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I don't think HF minifigure-based playsets are a terribly unworkable idea, but at the same time I certainly wouldn't want or expect them to replace constraction sets, and I feel like they'd be quite lackluster unless you took advantage of the possibility of making location-based sets as well as vehicles and whatnot. I strongly doubt that there will be any Hero Factory playsets anytime soon.

Kalhiki, your idea of what the "Machines" might be sounds cool to me. Reminds me a bit of Rescue Heroes. Of course, it still leaves the question of price point up in the air. Even Brain Attack Surge is at the $13 price point. Now, the smaller price point has been increasing in base price every year for the past couple years (it's currently $10), so it's possible that TLG might do away with it entirely, but I'm not entirely convinced that would be a good move.

Interesting if true. I could personally dig larger sets overall, if that's what the implication is. Definitely continues their overall theme of pairing a specific hero with a specific villain (hopefully it's utilized better than Brain Attack, where the villains got mostly shafted). And I'm always a sucker for vehicles and machines and the like.

I was actually kinda hoping that 2014 would be a Gatchaman/Gatchaman Crowds homage like Jetman. You know, with all the heroes having bird themed suits. That'd be cool.

I was actually kinda hoping that 2014 would be a Gatchaman/Gatchaman Crowds homage like Jetman. You know, with all the heroes having bird themed suits. That'd be cool.

Sounds unlikely but it might be interesting.

Sounds unlikely but it might be interesting.

Well, It would be an excuse to use that sky setting that we all want.

Come on, I want pics finally. :P

-Gata signoff.png

Come on, I want pics finally. :P

-Gata signoff.png


Also, I wonder what the new helmets will be like?

Edited by LewiMOC

I myself hope/except for BA helmets getting reused, as I wrote before. With Breez getting a lime recolour and a smaller redesign for Furno, since his XL helmet is freaking huge. :laugh:

As a MOCer I hope helmets are not reused. The more options the better.

I'll be completely up-front and honest when I say I hope we don't see the Brain Attack head piece used again. Or, more accurately, the visor system. Neat gimmick for one wave, and I can appreciate the effort put into it, but I'd rather they just make the best and most expressive helmets they can rather than have to design them to work around this visor piece (which, at times, can make the heads appear too tall).

And don't even get me started on how the new head piece basically made all the villains' faces unable to be used properly without a brain attached. I wouldn't shed any tears if they replaced even the basic head piece for something else next year, as much of a waste as it would be. :P

I'll have to see some pictures before I can give a proper opinion, but the list has captured my interest.

And don't even get me started on how the new head piece basically made all the villains' faces unable to be used properly without a brain attached.

Personally I think it's more of the Brain Slugs fault the "villains'" heads/faces look empty without the brain due to their face pieces being designed around the brain. Course, this is just my opinion.

I'll have to see some pictures before I can give a proper opinion, but the list has captured my interest.

Personally I think it's more of the Brain Slugs fault the "villains'" heads/faces look empty without the brain due to their face pieces being designed around the brain. Course, this is just my opinion.

Oh yeah definitely, it's more the brains' fault than the head itself. However, they designed the head around the need to have so many connection points to plug so many different things into, whether it's the visor clip or the second axle hole. It increases the complexity, yeah, but it makes each part a little less able to stand on its own.

Hey, isn't that part of the challenge of LEGO building? Making it work? I quite liked the brain villain faces, even if they are pretty specialized.

But yeah, some 2014 pics would be nice.

Although if this set list is true... that 2014 TV special is gonna be the BOMB.

I'll have to see some pictures before I can give a proper opinion, but the list has captured my interest.

Personally I think it's more of the Brain Slugs fault the "villains'" heads/faces look empty without the brain due to their face pieces being designed around the brain. Course, this is just my opinion.

Gotta agree with that.

-Gata signoff.png

Front's words hinted that the new head had been designed to be the "ultimate" head, or at least one that is going to be used for quite a long time. The clip bar alone looks like it has a huge potential, for 2.0 style head gear..or mouths (yes- if you flip the head with the bar on the "chin" area, BA villains style).

If they want to keep using the new heads (which I think is very likely), reusing the 2013 helmets seems like the easiest solution. I actually liked some helmets more than the classic ones..the only two I thought were truly worse were Bulk's (completely different, too "organic" and too small) and Rocka's (too bland).

But of course I'm not against new helmets, it's just that I'd like to see them coupled with something innovative and different than what we've been getting for the last 10+ years (the 2.0 Heroes are an exception, I'd guess). The visors and the new heads teased me about never seen before possibilities, to the point the same old head+helmet/mask won't suffice anymore.

Oh, and I wonder about the new torso armour. I'd love to see the Breakout plate return (especially since 2013 completely ignored it), but I doubt it will.

I wish Front dropped in and shared some of his hints. :look: Something like "The 2014 sets look very interesting" would suffice actually.

Edited by Shakar

I don't think they'll reuse the helmets. Similar? Sure, but not the exact same. It's quite rare for LEGO to reuse the same helmets in another wave.


Breakout doesn't count. >:I

Wait a minute... What about the "Brains"? Aren't they still a threat? Or will the new Villain sets include them? Cause I actually liked the Brain Attack arc. It gave me something to collect a bunch of(27 brains, 7 of the black ones) I want More! But I still think that 2014 will bring back the "Brains". :excited:

Wait a minute... What about the "Brains"? Aren't they still a threat?

No, they still can't find their way out from under the Assembly Tower

Yeah, they better actually address the Brains; it's bad enough we don't get any more Secret Mission books for 2014.

Wait a minute... What about the "Brains"? Aren't they still a threat? Or will the new Villain sets include them? Cause I actually liked the Brain Attack arc. It gave me something to collect a bunch of(27 brains, 7 of the black ones) I want More! But I still think that 2014 will bring back the "Brains". :excited:

hopefully yes, especially since in the movie, the brain attack arc is still in cliffhanger. they have a room to make more villains with brain slug. oh wait, those "vs" sets, the names that actually reminded us of villains from previous wave, could it be, this time they remake a story were the brain slug goes into the cell, and attached themselfs to some villain? it would be interesting.

hopefully yes, especially since in the movie, the brain attack arc is still in cliffhanger. they have a room to make more villains with brain slug. oh wait, those "vs" sets, the names that actually reminded us of villains from previous wave, could it be, this time they remake a story were the brain slug goes into the cell, and attached themselfs to some villain? it would be interesting.

That would make sense: SPLIITTER Beast= SplitFace+"Brain", JAW Beast= Jawblade+"Brain", Maybe FLYER beast= Thornraxx+ "Brain

Anyways that's just a theory, but possible...

Edited by Phoenix_Flare

That would make sense: SPLIITTER Beast= SplitFace+"Brain", JAW Beast= Jawblade+"Brain", Maybe FLYER beast= Thornraxx+ "Brain

Anyways that's just a theory, but possible...

As cool as the brains were.As cool as the sets were.I don't need anymore brains....just one, and that would be the red brain.

But your theory sounds like it could..could work.

That would make sense: SPLIITTER Beast= SplitFace+"Brain", JAW Beast= Jawblade+"Brain", Maybe FLYER beast= Thornraxx+ "Brain

Interesting, but no, please, I want new characters. We'll get Alpha 1 Team again, I don't want to see old baddies again. I'd rather see totally new villains. Even if this is a clever theory.

Personally I'd love to see returning villains; it would be a nice change of pace from what is essentially a "villain of the week" storyline that HF currently is.

It's "OMG Splitface is Thunder!" all over again. : D

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