October 10, 201311 yr I'm excited to see new parts, and excited to see new sets, but I'm not excited for this direction HF is now going in. This year, Stormer stands about 15/20 centimetres tall, but next year? 2/3 centimetres. This sudden change basically makes the scale of the sets completely different, and I can imagine it will cause a lot of confusion with younger fans ("Has Stormer been shrunk?"). I dunno, maybe it'll be awesome, but personally I don't think it'll pan out well at all. Also, this is a Constraction line, and these descriptions are making it sound more like Exo-Force, which was not a constraction line.
October 10, 201311 yr I'm excited to see new parts, and excited to see new sets, but I'm not excited for this direction HF is now going in. This year, Stormer stands about 15/20 centimetres tall, but next year? 2/3 centimetres. This sudden change basically makes the scale of the sets completely different, and I can imagine it will cause a lot of confusion with younger fans ("Has Stormer been shrunk?"). I dunno, maybe it'll be awesome, but personally I don't think it'll pan out well at all. Also, this is a Constraction line, and these descriptions are making it sound more like Exo-Force, which was not a constraction line. well, at least the monsters is still a constraction figures.
October 10, 201311 yr I wouldn't be worried about HF's direction. This could be just a wave-only thing. It's clear Lego is experimenting- if customers don't like it, we'll get back to the usual formula. And those feet look interesting. I hope they get used next year- feet with toes, finally! I wouldn't be surprised if Chima Ultrabuilds (if they do come back in summer) use them. The Legend Beasts might use them too. The hero mechas share the same basic style. They have some kind of large translucent backpacks (except for the red one, which has rotors) and two of them have one of their arms turned into a launcher shooting small spheres like the Ninjago dragons and many other HF figures. The white one has something different, however, but I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a beam or a lightning sword. The red one is shown shoothing red laser beam at a bug minion. One of the smaller hero sets has something like a walking cannon instead of a typical mecha with the yellow hero as a gunner, shotting spheres at a bunch of bug minions. Once again, thanks for all the info you're giving us! I truly have no idea about the translucent backpacks, but the weapons sound interesting- a return to the more "techy" sci-fi of Breakout and OoF, which is my favourite style for HF. The white mecha is piloted by Stormer, the ice Hero, so that might be an ice blade instead. And the sphere launcher..I really hope that's a plasma gun- I loved those things! So, as excepted, Evo Walker is a walker mech- it's cool to see non-humanoid good guy sets. I wasn't implying much, just that this thread has brought tons of attention.[/b][/color] Ok, I apologize for jumping to conclusions. I put your post together with your previous one ("I assume that site got trolled") and I thought you were still sceptical about the list. Again, sorry. Edited October 10, 201311 yr by Shakar
October 10, 201311 yr well, at least the monsters is still a constraction figures. True, but a creature that's physically the same size as Scarox in set form will be canonically about 10 times the size of Scarox, which just won't make a lot of sense. It's kinda like having a toy T-Rex the same height as an action figure of The Rock... Edited October 10, 201311 yr by LewiMOC
October 10, 201311 yr The hero mechas share the same basic style. They have some kind of large translucent backpacks (except for the red one, which has rotors) and two of them have one of their arms turned into a launcher shooting small spheres like the Ninjago dragons and many other HF figures. The white one has something different, however, but I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a beam or a lightning sword. The red one is shown shoothing red laser beam at a bug minion. One of the smaller hero sets has something like a walking cannon instead of a typical mecha with the yellow hero as a gunner, shotting spheres at a bunch of bug minions. These pics weren't on the net, right? Just so I don't have to look through every google search result. :P Anyway this is going to be interesting, although I agree with LewiMOC.
October 10, 201311 yr TLG might think that kids want minifigs. Awful Kre-O sets have that as advantage. They bring a big robot, yeah, but also a small figure.
October 10, 201311 yr Let's please stop with all the hinting to get prelims posted. You aren't suppose to see them for a reason. When TLG wants the world to see these pics they will release them and EB will surely have a place for them on our frontpage. In the meantime please stop hounding Coreydoras to see them.
October 10, 201311 yr Let's please stop with all the hinting to get prelims posted. You aren't suppose to see them for a reason. When TLG wants the world to see these pics they will release them and EB will surely have a place for them on our frontpage. In the meantime please stop hounding Coreydoras to see them. if only we could do that. we are pratically a picture zombies right now.
October 10, 201311 yr if only we could do that. we are pratically a picture zombies right now. Come on, of course we can. TLG might think that kids want minifigs. Awful Kre-O sets have that as advantage. They bring a big robot, yeah, but also a small figure. I'm sure a intense marketing research took place. CMF are hugely popular, afterall. I know that as a kid these sets would've driven me crazy- and they still might.
October 10, 201311 yr I don't know if someone has already pointed this out, but... "Invasion from Below", four-legged "bug" minions... Doesn't it sound like the Brains will return? There was a lot of them under the Hero Factory building and the end of episode 10. Maybe they will take control over all those beasts and heroes will need mechas to fight them? Or something like that?
October 10, 201311 yr I don't know if someone has already pointed this out, but... "Invasion from Below", four-legged "bug" minions... Doesn't it sound like the Brains will return? There was a lot of them under the Hero Factory building and the end of episode 10. Maybe they will take control over all those beasts and heroes will need mechas to fight them? Or something like that? Absolutely. The cliffhanger in Episode 10 seems to imply that, and I wouldn't doubt that the Brains are related somehow. Weird theory but I think that the villains from 2014 are mechs for the Brains. That'd be sweet.
