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The fig she posted is the designs from JL Custom Brick Studio on flickr. So unless that is you, it isn't yours. Since you posted a different torso design than what she has showcased.


What do you mean? Do you think they are different. To me they look pretty much the same.

Can you provide a link to the flickr entry?

What do you mean? Do you think they are different. To me they look pretty much the same.

Can you provide a link to the flickr entry?


This is getting really confusing. :look:

What do you mean? Do you think they are different. To me they look pretty much the same.

Can you provide a link to the flickr entry?

Am I the only one that actually looked at the designs? The difference is obvious. The logo.

I like to look at the issue from all angles before crying foul.


Edited by Omicron

Am I the only one that actually looked at the designs? The difference is obvious. The logo.

I like to look at the issue from all angles before crying foul.


Well, now the problem seems to be two-fold.

The original question is if BrickQueen ripped off of IronArtist. Here are my observations.

  • The design is very similar, down to where the shirt dips over the belt and lines on the neck.
  • They were, however, both based on the same character which could account for some similarities.
  • IronArtist's design did lack a logo that appeared on BrickQueen's design, although it is possible she just added it at the end.

The second question is if BrickQueen stole from JL Custom Brick Studio and how that relates to the IronArtist.

  • This design also includes the logo.
  • The JL design is remarkably similar to the other two.
  • The IronArtist design was posted in April of 2008, JL was posted August of 2012, and BrickQueen was September of 2012.

I think I recall that some ideas/designs are too common to be intellectual property and are considered fair game for all. That being said, I don't think that is the case here.

Honestly, if I had to guess I would say BrickQueen ripped of JL since she posted her video one month after JL showed the design. My only lingering question is if JL stole from IronArtist or if after 4 years he just happened upon a very similar design. Just my thoughts...

Edited by jluckhaupt

She could have also purchased the figure from him, and just claim the figure as hers. Which she can do anyways. Which makes sense as to why her vid is a review.


Edited by Omicron

Well, BQ has always been a whiny <insert word>. I suppose she does know a bit more about the material she's reviewing than the BS though. I stick by it that the best reviewer on YT is DoctorBrikDaddy but he only reviews select sets. Watching someone genuine and honest and passionate about LEGO and not money is key.

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Am I the only one that actually looked at the designs? The difference is obvious. The logo.

I like to look at the issue from all angles before crying foul.


For someone who likes to cover all the angles; you really don't have an angle - to be fair. If you had actually looked with you eyes and not your innate suspicion you would have seen that this IS my original design. If you peruse through this J L's flikr account you'll see he has used several more of my Naruto designs on his figures, designs which can be found in the very same brickshelf account I posted in the opening post. So what!? Someone else plagiarises my work so that makes it okay for someone else to do so. "Sorry officer, I saw a gang-banger shoot that man - so I thought it would be okay if I did too!". See how stupid that "angle" is...


Pretty damn similar, no?


And you were saying?



You may also notice; J L's Goku features a Kamesenin symbol design on the back. Whereas, BrickQueen's Goku features a King-Kai emblem. Still think they are the same? You have effectively established a second case of plagiarism. So...

Edited by IronArtist

If you peruse through this J L's flikr account you'll see he has used several more of my Naruto designs on his figures, designs which can be found in the very same brickshelf account I posted in the opening post.

How do I know they are yours and not his?

And since you brought up the back decals, well, good call. Because that is further evidence the designs were not pulled from you. I'm looking at your gallery, and you don't have Goku back decals (at least not in any of the folders I am perusing). Only the front decals without the insignia.

All I am seeing right now is you crying foul for someone reviewing a figure, and the way I see it she only deleted your comments because you kept harassing her. Profit is one thing, but since it isn't happening, just learn from it. Watermark your designs, or better yet, make it clear on the free to use policy that a lot of people put in place.

But if you really want to get down to it, you cannot claim full ownership on the designs anyways because the character designs don't belong to you.


