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Welcome to all our new(ish) members that have arrived n my hiatus!


Have a build!

Welcome back! Good to see one of our most prominent Resistance leaders back in town! :thumbup:

Concerning my own absence, school has kept me busy and I'm pretty fed up with it. :hmpf_bad: I want to continue my saga soon, it's been too long already...

It's good to be back. I found that I'd a) lost enthusiasm (I started to lose it during the Kali civil war), and b) Vlad needed to be in Shadowmere so his storyline was hard to continue and have fun with. He may have some fun new powers to play with now though, seeing as he died and came back...

I've a few ideas on the cards, with the Fell Company heading to Shadowmere, that should shake things a bit. All may not be as it seems... Krell, my necromancer is still languishing in hell/hades/underworld analogue, although he holds the distinct honour of being a human that was actually born there, so he'll probably resurface, either in underworld builds, or back into the world of the living. And that's all without mentioning the variety of people that have visiting Shadowmere's as a plot point and we've not seen them again since (Amset Ra, my representative from the Desert King needs to find a place or get out haha, but I rather like the idea of him being on a Shadowmere's council as a kind of ambassador though).

I'm also building up Black Spire forces to add some variety to the generic "Hand of Corruption" goons. 

4 hours ago, Lord Vladivus said:

It's good to be back. I found that I'd a) lost enthusiasm (I started to lose it during the Kali civil war), and b) Vlad needed to be in Shadowmere so his storyline was hard to continue and have fun with. He may have some fun new powers to play with now though, seeing as he died and came back...

I've a few ideas on the cards, with the Fell Company heading to Shadowmere, that should shake things a bit. All may not be as it seems... Krell, my necromancer is still languishing in hell/hades/underworld analogue, although he holds the distinct honour of being a human that was actually born there, so he'll probably resurface, either in underworld builds, or back into the world of the living. And that's all without mentioning the variety of people that have visiting Shadowmere's as a plot point and we've not seen them again since (Amset Ra, my representative from the Desert King needs to find a place or get out haha, but I rather like the idea of him being on a Shadowmere's council as a kind of ambassador though).

I'm also building up Black Spire forces to add some variety to the generic "Hand of Corruption" goons. 

Good to see you back. I admit I've been real lazy about my story line, but that is definitely gonna change soon. Got a few builds planned for the resistance and gathering of forces type themes. 

It has been silent in Kyrrath lately... The citizens have lived a 'peaceful life'(as peaceful as possible in Nocty) for the last few months. But rumours of a war has reached Kyrrath too, and the war will be bigger than ever before. And also Kyrrath will have to choose a side. Lord Kiarr is here and ready to choose a side! 

Be prepared, I'm back!


19 hours ago, jaapxaap said:

It has been silent in Kyrrath lately... The citizens have lived a 'peaceful life'(as peaceful as possible in Nocty) for the last few months. But rumours of a war has reached Kyrrath too, and the war will be bigger than ever before. And also Kyrrath will have to choose a side. Lord Kiarr is here and ready to choose a side! 

Be prepared, I'm back!


I've only seen you last week, how can you be back :wink:

No no, welcome!


Tyle of Nol pledges his allegience to Lord Ssilyrith and the resistance, the rightful rulers of Nocturnus.

Welcome to the Guilds!

On 30-11-2016 at 1:55 AM, Tilenull said:


Tyle of Nol pledges his allegience to Lord Ssilyrith and the resistance, the rightful rulers of Nocturnus.

Welcome to the Guild of Nocturnus, Tilenull! :classic:

Welcome to the guilds!

Finally found some time today to get building for the Guilds again! It's almost finished, hopefully I can photograph and upload it soon. :classic:


Does Nocturnus take new residents these days? Would like to join you since forever!:devil:

Yes, the guilds are always open to new members. Welcome!

Thanks very much for the info! I am already working on my sigfig.


I read all the 74 pages of this topic, (and also the GoH New Member Guide) and i have a few questions about the land.

31478819162_bd0d3b6cfd_z.jpgGoH_Nocturnus_map1 by Lazlow Lockhart, on Flickr

So, that island with the forest on the east, what i marked with a red circle. Is that free land, or someone already claimed it?

The mountains west of Skavenport are the Kyrrath Mountains?

