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"Hi there," sniffles the bar tender as he walks over to greet Thothwick and Karie. "Welcome to the Weeping Inn. My name is Justin Featherhead. Here are our prices for everything."

8788136313_bd38a75526_t.jpgAmbrosia - Causes the reinforced-effect, double the target's defense for the duration of one battle. Costs 57 gold.

heroica-flamedistilledbrandy_zpsdf2a04e2.jpgFlame-distilled Brandy - Causes the encouraged- and the immune to ice-effects for the duration of one battle. Costs 24 gold.

heroica-mulledwine.jpgMulled Wine - Causes the inspired-effect, doubling the target's current and maximum health for the duration of one battle. Costs 47 gold.

"A room for the night costs 10 gold, I have only single rooms left, sorry," the inn keeper sniffs again. "I can also mix up a mean hurricane, only 17 gold."



"Well, howdy there then! Dyric Rone, isn't it? One of them folks who fought Wren way back in Grogmas, right? How have you been? I've been more than great myself. I saw your friend with the chicken over in Bric'Lin. I was starring in a play over that a way, after Zane and XX and I parted ways. They're good enough fellows, you know, once they stop trying to murder you. Do you know my pal Sammy Shaw over here?"

Samuel Shawe raises a glass in greeting. He has a grim and shrewd smile on his lips.


"How goes it, hero? What brings you to the Eubric Highway? Hopefully clearing the area of bandits."

Karie's ears perk up at the sound of alcohol.

"Please sir, describe this hurricane you speak of."

She looks about at the large amount of soldiers.

"So who are all the armed men? Sell-swords?"

E...Everyman? I blink away the shock, focusing myself. You know, I should really give you a beating for the way you turned on us back then, but there's too many witnesses. Maybe next time. Speaking of the rest of your Traitorous Trio, whatever happened to them? I've heard plenty of rumours, but nothing solid.

And hello, Shawe. Yes, I'm here cleaning out bandits of a sort. You're friend here is just lucky he's not one of them.

  • Author

Karie's ears perk up at the sound of alcohol.

"Please sir, describe this hurricane you speak of."

She looks about at the large amount of soldiers.

"So who are all the armed men? Sell-swords?"


"Well, barkeeps don't generally give away their secrets, because it would be bad for business, but I'll probably be dead soon anyway, so why not. A Hurricane is a Nostrum, some whiskey, some sugar, some cherry syrup, and a few ice cubes. A pretty good drink." The barkeep sniffles morosely.


"Sell-swords! Certainly not! Humph! The very idea. Why, I ought to-"


"Settle down, Agnuy. The girl was just asking a question." The other solider offers his hand. "I am General Hamilton from Carmina, also known as the Kingdom of the Red Lizard. Agnuy and I are on business in Eubric, collecting an advisor for our young prince. This is Raguel the Warrior Priest of Ennoc. We have just collected him from the Temple of Ennoc in Eubric."

The Warrior Priest turns around to face Karie.


E...Everyman? I blink away the shock, focusing myself. You know, I should really give you a beating for the way you turned on us back then, but there's too many witnesses. Maybe next time. Speaking of the rest of your Traitorous Trio, whatever happened to them? I've heard plenty of rumours, but nothing solid.

And hello, Shawe. Yes, I'm here cleaning out bandits of a sort. You're friend here is just lucky he's not one of them.


"Hm, funny, that's exactly what the Gibbin guy said! I don't know why you all expected me to stick around to fight Wren. I don't think I ever promised to do that at all. I was sorry to hear that you lost our allies in the Town Watch, most likely Patricia blames me in part of the loss and I was already on her bad list. La de da, well, 'spose I won't be going back to Eubric until I absolutely have to."

"Zane and XX were a-okay. Think they went up to Loush to catch a ship, or maybe it was that western port, can't quite remember the name ever, ah well, what the Hel. XX got me that job in the play first though, after meeting with some fancy pantsy aristocrat who liked the dark arts and the old gods and all them souls that Zane swallowed. Not my scene, so I bid them adieu. Still, Hel of a nice pair of partners to travel with. Now I'm just wandering around, you know how it goes. I think Zane said he was going to the High Kingdoms for something, but XX didn't really say where he was off to. I hear he's still kicking around somewhere, but seeing as we haven't heard of anything, or I 'spose anyone, important getting its hat blown off recently, I guess he must not have had a job for a while."


