Sandy Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 DAY FIVE ~ HASTY DECISIONS Scheherazade wasn't surprised to find another corpse from the main hall when she awoke. She began her day by moving the body of Jeddam Ashenbow to the cellar to be investigated by the Veterans and mopping up her blood. "Another innocent hero's blood soaks these tiles." Suddenly she heard a spine-chilling shriek and footsteps running towards her. She spun around to see her son at the verge of tears. "Mother! You can't believe what they did now!" "Sham, what's the matter? Are you hurt?" "Not me, but my stuff! Those bastards managed to break into my enchanted backbag! Most of the items inside were smashed to pieces! Just think of all the potential income I lost - just like that!" "Sham, you're hopeless! Get out of my sight or I'll make you finish this mopping!" "Eep!" The Veterans then gathered all the surviving heroes into the hall for an important announcement. A disgusting stench filled the room, as Sheherazade descended the stairs carrying a tray-full of steaming cups. "May I have your attention, please! We fear that time is not on our side, so Scheherazade will be serving some special drinks for you today. Everyone must drink, make no mistake about that. These drinks will make you quicker, allowing you to take two actions each day and night from now on. However, the two actions must be different from each other, so you cannot take the same action twice in one phase. You also have to perform them at the same time. If I've made myself clear, please drink up!" The heroes had no choice but to obey. As they gulped down the smelly liquid, the Dragonlord spoke once again. "That's right, no more slacking around! From here-on out, if you don't state an action every day and night, I'll feed you to Smaragdea without a warning!" The heroes were then called to the Library once more. It was a lot messier now, with piles of books all over the room. "Sorry about the disorder! I was so busy last night that I would have probably passed out if I didn't have my secret stash of *cough* bananas. I did find an interesting passage from the Annals of Ennon, but its been tampered with magic as well. What's wrong with these books of mine nowadays...?" ***** BYBLOS THE LIBRARIAN'S CHALLENGE #4: Fit the words from the list to the sentence below. Send your answer to the host. You only have one try. In the bitter - against -, the - and the - - of - with their - - fought against the - of - and the - known as the - that had taken over the - - -. The - of - succeeded in sealing away the - - of the -, but - had gained such a strong grip on - that they were forced to sink the entire - to the - of the -. Nowadays the only remains of it are the - - and -. angelsbottomcontinentcreatorcultistsdemonsElvenEnnon x2evilforcesFreeguardianhordesimmortalIslandskingdomMercution x2MoonMooneNephilim x2oceanpaladinspriestswarwizardRULES:1. ALIGNMENTS: There are two sides in this game, trying to beat each other. Heroica wins if they manage to find and kill all of the Nephilim. The Nephilim win if they outnumber the heroes loyal to Heroica. The Nephilim know each other, but the others don’t know who the Nephilim are. There are also neutral players, who have their own special victory conditions.2. PHASES: The game is played in two alternating phases - "Days" and "Nights", both lasting up to 48 hours - during which the players can use their abilities on each other. All players can use two abilities per phase, but the abilities must be different from one another. During the Night-phase, the game is played through Private Messages between the host and the players, and all actions are private, revealed only to the target. During the Day-phase, all actions are public, and are shown in the Day-topic to everyone. Ranged attacks and spells are an exception, their performer is never revealed. You must send both of your actions at the same time, as you only have one turn per phase. If you fail to send in an action or do not state that you do nothing, you will be killed off.3. RESULTS: The results of the abilities are tallied at the beginning (for Night-actions) and the end (for Day-actions) of the Day-phase. When a player’s health is completely depleted, they are killed off from the game. The player who delivered the killing blow will get all of the victim’s gold and items, and gain experience (see Leveling Up). The alignment of each killed player is revealed when they die. Anyone who kills a Nephilim will gain 50 extra gold from the Veterans.4. STATISTICS: Level signifies the player character’s overall experience. Health is initially equal to level, and attacks reduce it while healing restores it. Ether is equal to