September 27, 201311 yr Welcome Asulf! Plenty of fine taverns in the capital but if you be wanting something a bit more dangerous we could always just stroll into a Nocturnus tavern and drink all their mead and ale!
September 27, 201311 yr On 9/27/2013 at 3:48 PM, Derfel Cadarn said: Welcome Asulf! Plenty of fine taverns in the capital but if you be wanting something a bit more dangerous we could always just stroll into a Nocturnus tavern and drink all their mead and ale! Stroll in and drink all of our mead and ale? You tight wearers must be mistaking us for those bearded ladies up north. We drink blood-wine. If you can drink more than a thimbleful, you're watering it down. Mwahaha! :P Welcome to GoH Asulf!
September 28, 201311 yr Its great to see two new faces among the ranks of Avalonia! I extend a welcome to you both and you have made a wise choice with Avalonia. Edited September 28, 201311 yr by HammerBro33
September 30, 201311 yr Nice house Zach, I like the colors and how it looks. But I am not sure what it is exactly? A kind of tavern on a lonly road or is it part of small village?
September 30, 201311 yr Sorry to you all who picked the incorrect guild. Sorry you're not in Nocturnus.
September 30, 201311 yr The incorrect guild??? Nocturnus likes to talk the talk! We'll just have to give them an onslaught of awesome builds! I can't wait to start building, only 2 weeks to go!!!
September 30, 201311 yr I see Avalonia has already been putting out some great mocs and there are many great new members joining up. We know how to deal with used car salesman Z!
September 30, 201311 yr Here are the loyal guardians of Circardia, the Phoenix Guard! Lord Arlindus' father, Orthus began the Phoenix Guard shortly after settling Circardia in order to ward off attacks from outlaw bands and to help protect travelers from ill creatures lurking throughout dense woods of the Enchanted Forest. Orthus, having not forgotten his fresh start in Circardia, created the Phoenix Guard with the idea of giving those that wanted a new start. When one joins the Phoenix Guard, their past is forgotten and they assume a new name. Many of the sons and daughters of the initial settlers are now members of the Guard as well. After finishing the initial training, and individual wishing to graduate the Phoenix Guard must survive 30 days in the wilds of the Enchanted Forest with only the clothes on their back and a dagger. Once complete, Like a phoenix reborn from the ashes, loyalty to the Guard and Circadia is unwavering and the individual starts anew. The Phoenix Guard learned many skills from the Elven clans over the years and is known for its extensive woodlore, tracking, as well as archery, pikes and swordsmanship. They are typically assigned certain areas of Circardia, which they travel ensuring the safety of its citizens. The Phoenix Guard Standard was a gift from Dywinlyn, Elven High Chief of the Oak Heart Clan after they brought peace to the region. Handcrafted by skilled elven craftsman, they represent the wings of a phoenix. Often wearing light leather armor, a cloak and hood or helm, they can move silently throughout the forest. Arlindus' father retired and passed rule of Circardia and captaincy the Phoenix Guard to his son years ago. Orthus now acts as a ambassador between Circardia and elven clans. I wanted to dust to build a little something so I put together the little landscape scene. Working on a build with regular Avalonian soldiers garrisoned in Circardia and should have it up in a few days. Edited October 1, 201311 yr by MikeyB
September 30, 201311 yr To do list: -Become best guild in Historica (check) -Make all you goofs in Avalonia feel like you did indeed make the wrong choice (pending) -Conquer Historica (pending) DC- you cut me deep bro. I think really you are just feeling left out. There is still room for you on the darker side of the continent. We'll take your crazy pumpkin head.
September 30, 201311 yr Another great addition to the forces of Avalonia! They look ready to fight and I also like the river and the trees in the background. Good job, Mikey. In other news, Z has become a narcissistic ruler who believes good fortune will follow him wherever his obnoxious pride takes him. I can see West vs. East will be a rather interesting battle in Book II.
September 30, 201311 yr Really high quality work on the photo MikeyB. Wouldn't they look better in Nocturnus black though?
September 30, 201311 yr I feel like Obe Wan in StarsWars, my great potential builders have turned to the Darkside!!! Lol Actually it's a good challenge and a challenge is what I need as it brings out the best. Anyway, you havn't taken all the talent from Avalonia! Last time I checked it appears that Avalonia is packing some serious builders ready to light this forum up! This guild is not a power house, it's a power mansion! Because of the loss of some builders to Nocturnus I can see it will definitely be an East vs West rivalry. @Mikey B, great pics, those troops and scenery are nicely done. Looking forward to another round of great builds from you.
September 30, 201311 yr Author Don't let ZCereberus bother you. He's just regretting his decision to leave Avalonia. As DC said, we have are a power Mansion, and Nocturnus should fear us, as already demonstrated in the builds posted so far! Speaking of which: Buurli - Love the water work and the landscaping! Zach Mills - Nice cottage, good to see another MOC from you! MikeyB - I always like your landscaping, and seeing your phoenix guard again is a welcome sight. (I love the use of the Dastan torsos. I have a bunch of these I was going to use for Elves, but it didn't quite work out. I may have to try them out as Avalonians instead) Kerntechniker - You mounted troops are a welcome addition, as is the Dragon. Derfel - Love the troops, but that's a given, as your troops founded the Avalonian military, and were the basis for my example of Avalonian troops. The Dark Isles are well defended! Carson Haupt - Welcome back! Candia and Kronus Blacktiger - Welcome to Avalonia! You've made a wise choice. Feel free to complete Task 1 if you wish and post your militia/troops/soldiers. There have been some great posts from everyone, and we haven't even started the challenges yet! Keep up the great work Avalonians! One housekeeping note: Please post links to your free builds in this thread as many of you have already been doing.
September 30, 201311 yr On 9/30/2013 at 11:04 PM, Derfel Cadarn said: I feel like Obe Wan in StarsWars, my great potential builders have turned to the Darkside!!! Lol If you're looking for a new Padawan, I'm totally in the market for a master! I have so much to learn!
October 1, 201311 yr thanks for the complements everyone, It feels good to bring the Phoenix Guard back out! @DC glad you like the landscape, and you might recognize the bridge, totally learned it from your great tutorial! @Z, I have something like 40 of those Dastan torso (got them for like a .25 cents a piece early in book one) Don't think I could afford to switch to another guild if I wanted to! Edited October 1, 201311 yr by MikeyB
October 1, 201311 yr Oh, it's the torsos holding you back... let me see... yep, Dastan torsos check!!
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