November 12, 201311 yr Oh! I had pretty much dropped HF, but these, uh, mini heroes are looking pretty neat in my opinion.
November 12, 201311 yr haha I may end up buying some of them next year! they look amazing. I hope that the back of the bags have more art. I wonder if the CGI short is going to be done in that style?
November 12, 201311 yr Man, I'm impress at how much stuff they stack on the Chest Bone pieces. You can turn them into reg heroes with the pieces they have available in the final pics. yall was on the money with splitter beast being separate monsters. Can't wait to see combiners
November 12, 201311 yr I'm pretty sure JB has azure bones like the other two Beasts. JB uses the smallest bones on its lower legs.. and the same bone piece, in azure, is used on Flyer Beast's tail. So, so no tr. light blue bones. I wonder what Front was talking about then.... I think Front was kidding around with us from the beginning... posts like this and this seem to indicate as much. Hard to hold it against him, what with how excited we get over any kinds of hints that emerge!
November 12, 201311 yr Instead of a gun, Rocka's minifig has tools. You're doing it wrong, Rocka ! Also, it seems that Evo's XL Machine has three XT4 torsos. This set will be an awesome parts pack...
November 12, 201311 yr Instead of a gun, Rocka's minifig has tools. You're doing it wrong, Rocka ! You're right, this is totally not a gun he's holding on the packaging, and on top of its mecha ! Edited November 12, 201311 yr by _shaddow_
November 12, 201311 yr What exactly is going on with the turbines on Jet Machine? They really don't look much like flamethrowers or anything so I'm a bit confused as to what they are supposed to be.
November 12, 201311 yr You're right, this is totally not a gun he's holding on the packaging, and on top of its mecha ! Not my fault if you take things too seriously. Anyways, there are still a hammer and a wrench attached to the mecha's legs. v_v
November 12, 201311 yr Ok now that we have some finalized pics I can give my opinions on the sets Furno Jet Machine- Very cool design. It does remind me a bit of Breakout Furno but only cause of the jets. Furno appears to have the same storage capsule that Stormer, Rocka and Evo have in there mechs. The minifig is cool looking as well and the head is definitely Furno. Splitter Beast VS Furno and Evo- Very unique design with the 2 heads. I wonder if the teal head is the one that splits of its the orange head. Love the fact its using a street lamp for a weapon. Rocka Stealth Machine- This one is a hit or miss with me. While I like the parts it comes with the design isn't very good IMO. Also Rocka's helmet doesn't look very Rockaish to me. But is that a new trans green used or just the lighting on the picture? Flyer Beast VS Breez- This one is definitely cool. The teal black and yellow work well as a color scheme. The Breez minifigure looks ok though the helmet could be better. I like the idea for the jets on her legs just not the execution on how there built. And Flyer Beast using a radio antenna is hilarious Stormer Freeze Machine- Another oddity like Rocka. The ice weapon definitely reuses the ice pieces from Brain Attack Stormer. And I can't tell if the piece attached to them is new or not. It looks like the sword attachement piece that Furno Xl, Pyrox, Evo and Stormer used for there weapons but its going into the white turbine piece. Evo Xl Machine- Ugh what a mess. Its a great parts pack but the mech could be so much better. The legs need work and that trans green has to go. Wave in general. I like the beasts and Minifigures of the heroes are cool though there helmets could be better shaped like there breakout versions. The mechs are mostly good. The two new feet in the Beasts are great pieces. I'll be using one of them in my Skeleton Dragon design. What I'm getting Splitter Beast Flyer Beast Furno Jet Machine Rocka Stealth Machine Stormer Freeze Machine I'm passing on Evo Xl Machine. I might get Evo Walker once finalized pics are released but its not likely. I'll be getting Jaw Beast regardless.