about a half of the level, and is used for spellcasting, healing and scroll-reading.Defenseis gained from shields and most artefacts, and it reduces the damage taken. WP means weapon power, while SP means shield power. All statistics except Level are kept a secret from other players.5. ABILITIES: All player characters have their own sets of 3-6 abilities they can use during the game, related to their job classes. These skills include (but are not limited to) attacks, spellcasting, healing, tracking, stealing items, blocking, buffing, debilitating and using items. To best make use of these varied skills, the players should consider forming alliances.6. ITEMS: All players start out with 10 gold, a weapon with 2-6 WP and a random array of other items, such as restorative potions, artefacts and tools. Like the statistics, these inventories are kept as a secret from other players. During the Day-phases of the game, upgrades and more items can be bought from Sham Poo in exchange for gold. You are free to discard items or trade them with other players, but you need to notify the host whenever you do that.7. LEVELING UP: Gaining a level increases the player character’s current and maximum health and ether by 1. When a player kills another player, they will gain experience according to this chart:- Level 1-9: a full level- Level 10-19: 1/2 of a level- Level 20-29: 1/3 of a level- Level 30-39: 1/4 of a level- Level 40 onwards: 1/5 of a level8. ELEMENTS & EFFECTS: There are five elements in the game: fire, ice, lighting, light and darkness. Elemental spells and attacks are twice as effective as normal attacks, but consume ether. They can also be blocked with the right piece of equipment. There are both positive and negative effects in the game as well, including encouraged, enforced, stunned, poison, sleep, blinded, sealed, confused and enamored. These can be inflicted by certain abilities and scrolls. Negative effects last until removed by a Remedy or a suitable ability.9. BEHAVIOR: When you play this game, you are bound by honor to your alignment – even if it changes mid-game. That is why you must not discuss the game outside of the topics and PMs related to it, under the threat that you are instantly killed off if you do. Sharing information via PMs and forming alliances between the players is allowed, but must be done by knowing the risk that the other might be lying or deceiving you. Things will get brutal and cut-throat in this game, and you can get killed off at any time, but any of that is not to be taken as a personal insult. Please post in-character at all times to ensure that your player persona is separated from your real self. Remember that the dead don't talk, so once you are out of the game, you must not speak of what you know to anyone until the whole game is over. You are free to roleplay with your character, and most of all, have fun!PLAYER CHARACTERS:Brienne Deercourt (Brickdoctor) ~ 29 years old female human PaladinCapriccia Gianpaolo (Capt.JohnPaul) ~ 123 years old female vampire ClericCorelin Moordog (CorneliusMurdock) ~ 282 years old female dwarf WardenCromeo Nightingale (Chromeknight) ~ 22 years old male half-elf HarlotEin Surefoot (Esurient) ~ 397 years old male dwarf ClericEmmanuelle Janus (emjajoas) ~ 33 years old female human KnightFleyra (Flare) ~ 29 years old female Rito Winged WarriorGeosmos Phiephyrphoe (joeshmoe554) ~ 52 years old male cyclops InfiltratorHeron Jujube (herrJJ) ~ 19 years old male human Cleric (killed on Night One, raised as an undead on Night Two but perished again on Day Three, then resurrected on Day Four)Jinnipher Buchaire (JimButcher) ~ 71 years old female elf KnightKharybdis (Kadabra) ~ 26 years old female Octopial Beast WarriorLorth-Anoob (LordoftheNoobs) ~ 42 years old female Pantanan WitchLuridan Voros (Lord Duvors) ~ 53 years old male gremlin AlchemistO’Blix (-obelix-) ~ 27 years old male goblin RegulatorPallas Thaddicus (Palathadric) ~ 103 years old male Lucustoid DruidPanduin Oreheart (Pandora) ~ 148 years old male dwarf BarbarianPercival Montmartre (Peppermint_M) ~ 24 years old male human RangerPiro the Visionary (Pyrovisionary) ~ 227 years old male wereturtle Battle Mage (killed on Day Two but resurrected on Day Three)Sir Rubinstein (Rumble Strike) ~ 47 years old male human SkirmisherScamander Taurros (Scubacarrot) ~ 34 years old male satyr MinstrelSwinehurst (swils) ~ 31 years old male porc BerserkerTheodor Legion (The Legonater) ~ 73 years old male human CannoneerUsharnam Madima (UsernameMDM) ~ 38 years old male Naga Chi MonkWerther Brickton (Waterbrick Down) ~ 49 years old male zombie AssassinWeyrdág (Wedge09) ~ 341 years old female Nôrn HunterZarissa Curie (Zakura) ~ 58 years old female