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In one of the early trailers/TV spots, Galadriel is shown in battle armor arriving in Dol Guldur

Interesting. Which trailer would this be?

Radagast is still alive in LotR (book). Would be strange if he dies in the movie.

Radagast was never mentioned in the film versions of LOTR, so it's actually quite possible. Anything can happen in TABA, as DOS has proven.

Interesting. Which trailer would this be?

I don't think he's correct, I've been keeping up with these movies very closely and do not recall seeing that anywhere. This guy might have seen some fan made teaster trailer.

Going back to the topic of armored elves, after having seen the movie, I'm starting to doubt that we'll get any.

They played a big part at the river gate fighting the orcs, and if lego didn't include them there, where they were a major part, I wonder if they'll make any at all? I guess they might still include them in a BO5A set, but I'm starting to wonder

Lego would not have known everything from the film

Going back to the topic of armored elves, after having seen the movie, I'm starting to doubt that we'll get any.

They played a big part at the river gate fighting the orcs, and if lego didn't include them there, where they were a major part, I wonder if they'll make any at all? I guess they might still include them in a BO5A set, but I'm starting to wonder

I thought it was pretty clear we'd never get the palace guards when they weren't in MEA, We should be getting the armored mirkwood soldiers next wave though!

Mirkwood Soldier

I know I have seen Galadriel in armor, but I wen't through a # of the trailers and TV spots and cannot find it. Ug... It wasn't a fan trailer. Maybe a production video. I will keep looking. Sorry.

Back on topic, are we talking about the armored palace guards or the regular armored elves? It would be really cool to get both.

I do believe you're mistaken, I too have been following these movies very close and I do not recall seeing Galadriel in armor either.

I know I have seen Galadriel in armor. Back on topic, are we talking about the armored palace guards or the regular armored elves? It would be really cool to get both.

Galadriel is armored during her "possed" thing in lord of the rings.

We are talking about the palace guards as being someone we'll never get. All the palace guards are armored. the captain or whatever he is, is not wearing a helmet though.

I thought it was pretty clear we'd never get the palace guards when they weren't in MEA, We should be getting the armored mirkwood soldiers next wave though!


I've got my fingers crossed... I think they'd be extremely popular if they do make them.

Brickset.com: There are 3 sets for 2014.

Brickset.com: There are 3 sets for 2014.

Summer or Winter? Even with only 3 LOTR sets, LEGO could give us what we are missing. If these three sets focussed on the Battle of Pelennor/Siege of Minas Tirith/Attack at Osgiliath, we'll get the figs we need to complete the collection.

However, if its three sets total, all focussed on TABA, then we have our evidence that LEGO lost faith in this theme long ago.

Summer or Winter? Even with only 3 LOTR sets, LEGO could give us what we are missing. If these three sets focussed on the Battle of Pelennor/Siege of Minas Tirith/Attack at Osgiliath, we'll get the figs we need to complete the collection.

However, if its three sets total, all focussed on TABA, then we have our evidence that LEGO lost faith in this theme long ago.

Good point..

I'm still hopefull for a D2C Smaug set... I've been thinking that It was TLG's intentions to release him this wave, but based off where the movie cut off... maybe Warner Bros didn't allow them to make it yet, since he has not yet released his fury apon laketown? Just a thought. Many say TLG could have made a set with Smaug and the Dwarven forge, but the problem with that is that there would be no exclsuive figs, something LEGO would never do since that would leave a limited market. I of course would buy and ME sets no matter what, but from a kid who want's new exclusive figs in a $100 set perspective, I'd think that he would spend his money elsewhere. Anyone who's read the book and watched TDOS know the fate of Smaug and of Laketown, but since that particular scene will not be shown for another year, I think LEGO will be forced to wait till then. Anyhow, a Smaug set with a bigger section of Laketown if much more likely! Many people believe that Laketown has been completely covered, but I think there's still much more that could be added, not to mention Smaug. That would give us a good oppertuniy for more Laketown Soldiers plus possible exclusives like Braga, Alfrid and Bain! :)

Summer or Winter? Even with only 3 LOTR sets, LEGO could give us what we are missing. If these three sets focussed on the Battle of Pelennor/Siege of Minas Tirith/Attack at Osgiliath, we'll get the figs we need to complete the collection.

However, if its three sets total, all focussed on TABA, then we have our evidence that LEGO lost faith in this theme long ago.

If you check better you see 1 number is missing which is 99% exclusive set ending on 16 I think... so its 100% four Id say

I think releasing the final LoTR wave in October is a brilliant marketing move. TLG takes advantage of the upcoming hobbit movie without over shadowing it. The movie will provide interest in both lines just in time for Christmas. Plus both lines will benefit in 2015 from any blu ray/ DVD releases of individual and 6 movie trilogy releases. I imagine these sets will be very difficult to get by early to mid December. And that way too TLG can focus more on those lines and hopefully give it the attention they deserve.

We can all hope the TLG has saved the best sets for last.

I think releasing the final LoTR wave in October is a brilliant marketing move. TLG takes advantage of the upcoming hobbit movie without over shadowing it. The movie will provide interest in both lines just in time for Christmas. Plus both lines will benefit in 2015 from any blu ray/ DVD releases of individual and 6 movie trilogy releases. I imagine these sets will be very difficult to get by early to mid December. And that way too TLG can focus more on those lines and hopefully give it the attention they deserve.

We can all hope the TLG has saved the best sets for last.

