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I think a 2 figure 10$ type set is the best solution for Galadriel vs sauron in the next wave so we don't get flooded with more bigish dol guldur.

Am I alone in wanting a black warg in some future set?

It would be nice, but I don't think it's very important or likely at this point. We already have the Warg in dark brown, gray, and white, and one of them comes in an army builder type set. I highly doubt Lego will give us a forth option considering we already have so many, but who knows.

So far the formula for a "battle pack" seems to be 6 minifigs for $30 with one figure being unique, a creature, and a build to go along with it. I would go as far to say that a Lorien elf set could surface if Galadriel leads the Lorien elves into battle. Perhaps you would have Galadriel, two Lorien elves, and three Gundabad orcs. Then, you would have maybe part of the fortress to connect to the rest of it. Who knows what the creature would be, maybe a warg or whatever the Lorien host typically rides.

For those following the Hobbit vlogs and info, is there even going to be an actual battle at Dol Guldur? I thought there might be one between the White Council, Sauron, the elves, and the Gundabad Orcs, but at the end of DoS all the Gundabad Orcs are seen leaving DG. This leads me to believe we will see something more along the lines of the book where it's just the White Council vs Sauron. If that's the case I doubt Lego will do anything further with Dol Guldur. They will probably give us a big Smaug set and a few Bo5A sets with a Bo5A army builder.

It would be nice, but I don't think it's very important or likely at this point. We already have the Warg in dark brown, gray, and white, and one of them comes in an army builder type set. I highly doubt Lego will give us a forth option considering we already have so many, but who knows.

For those following the Hobbit vlogs and info, is there even going to be an actual battle at Dol Guldur? I thought there might be one between the White Council, Sauron, the elves, and the Gundabad Orcs, but at the end of DoS all the Gundabad Orcs are seen leaving DG. This leads me to believe we will see something more along the lines of the book where it's just the White Council vs Sauron. If that's the case I doubt Lego will do anything further with Dol Guldur. They will probably give us a big Smaug set and a few Bo5A sets with a Bo5A army builder.

Getting another Warg is quite likely in my opinion - there are tons at the BO5A and Lego might as well get as much use out of the mold as they can - it costs them zilch, not even the price of a new print just to cast it in black or tan this time around and it adds a fresh draw to any set it's included in. It's rather like saying they've made horses for Rohirrim and Nazgul so we won't get any more - of course we'll get more horses if there are relevant sets including cavalry in any Hobbit or LOTR wave to come.

As for DG, you are correct. The Orcs peace out at the end of TDOS, I think it's going to be a White Council fight, not a large scale battle - certainly not armybuilder material. Too many uniques, not enough minions. Besides, at BEST we could get some rehashed Gundabad Orcs, some Galadhrim reusing Haldir's body, and Galadriel, who is too unique to reuse effectively. We have enough Elves already, what with the polybag AND the MEA armybuilder. Let any armybuilder be BO5A centric.

Getting another Warg is quite likely in my opinion - there are tons at the BO5A and Lego might as well get as much use out of the mold as they can - it costs them zilch, not even the price of a new print just to cast it in black or tan this time around and it adds a fresh draw to any set it's included in. It's rather like saying they've made horses for Rohirrim and Nazgul so we won't get any more - of course we'll get more horses if there are relevant sets including cavalry in any Hobbit or LOTR wave to come.

Right, the mold is already there so offering a Warg in another color isn't a big deal to Lego. I guess I just have trouble seeing where they would fit it in though. We already have a Warg in an army builder type set so I find it unlikely we would get a Warg in another army builder. It seems redundant, even if it is a different color. I guess Lego could include one in the big set if it's based on the Bo5A but who knows.

As for horses, they only come in three main colors usually.. white, black, and brown. We already have three colors for the Wargs and they will be used MUCH less. Horses have WAY more uses beyond just LotR/Hobbit since they can be used across multiple themes. Of course there are variations on the horses like markings, the red demon eyes, etc. but you get the point. I view the Warg much like the eagle. Lego will throw them at us once in awhile, but not every chance they get because they still want to keep the few sets with them appealing. I mean the Warg could of already appeared in multiple other sets that it wasn't in such as DGB and Orthanc, but Lego chose not to put it there.

Edited by Deathleech

If we get a new warg color I think it should be in redish brown. But I do believe we got a gray warg first eyar cause of how the movie developed. But this year we got a dark brown one because that is what lego think they should be acording to the movie.

Christopher lee previously said about the third movie that he is in it a lot and we would see him and Galadriel return in some enormous battle and he said it was very exciting and some of the main plot is to do with his character. So if this is true I think one more smaller Dol Guldur set may be done maybe the price range of £12-£20. Then the rest I'd imagine focus on events shown in the movie. I expect a Smaug set and then some based on the battle of five armies which Jackson has previously alluded to. I just hope that they don't mess this as movie battle wave up like they did with harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2's wave which can't even be described as a wave based on the movie. Lego missed a huge opportunity there not making any sets that had anything to do with one of the highest grossing and most anticipated movies of all time. Hopefully they take TABA a bit more seriously.

