Posted March 21, 200717 yr Well, there has been alot of row after a baby polar bear was rejected by it's mother and the zoo desided to hand raise it. Experts say that it would be better if they put it to sleep as it will never be able to fit in with other polar bears. Thankfully, yesterday, the zoo anounced that they would keep Knut and spare him his life. My question is, do you think the right desision was made? I voted yes, because personally, i don't see the point of robbing an animal of it's life, it's not it's fault if it has been rejected and i can't see anyone cold hearted and cruel enough to say no it would have been better if Knut was killed. Knut playing with a football. Could you be so heartless to rob this little animal of it's life?
March 21, 200717 yr Absolutely. This is a bit silly, I don't think anyone would say the little tyke should've been killed. I am curious, however, (as I don't know anything about this story) why the bear was rejected by his mother?
March 21, 200717 yr Author I'm not sure. I read in the BBC news story, it happen alot, and afew weeks ago, at a diffrent zoo, a baby sloth was put to sleep because it was similary rejected. There are some horrible people in this world. :-X >:-( Also, the reason they desided to look after it was that there was 2 babies, but it was very cold there at the winter, and unfortanatly, on died, and i can only guess the mother was so sad that she forgot about poor Knut, then the zoo stepped in.
March 21, 200717 yr I said it should be saved. From what I hear, and the current enviroment, sometime in the future, the polar bear might becom endangered or extinct :-( . I'm not sure why the polar bear was rejected, but it could because of anything in the animal kingdom. Was the bear rejected by the mother in the zoo or was the bear rejected in the wild?
March 21, 200717 yr I think it was i a zoo. There are some great videos on youtube, just search for kunt. *wub*
March 21, 200717 yr Experts say that it would be better if they put it to sleep as it will never be able to fit in with other polar bears. What kind of "experts" have said that? The real experts that know about zoology and have experience from other parks say the exact opposite. I'm sorry my source is in Danish (DR), but the persons who were interviewed were people who actually work with polar bears. The only kind of people that I know about who want it killed are activists.
March 21, 200717 yr Author I said it should be saved. From what I hear, and the current enviroment, sometime in the future, the polar bear might becom endangered or extinct :-( .I'm not sure why the polar bear was rejected, but it could because of anything in the animal kingdom. Was the bear rejected by the mother in the zoo or was the bear rejected in the wild? It was in the zoo. Yes, some very cute videos, could not stop going "ahh" So glad that they have saved him If anyone is intrested, here is the news story.
March 21, 200717 yr Another reason they might euthanize and the reason the mother mother rejected it, is that it may have or develope genetic defects that may make it's life painfull or less suited to nature's hardships. The activist may want to euthanize because they believe a life in any cage is not a life worth living. That being said, I voted not to kill. I'm not sure if I voted correctly on the poll, though. Unless unbearable conditions develope I would try and maintain this life ;-) but, just to play it safe I would not recomend using his genes for the species procreation if possible. BTW, Kunt would not be a very flattering name here in the U.S.A>
March 22, 200717 yr Author It's knut the poll means do you think the right desision was made to save the little bear, yes or no, you put that you didn't think it was the right desision
March 22, 200717 yr Somebody typoed the name and I read through it too fast and voted wrong, sorry :-$
March 22, 200717 yr The Newspaper which started the question "Should Knut die" was the Bild Zeitung, the worst German Newspaper ever. The Newspaper wrote a really wrong article about Knut and the Zoo and espacially about the animal saver (don
March 22, 200717 yr Somebody typoed the name and I read through it too fast and voted wrong, sorry :-$ I will change your vote then ;-) But it still leaves one person who voted NO, bring me that infamous human beeing so I can smack him really hard !! Polar Bears are a species that need human protection asap, especially when rejected by his own mother ;-) Anyhow, Knut's a real cutie and I envy the people taking care of a living teddy bear ;-) Knut On !! *yoda*
March 22, 200717 yr It was me, who voted no, because i thought the question was: Should Knut die. So would you please be so kind and change my vote too, yoda? :-$ Merci
March 22, 200717 yr It was me, who voted no, because i thought the question was: Should Knut die. looooooooooooooool :-D When will you people read beore answering polls X-D :-P No worries Sandra, I will change your vote as well ;-) Knut On !! *yoda*
March 22, 200717 yr Author Well it looks like it will be 19- nil in favor of yes, very glad, as i said, who could be cold hearted and sick enough to rob the lil' bear of it's life. It looks like it is enjoying being brought up by humans and experiancing new things every day, so there is no point. Knut on!
