August 5, 201311 yr "I would watch what I say about your superiors in public, if I were you. If you notice something amiss, please file a report with the commanders of this vessel. Your officers should know what they're doing. Remember that if you keep quiet and they're killed by their own stupidity, then a spot opens up for someone to be promoted. We like that. Encourages competency, common sense, and competitive learning." Sorry Sir, I'm just too darn honest for my own good .
August 6, 201311 yr "Remember that if you keep quiet and they're killed by their own stupidity, then a spot opens up for someone to be promoted. We like that. Encourages competency, common sense, and competitive learning." Works if there are unlimited supplies of troopers to replace the defective ones, but it's not like they grow in factories on a production line or anything. Hey, there's an idea! A clone army.
August 6, 201311 yr Author Works if there are unlimited supplies of troopers to replace the defective ones, but it's not like they grow in factories on a production line or anything. Hey, there's an idea! A clone army. "If you fall in battle, soldier, a hundred recruits from the Rim and officers from Carida will take your place. Now if only they could learn to shoot decently..."
August 6, 201311 yr "after being promoted, high command assigned me and my little platoon to Tatooine to watch over the locals to avoid the posibility of any future insurrections, do you have any idea of how much I hate going there? hot, sandy, and filled with smugglers and all kind of scum, I feel like the most unlucky trooper of the galaxy, in that moment I would have rejected this slight promotion if it granted me the chance to go anywere in the galaxy, I mean it, anyware" (you know that I didnt mean that ) Edited August 6, 201311 yr by Nom Carver
August 7, 201311 yr Sir, my squad and I have descended to the lower levels of Cloud City to prevent civilians from escaping. We ambushed the Bespin guards guarding the levels and took them hostage. We await further orders.
August 7, 201311 yr After capturing multiple rebel soldiers on Tatooine, we were reassigned (at last) to Bespin, let's see whats goin on there that summons so much atention from the empire.
August 7, 201311 yr "We shall not let the rebels escape the city unscathed my troops. Use all force necessary to maintain control. I am eager to see your ingenuity in the presence of a challenge."
August 7, 201311 yr My wingman and I are launching for a CAP mission above Bespin to stop any rebel craft from fleeing the system.
August 7, 201311 yr Er, General Veers is having me transferred to to the Cloud City garrison, something to do with my last position being, well, filled in...
August 7, 201311 yr Author Er, General Veers is having me transferred to to the Cloud City garrison, something to do with my last position being, well, filled in... "Good work, trooper. Diligence will be rewarded. I'm sure you're eager to see some action."
August 7, 201311 yr "Good work, trooper. Diligence will be rewarded. I'm sure you're eager to see some action." Action as in, like, shooting? ...Moving targets?
August 7, 201311 yr Sir, we blasted our way into the lower levels and are preventing the civilians' escape. Some nasty-looking bounty hunters are trying to stop us, though...
August 7, 201311 yr Author Action as in, like, shooting? ...Moving targets? "Yes. Just watch out for the named NPCs. They're usually impossible to hit."
August 8, 201311 yr I heard that we've captured some important people down in the storage facilities. Guard duty, eh ... I'm going, I'm going ... still thinking about good old times.
August 8, 201311 yr I heard about your service on Tatooine MstrOfPppts, outstanding indeed, the empire watches over its men.
August 8, 201311 yr (comlink interferance)... I request backup on the conecting bridge F-G on the north side of the mining complex number 24, rebels are trenched in and setup a powerfull AAA (anti air artillery) cccccjjjjjjjjjjjjjj... Edited August 8, 201311 yr by Nom Carver
August 10, 201311 yr "I have just arrived at Cloud City, any resistance will be no match for us" (freebuild)
August 13, 201311 yr Sir, scout trooper Legofin requesting some time off duty to rest before flying off to Cloud city. (Free build on it's way)
August 18, 201311 yr Lt. Case "Phoenixhawk" Darvil and his wingmen launch from the Star Destroyer Avenger for a run into Bespin to stop the rebel scum from escaping. The trio of TIE Interceptors streak out of their launch bay and into the inky darkness, their mission instructions clear: prevent ships from escaping Bespin, especially those affiliated with the rebels. After a quick systems check outside the ship, the trio fly toward the planet, intent on completing their mission. As they near the atmosphere, the flight leader, squadron XO Danor "Crusher" Stalgoy, orders Darvil and his roommate, Lt. Farn "Scorch" Hawstop, to power up their cannons to full power and to shoot down any craft not squawking Imperial IFF codes. The trio enter the atmosphere at full speed, their sensors already detecting targets. "Heads up men," Crusher says, "We've got a target rich environment down here. Light 'em up and take 'em down. Lowest score buys the drinks next port call." Darvil and Scorch both clicked their mics in reply. The three TIE Interceptors approached Cloud City, which was a flurry of activity. "I've got the guy on the right," Darvil said, maneuvering his ship to line up a shot. As his target indicator flashed, Darvil pushed down on the firing triggers...
August 18, 201311 yr Author Someone asked me how I joined the Empire, so here's my story short. "Glad you're on our side, trooper! Good work. It's my pleasure to promote you to the Imperial Survey Corps, where you can be trained as a technician or pilot, or remain as a Stormtrooper to guard the other men of that division."
August 23, 201311 yr "TIE pilot R-T-74N reporting, sir: We have gained the upper hand, our TIE squadrons are taking down any civilian or military ship that is attempting to leave the planet. Although my fighter has not taken much damage, I will be landing shortly for some small fixes and also for re-fueling. TIE pilot out." ***End of transmission***
September 10, 201311 yr Author "It has come to my attention that the Rebels have been honing their skills and winning over citizens with stories of their pasts, by taking advantage of opportunities for free action. This lack of Imperial domination is unacceptable."
September 12, 201311 yr Most of the imperial personnel are already working on their assignments sir, maybe they haven't reported back (or got killed already as common stormtroopers do ) I personally will start working on my next mission once the evacuation of cloud city has ben halted. Carver out. Edited September 12, 201311 yr by Nom Carver
September 19, 201311 yr Reporting in, Lando Calrissian agreed to turn over the Millenium Falcon crew and now we're securing the storage chambers!
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