Well Its not October release date... its just Hungarian October release... a guy from Hungary said their release dates are ''several'' months behind... for example they still do not have current Hobbit sets from wave 2.... so it is likely its still July release...

What did the final release wave or two of Harry Potter look like? The one commensurate with the unexpectedly split second Deathly Hallows movie? I think that is going to be our best predictor for what we have remaining from Middle Earth. Just eyeballing it, the two core themes probably track very similarly in terms of size, target market group, sales, etc. ( at least the tail end of HP).

And let's be completely honest with ourselves. There is a fairly good chance we might not see a Smaug set, and if we do see one it will undoubtedly be a major disappointment to most around here simply because of the level of compression that will be needed to pull it off. (And no I'm sure we would not see a "big fig" Smaug. Probably just the head and tail would be molded. Trying to do the whole dragon as molded would probably go too far in compromising the design philosophy of Lego construction sets.)

Well Its not October release date... its just Hungarian October release... a guy from Hungary said their release dates are ''several'' months behind... for example they still do not have current Hobbit sets from wave 2.... so it is likely its still July release...

To tell the truth the October timing is a little bit to late for the 'usual' delay of the release dates in Hungary. The last LOTR wave was released around August (or possibly early September the latest). Anyway I still agree that we are talking about coming LOTR sets and October won't be correct at the end (neither for Hungary).

To tell the truth the October timing is a little bit to late for the 'usual' delay of the release dates in Hungary. The last LOTR wave was released around August (or possibly early September the latest). Anyway I still agree that we are talking about coming LOTR sets and October won't be correct at the end (neither for Hungary).

Well is it like the US where it's a "scheduled" October release date but then the sets always appear a few weeks or even a month early? Here in the US both the LotR waves had a June 1st release date and the first wave started popping up early May and the second wave around mid to late May. The same with the Hobbit sets, they are scheduled for Dec 1st every year but so far they always show up in stores like TRU about 2 weeks early.

The Hobbit sets have been scheduled for Dec 1 every year, because the movies were releasing in mid December. Wasn't TABA originally scheduled for an August release, and got pushed back because of post production delays at the last minute? If so an October 1 release in Hungary might correspond to a planned August 1 release in the US, which would have dove tailed with TABA's original release date. So we still can't derive anything from the timing.

The Hobbit sets have been scheduled for Dec 1 every year, because the movies were releasing in mid December. Wasn't TABA originally scheduled for an August release, and got pushed back because of post production delays at the last minute? If so an October 1 release in Hungary might correspond to a planned August 1 release in the US, which would have dove tailed with TABA's original release date. So we still can't derive anything from the timing.

Don't be silly. The change from August to December regarding the TABA premier happened ages ago. LEGO has surely adapted, anything else would be ridicolous. There's NO way they'd release the sets for TABA almost half a year before the movie premiers.

They released Barrel Escape and Mirkwood Spiders a year before :tongue:

They released Barrel Escape and Mirkwood Spiders a year before :tongue:

but thats cause the trilogy split only happened a few months prior, too late for lego to change their plans.

Don't be silly. The change from August to December regarding the TABA premier happened ages ago. LEGO has surely adapted, anything else would be ridicolous. There's NO way they'd release the sets for TABA almost half a year before the movie premiers.

The change was announced in February 2013, so plenty of time to shift sets from Summer release to Winter release you would think. Bigger concern if that is enough time to design & tool new LOTR sets for summer release, since if Hobbit was planned for Summer '14 a year ago, I could see no LOTR sets being planned for that time. Maybe LOTR '14 wave was originally planned for winter '14, and they are switching the release dates of the sets once the movie release changed.

Don't be silly. The change from August to December regarding the TABA premier happened ages ago. LEGO has surely adapted, anything else would be ridicolous. There's NO way they'd release the sets for TABA almost half a year before the movie premiers.

They did it for Lone Ranger when that date changed late in the process. It also looks like the TMNT sets are scheduled for April, with that movie pushed back to late summer. So they do often choose to hold the original planned studio hard date. Sometimes it works to their benefit (I think most LR sets sold before folks saw the movie.) sometimes not (IM Mandarin sets tanked after they saw the movie.)

It leaves TLG caught in the middle. They have delivery date contracts with retailers. They have street date contracts with the licensee. It puts them in a weird situation. And unless I am forgetting something strange in the past, New Line has possibly been the worst license partner experience for TLG to date. Adding extra movies. Splitting up already finalized scenes and impacting corresponding merchandise, logistical hassles at each stage. Not a pleasant environment for the toy makers. I'm sure they are doing a costs benefits analysis regarding recent licensing issues.

It leaves TLG caught in the middle. They have delivery date contracts with retailers. They have street date contracts with the licensee. It puts them in a weird situation. And unless I am forgetting something strange in the past, New Line has possibly been the worst license partner experience for TLG to date. Adding extra movies. Splitting up already finalized scenes and impacting corresponding merchandise, logistical hassles at each stage. Not a pleasant environment for the toy makers. I'm sure they are doing a costs benefits analysis regarding recent licensing issues.

For the 2. half of 2014 retailers are ordering their stock around these times. so lego hasn't had any obligations to retailers to keep the taba sets for summer.

Also schedule changes is due for the course with movies, toy companies and retailers are aware, and im sure it's some part of the contracts.

Lego hasn't lost money due to the 3 movie split, it has given them an oppertunity to sell more sets for longer, Sure part of it is annoying to them, but thats the deal with lisences.

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