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Actually I have to disagree. :sceptic: Please see this as constructive criticism and not as a megablocks rant as this is not my style at all!

I don't like the new / current map at all. Its too pixelated, the colors are too cartoonish and not working together, the forests look strange, etc.. I really feel that Avalonia should have a proper and beautiful map that represents its glory.

I would gladly create a new one if thats okay for you guys. I already reworked the Albion map and I could do the same with this one. Let me know what you think..

On a much happier note: I'll be back building starting on Monday! I have a lot planned for the next months :) (Its the time again to showcase some more cheese! :laugh: )


Hate to change the subject, but I have a couple of ships that fit the categories of the GNAR. Trouble is, one's entirely black and white without a speck of green (although I could change the flag atop the mast) and another is a longship with red and white decorations over a hull made of brown and dark tan parts. I think any attempt to add green to the former would be a bit clash-y. What do you think - can I get away with posting them as Avalonian vessels?

Also, I know someone who did this map for an RPG on MOCpages: The Lands of Mythron

I don't know if that will help, because said someone isn't a Eurobricks member, but hey, it might be good for inspiration.


I am happy to see the map updated.

Only regret is that the main roads are not displayed, and that the rivers are changed compared to the original map. That rerouting seems to take away some of the trading potential of the Trifork! :tongue:


you use Adobe? I may be able to dig up the file for my version of the map and send it to you, although I spent many hours on it and still kinda like it under my name I know i don't have the time to keep it updated so passing it on is the best thing to do :wink:

take your pic :laugh:


or my other map


PM me if you want them, if they can be useful in anyway.


I have updated Avalonia's Map:


Odidoma - I took the liberty of shifting your territory over, as the original location was already taken.

it works perfectly for me, thanks for a new updated map.

Great Naval Arms Race. Basically Mitgardia and Kaliphlin got into an insult hurling match and there were pirates and now all the guilds have a contest to build boats/ships.


It was meant more as a compliment :wink: It takes talent to condense all of GNAR the way you did.

I realised. Mine was more sarcasm! The condensing comes from writing reports for university- I had to learn to sum them up in a paragraph.

Posted (edited)

Nice to see some ships for our beloved Avalonia! :thumbup: Great works on that guys!

I´m almost done with my CH build so now most of my building time (which still is very limited despite the fact that I´m on parental leave til august!) is concentrated on making my city Sionnach bigger.

Hope to see some Avalonians moc soon! Keep the great work up fellow guildsmates!

Edited by de Gothia

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