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Please stop spamming...we're talking about how we want them officially, so we can, ya know, make actual armies of them. Otherwise, why say we want anything at all? Since you can get custom ANYTHING.

I would like to see them make a :

Ep2 Clone Genosian battle pack: 4-5 white ep2 cloen troopers with a little station *wub*

Ep2 Droid Genosian battle pack: 2 Blue super battle droids and 3 genosians with genosian turret.

Ep3 Utapau Clone battle pack: 4 Orange Clones and in some of the packs come with Commander Cody!!!! :-$

Ep3 Marine Clone battle pack: 4 clone marrine and in some of the packs comes with Commander Bacara And a Laser touret.

Ep3 Kashyyk Clone battle pack: 2 Wookie warriors, 2 Kashyyyk Clone troopers and in some come with Commander Gree with a touret and maybe a vechile.

Ep4 Tantive IV Rebel battle pack: 4 Tantive IV troops and a blast door.

Ep5 Hoth Battle pack snow troopers: 4 snow troopers with a laser toret.

Ep5 Hot battle pack Rebels: 4 Rebel troopers with also laser touret (diffrent from the snow trooper battle pack)

Ep6 Endor Rebel battle pack: 2 rebel soldiers, 2 Ewoks and a ewok with a glider

Ep6 Endor Emperial battle pack: 2 scout troops, 2 AT-ST pilots and 2 speeders

I would definately like a jedi battle pack as long as it contained Shaak Ti,I'm still waiting for Lego to release her in some set in the future... :-/ .

Apart from that a Rebel battle pack and a Hoth stormtrooper or just normal stormtrooper battlepack would be cool to see.

The original imperial guards:


*yoda* Force-pulled them into the wall when confronting the Emperor

Yeay I rock :-D

And those are actually Senate guards (the Empire didn't exist yet :-P ). Here is from SW databank ;-)

An elite security force assembled to protect members of the Galactic Senate, the Senate Guard were garbed in outdated yet symbolic blue robes and helmets. The stoic guards stood watch over the massive Senate rotunda on Coruscant, and its members could be found aboard almost all senatorial transports.

Under the rule of Chancellor Palpatine, the role of the Senate Guard was steadily marginalized. Palpatine installed his own elite guard, the red-robed Royal Guardsmen, for the protection of his office. With the spread of his clone forces that accompanied the transition from Republic to Empire, the Senate Guard grew largely redundant and were eventually phased out.

Ah a little bit of culture is always nice :-D

Guard On !!


I want them to make some for all types of figures. Everyone can use more figures. THe CT and BD ones were cool, and lego really needs to make some for all types of figures. It is also a great chance to make some new figures, like Rebel Fleet Troopers or Endor Troopers.

Here are my two cents.

Since everyone has stated pretty much every conconceivable Empire and Rebel pack within the Star Wars universe, here are a few things I would like to see.

An animal pack: 2 Taun Tauns, a Dewback, a Bantha and maybe the mounts. *wub*

A pack with just the Wampa and Rancor. Maybe?

A pack with various astromech, probe and other droids and maybe a mouse droid.

Finally a weapons pack: 4 blaster rifles, 2 sniper rifles, 2 light sabers, and 2 binoculars. *y* Really any kind of combination of this pack would work, especially since a lot of the old figures do not have the newer blasters.

Great ideas from everyone overall.


Nice idea, Dark Brick - how about a SW Accessories' Pack, like the old LOM/town ones?

Several Long Rifles

Several Short Blasters

^^ (those 2 new obviously)

Couple of retro megaphones

5 or 6 sabers in various colours - red, blue, green, purple

Various Helmets

Spears/MagnaGuard Staffs

The Lightning from the new Castle '07 sets X-D



I think a..374th? squad would be cool. I can't remember the number exactly, but these are a group of yellow troopers who ride BARC speeders. They assasinated one of the Jedi in Ep. 3.

4 or 5 of those guys on bikes would be pretty sweet!

don't remember them, what episode?3?

i am suprised no-one has replied to my CRAZY battle pack ideas

what is a manderloiren?

what manderlions are there in the sar wars universe?

I think the mandaloreans were long before the time span the actual movies took place in. You hear them mentioned in KOTOR (knights of the old republic) and you actually play as one as well as help them in KOTOR II. This is what I remember from the story line.

They are a warring race. Their entire life is based on the advancement of their society through war. Its their greatest glory. They find honor even in defeat. If you have some kind of system (xbox, ps2) I would kind both games, they are pretty cool.


If Im not msitaken, Jango Fett was a mandolarian...or at least his armor very much resembled one. If jango was a mandolorian, that must make the clones mandolorians too...heh.

If LEGO ever came out with mando battle packs then it most definatley be in the expanded universe.