"Glad to hear it. Heroica is always doing good, far as I can tell, and bandits are quite an issue on the road. Just three days ago I was assaulted and a huge shipment of explosives, mining stuff, you know, was stolen from me. I sent my driver Mac to go hire some sell-swords so I can chase them down, but he hasn't made it back yet. I hope he's alright." Shawe gives a shrug. "He's got a good head on his shoulders, I don't doubt he'll be back soon enough. Dyric, was it? Why don't you join us for a drink? Pull over a chair, I'll buy you something or other, courtesy of House Shadeaux. There's a perk or two that comes with working for the richest house on Uland."

Edited by Zepher

There's a difference between sticking around to fight and sticking around to throw your lot in with the right side. Of course a coward like you would never understand that.

The High Kingdoms, you say? Huh. I can't think of anywhere there that would harbour someone like Zane. But of course, a lot of things have changed since he left.

Shawe, you say your convoy was carrying explosives? Do you know where they were being taken to?

"Sure, why not, hit me up, Justin!" Karie places seventeen gold coins on the bar and orders a hurricane. She then notices the soldiers begin to talk to her.

"Charmed, General. The name's Karie." Karie shakes his hand as the elderly priest turns around.

"Ah, your holiness, it's an honour to be among Ennoc's finest." Karie gave a small bow in his presence, still glued to the stool. Hershey simply rolls her eyes.

"Mreow. <Sure you are, you self indulging, cheating, lying, con artist.>"

"Since you fine men will most likely be taking the highway back, have you heard of any bandits in the area, particularly very recently?"

  • Author

The barkeep makes Karie a drink, which she immediately begins to sip down.

The Party

rone2.jpg Dyric Rone *Party Leader*

Level 21 1?/3 Assassin *Immune to Wood, Water, Earth, Ice, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Light, Darkness* *Lucky* *Steals 50% more gold*

Power: 33

Defense: 3

Health: 33/33

Gold: 792

Equipment: Requiem (WP: 20; wood, light and darkness-elemental, ranged), Lucky Die, Tricorne (SP:3, Water, Wood, Earth, Ice, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Light, Darkness - elemental) Sticky Gloves (Increases amount of gold stolen by 50%; handwear)

Inventory: Double Chain Whip (WP:10), Throwing Knife (WP:4, ranged, retrievable), Longsword (WP: 3), Aquamarine (Water), Diamond, 4 Potions, 5 Grand Potions, Elixir, 2 Remedies, Mead, 2 Venoms, Smoke Bomb, Skeleton Decoy, 3 Mythril Shards (3/4 of a Mythril), Silver Ore (Worth 60 gold), Bone, Winged Sandals, Pheonix Essence, Smelling Salt Bedroll, Shovel, Banana (Restores full health to target), Diamond Lamp of Summoning, Tonic


Level 24.33 Black Knight *Damage Undead* *Immune to Stunned*

Power: 38 (34 Ranged)

Defense: 10

Health: 39/39

Gold: 114

Equipment: Banana Sabre (WP:13, Heals Metasimians when used on them), Skull Shield (SP:6; immunity to darkness-elemental damage; suitable to Black Knights only), Black Knight's Armour (SP:4, protects from stunned-effect), Cultist's Hat (regular attacks do Damage to Undead)

Inventory: Shuriken (WP 8), Sabre (WP 10), 1 Bedroll, 1 Telescope, 1 Potion, 9 Cosmic Essences, 1 Venom, 5 Deadly venoms, Grand Zoot Cookie, Sapphire, Dragon Scale, 4 Meads, 5 Grand Potions, Ambrosia

8878153168_75444a509d_t.jpg Karie Alderflask

Level 17.5 Witch *Hilariously and Luckily Drunk*

Power: 24

Defense: 2

Health: 31/31

Ether: 23/23

Gold: 85

Equipment: Oculoid Palm (WP: 11, Whip, successful hits lowers the target's level. Coils around the user's arm and mimics a tattoo outside of battle.) by 1. Ethereal Cloak (SP +2, Max. Ether +4),Catsuit (Wearer has 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER and DAMAGE and Free Hits; suitable to women only; bodywear)

Inventory: Grand Tonic, Mead (1), Remedies (3), Venom (7), Smoke bomb (1), Pixie Dust (1),Telescope (1), Bedroll (1), Emergency Essence (1), Grand Tonic (3), Nostrum (1), Smelling Salt (1)

Quest Items: Entry 11, Map of Brendenton (1), Spider Coin (worth 1 gp), Forest Journal

Aretefacts/Weapons: Heirloom Dagger (WP: 3), Scroll of Newtity (costs 10 ether)(usable by ex-Amphibians only), Lover's Locket (Accessory, Protects from enamoured effect), Trickster's Mask of the Elf (Accessory, changes user's appearance into an Elf) Sexy (WP: 8, Rapier, Disregards SP, usable by Knights and Rogues), Paper Doll (Accesory, prevents Hexing)

Gemstones: Topaz

There's a difference between sticking around to fight and sticking around to throw your lot in with the right side. Of course a coward like you would never understand that.

