 300 and Watchmen and do it to Transformers, which would ruin it.

The second one had too much funny parts in it :sceptic:

Personally, if Bay don´t return for the third film I will understand it. That could change the whole feel of the third one and maybe they can get the film right again (I love the first one but can´t get over the second one). A new director like Zack Snyder could make great thing for this films mainly because he can add that mature touch I like in the movies (With this I don´t mean I want any kind of sex scene or such but that I want a more mature plot and storyline).

This is one thing I've never understood among the TF fan base. It seems after seeing the DK, many TF Fans (especially G1 fan boys) want,or feel the movie should have had this deep, meaningful plot and storyline, when the subject material has lacked any of this. I'm sorry, but i have never seen a good, non- cheesy plot/storyline in any of the TF series. Not from G1, Armada, beastwars, and especially not Energon. So i don't know why many felt this should have broken the mold so to speak.

Personally,i liked all the humor and was fine with all the sexual references, (although i still think they did help play key roles in the plot and story) but i can see where some might have found it a bit over the top.

TF should always be about megablocks kicking robots and action. They are in a war after all.

This is one thing I've never understood among the TF fan base. It seems after seeing the DK, many TF Fans (especially G1 fan boys) want,or feel the movie should have had this deep, meaningful plot and storyline, when the subject material has lacked any of this. I'm sorry, but i have never seen a good, non- cheesy plot/storyline in any of the TF series. Not from G1, Armada, beastwars, and especially not Energon. So i don't know why many felt this should have broken the mold so to speak.

Personally,i liked all the humor and was fine with all the sexual references, (although i still think they did help play key roles in the plot and story) but i can see where some might have found it a bit over the top.

TF should always be about megablocks kicking robots and action. They are in a war after all.

Exactly. It shouldn't be some deep, moving film with a hard-core story line that is artsy. It should be a movie with big explosions and a fun plot.

Exactly. It shouldn't be some deep, moving film with a hard-core story line that is artsy. It should be a movie with big explosions and a fun plot.

You know, the more i think about the whole "lack of plot and story" that so many claim this movie lacks, the more and more i find how much, and rich the plot/story really has. If you pay attention, and put two and two together, the more it makes sence. For example...

Many complain...

"Why is it that the Decepticons could bring back Megatron with a peice of the all spark, but Sam could not bring back Optimus with the small fragment that Michaela was holding for him?"

Well, if you think about it..

The autobots do not miss use the power of the All spark. This also explains why they did not bring back Jazz in the first film. Both are soldiers and know the risk that is involved.

Also,one could argue that the power of the fragment that Sam had was used up to wake JetFire. And the fact that Optimus being a prime, such a small piece would not have an effect on him.

This of course is just an example, but if you think about it, this movie seems to be made more for "the fans" than many originally thought.

You know, the more i think about the whole "lack of plot and story" that so many claim this movie lacks, the more and more i find how much, and rich the plot/story really has. If you pay attention, and put two and two together, the more it makes sence. For example...

Many complain...

"Why is it that the Decepticons could bring back Megatron with a peice of the all spark, but Sam could not bring back Optimus with the small fragment that Michaela was holding for him?"

Well, if you think about it..

The autobots do not miss use the power of the All spark. This also explains why they did not bring back Jazz in the first film. Both are soldiers and know the risk that is involved.

Also,one could argue that the power of the fragment that Sam had was used up to wake JetFire. And the fact that Optimus being a prime, such a small piece would not have an effect on him.

This of course is just an example, but if you think about it, this movie seems to be made more for "the fans" than many originally thought.

Also don't forget

The Decepticons destroyed one of their guys for parts to fix Megatron so it wasn't just a matter of jamming a chunk of the all spark into him

Very true.

i saw the movie the other day and it turned out to be great. it had a nice storyline and great choice in characters. One thing i found annoying was the constant sexual jokes, the one at the begining was okay but it seemed they were involved with almost eveything in the movie including the scene with devastator on the pyramid :sceptic:

I loved the movie and I really hope that with the third, they find a way to involve Unicron. :wink:

So my birthday was last week and i was blessed with some TRU, and Target gift cards! I haven't bought in TF in quite some time so i felt i needed to amp up my collection. Here's what i picked up...

ROTF Deluxe Rampage.

Good figure. I really like his robot mode. Different than anything we've had before. Very orignal design. HIs alt mode is cool too. BUti felt he would have benifited better from a Voyager


ROTF Voyager Demolisher..

Nice Figure. Very different robot mode whitch i like. Its hard to get his wheels roling in robot mode though, and they don't move in his alt mode. I also like that he is fairly easy to transform.

ROTF Voyager Mixmaster..

One of my favorites. Great alt mode. Very detailed when he is in cement mixer mode. His robot mode is nice too. Although i don't care for the front cab of the truck just just trucking behind him. Takes away from his overall design. He is also a bit tricky to trnsform back to vehicle mode. The mixer panels have to be movied just right to get everything to fit back into place. I like that he is a triple changer and can be a cannon. Nice extra touch.

Deluxe Skids.

I like him. Fairly easy transformation, and looks great in Robot mode. His little punching fist is fun.

ROTF Leader class Megatron...

I picked him up cause i never got the last movie Megs. I like him! Pretty easy to transform, and his tank mode is clever. NOt as solid as i would have liked though, but overall not bad.

This week TRU was having a sale on Animated Leader class figures. So i picked up Leader class Ultram Magnus..

Let me tell you. This has to be one of the best figures ever to come out of hasbro. Fit and finish on this is exellent, only to be rivaled by Animated Leader class Bulk head. I have to say, i'm very impressed with the Animated figures. Very solid in both vehicle and robot modes. Way better than anything from the movie line. But back to Ultra Magnus..

Great fig. Just great. Easy transformation, very solid, and great voice effects. I love his "Battle mode" with retractable cannons. Easily possable and strong. At $19.99 he was halk off and a steal, but easily worth full price. Highly, highy recomened!

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