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Figures, it's a leak anyway, regardless of "confidential" stamps.

I hope we get more images in general, once the sets come out. We've had a definite shortage lately, and I'd love pictures of the monsters without the minifigs near them.

we already have pictures of the monsters without the minifig i think. at least splitter beast.

I'm really digging the new Minifigures. Since they're apparently compatible with the other minifigures (heads at least), I'm looking forward to seeing all the custom characters folks can do with them.

If they are using the skeleton torsos, I think it's fitting, since it'd mean the Heroes are still built using bones. :laugh:

(I think the old ball jointed skele torsos would be more fitting for the spirit of the line, but with the shoulder armor, it'd kill the articulation, so I'm not too disappointed by how it is.)

I wonder if the Mini-Heroes connection points was in response to Hasbro's Kreon figures?

Taaron that wouldn't have worked well; The mini ball joints on the old skeleton torso had no friction, the only way you could keep an arm up was if you propped it up with a weapon to hold onto.

I'm happy with the minifigures for thiss year. We're getting lots of all new parts, black skeleton torsos and new minifigure heads. ^w^

I just hope that Lego haven't made the hands and the arm/leg connectors as fragile as the ones that we've had for Battle Droids and Ninjago skeletons in the past. :c

My brother (Lyichir) is in the midst of building Evo XL Machine on LDD, and it's quite impressive how it's constructed. For one thing, it has a gear function (pretty similar in function to the Makuta set from 2003, but obviously constructed differently). It's also remarkably beefy-looking, despite the gaps in the arms and legs.

It definitely feels like an industrial machine rather than a hero or other sort of robot inspired by a living, sentient creature. And that's one of the things I love about this wave. We haven't gotten much of that in any previous wave except in vehicle sets: even the industrial robot XT4 had enough inspiration from living creatures to look somewhat "alien" rather than purely mechanical. Is it any wonder this wave allows for such unique builds when it's already dealing with fairly unique subject matter?

Edited by Aanchir

My brother (Lyichir) is in the midst of building Evo XL Machine on LDD, and it's quite impressive how it's constructed. For one thing, it has a gear function (pretty similar in function to the Makuta set from 2003, but obviously constructed differently)

I started to build it too, but I don't really know how the legs and the shoulders areas are connected. ATM, I have this :


I started to build it too, but I don't really know how the legs and the shoulders areas are connected. ATM, I have this :

So far so good, except for the gear on the back (which I think is actually supposed to be a gray version of the "weapon barrel" piece used on Brain Attack Surge in Trans. Fluorescent Green). Here's what I've got. The cockpit is attached to another XT-4 torso that attaches in front of what you've got on the top, and that attaches to another "T-beam" that attaches it to the front of the turntable. Then the back of the turntable is attached to more 5-module beams that link up with the top. The two shells on the front (below the cockpit) attach to the "shoulders" of the XT-4 torso via two three-module "A" bones. My model includes 182 parts so far, including off-screen parts that either can't attach without the cockpit (windscreen, levers, lasers), can't attach due to lack of flex (ammo belt with spare missiles), or are just placeholders for parts not yet on LDD (The minifig, the "hoppers", the containment unit). I'm pretty sure the remaining 11 parts are largely on the inside and back of the "gearbox", and possibly a few on the inside and rear of the torso, hidden by the cockpit.

EDIT: Realized I'd missed the bracing on the back of the "knees". That adds six parts, bringing the number I'm missing down to five, which is only one part more than the minimum number it would take to properly fill out the axle that drives the gear function. I think it's pretty much as close to done as it's going to get until instructions, reviews, and new parts become available.

EDIT 2: Aanchir noticed that his tally for Furno Jet Machine also had an extra part. We looked at past HF sets that had stickers, and found that the sticker sheet is always included in the piece count. So that brings the part tally for this set up to the correct amount.

Edited by Lyichir

Good !

The cockpit is attached to another XT-4 torso that attaches in front of what you've got on the top

Yeah, I had understood that. I just didn't know how the third XT-4 torso was attached to the mini-turntable.

The two shells on the front (below the cockpit) attach to the "shoulders" of the XT-4 torso via two three-module "A" bones.

Oh, yeah, I haven't thought of that. Clever !

Edited by Leewan

Forget the sets- check out that box bag art! I'm really digging the style going on here.

The bag with Furno and Evo vs 'Splitter Beast' has got to have the best art on top. Evo's flung away by the beast, which is bending a street lamp in it's claw, and Furno's gone all badass with that flame-sword.. Man, that is one great sword.

It's either that or Evo running away from the beast on his machine's packaging, toward the machine itself. The little details in that one made it for me.

