October 16, 200717 yr yup, i agree with snowtroopers and scout troopers. *wub* those headpiece. they just give one with the CTT. :'-(
October 16, 200717 yr Episode 2 clone battlepack. Period Same, but twice. One for Episode II clones and one for Geonosian Battle Droids, Genonosians and blue Super Battle Droids.
October 16, 200717 yr Episode 2 clone battlepack. Period same here also, i sold all my episode 2 clones for big money, now I wait to buy them again for small money. Scout troopers are long time no see, so them comming back would be cool aswell.
October 16, 200717 yr I'd like following SW BPs: In order to complete the Battle of Hoth: Hoth Rebel Defense including a laser gun (like in this year's Cone Troopers BP) and some little snowy rocks minifigs: one Hoth Rebel Captain and three Hoth Rebel Troopers Hoth Imperial Attack including a white speeder bike (like the one in the old version of the AT-AT) and some little snowy rocks minifigs: one Snowtrooper Commander and three Snowtroopers In addition to a - hopefully soon released - big Battle of Endor set (perhaps similar to 7666 Hoth Rebel Base): Endor Rebel Attack including a medium-sized tree (like in the green dragon knights sets from 1993) and a few little trees minifigs: one Endor Rebel Captain and three Endor Rebel Troopers Endor Imperial Defendense including a brown speeder bike and a laser gun (like in this year's Clone Troopers BP) minifigs: one Imperial Navy Trooper, one Scouttrooper and two Stormtroopers Ewok Attack including a catapult and some stones minifigs: one Ewok Chief and three different Ewoks In order to create a Tatooine landscape: Sandtroopers Battle Pack including a dewback and a whip minifigs: two Sandtroopers with orange patterns and rucksacks, one Sandtrooper with black pattern and rucksack and one Sandtrooper with white pattern and rucksack Jawas Battle Pack including a stolen vehicle minifigs: one Jawa Chief and three Jawas Tusken Raiders Battle Pack including a bantha minifigs: one Tusken Raider Chief and three Tusken Raiders In addition to a - hopefully soon released - newer, better, bigger and more precise Cloud City: Bespin Guards Battle Pack including some cargo stuff and some tools minifigs: one Bespin Guard Commander and three Bespin Guards In addition to episode 4-6 generally: Rebels Battle Pack including a transport car (like in the Rebel control center of episode 4) and a crane to put the droids in e. g. the X-Wing Fighters minifigs: one new X-Wing Pilot, one new Y-Wing Pilot and two Rebel Workers Edited October 16, 200717 yr by Klaus-Dieter
October 16, 200717 yr Well, 1. imperial battle pack, mini hangar 2 stormies ,2 officers, and mouse droid 2. hoth battle pack, 2 rebels, 2 snowies, and turret 3. clone battle pack,3 episode 2 clones, 2 at-te speeders *vader*
October 17, 200717 yr I'd like following SW BPs: Love your ideas, Klaus-Dieter...I'd buy every single one of those, and I'd be excited about every one of them. Very solid ideas...I wonder if the Bantha & Dewback would be too big for those sets, so they'd cut it down to just 3 minifigs? And the Jawas could steal an XP-38 Landspeeder. If that's what they're called. *y*
October 20, 200717 yr i'll just go through the episodes and see what would be cool. Episode 1: Jedi (Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Obi Wan and Qui-Gon (ya, i really want a Ki-adi-mundi fig) Sith (Darth Sidious, Darth Maul and 2 or 3 guard people) Gungan (Few gungan people with a submarine type thing CIS (Battle Droids galore! Probably just 5 different ones and a ship type thing would be nice) Episode 2: Clones (5 Episode 2 Clones with a tank-carrier thing) CIS (This one would have Battle Droids and Super Battle Droids) Sith (Count dooku, Jango Fett, Zam Wessel, two Black Super Battle Droid Guards) Episode 3: Clones (Ep 3 Clones with a tank that can fit 2 guys in it, would come with 