gnome SageZelphie (Zepher) ~ 815 years old female fairy ArtisanZpilf (Flipz) ~ 85 years old male ogre Black KnightDEAD CHARACTERS:Kob (Kintobor) ~ 21 years old male orc Mage ~ Heroica (killed on Day One, raised as an undead on Night One but perished again on Day Three)Pauline Jillian Boyle (Purpearljellyblob) ~ 18 years old female Mopag Mage ~ Heroica (killed on Day One)Eris (Eric Su) ~ 26 years old female orc Sorcerer ~ Heroica (killed on Day Two)Ezeal (Etzel) ~ 28 years old male werelion Barbarian ~ Nephilim (killed on Day Two)Skrupp Oxstrong (Scorpiox) ~ 30 years old male norseman Raider ~ Heroica (killed on Day Two)U’dargan (Darkdragon) ~ 29 years old male U’kin Dragoon ~ Heroica (killed on Day Two)Calico Meatpie (CallMePie) ~ 16 years old female halfling Rogue ~ Heroica (killed on Day Three)Doranee Grandeur (Dragonator) ~ 44 years old female elf Ranger ~ Heroica (killed on Day Three)Retak Ysp (PsyKater) ~ 2013 years old male Fenarian Necromancer ~ Nephilim (killed on Day Three)Enya Dorgamel (Endgame) ~ 23 years old female human Evoker ~ Heroica (killed on Night Three)Fernandu Elysiam (Fred Daniel Yam) ~ 36 years old male minotaur Shaman ~ Nephilim (killed on Day Four)Maxi Ebdul (Masked Builder) ~ 35 years old male Asteriad Rogue ~ Heroica (killed on Day Four)Shadir Oswain (Shadows) ~ 466 years old male elf Mystic Knight ~ Nephilim (killed on Day Four)Jeddam Ashenbow (Jedi master Brick) ~ 25 years old female hobgoblin Ranger ~ Heroica (killed on Night Four)SHAM POO’S EMERGENCY SHOP FOR HEROES IN NEED:"Boohoo! I'm so devastated for the break-in that I'll give you all a discount on all of my remaining items. Buy them all while you still have the chance!"Weapons:Axe (WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 5 goldBow (WP:1, ranged weapon) – Costs 5 goldDagger (WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 5 goldHandcannon (WP:1, ranged weapon) – Costs 5 goldHammer (WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 5 goldInstrument (WP:1, ranged weapon) – Costs 5 goldSpear (WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 5 goldStaff (WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 5 goldSword (WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 5 goldWhip (WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 5 goldShield (SP:1, defensive equipment) – Costs 5 goldGems & Scrolls:Ruby (Gem: allows casting fire-elemental spells) – Costs 10 goldOpal (Gem: allows casting ice-elemental spells) – Costs 10 goldTopaz (Gem: allows casting lightning-elemental spells) – Costs 10 goldDiamond (Gem: allows casting light-elemental spells) – Costs 10 goldAmethyst (Gem: allows casting darkness-elemental spells) – Costs 10 goldScroll of Sleep (Scroll: prevents target from taking action and seeing who targets them until woken up by an attack. Costs 1 ether to use.) – Costs 15 goldScroll of Blinding (Scroll: prevents target from performing attacks and seeing who targets them. Costs 1 ether to use.) – Costs 15 goldScroll of Sealing (Scroll: prevents target from performing ether-based actions. Costs 1 ether to use.) – Costs 15 goldScroll of Confusion (Scroll: causes target’s actions to hit a random person with a 1/2 chance. Costs 1 ether to use.) – Costs 15 goldConsumable Items:Venom (Consumable: causes poison to the target, depleting it’s health by 1 per every phase when used.) – Costs 5 goldBomb (Consumable: causes 10 damage to the target from a distance when used.) – Costs 10 goldGrating Stone (Consumable: increases a weapon’s WP by 1 when used) – Costs 15 goldBright Polish (Consumable: increases a shield’s or an artefact’s SP by 1 when used.) – Costs 15 gold.Level-Up Mushroom (Consumable: gain a level when used.) – Costs 25 gold
swils Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 Furious Critical attack against Brienne. Block.
Scubacarrot Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 Scamander uses his Discord attack on Brienne, then puts to sleep through lullaby Zpilf, Weyrdag, Corelin, Pallas and Percival.
UsernameMDM Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 (edited) Martial Arts Elemental: Ruby - Brienne Deercourt Martial Arts - Corelin Moordog (edit to add 2nd action) Edited September 13, 2013 by UsernameMDM
CorneliusMurdock Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 I will provide cover for myself and use a potion on myself.
Scubacarrot Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 "One of you jerks shot me. I would like to know who, because, if my logic is sound, that person is innocent. Scum wouldn't go after someone with 30+ health dealing little damage."
Zepher Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 Zelphie enchants her staff and then attacks Brienne.