Stormer, for whatever reason, looks a little odd in his. Perhaps it's because his mouth is open and the jaw piece of the helmet is down. Not used to seeing it like that.

I like the direction this is going in. Doesn't remind me at all of any movies that came out earlier this year at all :tongue:

Still, the theme is popular. Heroes piloting mechs fighting beasts.. it's an exciting direction for Hero Factory to go.

The new minifigs are nice. Helmets are very accurate to what we've seen before. I wonder if they'll just have trans Minifig heads underneath the helmets with no faces? I'd kind of like to see at least eyes and mouth printed on there.. we'll see what happens.

I'm a fan of the clip functions on the legs and arms, but I'm not too happy that the hands can't move. Shame really.

The Mechs and Beasts are the main focus here, and from what I'm seeing.. I'm impressed.

Loving the use of the recently introduced 'pad' parts to bulk up the machines. I'm surprised none of the beasts use the round pads to bulk up their bodies. An opportunity lost there, methinks.

Beasts are excellent as well. I have a feeling that none will be built higher than Stormer XL, just looking at the bodies of those in the pics already.

The mini-beasties are neat. I can tell from one of the packages that it takes 3 pieces to put them together. The grey pin part gives that away.

Evo's getting more love- he's got his own machine and he features in two sets! I mean, yeah, Furno does too, but it's nice to see 'The Steamroller' get a little more attention. His machine is kick-butt too, what with the black and yellow color scheme, the missiles, the Zamor-cannon(can't get enough of how that arm was constructed, by the way. Excellent use of the Constraction parts), and it's got a lot of bulk going on, which I like.

Speaking of which, where's Bulk run off to? Seems like this year there's less Heroes to play with. Shame.

Not sure what the deal is with the container on the back- is it to store those little 3-piece beasties?

All the Mechs have this feature. I wonder if this is a catch-and-contain mission?

Speaking of other Mechs, I like how Furno's machine looks like a souped-up version of his Breakout form.. I wonder if the trans round plates are lights, or what the deal is with that? He also appears to have blue eyes. Awesome.

Of course the gold guy gets a machine this time around as well. He's been in more sets than any HF character. Can't deny how cool the colors look here. Wish he'd been given more gold, but seeing as it is a 'stealth machine', I guess it makes sense not to get too flashy. Stormer also has a mech, and it looks just as simple as Rocka's. Wonder if these two will be the 'small sets' for the good guys this year? Nice to see those Savage-Planet parts being used(the type used to attach Bulk 3.0's spikes) again.

Splitter Beast's artwork is my favorite, and I have a feeling the set is as well. Furno and Evo make quite the pair here against the two-headed monster. I like how the monster itself looks, the heads especially, and I dig the leg cladding and those new feet being put to use. And it's spiky so yay.

Street lamp is an interesting weapon.. and makes sense. It'll just rip up whatever is near it and use it to cause havok in Makuhero City.. It is a monster after all!

I'm happy Breez gets in on the action. Maybe the next episode will have her special skills finally put to good use again?

I'm not sure what the deal is with Flyer beast, but the left arm looks a little weird. Wonder what it's supposed to be used for?

Can't figure out what it's holding either.

The people who design the wings need to think of something better. I'm okay with the skeletal look, but it doesn't look right being so open as it is.

From what I can see of the new sets, I am impressed, and I really want to pick some of these up when they hit the shelves. I hope to see the other's images (The Evo Walker and Jaw Beast) soon.

Oh, and did anyone notice that the Heroes are using guns now? Works quite well in the place of the blasters, don't you think?

Personally, I'm kind of sad that LEGO still hasn't gotten the idea of using a sort of rubber sheet with attachment points to create foldable wings. It's something that could have been used years ago.

Here's what I've got.

This almost looks like the actual set! <3 o <3

I really wish I had the LDD file so that I could try and make this at home.

I think Razar/Eris style wings would have sufficed. Batman wings just come across as lazy to me.

And Cirkit (welcome back BTW), Rocka's and Stormer's Machines are mid size. Only the Walker and Jaw Beast are small sets. Anyway, I agree with you, Splitter Beast is pretty short, not counting the added height of the heads. That goes for the two other Beasts too. I guess I shouldn't be worried, since those heads are massive.

And I still don't get why Jaw Beast is called like that, since the other two have essentially the same head. :laugh:

Personally, I'm kind of sad that LEGO still hasn't gotten the idea of using a sort of rubber sheet with attachment points to create foldable wings. It's something that could have been used years ago.

It was.

I think Razar/Eris style wings would have sufficed. Batman wings just come across as lazy to me.

I personally like the skeletal look of Flyer Beast's wings. It's nice and spooky-looking. Not terribly aerodynamic, but I'm willing to suspend my disbelief for the sake of aesthetics in this case just as I was with Dragon Bolt.

