Posted March 18, 200717 yr upon searching a little aronud on the net for news, I came across this. I dont know what to think about this. It seems too good to be true.
March 18, 200717 yr Christian, It seems this set is a future viking set. It is in the category vikings. But in the embassy forum, there's been a thread created about pirates. So, maybe there'll be a new pirate theme in a year or so... Mr Tiber
March 18, 200717 yr Governor I get no pictures when I visit that webpage, but maybe they've been removed for some reason. Anyhow, if you look to the list of themes on the left you'll notice Vikings is bolded, and if you click on the text it will take you to a list of Viking sets of which "7029 - Skeleton Ship Attack" is at the bottom. So perhaps this is an upcoming Vikings set... EDIT Mr Tiber beat me to it!
March 18, 200717 yr I would actually bet this is a new castle set that the site accidentally put under the category of vikings. If you look at the original Castle poster one can see a ship far in the distance at about the middle of the poster. That picture's one of the smaller scans, but you can still see the ship.
March 18, 200717 yr There are three answers for this. It is vikings, castle, aquaraiders or pirates. It seems like it will be vikings or castle, but lets hope thats wrong...
March 18, 200717 yr There are three answers for this. It is vikings, castle, aquaraiders or pirates. It seems like it will be vikings or castle, but lets hope thats wrong... From the other side, lets hope it isn't. I prefer a pirate theme without living skeletons on a ship... That would be to much POTC like... Although, better that, than nothing. Mr Tiber
March 18, 200717 yr Governor There are three answers for this. It is vikings, castle, aquaraiders or pirates. Three answers? I see 4 there... 1) Vikings 2) Castle 3) Aquaradiers 4) Pirates It seems like it will be vikings or castle, but lets hope thats wrong... I'd agree with that...
March 18, 200717 yr Castle or not, as long as it's using old ship peices so it may be retro fited for the Imperial Navy. I think I have an Idea with what to do with the skeletons. Make a series of vigs based on POTC (Ride)'s haunted caverns sequence! I.e. Hurricane Lagoon, Cap'n's qaurters, Crew's qaurters, the treasure room, and Dead Men's cove. Remeber, DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES!
March 18, 200717 yr I doubt it's Aqua Raiders, as a first year line wouldn't have two exclusive sets. Plus we already have the shipwreck. And Vikings is dead, sadly. So it's more likely Pirates or an exclusive Castle. And it's in the same number section as new Castle.
March 18, 200717 yr Author It's got to be castle. It's got the word skeleton in it! After some consideration I've come to the same decision as Sam, and possible others too, because the site have placed other sets in the wrong categories, so this may not be vikings, but most likely castle, and not pirates as I first thought.
March 18, 200717 yr I think I'll move this to the Castle forum then, since that's what it most likely it :-$
March 18, 200717 yr The fact that it has the word Skeleton in it pretty much means "no sale" for me. I'm just not that interested in the undead, so this one is a definite pass.
March 19, 200717 yr I dont think we will be seeing pirates for a while. If you hadn't notice, the themes are centered around non-human conflicts and the humans are the good guys. Eg, EF - humans vs robots, Castle - humans vs skeletons, AR - humans vs sea monsters, vikings - humans vs dragons, MM - humans vs aliens. A pirate theme would be centered around the humans as the bad guys. Definitely no no. Can you imagine the chaos surrounding the parental complaints over their kids play-imagine themselves as pirates. :-P if they cast the imperial navy (french or english) then still they have to cast the pirates as non-human to avoid human-human conflicts. So maybe having a skeleton pirate crew is not out of the question. But gone are the days of captain blackbeard and his crew of one-eyed, one-armed, one-legged bandits. I don
March 19, 200717 yr I don’t think we will be seeing pirates for a while. If you hadn't notice, the themes are centered around non-human conflicts and the humans are the good guys. Thats an interesting observation. Im really hoping that its just a coincidence. There was human vs human conflict as late the last KK2 sets from mid 2006 but as you've pointed out, the newest themes seemed to be centered around human vs other conflicts. This would definately be a hinderance towards a new pirate theme (at least a pirate theme that AFOLs would be satisfied with). On the bright side, this apparent avoidance of human on human conflict could lead to some actual non-conflict themes in the future, themes centered around civilian life, exploration or history. I know... I know... conflict and action is what sells toys like LEGO but an AFOL can dream... :-P PS. I also think this new set is definately part of the Castle theme and not a pirate set.
March 19, 200717 yr A ship for the skeleton army! Let's hope this is good...but considering how AWESOME the 2007 Castle is, I'm sure it's a great set. Also, try to consider the prices. I don't know what that currency is, but, comparing the price of the ship to Viking Double Catapult vs. the Armoured Ofnir Dragon (which costs 40 Euro/dollars), I'm thinking something along the lines of..60 Euro? One more thing: notice the word "attack" on the set name. Could there be a small human ship or boat included with it? I hope so. Shakar
March 20, 200717 yr Is it just my connection, or is there no working picture on that site? I'd really like to see this pic... If there is one, that is.
March 20, 200717 yr Is it just my connection, or is there no working picture on that site? I'd really like to see this pic... If there is one, that is. It doesn't work for me either. I believe Mister Phes said on the first page that he was having similar problems. That's why we're all trying to guess about what the set will be like :-P
March 20, 200717 yr I'm usually happy with any ship that isn't city themed :-P As long as it's a cog, longship, any wooden sailing vessel, or even space ship I'll be good :-P And the skeleton title is icing on the cake for me! *skull* I do believe it is most likely a cog or castle themed vessel *knight* "This product will be in stock on Wednesday 01 August, 2007." I predict it'll be a must buy for me
March 21, 200717 yr August 1, eh? I'm ready, Lego! My skellies will need something to reach by sea new places to conquer. Yet another item to add to my wishlist, it seems. Shakar
March 21, 200717 yr If you hadn't notice, the themes are centered around non-human conflicts and the humans are the good guys.thanks for the insight... that is a great observation natelite !!!something to think about... - BM
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