November 12, 201311 yr Could someone upload these photos to a photo sharing site and link them here, if possible? They're quite difficult to view on mobile. I'm pretty late but if you still need them... http://www.majhost.c...ry.cgi?f=281595 Opinions coming later. Edited November 12, 201311 yr by Mesonak
November 12, 201311 yr Anyways, there are still a hammer and a wrench attached to the mecha's legs. v_v Well this little guy seems pretty frightened by the wrench, anyway. Just imagine what rocka could do with a hammer (this picture was obviously not modified in any way). Back on topic, I must say that the torso from Stormer's mecha looks pretty good, with the jungle planet paw used as the base. I just wish the container would be placed like on furno's mecha, since it looks less obtrusive this way (but the fuctionnality would be a bit less playable, with the little monsters falling when you open the container).
November 12, 201311 yr Oh, neat, final pics. Nothing particularly new, as it goes, not that we were expecting much. At first I thought the amount of sets was getting even smaller, but then I realized that it's missing two =P. Still digging the monster designs, although they have decidedly strange weapons; it'll be interesting to see the rationale behind what they are and why they have them. Maybe we can see some of these sets in-store by Christmas!
November 12, 201311 yr Am I the only one who those sets reminds me of the movie "Pacific Rim"??Any way the sets look awsome I might just get few of them.
November 12, 201311 yr Am I the only one who those sets reminds me of the movie "Pacific Rim"??Any way the sets look awsome I might just get few of them. No, we have long since established the Pacific Rim similarities =P. I was a bit skeptical at first when all we knew were the descriptions (I figured it was just another case of going to the next closest pop-culture reference) but the sets themselves definitely have a bit of that influence. Plus, the animation team for the episode next year also worked on Pacific Rim, so. Edited November 12, 201311 yr by Dorek
November 12, 201311 yr I am so getting those minifig versions! -Sci Edited November 12, 201311 yr by CM4S
November 12, 201311 yr You know what? I think that unprinted versions of the monster heads would make good crab-type claws.
November 12, 201311 yr Still digging the monster designs, although they have decidedly strange weapons; it'll be interesting to see the rationale behind what they are and why they have them. The weapons are just bits of scenery that they tore out of city around them to clobber the Heroes with. One is a streetlamp and the other is a radio antenna from the top of a building. Not a whole lot of mystery there.
November 12, 201311 yr After closer inspection and analysis, I've come to a conclusion: Hero Factory 2014 is awesome. -Gata
November 12, 201311 yr Is the piece that connects the claws to Rocka's hand new? (The bit with the crossbar to connect the green claws too and the axle port) Certainly looks like a really nice part but I'm not sure I have seen that anywhere yet
November 12, 201311 yr Excellent thanks for the link! (Time to go buy more than I could possibly need off BL >.> )
November 12, 201311 yr Mmm, best wave in years! Looks to have some great parts packs too! But in the Evo XL Machine's picture Evo's head looks ridiculously big and his legs way too skinny.
November 12, 201311 yr Evo XL still looks pretty bad. 'Specially the legs, which are not only gappy but still lack ankle articulation. If only it could look like how it does on the top of the packaging. Though, I must admit, the right arm construction is pretty neat. Anywho, the art looks absolutely fantastic. And I thought the prelim art was great. Also, loving Splitter's color scheme. The orange and blue is laid out perfectly so you can't really tell where one beast starts and the other ends.
November 12, 201311 yr Yay, finalized pics! I'm still one of the few people here (if not the only one) who is not totally stoked for the mech theme of the new HF wave. I guess it's just I prefer actual, sentient robots over mechs. Nonetheless, some of the builds and many of the new parts appeal to the MOCist in me. Aside from Flyer Beast and Splitter Beast, I'm also pondering about getting my hands on Evo XL, and perhaps Stormer just for the virtue of being Stormer (and I kinda collect Stormers by now). The other Hero mechs don't appeal to me all that much though. Also, even if I don't care much for the mech theme, I still applaud LEGO for the courage to evolve Hero Factory (and constraction in general) in a new direction. Also, if I'm totally honest, I'd try to build one of these mechs inscale with the larger HF-scale, if I had all the pieces that I would need to pull that off. EDIT: Also, I really, really appreciate the number of parts printed on the packaging. Makes counting those a lot easier (it's easily the one thing I don't enjoy while writing set reviews). Edited November 12, 201311 yr by ZORK64
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