Is the purple circle the area where the city of Kyrrath is?

Is the green circle the area where The Nyx Glades are?

The yellow lines on the northern part of the map around Rod's Peaks, is the orc territory, right?

The black circle on the north are the Ash Wolf Lands?

Where is Carakath? I read that it is somewhere north of Reach. Maybe on the western shore of that big bay?

What kind of settlement is Lith My'Athar?

Where is exactly the Black Spire, and what territory it controls? I read that it is somewhere near Abyssian, and it controls all of Nocturnus east from that point?

What is the western border of Nocturnus? The road to Kaliphlin?


Probably i could ask more, because i love the lore, but i will stop for now. :laugh:

Maybe we should update the map, and make an updated list of the settlements, regions, and stuff with a little description. Just what is already common knowledge. I would gladly collect and write down all that info!

Also it would be good maybe, if we added some info about our characters' claimed lands and stuff. Hard to keep track who is who, and what place he/ she/ it calls home.

What do you think?


21 minutes ago, Lazer said:

Probably i could ask more, because i love the lore, but i will stop for now. :laugh:

Maybe we should update the map, and make an updated list of the settlements, regions, and stuff with a little description. Just what is already common knowledge. I would gladly collect and write down all that info!

Also it would be good maybe, if we added some info about our characters' claimed lands and stuff. Hard to keep track who is who, and what place he/ she/ it calls home.

What do you think?

The issue, in part, is that the inhabitants of Nocturnus, unlike the more civilized folk of Avalonia, do not claim land for themselves in the sense of a land stake that becomes theirs. You just kind of...build, and do it wherever you want, and then claim that it exists because you built it. Not much is hard and fast in Nocturnus, to my knowledge. In general, yes, the orcs live in the mountains. But not all do. The border between Kaliphlin and Nocturnus is somewhere in the Siccus Badlands and the Rakath Mountains, as I understand it, but the border is not solid. No border patrols or customs officials prowl the perimeter. And as a general rule, the Black Spire rules the east, and the Resistance is still clinging desperately to the west, but what precisely is east or west? Don't ask, just build. 

If you want more precise answers, perhaps someone out there knows, but precision (except in acts of treachery and deeds of darkness) is hardly a Nocturnian trait...

Edited by Henjin_Quilones

For the green circle; there was a Kaliphlin settlement near there, but it has been abandoned in the past year. I have a character who's home is close as well. I also established lore for a werewolf clan that regularly traverses the Rakath from Nocturnus to Kaliphlin and back again. I'll have to search my builds for the particulars.

@Lazer Great to see you've come to join our Guild! 

For starters, here's the updated map (from some months ago) that has more locations on it, like Kyrrath and Carakath:


If you (or anyone else) is interested in building in Carakath, just go ahead. It was town that appeared in my Onicius Prologue, but I don't really have plans in developing it further with builds. It's a settlement in a mountain valley, it has a small arena, but there are no further (style) restrictions.

I do have elaborate ideas for my other settlement, Zotharith, though... :wink:

Allright, calm down everyone (who in his ignorant tree huggin' fancy landlord life-style in a sterotypical,cliché-laden castlemania guild made up of nothing more than arrogance, boredom and a massive lack of creativity shows himself and most of his fellow guildmembers unable to accept that there are three other ways how to participate in GoH)

The map Exetrius posted is the updated version that can be found in the first page of this thread, and it should answer most of your territorial questions. 

The western border appears nebulous, but the Fallen Angel and certain stretch of land west of the Kelra Labyrinth are definitely Nocturnian territories (whoever likes to claim the opposite prepare to see your head mounted on a pike).

Now about claiming land and founding settlements; the only important thing is to enjoy being part of the game and not to spoil the fun of other people. We do not claim land the way fancy Avalonian princesses do. They claim a piece of their guild, shout at everyone not to step on their lawn and discuss their borders. 

Imagine Nocturnus as a wild and beautiful yet very dangerous world where numerous people and tribes are trying to stay alive. We speak of land so old that even in the eldest and nearly forgotten tales it was already part of this world (unlike other guilds, which are actually only a few years old storywise).

