Posted September 8, 201311 yr Combining the ideas from Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 18, location from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and characters from Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast My entry to the Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka : Episode I 48X48 vignettes < A Dirty Escape > Once the peaceful floating Cloud City, was now captured by the Empire when we arrived. They set up blockades all over the orbit. The civilians, with the help from the landed Rebels, kept their fight against the Stormtroopers on many landing platforms, hoping to escape from the hands of the evil Empire. Instead of battling the Stormtroopers, I decided not to head on. I was tasked to help evacuate the government officials. While the battle went on at the top of the city, I made a deal with Reelo Baruk, a male Rodian I met on Tatooine years ago, was now working as the head of a garbage hauling company. He also had business transporting garbage from the Cloud City to Nar Shaddaa. Down at the Bespin construction platform supply dock Stormtrooper 1 : Who put these garbage cargoes here ? Stormtrooper 2 : No sign of any life forms, I bet no one is that stupid to hide inside. Reelo : YOU ! Imperial scum ! What are you doing with my cargoes ? My name is Reelo Baruk, and I don’t care what your Empire is doing here. I am here for my own business, and I won’t hesitate to kill you if you cause me trouble. Rebel trooper 1 : Ninja Nin, the rest of the government officials were successfully frozen in carbonite Ninja Nin : Good, I think Reelo will clear those stormtroopers soon. I will start lowering the carbonite blocks into the cargoes, hopefully Reelo can transport them with his garbage ship. Here is the complete vignette : Check out my Flickr Set for all photos I hope my evacuation plan works, C & C are welcome !
September 8, 201311 yr A smart solution to carry the evacuees, brown, wires and pipes do a great job representing the dirty side of cloud city, great build, your entry is one of the best so far.
September 8, 201311 yr Wow! Great build! I love it! The buildings, the machinery... definitely one of the best so far!
September 8, 201311 yr Fantastic build! This is a nice capture of the lower works of Cloud City. The brown looks nice and does not feel like wood but more like rust or brown metal. All the piping and detailing is also nice. I relly like the containers. Good job, for a rebel that is But the story wise, I think no Rodian would dare threaten an Imperial officer. Or at least he'd be punctured by blasters of all the Stormtroopers around. Else it's a great idea, but carbonite should be used to avoid the blocade scanners and not to secretly dump them into trash. Anyway Lord Vader want's every civilian held on the planet and no trash worker is an exception!
September 8, 201311 yr Wow, love the build. Glad you're on our side! I love the custom carbonite people. Very creative.
September 8, 201311 yr Wow! Fantastic work! I love the rounded wall, wind turbines, and the garbage bins, hell I love everything about it!
September 8, 201311 yr Wow! Love the idea and you built it perfectly! Love the garbage bins and the scale of the build!
September 8, 201311 yr I love this build! So clean, so smooth, such great use of curves, but at the same time, so well-weathered with a great industrial, almost run-down look. Terrific use of textures in the brown, of different types of pipes and hoses, of different colors, of action, and of story.
September 9, 201311 yr Very creative! The angles and smooth lines are excellent, and the dumpsters are nicely designed. Great work.
September 9, 201311 yr Fantastic story. And you've really hit the industrial look of the city, as I remember from The Force Unleashed.
September 9, 201311 yr Great MOC! "Real Cloud City" I like the building very much and all those diffrent aliens are also awesome!
September 18, 201311 yr Wow...I simply love this MOC! Very nicely done! Great story and absolutely fantastic job on all the details and finishing it as a very smooth build. PS : A container never was so sexy.
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