Edited by Omicron

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You sir, are bamboozled! These are in fact my own design and yes, I did actually post the back decals. Though, admittedly not through my brickshelf account. I posted them on Deviant art sometime, early last year. I removed them and all my other LEGO creations some time ago. It was the one of the only times I have ever posted the back artwork for any of my designs. I did this to ensure that if it ever came to said situation, the thief may only ever claim 50% of the design - as if that was some consolation.

As I have already said, it was not the fact that BrickQueen used or altered my design. I am fine with that. It is in fact the reason why I shared the design in the first place. She did, however, admit to adding the symbol herself in her video. I only asked that she acknowledge the bulk of the design or the original creator and she behaved uncouthly. Yes, I believe I can lay complete claim to my own intellectual property whether it be based upon a licensed franchise or not, under the fair-use practices. I'm not about to sue anyone, I just think it is wrong for someone to behave in such a petty and childish manner and expect absolutely no repercussions. Thus, this topic!

Actually, J L's Goku is not using my back design. However, BrickQueen's is!

You sir, are bamboozled! These are in fact my own design and yes, I did actually post the back decals. Though, admittedly not through my brickshelf account. I posted them on Deviant art sometime, early last year.

You call me bamboozled about the designs I question and point out and then you admit that you didn't post them through the account you are trying to prove yourself with. If you want to be insulted by people not knowing anything (especially when you are being vague about it), you are going about it the wrong way.

Yes, I believe I can lay complete claim to my own intellectual property whether it be based upon a licensed franchise or not, under the fair-use practices.

And so can they.


Edited by Omicron

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That is because it is the only place I believe still hosts the designs. I think you'll find that the range of other decals there, along with the fact that the account was created a long time before either of those two jokers posted "their" designs; is proof enough! Are you actually stupid enough to think that I would go the length to create this topic to claim ownership of a design that wasn't my own? What possible motive would anyone have for that!? And where would I benefit from this in anyway? I am not the one making money off this my design based upon a lie. Quit being such a poignant imbecile and shut the BRICK up, unless you have something constructive to say!

Edited by IronArtist

Are you actually stupid enough to think that I would go the length to create this topic to claim ownership of a design that wasn't my own? What possible motive would anyone have for that!? And where would I benefit from this in anyway?

No, but it has been done before. And usually because people do it to stamp out others so that way they ca be the only designer around. I've seen it so many times where one designer profits from another, or some scumbag tries to rid a legit designer just so they can be the sole one. When I mentioned the other guy, all you did was say he copied you. How many Gokus do I gotta post to see how many times you say they've copied you?

along with the fact that the account was created a long time before either of those two jokers posted "their" designs;

And I've been around longer and this is the first I've ever heard of you. But this isn't a discussion of who has been around the longest.

Quit being such a poignant imbecile and shut the BRICK up, unless you have something constructive to say!

Whatever dude. Good luck in yur "stand" against a youtube account that did nothing.

Long live the Brick Queen.


Edited by Omicron

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Okay! So, this guy ^ is obviously a Duck-tard! See what I did there... :wink: He's obviously been drinking the water. Sewerage water, if we can judge by the garbage he's been spewing out of his mouth. Those two Goku's are clearly modified from my own design. So, yes! I will do just that. Be sure to show me another different custom Goku and I'll be sure to tell you otherwise. Idiot. Since you're so keen on playing the digital CI -try doing real research! Search MCN and you'll see exactly who is the original artist. Now unless you are going to contribute, instead of being a redundant troll - try being nice for a change.

Edited by IronArtist

try being nice for a change.

For someone who has been calling me the names the whole time and actually insulting me, I suggest taking your own advice.

And I've been a regular of the MCN as well. I've been customizing for a very long time and I pride myself in knowing the ins and out of the community. I've also worked for BrickForge for a good while, who is also no stranger to "who came first" debates.

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I never come first. :wink:

You are of course assuming your insinuations aren't insulting to me and for that you'd be wrong. I made this thread for a particular reason! You have single-handedly made this solely about you and your quest of negativity. I do not know the reason why you are so jaded and quite frankly I don't care. But if you behave in such a way, I have every right to call you out on your stupidity.

Seems like this has gone off course now, so it's time to stop.

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