October 10, 201311 yr New HF monster/villain feet perhaps? This set already proves that they work well with System, but their design style would suit for pure constraction as well. The whole dragon in general seems to be integrating the constraction system to a small degree, so it makes sense if Hero Factory starts to integrate System more as well. Nice find! Those pieces look great, with a spot for system connections too?
October 10, 201311 yr Tommorows the 11th. Possibility of pics: BIG Also, I have an idea on how the Heroes are built. The Minifig head print is a glatorian head, and the helmet is molded to look similar to the normal ones. Also, It would be cool to see people make minifigs of other characters (ex: Von Nebula, Fire Villains, CORE HUNTER, etc.....) Plus buildings and expansion of things across HF. This is'nt that bad. I'll wait for pictures.
October 10, 201311 yr I wouldn't bet on tomorrow, but I think we'll get pictures within the next two weeks. I disagree with you, ToaJaller78, about the heads. I'd rather think they are made out of a single part, a bit like this year's Galaxy Squad's robots' heads. Coreydoras, have you seen some details about the minifigs' heads ? Edited October 10, 201311 yr by Leewan
October 10, 201311 yr Coreydoras, have you seen some details about the minifigs' heads ? From what he said, it sounded as if the pictures were too small to see the details... but I think you're probably right about the GS-style heads.
October 11, 201311 yr I wouldn't bet on tomorrow, but I think we'll get pictures within the next two weeks I hope so, cause we're the last ones to get any pics bout next year. Chima and ninjago great so we GOT to be next Other than that a huge thanks to Coreydoras for giving us description, we have something to talk about until the ads release
October 11, 201311 yr These pics weren't on the net, right? Just so I don't have to look through every google search result. :P As far as I know, they're not anywhere on the Net. I'm guessing you/your employers own the preliminary catalogue Corydoras? Why are you so interested in my source? I assure you that it's 100% genuine - you'll see when the official pictures show up. I'm not trying to troll you guys. Any discrepancies between my descriptions and actual looks of the sets is just my incorrect interpretation of what I saw. F. ex. I'm still confused about the Splitter Beast. At first he reminded me of a Balrog, but the big red piece I thought was his head might be his shoulder - if this is the case, my first impression was incorrect. I wonder if my two heads theory is true... I don't know if someone has already pointed this out, but... "Invasion from Below", four-legged "bug" minions... Doesn't it sound like the Brains will return? There was a lot of them under the Hero Factory building and the end of episode 10. Maybe they will take control over all those beasts and heroes will need mechas to fight them? Or something like that? The evil brans from the recent wave have some kind of tails, these bugs don't have them. They look quite generic and there is abundance of them in the sets. I think I've already seen something like them in one of those weird Bionicle playsets. Edited October 11, 201311 yr by Corydoras
October 11, 201311 yr The evil brans from the recent wave have some kind of tails, these bugs don't have them. They look quite generic and there is abundance of them in the sets. I think I've already seen something like them in one of those weird Bionicle playsets. These, perhaps?
October 11, 201311 yr Yes. They look much like these, but without the pincers at the front. ...Huh. Interesting, to say the least. Not really sure what to make of that. Considering I have no clue as to how these pictures are structured (packaging, blown up "poster" images, or some mix of the two), this may be a difficult question to answer, but how common would you say these are? I'd rather they not oversaturate the sets and inflate the piece count with these... things. At least, not unless they're really cool looking. Thanks very much for the continuous stream of new information! At this rate, we'll know pretty much everything there is to know before pictures even come out. Edited October 11, 201311 yr by Mesonak
October 11, 201311 yr I guess those bug minions act as direct enemies for the "mini-Heroes" to fight. Mechas vs Villains, Heroes vs Minions. Hey, they might be cool- I don't see the sets including more than 4 of them, just like the Shadow Leeches of the Makuta Phantoka. As long as they don't take up much of the set (unlike the Brains, which killed the complexity of most Villains IMO), I'm fine with them- heck, they might be really cool looking too. Actually, between the minions and black as dominant colour, these guys do somewhat remind me of the 2008 Makuta. 2013 severly lacked black, I hope that helps giving the new Villains a more menacing look, which I felt the 2013 Villains lacked (save for Dragon Bolt).
October 11, 201311 yr ...Huh. Interesting, to say the least. Not really sure what to make of that. Considering I have no clue as to how these pictures are structured (packaging, blown up "poster" images, or some mix of the two), this may be a difficult question to answer, but how common would you say these are? I'd rather they not oversaturate the sets and inflate the piece count with these... things. At least, not unless they're really cool looking. If I remember correctly, every set contains one or two of them, the walking gun thingy having a total of three to fight. They also come in at least three different colors - green/lime, orange/yellow and red. The packaging, which is the same as always in HF (plastic bags) shows them alongside the hero minifigs in the bottom right part of the bag. You know, like in the licensed sets, where the minifigs & their names are shown in the corner at the front of the box. Also, the supposed teal parts on Jaw Beast might, in fact, be the same color as the freeze ray/sword on the Stormer mech. They're really small bits, so it doesn't really matter, I guess. I have a few teal katanas to compare, but we'll know for sure when the official pics show up.
October 11, 201311 yr I think you're talking about medium azure. It was used in 2012 in a HF set, Thornraxx (the big wasp/mosquito villain). Teal was discounted years ago. Since then, medium azure has been introduced in 2012 to be its replacement (more or less), this one is more blue than green though. Jaw Beast sounds cool. Come on, Lego- you showed us you can make amazing small villains in 2012 (Thornraxx being especially brilliant, IMO). Scarox and Aquagon totally ruined that, but I'm sure you can go back to 2012's glory.
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