September 18, 201311 yr No need. If every Nocturnian wants to be with Spire, that just means when we assign other participants a side, they will be on Ssilythrrlith's side. Reading further, this makes sense. Now to fight, errrmm, I mean build for the glory of the Spire.
September 18, 201311 yr I'd like to introduce my new sigifg, but I think it would be more appropriate for my old sigfig, The Tacomancer to do so. This is Thunk. He is a new type of golem, a hammer golem. He was made for labor in mines and blacksmithies. We don't know how well he fights yet, because we haven't found anyone stupid enough to fight him yet.
September 18, 201311 yr So The black Spire is the new cartel in Nocty, trying to muscle in on Lord Ssilyyhrrith's kingdom. Sounds like they are power hungry, and will they stop at just Nocturnus? Doubtful, they will try to spread and conquer other lands! I know the men of Mitgardia will not tolerate this but what about the men of Kaliphiln? Will they just worry about their trading alliances and sit back and let The Black Spire walk all over them? The warriors of The Dark Isle will stand alongside our brothers from Mitgardia and rain down Ice and Darkness on you if you try anything!
September 18, 201311 yr Louis of Nocturnus is a brave and young drow-hating knight. He is known for being a military genius and having no mercy for the drow. He fights against Lord Raavage and his allies. However, Louis is weary of Lord Ssilyrrlith and his goals and he doesn't have lots of confident in his Nocturnus leader. Louis of Nocturnus hopes that one day he can change Nocturnus into a more stable and good guild by eliminating all of his enemies. During the recent days the young knight has raised an army and is getting prepared for the upcoming war! A message is delivered to Louis by a crow. The message is short. "Should you require support in your quest, look to the Golden Citadel in Gorr." Edited September 18, 201311 yr by Masa of Kaliphlin
September 19, 201311 yr @DC I haven't walked around Nocturnus much yet but we have plenty of darkness. We do need more ice, though.
September 19, 201311 yr Nimueh and her fearsome companion the Dark Horse, roam the vast shadow-lands of Nocturnus always in search of wisdom, for knowledge is power. She prefers to avoid the many tribes, and instead mostly keeps company with the wild animals; lending them aid if she is able, and learning their secret ways. The war of the Elementals wrought great destruction over the land, and with the rise of the Black Spire, the chaos in Nocturnus has spurred Nimueh into entering (albeit reluctantly) into this war. After much consideration and consultation with the feral creatures, Nimueh declares for Lord Ssilyrrlith. I've been lurking around GOH for a while and was too intimidated to join, but I've finally decided to take the leap - I'm not too sure how much I'll be able to participate - but it sounds like there was lots of planning put into this so those of us with fewer blocks/less time could still play a part. Looking forward to see where the story goes! Edited January 16, 201411 yr by Emma
September 19, 201311 yr Author Welcome Emma! Limited participation is totally okay. Great place to get your feet wet. Way to pick the new powerhouse.
September 19, 201311 yr Exams are over till round 2 in november! Powermoccing, im back! Oh and we get hammerstein aswell! Welcome man, glad to have you here Oh and we get hammerstein aswell! Welcome man, glad to have you here
September 19, 201311 yr Sorry BB, that was all I could think of at the time. Unfortunatly Darkness is all we have in the Dark Isle, so I can't rain down much else. Hmmm...Darkness eh? Well I'm about to take things REAL Dark! Watch this space...
September 19, 201311 yr Author Okay Nocturnus, let's get some more Tribes identified. So much potential in this untapped land, let's start the fun!
September 19, 201311 yr Okay Nocturnus, let's get some more Tribes identified. So much potential in this untapped land, let's start the fun! I've done one build. I'm just thinking of a second tribe to do.
September 20, 201311 yr I'll have one tribe for sure and many to follow. I'm just currently out of table space but you already know that. Sigfig up tommorw, hopefully. Working on an epic Nocturnus moc too.
September 20, 201311 yr It's the Antyrian Secret Service now. Antyria claimed it's independence from Avalonia a while back. I'm still building for Antyria. I have a mega moc built for Antyria that's finished. I need to finish all my moc's and clean up my LEGO junkyard before I can attempt any photography. Antyria is joining forces with Nocturnus. I hope that clears up any confusion.
September 20, 201311 yr It's the Antyrian Secret Service now. Antyria claimed it's independence from Avalonia a while back. I'm still building for Antyria. I have a mega moc built for Antyria that's finished. I need to finish all my moc's and clean up my LEGO junkyard before I can attempt any photography. Antyria is joining forces with Nocturnus. I hope that clears up any confusion. Not really... So you are still building for Antyria but Antyria is nowadays part of Nocturnus and not Avalonia anymore? I think you will have to tell this to your former hippie friends in Avalonia as there is a certain guy who hoped to rule Antyria now you left it About the Drow question of a few days ago, this is their official statement: "the Drow will stand no other power in Nocturnus (and world) except of Drow. Every other Drow that sides with one of two lords is just a hunting pray, as low as other surfacers. Drow rule supreme! :)" Edited September 20, 201311 yr by Damaximus
September 20, 201311 yr Well, Drow need Cannon Fodder too - and regarding an alliance with lower races: betrayal is not uncommon in drow culture. Here is my Sigfig (Ilharess Aunae Val'Baen'und): Vendui' rothen, the house Baen'und* will join the conquest of Nocturnus as ally of the Black Spire. Let us conquer all of Historica and retrieve ingredients for creating art. ** L'elamshin d'lil Ilythiiri zhah ulu har'luth jal! *Blessed by the Spiders Kiss ** See: Legends of the Albae from Markus Heitz - or just look at the throne ^^ Edit: Credits for the faces: The faces are made with waterslide decals and are based on original work from: "thepyromaster" (flickr), "redbean" (MCN) and "Capt. 5p8c3" (flickr). Edited September 20, 201311 yr by NiL_FisK_Urd
September 20, 201311 yr So a part of Avalonia is in league and occupied by Nocturnus??? If that's the case I can see a few Avalonians laying siege and burning it down.
September 20, 201311 yr @NiL_FisK_Urd love those Drow, even if they're on the opposite team to me. Where are the heads from?
September 20, 201311 yr Dang, i forgot to mention this in the post - the faces are made with waterslide decals. The face decals are based on originals from: "thepyromaster" (flickr), "redbean" (MCN) and "Capt. 5p8c3" (flickr).
September 20, 201311 yr Ah I see! I didn't recognise them as an official piece. Pretty cool though, they fit fit well with the Drow image! Edit: dang punctuation Edited September 20, 201311 yr by Lord Vladivus
September 20, 201311 yr I was wondering why I had never come across that piece in my considerations for Drow heads.
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