I am glad that the wings have more joints than Batman's though. That helps their look considerably. Batman's looked just like long struts with spikes coming off of them, whereas these look a bit more like proper wing bones. I can't wait for the first set to have wings that can properly spread out or fold back... to me, greater articulation would be a far more significant improvement than making them look more solid.

I'm not sure what the deal is with Flyer beast, but the left arm looks a little weird. Wonder what it's supposed to be used for?

Can't figure out what it's holding either.

The people who design the wings need to think of something better. I'm okay with the skeletal look, but it doesn't look right being so open as it is.

according to the set description that i saw on walmart site (too bad they took it down already), the left arm is supposed to be a grapping claw. it might be able to be opened and grab something.

and the wings, it is intended to be skeletal. they stated it clearly on his description.

I know I'm a little late to the show here, but I didn't see the prototype pictures of HF, thus not knowing what to expect. However seeing some of the finished products I must say I'm really impressed and like the look of those beast/ Does anyone else think Lego took some inspiration from Pacific Rim for these?Because that what was came to my mind right after seeing them

Does anyone else think Lego took some inspiration from Pacific Rim for these?Because that what was came to my mind right after seeing them

Nope, Not at all.

I think Razar/Eris style wings would have sufficed. Batman wings just come across as lazy to me.

And Cirkit (welcome back BTW), Rocka's and Stormer's Machines are mid size. Only the Walker and Jaw Beast are small sets. Anyway, I agree with you, Splitter Beast is pretty short, not counting the added height of the heads. That goes for the two other Beasts too. I guess I shouldn't be worried, since those heads are massive.

And I still don't get why Jaw Beast is called like that, since the other two have essentially the same head. :laugh:

Thanks, it's good to be back, Shakar :classic:

Thanks for the correction. I'm still curious to see how the Walker looks, mostly because I'd like to see how they mounted that cannon.

I wonder how they attached the heads this time around. I see a red plus-axle piece but I can't quite figure it out.

Maybe Jaw Beast is Jaw Beast because its jaw makes up the majority of its build? Smaller body, same size head.. Or maybe it just talks a lot. Like me :tongue:

according to the set description that i saw on walmart site (too bad they took it down already), the left arm is supposed to be a grapping claw. it might be able to be opened and grab something.

and the wings, it is intended to be skeletal. they stated it clearly on his description.

Description? I've only seen the pics.

I'll go check them out!

The gripping claw or grappling claw looks like it only has the pins from the spikes holding it on. How they can open perplexes me.

I don't mind skeletal.. but I agree with Shakar. They need something. Razar/Eris wing parts, fabric, more spikes, just.. anything!

EDIT: Idea! Turn the cladding on the wings so they face outward like the Batman- tail things do. Then add the large spikes. The idea would make them look more like wings and less like.. weird skinny back arms.

I wonder if perhaps this new minifig-mech-suit line will continue, and introduce Stringer, Nex, Bulk, and/or Surge in some way?

Personally I think this is a perfect opportunity to introduce Mr. Makuro in some kind of physical set form.

Could be the victim of a monster-kidnapping, and a Hero in a suit could be sent to rescue him?


Edited by Cirkit

Perfect idea. Minifig-scale Makuro allows for plenty of detail, and while the idea of a set featuring the old guy in a mech is amusing, it would make a lot more sense to have him in a monster set (preferably in the biggest set of this year).

Why do I feel there'll be an Assembly Tower set soon enough?

I don't know, seems like this arc isn't taking place in Makuhero City.

If we do get an Assembly Tower set, I'm not sure if it is going to be a fully System set. I can probably see, however, a playset featuring a Beast attacking the Tower.

Getting a Hero Factory tower would be great to have, especially for this line, but I would expect it would be made out of bricks, which is something TLG would make if they decided to create a brick sub-theme like Bionicle had with the Metru Nui to the Marhi series. Still, there are elements in the figures that give the impression of just how huge these beasts are.

Edited by Merc4hire95

I don't know, seems like this arc isn't taking place in Makuhero City.

Yeah, so I don't think an assembly tower is too likely.

Think we could get an xlf file?


the new cockpit piece also seem to have many attachment points. still curious on how the minifig will sit on the cockpit. seeing that this is an official lego set, there's no way they gonna make the minifig just sitting on it without the minifig being properly attached to the cockpit trough some connection.

Look at Splitter Beast's bag and look closely at Evo. There's some kind of a pin sticking out of his back, which goes in a hole at the back of the cockpit piece,

Other than the pin on the back, if you look at the bag art of FJM, you can see that he's gripping on handles made out of Exo-Force arms that are connected to the cockpit piece.

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