September 19, 201311 yr I think we may underestimate the popularity of THE SIMPSONS... maybe Lego is trying to reach a new kind of audience and get them interested / back to Lego again? I do not care about Simpsons, but I care about collecting as many minifigs as possible, so this is another great chance to get more ;)
September 19, 201311 yr I think we may underestimate the popularity of THE SIMPSONS.. Oh yeah? How do you measure popularity?
September 19, 201311 yr It's still on, isn't it? Come on, it's achieved Star Wars/Mickey Mouse-type levels of cultural impact and awareness. It's a true household name brand. Edited September 19, 201311 yr by DPrime
September 19, 201311 yr I don't know. Didn't TLG say that there will be two series of minifigures based on the Lego movie? I thought series 12 and 13 would be movie characters. If this rumor turns out to be true, well that would be an easy pass for me. I'm not a simpsons fan and have no interest in any minifigures based on them. I'm not sure if I like those experiments TLG is doing with the collectible minifigures. Nope, only Series 12: Additionally, the company's line of collectible LEGO Minifigures will receive its first Hollywood makeover with a series inspired by "THE LEGO MOVIE" cast of 16 new and "new-again" LEGO characters. 3. In many coutries Simpsons are not very popular and people will simply not care about them. 4. Children have no idea what Simpsons are. I recal series was very popular in the past but now? So why sell something that will fail worldwide and not make a series of Superheroes? I know, I know. Licence. Well, wasn't Series 11 not available in stores (besides LEGO Stores) in some areas? Also, kids certainly do know about The Simpsons. They're pretty recognizable from what I have seen. I remember both times I saw The Simpsons Movie, it was primarily full of kiddies! Heck, it was the eighth highest grossing film of 2007! Edited September 19, 201311 yr by just2good
September 19, 201311 yr I think the LEGO minifigure has become popular enough to support more than one line, especially if the others are themed. I welcome the change and hope to see a lot of different themes get the CMF treatment.
September 20, 201311 yr You know how you can tell that the Simpsons are popular? Most people seem to have a strong opinion on it. A lot of people love the Simpsons and many who don't are very vocal about it. Just like Star Wars or American Idol, The Simpsons are known, watched, loved, and hated by millions of people. That is what popularity is all about. Also its been on the air since the fricken 80s. It was once competing against the Cosby show.
September 20, 201311 yr Would much rather see a different themed mini figures series - famous characters from history or a different licensed theme that has never had a lego release but would be compatible with other minifigures due to useing normal heads.
September 20, 201311 yr You know how you can tell that the Simpsons are popular? Most people seem to have a strong opinion on it. A lot of people love the Simpsons and many who don't are very vocal about it. Just like Star Wars or American Idol, The Simpsons are known, watched, loved, and hated by millions of people. That is what popularity is all about. Also its been on the air since the fricken 80s. It was once competing against the Cosby show. Lots of folks have strong opinions on Miley Cirus but I don't think Lego should make a series of them in seriesness though, I think for some people this will be a great series, just not the traditional fans.
September 20, 201311 yr I think I'd rather see The Simpsons sets instead of a CMF line, but at least we'll be getting the house. I'd still want to collect the CMF series with Simpsons characters. I don't think the show is as popular now as it was in the 90's, however I think a lot if you might underestimate the nostalgia aspect. A lot of people in my age bracket (20-30) remember the classic episodes and lines. Waiting for pics of the figs is killing me though...
September 20, 201311 yr There's a bit of negativity for series 13 eh ? I can tell you now my son loves the Simpson's and he's 13........oh, yeah he's also into Futurama as well.......he wants to get every single figure. Now those who say they don't want mulitples.......what about an clone army of Ned Flander's ?
September 20, 201311 yr I love(d) the Simpsons so this is really neat that LEGO is doing it. I am primarily a minifigure collector so this is appealing, yet at the same time I don't know how badly I want to collect them all. It really depends on how they look. I'm sure LEGO won't disappoint with new molds, but still it is all open for me at the moment. I'm kind of over the whole have to complete every thing anymore. With that said, I am excited for the LEGO movie and game series. Those should bring lots of what I want.
September 21, 201311 yr Not sure how accurate the source is... But if so, they've already disclosed 9 of the 16 figs!! So much for the intrigue.
September 21, 201311 yr I think the LEGO minifigure has become popular enough to support more than one line, especially if the others are themed. I welcome the change and hope to see a lot of different themes get the CMF treatment. This is a very good point.
September 21, 201311 yr If there are any torsos I can use for my zombie army(no yellow flesh),I'll get them if not,totally skipping this line.
September 21, 201311 yr I thought for a while the CMF would run out eventually, they won't want to bring out too many series which would eventually lead to a dip in ideas/quality, but that the blind packets would always continue in some form, maybe not quite so regularly, but could be done with some of the other licences/ranges. At the point of series 8 I thought they were running out of ideas, but then 9,10,11 were very good (apart from the lady robot!) Would be surprised if they actually named these series 12 and 13 for Lego Movie and Simpsons - would be disappointed if they did. But even if they did call these 12 and 13 I would stop collecting since that's a clear change. I wasn't interested in the Olympics figures. One figure they are missing though is a fireman - surely they can't miss a fireman out!
September 21, 201311 yr Author I don't think the issue is whether Lego should produce a Simpsons line or not. I think the issues is that they are hijacking the CMF line. I think it's great for them to produce a Simpsons line, just keep it separate from the CMF line. What if Series 15 was based on Mattel's Barbie or Pokemon? It may appeal to some fans of those franchise's but it would at the same time alientate many of the fans who have collected the CMF's to date. Please Lego Group - keep specific licensed themes out of the CMF line!