It is hardly Lego's fault that Jackson&co decided splitting the movie. And, to be frank after watching DoS, they should not have done this anyway. Lego is between a rock and a hard place picking the right sets, especially since the Hobbit is movie difficult to get sets out of it. Just imagine the Mirkwood Spiders and the Barrel Escape had come with this wave - it would look much better, would'nt it? In the last wave, they were just out of place.

The only glaring omission not counting those two, imho, is the lack of the Dwarven Forges and Smaug. But how to make a set out of it?

I just hope they get the Battle of the Five Armies right. I have been waiting for armoured Dwarves ever since Gimli mentioned them in the movie. And seeing them in the first Hobbit really made me wanting them more.

I think a 2 figure 10$ type set is the best solution for Galadriel vs sauron in the next wave so we don't get flooded with more bigish dol guldur.

That's a great idea, I'd be down for it. Make it an add-on to the existing Dol Guldur just like the Helm's Deep wall set.

But we want another DG set :)

But we want another DG set :)

do you want it at the expensive of something else we haven't got 2 sets of already?

Has there been any word or anyone have an idea of what will happen when the next movie/ Lego wave comes out this summer? Will Lego keep both waves on the shelves or retire this current wave? Obviously six months is a short time to keep a wave on the shelves, but I don't see them running both waves at the same time either.

I think it's very likely we will only get four or five sets next wave, and maybe a $200 Smaug set if we're lucky. Something like this:

$25 set with a main character (Bard, Legolas, Tauriel, etc), and two Orcs.

$35 Erebor Defense - Dain, Dwarf soldier x3, Orc x2, Warg

$70 Dol Guldur Rescue - Galadriel, Elrond, Gandalf, Sauron, Witch-King?

$130 Erebor Battle - Thorin, Beorn, Azog, Bolg, Orc x2, Thranduil, Bilbo, Eagle.

IF Lego does another Dol Guldur based set, I agree with deskp and would rather just see a small $10-13 dollar set with Galadriel and maybe Sauron or something. No need to give us yet another huge DG piece when we just got 2 based on the location. I would rather see a wave like this:

$12.99 - Dol Guldur Rescue - Galadriel and Sauron (NOT as he appears in DGB) with a small ruin piece or the bridge to enter maybe.

$29.99 - Five Armies - 3 Gundabad Orcs, preferably with new print and helmets, but at the least the hair/ear piece on 1-2 of them, 1 Iron Hills Dwarf, 1 Lake-town "soldier", 1 armored elf. If Lego absolutely has to include a unique character give us Dain or the Lake-town Guard captain, something that could still be plain looking enough to serve as a regular soldier like Eomer. The build could be something like a piece of Erebor or a wall or something like they have done in the past. No idea what the large molded creature could be, would prefer something besides a Warg since we already got that in an army builder. An eagle might work but a battle boar or stag would be awesome.

$129.99 - Battle at the Lonely Mountain - Thorin, Fili and Kili all decked out in armor, Bolg, Bilbo and Gandalf of course, 3 Gundabad Orcs, Azog again (?), an armored elf or dwarf.. some good guy grunt in nice armor. Maybe throw in another eagle? The build could just be the front of the mountains with the big gate between them and part of the hall on the inside. I am not sure where the actual battle takes place.. if it's not as close to the mountains like in the book then I guess some Dale Ruins would be nice. A couple burnt out buildings would make for a nice battlefield andwould have the potential to be easy mods later. The battle pack could have a small ruin or building

I am not sure what set(s) should be in the 40-80 dollar price range since that basically covers everything from the movie/book we know about. I would love if they just did 2 $30 battle packs, one for good and one for evil, but I don't think it very likely.

Edited by Deathleech

Great suggestions, a 12$ set with Galadriel and Sauron would be fantastic (even though I'm not sure how TLG would design the Sauron minifig as he doesn't really have his armour, it's more like a ghostly, flame-engulfed apparition) :sweet: Since we probably won't get a third LOTR wave, I'd love to see the Witch-king being released in a TABA set although he probably won't sport his signature helmet in the movie :hmpf_bad: I'm sure he'll make an appearance though, the buildup in AUJ was not without cause :grin:

Edited by Lego-Freak

Has there been any word or anyone have an idea of what will happen when the next movie/ Lego wave comes out this summer? Will Lego keep both waves on the shelves or retire this current wave? Obviously six months is a short time to keep a wave on the shelves, but I don't see them running both waves at the same time either.

They tend to keep at least parts of 2 waves on the shelf. Or at a minimum have some overlap. They are just now starting to retire some of the first wave Hobbit sets, and the last of the first wave LotR sets. I would expect to see the second wave LotR sets retire before any of these current Hobbit sets.

IF Lego does another Dol Guldur based set, I agree with deskp and would rather just see a small $10-13 dollar set with Galadriel and maybe Sauron or something. No need to give us yet another huge DG piece when we just got 2 based on the location.

$12.99 - Dol Guldur Rescue - Galadriel and Sauron (NOT as he appears in DGB) with a small ruin piece or the bridge to enter maybe.