4 clones) Wookies (4 Wookies with an airship that can fit all 4) CIS (4 Battle Droids with a spider droid thingy) Sith (Darth Sideous, Count Dooku, General Greivous, Darth Vader) Jedi (A few more Jedi Master people, like Aayla Secura) Episode 4: Tusken Raiders (4 Tusken Raiders with a house type base thing) Jawas (No clue why, but 4 jawas with a transport) Bounty hunters (Han Solo, Greedo, Jaaba and another one with a laser cannon) Luke's team (Luke (duh), Obi Wan, Leia, R2-D2 and C3P0 with a lanspeeder) Dark Side (Vader, three stormies with something) Rebels (basically like the one coming out next year) Episode 5: Snowtroopers (4 Snowtroopers with a anti-infantry cannon (similar to Battlefront 2) Bounty Hunters (Boba Fett, IG-88, Dengar and Bossk) Good Guys (Lando, Chewbacca, Han, Luke and Leia (maybe Yoda too) Episode 6: Jaaba side (Boba, Jaaba, Guy with the worm neck thing, and 2 of those green troll guys) Good guys (Han (endor), Luke (endor), Leia (endor), and two endor rebels) Scout Troopers (4 scout troopers with 2 speeders) Dark Side (Darth Sideous, Darth Vader and two Royal Guards with something else) Ewok (4 ewoks with 2 hang glider things) Expanded Universe: Empire at War: Sith (Stormies with a Tie Crawler (smaller version of the Tie Crawler that came out basically) Rebels (3 Rebel troopers, Mon Mothma and a Lanspeeder tank thingy) Zann Constortium (Zann, his dinosaur partner, the weird with sith person and a corrupter person) I have no plans for lego to make any of these (especially the Explanded Universe) but these are just all of my ideas.
March 8, 200817 yr My list would contain most of what you guys have already written, though i would like to add a Jedi Pack.A Shaak Ti, Kit Fisto, Yoda, Mace Windu and Plo Koon would be great...... But i really doubt that would happen. :-/ yeah those are to many valuable characters most likely TLC would spread them over tons of sets :-D (like with these clone wars sets they could have that one battle with ki adi mundi and the gang in the crashed ship) i'll just go through the episodes and see what would be cool.Episode 1: Jedi (Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Obi Wan and Qui-Gon (ya, i really want a Ki-adi-mundi fig) Sith (Darth Sidious, Darth Maul and 2 or 3 guard people) Gungan (Few gungan people with a submarine type thing CIS (Battle Droids galore! Probably just 5 different ones and a ship type thing would be nice) Episode 2: Clones (5 Episode 2 Clones with a tank-carrier thing) CIS (This one would have Battle Droids and Super Battle Droids) Sith (Count dooku, Jango Fett, Zam Wessel, two Black Super Battle Droid Guards) Episode 3: Clones (Ep 3 Clones with a tank that can fit 2 guys in it, would come with 4 clones) Wookies (4 Wookies with an airship that can fit all 4) CIS (4 Battle Droids with a spider droid thingy) Sith (Darth Sideous, Count Dooku, General Greivous, Darth Vader) Jedi (A few more Jedi Master people, like Aayla Secura) Episode 4: Tusken Raiders (4 Tusken Raiders with a house type base thing) Jawas (No clue why, but 4 jawas with a transport) Bounty hunters (Han Solo, Greedo, Jaaba and another one with a laser cannon) Luke's team (Luke (duh), Obi Wan, Leia, R2-D2 and C3P0 with a lanspeeder) Dark Side (Vader, three stormies with something) Rebels (basically like the one coming out next year) Episode 5: Snowtroopers (4 Snowtroopers with a anti-infantry cannon (similar to Battlefront 2) Bounty Hunters (Boba Fett, IG-88, Dengar and Bossk) Good Guys (Lando, Chewbacca, Han, Luke and Leia (maybe Yoda too) Episode 6: Jaaba side (Boba, Jaaba, Guy with the worm neck thing, and 2 of those green troll guys) Good guys (Han (endor), Luke (endor), Leia (endor), and two endor rebels) Scout Troopers (4 scout troopers with 2 speeders) Dark Side (Darth Sideous, Darth Vader and two Royal Guards with something else) Ewok (4 ewoks with 2 hang glider