September 21, 201311 yr I still can't believe it. It... it just make no sense for me. 1.Blind packed named characters are always a bad idea because you don't need multiples of them. We tend to think of getting the Minifigures this way, but that's not necessarily how they're viewed by the larger market. I don't think most kids are really particularly interested in getting vast numbers of certain figures, nor do they necessarily try to get everything. I think the idea is that kids are expected to trade with each other for the ones they want, just as they've been doing with bubblegum cards for decades. 2. Even if some torsos will be usefull (yellow!) they probablywill be made into Simpsons style and can't have hard time to fit in other themes. How is that any different from the torsos for any other licensed theme - or just any theme in general, for that matter? It's not like a Series 1 Zombie doesn't stand out in the middle of an Aqua Raiders MOC, for example... 3. In many coutries Simpsons are not very popular and people will simply not care about them. In many countries, they are, and people will. And it's not as though every single one of LEGO's other lines is universally popular everywhere in the world. 4. Children have no idea what Simpsons are. I recal series was very popular in the past but now? Not all kids, sure, but many many of them do, and like the show. Just what makes you think the show isn't popular enough to sustain merchandise any more? Isn't there still a bunch of stuff being made from it? Besides... So why sell something that will fail worldwide and not make a series of Superheroes? I know, I know. Licence. "License" isn't a reason. But that's beside the point. With a line of Minifigures using the model of the so-called "collectible minifigures," the products aren't produced for very long, and they don't normally take all that long to sell out. Whether this series (assuming it actually does happen this way - do we have confirmation on the rumors yet?) sells faster or slower than a typical series of minifigures, we don't know, but it's a pretty safe bet to say it'll sell reasonably quickly. They aren't going to be stuck with millions of these things clogging store shelves three years from now; I think 90% or more of them will be gone in a few months, which is probably on target.
September 21, 201311 yr One figure they are missing though is a fireman - surely they can't miss a fireman out! City line is crammed full of them! Unless he's an oldskool fireman with black tunic & brass helmet then a fireman in the series is not needed IMO What if Series 15 was based on Mattel's Barbie *snip* That certainly won't happen as they have gone into partnership with Megablocks!
September 22, 201311 yr When I flip the channel and come across the Simpsons, my kids (4, 7) want to watch it because it is a cartoon. But I don't let them because I know the humor is meant for a much older audience. The packaging for the existing CMF says 5+ but I wonder if they will keep it at 5+ for the Simpsons. I think it will stay at 5+ as the age rating reflects the play-ability of the toy and not the subject matter of the toy. Case in point is that the Prince of Persia sets were for 7-12 while the movie itself is PG-13. Now I'm a little confused by this. LEGO has stated that they only license themes that they think is appropriate for their intended age group. But if the source material is above the intended age group, then how would their age group be even interested in the material to begin with? Or are they relying on parents simply letting their children still watch this material? Do they want to encourage a 5 year old to watch the Simpsons?
September 22, 201311 yr Lots of folks have strong opinions on Miley Cirus but I don't think Lego should make a series of them in seriesness though, I think for some people this will be a great series, just not the traditional fans. I was just referring to the people who say the Simpsons has limited popularity. I don't want them to hijack series 13 either. I do like the idea of Lego Simpsons however. I never quite get why some people who don't like a certain license have to insist that it shouldn't be made at all. If someone doesn't like the Simpsons, don't buy them and let those who like them, enjoy them. There are plenty of other sets to buy. I really don't care for Star Wars or Lord of the Rings but I don't go into their respective threads and insist that Lego shouldn't make them. I would like to see a Miley Cyrus series though... Edited September 22, 201311 yr by mo123567
September 23, 201311 yr First of all shouldn't it be part of the license Simpsons thread? Why here is another thread? I think it's very unreasonable and unrelated to say that Simpsons are unpopular so they should get out of Lego. It doesn't mean that Superheros are really popular so they can hijack CMF. Please Lego Group - keep specific licensed themes out of the CMF line! Licensed CMF do fit in some cases that so many iconic characters from a certain theme can't be in large sets, and this is actually what other fans expect. I also want to see other themes like Superheros or Disney have the same plan. We should hope that original and licensed CMF can run neck to neck. The only concern is if there will be more licensed CMF series, should it use a special title like Olympics and seperate from other original CMF series? Or does it mean that TLG would stop making more original CMF? Edited September 23, 201311 yr by Dorayaki
September 23, 201311 yr The only concern is if there will be more licensed CMF series, should it use a special title like Olympics and seperate from other original CMF series? Or does it mean that they'd stop making original CMF? This is it. More over, we don't know but I highly doubt that The SImpsons minifigures would mantain the same price (as any licensed minifigure). I really, really hope they will release them alongside the normal CMF line.
September 23, 201311 yr Predicting the accessories for each figure: Homer - not sure, maybe a donut or a bowling ball Marge - not sure, something domestic most likely (maybe they will do something out of the ordinary and include Maggie as an accessory with Marge) Bart - Skateboard, maybe that slingshot tile from Lone Ranger Lisa - Saxophone, maybe music print tile Apu - not sure, maybe quik-e-mart food Chief Wiggum - handcuffs/police gear (no gun though I suspect) Moe - I would say beer but LEGO wouldn't go down that road Itchy - Some kind of cartoonish over-the-top weapon I guess Scratchy - Also some kind of weapon This of course assumes the figs come with accessories.
September 23, 201311 yr If the rumour is true that Nordic and Benelux countries are only getting every other series from now on, The Simpsons as Series 13 suits me well personally as I have little interest in them and buying CMFs online is bothersome and pricy (still waiting for Series 11 prices to drop to an acceptable level). On the other hand I'm afraid that retailers will think that The Simpsons will surely sell better than Series 14 (supposedly based on the upcoming MMO) and decide to skip that one instead.
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