LEGO seems to have done away with the small $13 sets, I thought they didn't sell well? $25 set would be more likely IMO.

$129.99 - Battle at the Lonely Mountain - Thorin, Fili and Kili all decked out in armor, Bolg, Bilbo and Gandalf of course, 3 Gundabad Orcs, Azog again (?), an armored elf or dwarf.. some good guy grunt in nice armor. Maybe throw in another eagle? The build could just be the front of the mountains with the big gate between them and part of the hall on the inside. I am not sure where the actual battle takes place.. if it's not as close to the mountains like in the book then I guess some Dale Ruins would be nice. A couple burnt out buildings would make for a nice battlefield andwould have the potential to be easy mods later. The battle pack could have a small ruin or building

That is a fantastic idea that I hadn't thought of. Some parts of ruined Dale would make a great set. If you're thinking Helm's deep size though, there should only be 8 figs.

LEGO seems to have done away with the small $13 sets, I thought they didn't sell well? $25 set would be more likely IMO.

That may simply be observer error. Riddles for the Ring did not appear to sell well. Wizard Duel and Galdalf Arrives seemed to more than hold their own.

LEGO seems to have done away with the small $13 sets, I thought they didn't sell well? $25 set would be more likely IMO.

I don't think so? The new 2014 City, Friends , and Ninjago themes all seem to have a set in the $9.99-12.99 price range.

That is a fantastic idea that I hadn't thought of. Some parts of ruined Dale would make a great set. If you're thinking Helm's deep size though, there should only be 8 figs.

Ya, I was just throwing out a bunch of different possibilities with the minifigures. I think the only mandatory figures would be Thorin in armor and Bolg (if not in another set). Everything else could be changed around.

They tend to keep at least parts of 2 waves on the shelf. Or at a minimum have some overlap. They are just now starting to retire some of the first wave Hobbit sets, and the last of the first wave LotR sets. I would expect to see the second wave LotR sets retire before any of these current Hobbit sets.

Has there been any word or anyone have an idea of what will happen when the next movie/ Lego wave comes out this summer? Will Lego keep both waves on the shelves or retire this current wave? Obviously six months is a short time to keep a wave on the shelves, but I don't see them running both waves at the same time either.

I can't imagine we'll see the TABA sets in the summer, since the movie release date was pushed back to 12/17/14. I think that if lucky we will get the 3rd wave of LOTR in the summer and 3rd Hobbit wave in December as we have seen with the previous 2 releases. Had TABA come out in July as originally planned it could have been very different, but now the pattern is just too similar to before. And, I can't imagine Peter Jackson and Co. will allow LEGO to release the sets in August if the movie is not out for another 4 months after that

I don't think so? The new 2014 City, Friends , and Ninjago themes all seem to have a set in the $9.99-12.99 price range.

I meant because the DOS wave didn't have one, we probably wouldn't get one next wave.

No matter what sets we get, I just don't want Hobbit to end! :(

I am curious, does LEGO's license with WB to make middle-earth sets expire after TABA? Or could they technically make more sets?

Edit: And BAM! I am officially an EB Citizen. :sweet:

Edited by Floundie

I meant because the DOS wave didn't have one, we probably wouldn't get one next wave.

Well DoS was a small wave so I wouldn't use it as a basis for future wave structures. We didn't get a big $100+ set either but I don't think Lego is doing away with those in any theme.

Lets not forget, Radagast will also be in TABA. Sylvester McCoy has said he will also return to Dol Guldur in a huge battle scene, fighting something fierce (which we now know is Sauron). In one of the early trailers/TV spots, Galadriel is shown in battle armor arriving in Dol Guldur. And Chris Lee has also said that he would appear in an enormous battle of importance.

I think that whatever happens in Dol Guldur for TABA, it is going to be of GREAT significance to all 6 films. And I have a feeling (I could be wrong) that Radagast will die in epic form, maybe sacrificing himself, & Saruman will be seduced by Sauron in some way, beginning his fall into darkness. In the book, Beorn fights in the BoFA... maybe he will indeed make an appearance in TABA, either in Dol Guldur or Dale.

I wouldn't mind another Dol Guldur set, and it would be great to get a Sauron minifig in his iconing battle armor, Galadriel in armor, Elven soldiers & even a couple more orcs. Nothing more than a $30 set with maybe another stand alone wall/structure that could be placed with the other 2 sets we just got.

2 sets for the BOFA, an army builder and a main, big set ala Helms Deep/Uruk Army. Where is this battle going to take place? Dale or on the foot hills of the Lonely Mountain? An accurate movie Bolg should be included, a Great Eagle or 2

Whatever they do for Smaug, it had better outshine all other sets. My expectations for him are as high as they were to see him in the film, in which he was truly awesome.

I would think they will have the license until at least the end of 2015, which gives plenty of time to get a 4th wave, combined LotR/Hobbit ... Right when Star Wars VII will hit.

Radagast is still alive in LotR (book). Would be strange if he dies in the movie.

Edited by Robert_88

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