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The Feathered Serpent steps among the bickering heroes.


"Time's a-wasting, only three hours to go until dusk. Better get your final actions in, or you'll lose the chance. Life's tough that way."

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"One thing, cought my eer, hauevrr..."

I got confirmation that you could state in public you do nothing and then later privately change your action. So that means the whole list I made is basically useless. Oh well.

"Iff only ranged attacksz end spellz can be said seecretly, wouldn't it bee logical that only peeple who usze them can change them that way?"

"No one is confirmed, but most have their suspicions."

"Off that Ay am aware... But beeing a re-gu-lator, witout proof, Ay can't doo anything... Szo tooday, Ay will do nothing too."


Scamander changes his action, he instead decides to sing a glorious Ballad of Bravery to Fleyra.

"There once was a U'kin, pretty he was not,

with bug eyes and duckface, he smelled just like rot,

Questionable funds, Those he did receive,

And then attempted, to lie and deceive,

He attacked a dwarf, and instilled him with dread,

But worry not, dear Hall-ies, for he will soon be deaaaad!"

"Iff only ranged attacksz end spellz can be said seecretly, wouldn't it bee logical that only peeple who usze them can change them that way?"


Scamander takes out his flute and his herbs, and decides to go for the herbs. While licking the paper, he remarks: "You know, I could sing more songs (encourage more people) if that would make things more efficient."


"Okay due to miscommunication you can disregard that last song. New plan." Scamander sings the Hard Rock Anthem, to Ezeal, Panduin, Calico, Werther and Usharnam. Starts to clap hands and stomp feet.

"Hero, you're a boy/girl make a big spell, questing in the plains gonna be an expert class some day, you got tonic on your face, you big disgrace, Casting your spells all over the place, singing: we want, we want DEFENSE, we want, we want DEFENSE!"


"Okay due to miscommunication you can disregard that last song. New plan." Scamander sings the Hard Rock Anthem, to Ezeal, Panduin, Calico, Werther and Usharnam. Starts to clap hands and stomp feet.

"Hero, you're a boy/girl make a big spell, questing in the plains gonna be an expert class some day, you got tonic on your face, you big disgrace, Casting your spells all over the place, singing: we want, we want DEFENSE, we want, we want DEFENSE!"

OoC: Hilarious songs, Scuba! :laugh:

"Me thankful for the protection but me thinks it's actually a waste of effort. Unless Theodore or Swinehurst calls of their attacks you will be defending a dead lion."


"Well, me hope for that too. If such happens me will use my action to drink a potion to recover any health me might have lost."


At the library, others had long given up on solving the unfinished sentence with Byblos, but Pallas Thaddicus lingered. Together the two thought they finally solved the problem.



"How about this: One angel in his pride refused to become a guardian to a single mortal being. He became the first angel to fall from Ennoc's grace, and took the name Lucifuge, The Lightshunner."


"Yes, that must be it! Thank you so much, Elder Thaddicus!"


"No trouble at all. Care for a pretzel?"

Nearby at the Gallery, Luridan Duvors purchases an axe to replace the weapon that was stolen from him the day before.



"Thank you, come again!"

Meanwhile, at the main hall a full-blown death match was in motion.


Cromeo Nightingale, Kharybdis and Sir Rubinstein beat Piro the Visionary to death.


Brienne Deercourt shielded her protégé Calico Meatpie from harm as Ein Surefoot and Capriccia Gianpaolo healed the halfling together.


Theodor Legion threw a bomb at Ezeal, which gave Swinehurst an opening to cut the werelion in half with his mighty blade.


Panduin Oreheart chased Eris across the floor, but got hit by a cannon bullet himself.


Zarissa Curie watched in horror as Zpilf, Werther Brickton, Panduin Oreheart and an arrow literally tore Eris apart, even though she had just sealed the orcish sorceress to make her less of a threat.


Calico had just snatched something away from U'dargan as an enormous sizzling spirit of thunder appeared, and struck the dragoon dead. Maxi Ebdul watched this take place through a magnifying glass.




Skrupp Oxstrong was admiring his newly gained magnifying glass when he was ripped to shreds by a light spell and an explosive.


Enya Dorgamel got her share of the carnage as an arrow pierced her arm.


Some of the others were in a less aggressive mood, though. Luridan continued making his mixtures, while Geosmos Phiephyrphoe whispered something to Emmanuelle Janus. Humming gleefully, Zelphie enhanced her staff again.

After the survivors were ushered to their rooms again, the Veterans gathered the bodies. There were five of them in total.



"Again, there is nothing on any of them to even hint that they had been affected by an angel. Maybe it was all just a ruse..."


"Wait... Ungh, my head... I sense a presence... Fabula Sibylla be merciful, what an evil... Aaahhh!"

As the Sand Queen screamed, a bright light emanated from the body of Ezeal, the werelion. The Veterans then heard a voice inside their heads, both sweet and dreadful at the same time.



{This Nephilim served me well, but the others will not give up until every last one of you lies dead. That is my will.}

Just as fast as the apparition of the angel had appeared, it was gone. Shocked of the vision and the fact that it was now confirmed that the Nephilim truly existed among them, the Veterans retired for the night. On the stairs, the Sand Queen stopped the Dragonlord.



"Cain, what do we do? That was a real angel, free from Ennoc's rule! How can we ever dream of defeating him?"


"That was nothing more than a mirage, Semiramis. Mirages can't hurt us. But those that the angel is controlling can. And as today showed, they are flesh and blood, just like the rest of us. Now try to get some sleep, you'll need it in the days to come."

The night fell upon Heroica Hall, and there wasn't a soul inside that slept well that night.

Host Note: You may now start sending in your actions for Night Two. Any actions you sent before this conclusion (against the instructions) were not counted, so you need to resend them.

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