In all those centuries, cities, realms and whole civilizations arose and fell and are now forgotten.  What I want to say is, territories can change, people can change, everything is flowing over the time. If you like to create a whole new clan or tribe that's great. And of course you can mark a spot on the map as their home settlement. But we do not draw borders around it. It's a matter of common sense how to interact with your team mates. There's space enough for everyone. 

For now I'm afraid I lost the point. Nasty Avalonians...

But you can be sure the Nocturnus front page will be updated until the beginning of book III. 

Best thing would be if you just start building. Most things become clear once you jumped right into the action.

Edited by Jacob Nion

57 minutes ago, Jacob Nion said:

Allright, calm down everyone (who in his ignorant tree huggin' fancy landlord life-style in a sterotypical,cliché-laden castlemania guild made up of nothing more than arrogance, boredom and a massive lack of creativity shows himself and most of his fellow guildmembers unable to accept that there are three other ways how to participate in GoH)


Now about claiming land and founding settlements; the only important thing is to enjoy being part of the game and not to spoil the fun of other people. We do not claim land the way fancy Avalonian princesses do. They claim a piece of their guild, shout at everyone not to step on their lawn and discuss their borders. 


For now I'm afraid I lost the point. Nasty Avalonians...

Trees are very good huggers, I'll have you know.

And my lawn is very nicely trimmed, so do stay off of it, please.

But in seriousness, I was not intending to insult anyone's customs (ok, maybe a little? but in a nice way...), I was merely explaining how your lovely (and rather interesting, I must say...it ran a close second when I was choosing a guild, and five of my six GoH builds have been set there) guild operates from an outsider's perspective. In an unbiased, merely definitional way, "civilized" inherently implies cities, and a city-centric lifestyle (civis, civis, m/f, in Latin means "citizen", and civitas, civitatis, f. means "city"); and I think you would agree that a more-heavily tribal plan, as Nocturnus seems to have, is thus objectively less "civilized", since it entails fewer cities. Whereas Avalonians like cities and urban centers, and are thus more "civilized". I would never argue that Nocturnians are less cultured or less sophisticated, or inferior in any objective way to Avalonians, since Nocturnus does not lack for culture or wisdom. 

And on a side note, I do not particularly like quaint cottages and tudor-style buildings (though in the right hands they can be stunning); there is a reason I chose a territory in the Enchanted Forest, where dark magical things can roam...

Edited by Henjin_Quilones

Lazer: In Nocty, like someone mentioned above, we just build and let things flow. Though the Reach is my personal city/capital whatever, I don't claim anything really around it. There are a few forts and castles that stretch down into the swamp and along the coast to Kyrrath and Skavenport, but other than that, there are huge swaths of land that remain wild and free. This is the beauty of Nocty..can't be and won't be tamed. So what may set today, may be swallowed by the swamp tomorrow. Keep that in mind when you build. I know a few pages back, someone said they had built a huge city on some floating boulders in the swamp..I wouldn't mind seeing that brought to life!

Welcoem to the guilds man! As the Nocties have already told you: nothing is set in stone!

7 hours ago, Blufiji said:

 I know a few pages back, someone said they had built a huge city on some floating boulders in the swamp..I wouldn't mind seeing that brought to life!

I've dug through a whole lot of pages, but I finally found it! :grin:

@-Sunder- describes it in his story of Remington Rot:

Out of the ground before him rose the looming outer walls of Rockwail- the safest place in Moruth. Unlike many of the swamp villages, Rockwail was built on a bed of rock; in fact, the whole fortress was believed to be carved out of one huge boulder by dwarves hundreds of years prior. The place was surrounded by a field of smaller boulders, floating in the stagnant waters of the swamps, giving the local area the name 'the Boulderbogs'.

There's so many (Nocty) places that I'd like to build in, someday...

I would think that Rockwall isn't far from the Nestlands Embassy given the land description I wrote here.

On ‎8‎/‎23‎/‎2015 at 8:07 PM, gedren_y said:

Nestlands Clans Embassy in Nocturnus:

~ A brief history ~

The ancient fortress, now rebuilt as the Nestlands Clans Embassy, was first built upon a wide, but low, plateau of granite at the edge of the Moruth Swamplands, along a major trade route. Immediately south was fertile farmland. Very quickly the initial walled fort became a great center of trade. Then everything got bloody.

Geologically it makes sense. To read all the rest, go to this thread.

Edited by gedren_y

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