things) Expanded Universe: Empire at War: Sith (Stormies with a Tie Crawler (smaller version of the Tie Crawler that came out basically) Rebels (3 Rebel troopers, Mon Mothma and a Lanspeeder tank thingy) Zann Constortium (Zann, his dinosaur partner, the weird with sith person and a corrupter person) I have no plans for lego to make any of these (especially the Explanded Universe) but these are just all of my ideas. you know i believe soemone said about battle packs with sandpeople in one thread thats closed and they said 2 banthas then someone said that TLC was to cheap and would never give us 2 banthas but only 1.i tried to reply saying that the banthat would have room for more than one. but about your post,wow you have alot of good ideas. Well, 1. imperial battle pack, mini hangar 2 stormies ,2 officers, and mouse droid 2. hoth battle pack, 2 rebels, 2 snowies, and turret 3. clone battle pack,3 episode 2 clones, 2 at-te speeders *vader* is there really a way to make a mini hanger,well maybe not a hanger but like a landing zone.\ okay one MORE thing i think it would be cool to do some imperial army BP's to those of your who don't know what the imperial army looks like its basically guys with the walker pilot helmets and stormie armor just no helmet, basically the lego version of that is stormie armor,scout trooper head as in the head with those giant visors, and a walker pilot helmet from the new AT-ST. the imperial army is used by the governors of different worlds. Edited March 8, 200817 yr by canadianD
March 8, 200817 yr I think a..374th? squad would be cool. I can't remember the number exactly, but these are a group of yellow troopers who ride BARC speeders. They assasinated one of the Jedi in Ep. 3.4 or 5 of those guys on bikes would be pretty sweet! I think the mandaloreans were long before the time span the actual movies took place in. You hear them mentioned in KOTOR (knights of the old republic) and you actually play as one as well as help them in KOTOR II. This is what I remember from the story line. They are a warring race. Their entire life is based on the advancement of their society through war. Its their greatest glory. They find honor even in defeat. If you have some kind of system (xbox, ps2) I would kind both games, they are pretty cool. If Im not msitaken, Jango Fett was a mandolarian...or at least his armor very much resembled one. If jango was a mandolorian, that must make the clones mandolorians too...heh. If LEGO ever came out with mando battle packs then it most definatley be in the expanded universe. :ninja: nope jango fett was rescued by the mandolorians when his parents were killed by the deathwatch a group of ex-mandolorians.jango fett was born on concord dawn or something like that.
March 13, 200816 yr How about a Sandtrooper pack? I really like Sandtroopers, especially in sets such as the Landing Craft.
March 13, 200816 yr Since this is a dream team string, I'll toss out my personal pick 1) Clone Marshals Backpack *wub* ... Each Clone Marshal (Bly, Gree, Cody, Bacarra, Neyo, Etc...) With a distinct vehicle in the afore mentioned personal color scheme. Most like new speeder bikes :'-) . 2) 501st Battle Pack... Commander Appo, Coms Officer, and 2 Troopers with a speeder bike :'-) of some kind. 3) 501st Shadow Pack... Above mentioned in black and silver highlights... with stealth speeder bike :'-) And the last.... 4) Sniveling commoners battle pack >:-) ... Think fodder ala battle pack... For GP... Gungans... but Ewoks, Wookies... anything and everything you know you gonna miss even though you are supposed to be the best the universe has to offer... argh... with a speeder bike :'-) :-P
March 29, 200816 yr Definitely a Separatists Pack! With the Neimoidians, Wat Tambor and Poggle the Lesser in a small control center on Mustafar! A few computer screens and guarded entrance would be enough.