March 22, 200717 yr Knut deserves his own reality show here on EB !! First we see him doing his favorite sport: football !! Lets hope he won't be called Zidane and get red carded directly :-D Shoot the ball !! Don't eat it :-| After that harrassing sporting moments, our small Knut decided to learn and swim !! It looks like he is also a Shipwreck fan :-D Dive oN Knut !! Finally, our little fella decided to take a sun bath to get dry !! Oh boy what a harrassing day ;-) Knut On !! *yoda*
March 22, 200717 yr Author Ahh, those are really cute pictures! I wonder if anyone will start a Knut fan club. 8-
March 22, 200717 yr For fairly obvious reasons I voted yes as well. Other animals are successfully raised by humans and surrogate parents, so why not Knut? And yes, those pictures are very cute. I guess I should say it too: Knut on!
March 22, 200717 yr i would be stupid to want that little polar bear to die! thats why i voted "yes" because they made the right decission! :-D
March 22, 200717 yr I voted no. No matter how cute it is now, one day it'll be a big killing machine. If it won't fit in with the other polar bears, they'll likely seriously wound it. It's better to spare it such misery in my opinion. And with that being said, I'd like to state that I don't enjoy being cruel to animals (heck, I'm a vegetarian), but this is a matter of ethics, not of "oh look how cute it is". Well, bring on the replies ;-)
March 22, 200717 yr I'm not sure if this would work, but they could ship Knut to a different zoo. Though, I'm not sure if it's right. ( I mean I don't know much about Polar bear instincts and such)
March 23, 200717 yr Author I'm not sure if this would work, but they could ship Knut to a different zoo. Though, I'm not sure if it's right. ( I mean I don't know much about Polar bear instincts and such) That's what they are going to when he is old enough i heard. All i can say to Kikuichimonji is you cold hearted meany. How could you Rob any animal of it's life? Many other animals have been sucsessfuly raised by humans before, so i don't see what the fuss is over poor knut. It's not his fault that he was rejected. Think about it, it's like your mum or dad chucking you out of your house saying they don't want you anymore, how would you feel?
March 23, 200717 yr I dont understand how people can say that as it will become big and fat and dangerous one day and as it may not get on well with other bears it should be killed. Many baby humans grow up to be big and fat and dangerous and don't get on with other humans. Should we start shooting them in the kindergarten :-D ? Anyway who gives a damn if this bear does not get on with other bears in future. I am sure it can live a happy life on its own. Better alone and alive than dead. If it was you and not the bear which would you pick? Also, it is an endangered species so the more of them running around the better.
March 23, 200717 yr Well, bring on the replies ;-) To tell you the truth you do not deserve any replies, and you deserve my foot in your megablocks, end of story... Back on topic !! There is a great article on the problem of polar bears in the world: they really do suffer from the heating of the planet due to ice melt (in few words: Man destroys its environment), so its only fair that man helps nature for the harm it creates !! Lets not forget that the most crual animal that this Earth ever witnessed is...Man Face it: 80 millions massacres by commies, 10 millions by Nazis, French Revolution which was the first Genocide of the history of mankind, Rwanda, Cambodia, Darfur and the list goes on and on and on and on... So its great in this tourmanted universe to witness a nice story of survival and human compassion !! Yes everyone, Knut On !! *yoda*
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