[quote name='picklesdynasty' date='Mar 12 2007, 10:16 PM' post='140249'

If LEGO ever came out with mando battle packs then it most definatley be in the expanded universe.


well lego is starting a EU theme with the TIE crawler, but don't think they will go much further in, i am surprised there is a TIE crawler coming out!

Great idea Darth Brick, an animal pack would be fantastic. I really wish lego would start giving us some of the creatures from SW, i mean theirs plenty of stuff to tap into who wouldnt want a giant rancor or wampa to terrorise their lukes X-D

They are a warring race.

They're not a race, but a clan.The clones were Republic soldiers, and not part of the clan, so they're not Mandalorian.

The original imperial guards:


*yoda* Force-pulled them into the wall when confronting the Emperor

A bit of a late reply but actualy the guards that yoda force pushed were red. I saw that bit on the sky movie channel last night :-D

With all these packs, I am sure that would get very expensive after awhile, even for the hardcore Star Wars fans. I currently have only bought one of each of the packs for the Clone Wars and I tell you that maybe I will buy 2 more of each, but that will be the end of it.

I would definitely purchase an animal pack or 2, especially if I was to do a Mos Eisley or a Hoth MOC.

Oh, as far as the droid pack is concerned, I believe I forgot to include the tredwell droid.

Remember too much of a good thing will put you in debt. Unless of course you are *vader* and you may have to sell your wife to keep up. X-D >:-) (JK) :-P


well lego is starting a EU theme with the TIE crawler, but don't think they will go much further in, i am surprised there is a TIE crawler coming out!
Sorry pal, but that is a bit wrong.

There have been some other stuff. And above all in set 10131.

The most overhyped set in the galaxy (sw wise)!

Battlepacks in all honor.

I would love to see some of them you guys mentioned above.

But I really miss those smaller and cheaper sets.

Like 7200, 7201, 7203 and 7204.

Also the slightly bigger sets but still cheaper like 7139.

They still hold some good minifigs AND some great extra stuff.

Like the Speederbikes

My 2 crownes

i was thinking of a clone marine pack!

they are just snow troopers but purple and they have chain guns! :-D COOOOOOOOOOOL!

(they are from battlefront 2 and they kill ki andi mundi (that spelt right?)

Deluxe battle packs (Basically normal battle packs that are 2-3 times bigger then the normal battle packs clones have same amount of figs as droids..)


Army kit: (4-5 times bigger then normal battle packs)

PRICE: 30-40$ USD

Deluxe army kit: (twice as big as normal army kit, with a small bunker and a vehicle)

60$ USD

Bounty hunter kit-

9$ USD

  • 3 weeks later...
I think a..374th? squad would be cool. I can't remember the number exactly, but these are a group of yellow troopers who ride BARC speeders. They assasinated one of the Jedi in Ep. 3.

4 or 5 of those guys on bikes would be pretty sweet!

I think the mandaloreans were long before the time span the actual movies took place in. You hear them mentioned in KOTOR (knights of the old republic) and you actually play as one as well as help them in KOTOR II. This is what I remember from the story line.

They are a warring race. Their entire life is based on the advancement of their society through war. Its their greatest glory. They find honor even in defeat. If you have some kind of system (xbox, ps2) I would kind both games, they are pretty cool.


If Im not msitaken, Jango Fett was a mandolarian...or at least his armor very much resembled one. If jango was a mandolorian, that must make the clones mandolorians too...heh.

If LEGO ever came out with mando battle packs then it most definatley be in the expanded universe.


*cracks knuckles* :-D

Yes, Jango was mandalorian. Actually, since the Mandalorians have been around for a while, their armor has evolved through the years.

They're not a race, but a clan.The clones were Republic soldiers, and not part of the clan, so they're not Mandalorian.

The clones weren't raised to be mandalorians. However, the mandalorian instructors Jango hired to train the commandos taught them the culture, feeling that without the culture, they were dar'manda, or dead men.

Darn, I'm a geek, aren't I?

What other type of SW battle pack would you like lego to create?

I'd like to see:

Wookie Battle Pack: 4 wookies with bowcasters and a flying vechicle similar to the one in the Wookie Attack set.

Geonesian BP: 5 Geonesian soldiers with weapons+ a laser turret similar to the one in the previous Geonesian set.

Gungan BP: 4 Gungan soldiers, 1 kadoo, one booma catapult

Ewok BP: 4 Ewoks with bows and spears, a catapult and a hanglider.