March 29, 200816 yr How about these: Imperial Navy battle pack Includes 2 Navy troopers,1 Deathstar gunner and a black Imperial officer. *wub* Imperial pilot battle pack Includes 2 AT-ST pilots,1 AT-AT pilot and General Veers. :'-) Edited March 29, 200816 yr by Stealth Hunter
March 29, 200816 yr id like to see a gameron guard set ( serioulsy) with stero and speakers and dance floor pen - the guy who plays too much lego star wars
April 2, 200816 yr Sniveling commoners battle pack >:-) ... Think fodder ala battle pack... For GP... Gungans... but Ewoks, Wookies... anything and everything you know you gonna miss even though you are supposed to be the best the universe has to offer... argh... with a speeder bike :'-) :-Psnip How dare you insult the Wookies! Wookies will never be considered 'cannon fodder' or 'sniveling commoners'! >:-( On another note I'd like to see a Clone maintence crew BP. It would include two R2 units, 2 Clones in maintence suits with fleshie Jango heads, some tools in a crate, and a crane to put the R2 units in ships and to lift the crate of tools around. -Tarfful
April 6, 200816 yr What other type of SW battle pack would you like lego to create?I'd like to see: Wookie Battle Pack: 4 wookies with bowcasters and a flying vechicle similar to the one in the Wookie Attack set. Geonesian BP: 5 Geonesian soldiers with weapons+ a laser turret similar to the one in the previous Geonesian set. Gungan BP: 4 Gungan soldiers, 1 kadoo, one booma catapult Ewok BP: 4 Ewoks with bows and spears, a catapult and a hanglider. I want those soo bad.. :'-( I hope TLC makes those!!!! *sing*
January 14, 200916 yr Imperial Hoth Battle Pack Imperial Endor Battle Pack Rebel Hoth Battle Pack Rebel Endor Battle Pack I would like to see more minifigs in the battle packs. 10 minifigs would be good. Edited January 14, 200916 yr by greedo
January 14, 200916 yr Then it wouldn't be battle packs, but army builders. I think you need to stick to the base set by TLG - 4 minifigs and some bricks. I like your ideas though. Hoth and Endor battle packs with a twist of Rebel Alliance / Imperial Army would be awesome. Let's hope a LEGO REP reads this and gets the idea of a lifetime
January 14, 200916 yr Droid Pack: 4 new color astromechs with 1 protocol droid Rebel Pilot : 4 new pilots with unique helments to go with the above astromechs vehicle could be the transporter around rebel base as seen in ANH.
January 14, 200916 yr My ideas: Hoth Attack Battle Pack: -3 Snowtroopers -1 Black Search-Droid -Snowspeeder Ewok's Strike Battle Pack: -3 Ewok's -1 Ewok (with a red hat) -a big slingshot The Gungan Invasion Battle Pack: -3 Gungan's -1 Jar Jar -1 Booma Ball -1 Kaadu TCW-Pirate Bandit's Battle Pack: -3 Pirates -1 Caiptain Hondo -1 Pirate-Speeder Greetings 'Bricks'
January 14, 200916 yr I think lego is only going to put timeless things in it. Things that no one except a few people care about, like gungans, TLC isnt going to make.
January 14, 200916 yr Well, I'd personally would like to see 2 battle packs. Wookie Battle Pack: say, 3 wookie warriors and a wookie commander with crossbows and a tree, perhaps. ) Trandosian Dattle Pack: 2 trandosians with blasters, 2 with swords, knifes, or whatever it was in Clone Commando! And perhaps some turret.... Good day, gentlemen! )
January 14, 200916 yr I would love to see : Hoth Rebel Battle pack: 4 hoth rebels with Taun Taun and look out post of some kind. Hoth Snowtrooper battle pack : 4 Hoth Stormies with speeder and turret. Endor Rebel battle pack : 4 endor rebels with speeder and look out post. Scout trooper battle pack : 4 scout troopers with speeder and turret. Dark trooper battle pack : 4 dark troopers with stealth speeder. Rebel Veteran battle pack : 4 individual rebel veterans in endor armour. Yours absoulutley, wierdly faithfuly, Crazy One.
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