November 10, 201311 yr Some of these sets are looking better in the final pictures. Police bike is a no (dont need any more motorbikes of that style) High-speed Chase is a maybe (would be good to get the bike wheel in a new color and the torso on the crooks with the leather jacket is nice) Prisoner Transporter is a yes (split-windscreen in white with trans-blue glass, some sort of new hook mold with a peg attached so they can use the chain on it, jacket on the crook and what looks to be a new ball-and-chain element on the other crook) Mobile Police Unit is a maybe (a few nice parts like the baseball cap, police hat, ball-and-chain and some nice stickered parts). If one of the stickered parts happens to be a map of some kind, this set goes from "maybe" to "yes". Police Patrol is a no (don't need any more boats and I have enough cops) Helicopter Surveillance is a no (I dont like the helicopter, looks crap compared to some of their recent attempts) Police Station is a yes (I own every City police station except the one with the light up cop and the non-light-up-cop version of the same station so I need to get this one to keep my set complete plus this has some useful parts) Race Car is a yes (the wheels alone make this set cool, let alone parts like the green 1 x 2 curved slopes on the front and some other nice green parts. May even get multiples of this for the wheels) Light Repair Truck is a yes (its got a 1 x 1 plate with clip in orange which I really need although it would have been better if it came with the newer tool wheel like last years Octan Race Truck) Tow Truck is a no (only good things in it are the blue car doors and the smokestack pieces) Camper Van is a maybe (depends on what the stickers inside look like and what torso the female has underneath that life jacket) SUV with Watercraft is a yes (nice minifigs, some good parts on the SUV and those great new wheels on the trailer) Logging Truck is a no (nothing in it I didn't already pick up from this years helicopter thing) Auto Transporter is a yes (blue car doors, blue wheel arches, clipboard and that cool torso on the car transporter guy. Plus, can always use more pinstripe suit torsos :) No sign of the Airport Fire Truck, Monster Truck or the new crook hideout though, just hope the crook hideout isn't a TRU exclusive like the last 2 crook hideout sets have been) Edited November 11, 201311 yr by jonwil
November 11, 201311 yr Wow! We have a female crook and the robber from Crook Pursuit it looks like Verne from LEGO City Undercover.
November 11, 201311 yr On 11/10/2013 at 11:47 PM, 1974 said: All I'm looking forward to is the new train windows .. sigh .. what a rehash Young boys must be the most narrowminded creatures on earth (<-- according to TLG that is, real life says something different) and girls seem to much more clever (again accor .. Hello honey you're home? I'm just typing away on EB, honestly not saying things you woul ... SLAM DUNK!) Ok, off to bed! What new train windows? On topic: These all look better than they did in the preliminary pictures, although I was hopping for red brick bricks.
November 11, 201311 yr There are new train windows? The police station is nice on the right hand side. It has 800+ pieces but still feels empty on the left side. And it's still boring to me. Interesting the police helicopter doesn't use a big new nose piece.
November 11, 201311 yr Excellent.....finally some images.....great vehicles. 60053 Race Car 60054 Light Repair Truck 60059 Logging Truck 60060 Auto Transporter Pity there are no more on Walmart's website......time to check the police sets now ! Edit - Only one of the police sets have been shown on 60044 Mobile Police Unit Edited November 11, 201311 yr by lightningtiger
November 11, 201311 yr On 11/11/2013 at 5:34 AM, CityBuilder said: I checked and they've uploaded more of those pictures You're right to a point...... just a few more though...... 60058 SUV with Watercraft 60041 Crook Pursuit 60047 Police Station
November 11, 201311 yr On 11/11/2013 at 7:10 AM, CityBuilder said: The helicopter surveillance, camper, and the bike chase do to 60042 High Speed Police Chase 60046 Helicopter Surveillance Edit - some links to larger images....first tow truck box art http://i-store.walma.../Enlarged_.jpeg and then the logging truck http://i-store.walma.../Enlarged_.jpeg.....I'll try to sort some more shortly. Edit No. 2 - High Speed Police Chase http://i-store.walma.../Enlarged_.jpeg Police Patrol Box Art http://i-store.walma.../Enlarged_.jpeg Mobile Police Unit http://i-store.walma.../Enlarged_.jpeg Prisoner Transporter http://i-store.walma.../Enlarged_.jpeg Race Car http://i-store.walma.../Enlarged_.jpeg SUV with Watercraft http://i-store.walma.../Enlarged_.jpeg Camper Van Crook Pursuit Light Repair Truck Edited November 11, 201311 yr by lightningtiger
November 11, 201311 yr Young boys are a high turnover group. Kids don't play with toys for very long these days, so most of their audience won't remember what came before, and their hand-me-downs are so mixed and lost they might as well get the exact same set. Sucks for AFOLs but why waste money on new designs when the existing ones are so popular?
November 11, 201311 yr I absolutely love the lower cab design (headlights mainly) of the 60044 Mobile Police Unit. Very contemporary looking! Edited November 11, 201311 yr by jfbat
November 11, 201311 yr The car transporter truck looks much better from the new pics. I know lego is all about using your imagination when it comes to playing , but having one jail cell stacked ontop another is just un-nerving. Unless there is some sort of stairs and hall way in the back of the very top cell, it will be a major turn off for me. What is the purpose of the gate on the roof of the logging truck? Edited November 11, 201311 yr by kermit
November 11, 201311 yr Oops I forgot the car carrier http://i-store.walma.../Enlarged_.jpeg Now that gate piece on top of the logging truck might be for safety purposes.....either from falling branches or worse sliding forward logs on big loads. Question I have is how does the light repair truck collapse it's cherry picker assembly for driving down the road ? Edit - The only down side to the female crook......male torso......oh, come on Lego... in 2012 you gave as a female Forest Police chief so why not a more true looking female crook ? Edited November 11, 201311 yr by lightningtiger
November 11, 201311 yr On 11/11/2013 at 11:48 AM, Lordofdragonss said: Oh my Prisioner transporter seem to have a new hook piece! Yes, you right's new. (I like seeing new parts....more bits to MOC with ) I have also just noticed that the SUV has two seating positions in it......though sadly is one front and one back.....not side by side. Edit - It's strange that we now see Octan drums green on the bottom not white.....I guess they like to be green......though in the Lego Movie, Octan is an evil empire.....what a way to confuse kids eh ? Edited November 11, 201311 yr by lightningtiger
November 11, 201311 yr On 11/11/2013 at 10:42 AM, kermit said: What is the purpose of the gate on the roof of the logging truck? I guess to protect the top of the cab while the truck gets loaded with logs.
November 11, 201311 yr On 11/11/2013 at 11:11 AM, lightningtiger said: Question I have is how does the light repair truck collapse it's cherry picker assembly for driving down the road ? Really? It looks obvious to me. It folds on the pins, click hinges, and rotates on the turntable. You can build it in LDD to make it clearer.
November 11, 201311 yr On 11/11/2013 at 8:59 AM, lightningtiger said: Has anyone noticed in some of the police sets......the ball and chain ? I saw that too! It appears the LEGO police department is getting more draconian ... it will fit well with the upcoming "Super Secret Police" (from the movie).
November 11, 201311 yr I think I'm going to pick up 60060 Auto Transporter, 60047 Police Station, and 60042 High Speed Police Chase. Edited November 11, 201311 yr by Legoman123
November 11, 201311 yr I hope the Rouge Hideout will feature either Rex Fury or one of the robbers from LEGO City Undercover.
November 11, 201311 yr ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz Oh hi, just falling asleep at the 2014 sets. The logging truck is cool.
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