Scubacarrot Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 I will provide cover for myself and use a potion on myself. "Guess not."
CorneliusMurdock Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 Why are you putting me to sleep, Scamander? I see you believe Maxi was right about Brienne now that Maxi is dead and proven loyal. Is that the only way you people will believe me as well? I have only been truthful about my beliefs. "Guess not" what?
Zepher Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 "It is important to note that our marvelous Maxi's death also cleared Fleyra. I have trusted Fleyra through the whole ordeal, as she and I have quested together from time to time in the past, and I'm glad to her her proven. I am also happy to finally find the puppet-master that Calico died for. Poor sweet Calico."
Pandora Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 Panduin encourages himself and critically attacks Brienne.
Scubacarrot Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 "Are you trying to incriminate me? Do you know who I am? I am Scamander Taurros. The Satyr. Forest Flute. Sleepmaster. Master of Song. You are still suspicious. I decide what is the truth and what is not. Now take a nap, you crossdressing shortlegs."
Waterbrick Down Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 (edited) Lethal attack against Brienne. Also tracking Percival Montmartre for the time being. Why are you putting me to sleep, Scamander? I see you believe Maxi was right about Brienne now that Maxi is dead and proven loyal. Is that the only way you people will believe me as well? I have only been truthful about my beliefs. "Guess not" what? The assassin spoke with a horribly raspy voice, "You also accused Capricia of confusing you the night you provided cover for a now known Nephilim, you which she denied doing. Thus either you are lying or she is and considering that you were very quick to try and defend yourself today, I believe you are the one lying." Edited September 13, 2013 by Waterbrick Down
Waterbrick Down Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 (edited) "Just to keep the veterans happy," Werther lethal attacks Brienne and tracks Percival. Edited September 13, 2013 by Waterbrick Down
Duvors Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 (edited) "Weel, I have found Lorth-Anoob is A heroican, therefore..." Luridan attacks Cromeo Nightingale with his dagger and Investigates Corelin Moordog. He also makes a Mixture. Edited September 13, 2013 by Lord Duvors
Scubacarrot Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 "You're gonna have to explain that one, Luridan."
Flipz Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 "Scamander, name one thing, ONE MEGABLOCKING THING that I have done that makes me a threat, and I will shut up and let tha dragon take me withou' further argumen'. When ya can't justify bein' mean ta a harmless Neutral, tho, I want ya ta let me take a megablockin' action."
UsernameMDM Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 "Scamander, name one thing, ONE MEGABLOCKING THING that I have done that makes me a threat, and I will shut up and let tha dragon take me withou' further argumen'. When ya can't justify bein' mean ta a harmless Neutral, tho, I want ya ta let me take a megablockin' action." "There is no room for a Neutral in this equation."
Scubacarrot Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 "You know what, I'm not the worst satyr around. ...okay maybe I am, there aren't that many satyrs around. BUT, that means I am also the best satyr around! So I'll make you a deal. You do what I want, you attack who I want, in return, you get to live and be awake, yay! As a bonus, I'll let you keep all the stuff you get while in service of the Great Sleepmaster. How's that sound?" "There is no room for a Neutral in this equation." "That almost sounded like it would fit in a B-type action play."
Waterbrick Down Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 "You're gonna have to explain that one, Luridan." "Simple, Luridan investigated Lorth-Anoob who was found to be a Heroican, who in turn investigated Chromeo two nights ago and received a Nephilim result."
Duvors Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 "Oh, by tha way, can someone lend me five gold? I'd like tae be able tae buy something tha's worth more then ten gold."
Flipz Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 "There is no room for a Neutral in this equation." "'If I'm not wi' ya, I'm agains' ya, is tha' it? Ya migh' ought ta take another look at tha rules Vet'rans' assessment o' tha situation." RULES: 1. ALIGNMENTS: There are two sides in this game, trying to beat each other. Heroica wins if they manage to find and kill all of the Nephilim. The Nephilim win if they outnumber the heroes loyal to Heroica. The Nephilim know each other, but the others don’t know who the Nephilim are. There are also neutral players, who have their own special victory conditions. "You know what, I'm not the worst satyr around. ...okay maybe I am, there aren't that many satyrs around. BUT, that means I am also the best satyr around! So I'll make you a deal. You do what I want, you attack who I want, in return, you get to live and be awake, yay! As a bonus, I'll let you keep all the stuff you get while in service of the Great Sleepmaster. How's that sound?" "That almost sounded like it would fit in a B-type action play." "Fair 'nough. I jus' wan' ta stay 'live."
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