It is highly likely that TLG will mix battle packs like:

Stormies and rebles

genoisans and clones

droids and gungans

droids and clones

snowies and hoth rebles

scouts and ewoks

wookies and droids

wookies and clones

sandtroopers and jawas

(Not sure about the last one but who else would be included in a sandtrooper battle pack X-D)

For januari 2008 I want:

Hoth rebeltroopers Pack (with at least 4 troopers and 1 or 2 taun-tauns)

Snowtroopers Pack (with at least 4 snowtroopers and one or 2 speerders)


Stormtroopers battle pack (duh, everybody wants that for +/- 8 years *sing* )

Sandtroopers? (they are just Strm Tr having a little pauldron on their shoulder)

Tantive-4 Rebeltroopers battle pack

Tusken and Jawa battle pack (2 tusken, 2 jawa's or more)

Cantina visitors (no han or chewie or luke or Obi)

X-wing/Y-wing pilots battle pack

Bespin city guards battle pack ( with at least 4 bespin guards)

Bountyhunters battle pack (please no Boba)

Imperial officiers Bp

Jabba guards battle pack (Barada, a weequay, a gammorrean and a rodian)

Endor Rebel pack (at least 4 unknown rebels in green clothes)

Scouttrooper b p (with one or 2 speeders)

Ewok battle pack ( with 4 or more ewoks in diffrent tan and brown colours)

A-wing and B-wing pilots + technicans bp

Rebel leaders Bp (dodonna, madine, Riekan, Mon mothma, Adm. Ackbar and Bail Organa or leia)

the prequels

Chancelor Valorums Guards bp (blue clothes)

Naboo guard and pilots bp

Queen Amidala's maidens (I thought they were with 5)

Droids bp (without Super Bd but with droideka's instead)

Gungan battle pack with kaduus (I know some people didn't like a special gungan :-D , but the army was nice)

Jedi bp with the known jedi from movie 1 2 and 3 (as seen in the jedi council and other known from the films) *sing*

Eu set with Quinlan Vos, Aalya Secura, Tholme and Tra Saa

outlanderclub visitors (with Zam Wesell and the guy who want to sell Obi Deathsticks)

Little padawans bp (cute *wub* )

Kamino's (Taun We, Lama Su and others)

Geonosian Battle pack

Superbattle droid pack (maybe)

Jedi geonosis battle pack1 (male jedi, Rodian jedi, Jedi Tarados(same species as Barada), female twilek jedi)

Jedi Geonosis battle pack 2 (female jedi, Wookie jedi, padawan jedi, Male Twilek jedi)

One or more battle packs with the known jedis who were there and Padme(with wounds on her back)

3 creatures battle pack who were supposed to eat padme, annie and Obi

Episode 2 clone troopers battle pack

Sith battle pack (D Maul, D Tyrranus, Asaj Ventress, General Grievious, D Vader and D Sidious)

Wookie battle pack ( 3 Chewies and 2 Wookie warriors or something like that)

CIS Battle pack (the leaders, Shu mai, the neimoidians etc.)

General Grievious bodyguards battle pack (to fight with Shaak Ti and later Obi and Annie)

501 legion ep 3 Clone troopers bp to attack the temple

Jedi snipers and brutes bp to defend the temple

General Cody's troops ep 3 clones

Imperial guard bp (red coats like in the original

Senators bp (with Bail Organa)

Forgot something? :-P :-D :-)

  • 5 months later...

I want:

ewok battle back: 2 brown ewok, 2 tan ewok, 1 black ewok and hang lider.

snowtrooper battle back: 3 snowies and 1 liutenaut snoowtrooper, some snow brikcs and same speeder as AT-AT.

Galactic marines battle back: commander barbaca, 3 galactic marine clones and laser turrent.

Edited by pig

  • 2 weeks later...
I want:

ewok battle back: 2 brown ewok, 2 tan ewok, 1 black ewok and hang lider.

snowtrooper battle back: 3 snowies and 1 liutenaut snoowtrooper, some snow brikcs and same speeder as AT-AT.

Totally down with both of those; include a tripod-mounted web blaster for the Snowies and you have my vote!

I wish we got to vote.

-Emperor's advisers BP(episode VI) :'-)

-Jedi BP (with Ki-Adi Mundi, Aayla Secura, Agen Kolar, Shaak-Ti, Bariss Ofee, Saesee Tiin, Kit Fisto).

-Droidekas BP.

-Endor Rebels BP (with Han Solo Endor style, Luke Endor style and Leia Endor style). 8-

I'd want Imperial Guards, even though there isn't that much of them! :'-)

Thinking realistically I'd say:

Ewok battlepack with bows and a small catapult

SnowTrooper battlepack :'-) with that gun they set up to destroy the Millenium Falcon.

ShadowTrooper battlepack with who knows, they're EU! :-D

Scout Trooper Battlepack with a couple of speeders.

Red Battledroid battlepack: with sand RED droids and a droideka.

Thats all I can think of, which pretty much equates to what you guys wrote :-$

Number one for me would be snowtroopers.

TTFN! >:-)

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