The High Kingdoms, you say? Huh. I can't think of anywhere there that would harbour someone like Zane. But of course, a lot of things have changed since he left.

Shawe, you say your convoy was carrying explosives? Do you know where they were being taken to?


"Ah, I would have just slowed you fella's down, ya know that, Mister Rone." Johnny shrugs. His words come out a little sloppily... clearly he and Shawe have already shared a drink or two. "I don't know if Zane needs someone to harbor him, 'sides he's got enough skills to look out for 'imself, dontchu know?"


"Yes, I was taking it up to Loush to ship off. I have some interested buyers. I finally worked out a deal with the Guild of Invision, and of course it doesn't work out." Samuel Shawe sips his drink. "Such is the way of the world. I'll find those suckers and get it back. I'm just worried about the people I was supposed to sell to. The shipment was meant to arrive yesterday, and they didn't seem the type to enjoy being kept waiting. Maybe I should have sent Mac that way with word, but I had to use him to get some hired hands. C'est la vie."

"Charmed, General. The name's Karie." Karie shakes his hand as the elderly priest turns around.

"Ah, your holiness, it's an honour to be among Ennoc's finest." Karie gave a small bow in his presence, still glued to the stool. Hershey simply rolls her eyes.

"Mreow. <Sure you are, you self indulging, cheating, lying, con artist.>"

"Since you fine men will most likely be taking the highway back, have you heard of any bandits in the area, particularly very recently?"


"Uland is crawling with criminals. Too many freed Orc slaves, if you ask me. Bound to cause some trouble."


"Now now, Valentino wouldn't want any of us talking like that."


"Yeah, but Prince David's in charge now, and he don't trust the Orcs no further than he can throw them."

General Hamilton smiles ruefully and turns back to Karie.


"There may be bandits, but they're unlikely to accost soldiers, as far as I can tell."


"The Lord Ennoc looks out for his own. If any bandits were to attack us, it would be because he has decided their day has come. I will arrive to young David. He is in dire need of my guidance, and so I will fell any bandits who fall on us. Have you found the lord Ennoc, Karie?" asks the old priest in a quiet certain voice.

OOC: What exactly does the Hilariously and Luckily Drunk effect do? I do remember reading about it somewhere...

  • Author

OoC: You're lucky, but only if you remember to make a (passable) pun every time you attack. :grin:


"The Lord Ennoc looks out for his own. If any bandits were to attack us, it would be because he has decided their day has come. I will arrive to young David. He is in dire need of my guidance, and so I will fell any bandits who fall on us. Have you found the lord Ennoc, Karie?" asks the old priest in a quiet certain voice.

OOC: Thanks!

Karie immediately feels the drinks effects hit her. Her mind fogs up as she begins to lose comprehension on everything she's saying.

"Yeah, he's from Dastan, isn't he? *hiccup*"

"Mreoow? <Karie... how well can you hold your liquor?>"

Zane was an... interesting one, that's for sure.

I frown at Shawe's words. There's something very, very wrong here.

On second thought, I will take that drink, Shawe.

Thothwick's eye widen and his eyebrows arc as he watches Karie stumble away drunkenly.

"I see a lack in decorum is not just reserved for Atramor..."


"Well, barkeeps don't generally give away their secrets, because it would be bad for business, but I'll probably be dead soon anyway, so why not. A Hurricane is a Nostrum, some whiskey, some sugar, some cherry syrup, and a few ice cubes. A pretty good drink." The barkeep sniffles morosely.

"Well, 10 coins sounds rather reasona- I'm sorry, sir, but why do you assume your days are at an end?"

  • Author

Karie immediately feels the drinks effects hit her. Her mind fogs up as she begins to lose comprehension on everything she's saying.

"Yeah, he's from Dastan, isn't he? *hiccup*"

"Mreoow? <Karie... how well can you hold your liquor?>"

The two soldiers look between Karie and Raguel with a wee bit of worry in their eyes, but after a second or two Raguel gives a thin dry chuckle.


"That's the one," he says though a smile hardly plays on his lips.

On second thought, I will take that drink, Shawe.


"Wonderful, what will it be?" Shawe indicates a chair for Dyric to sit in and holds up a finger to get Justin's attention.

"Well, 10 coins sounds rather reasona- I'm sorry, sir, but why do you assume your days are at an end?"


"Inn Keeping is a dangerous profession," mumbles the sad pale man. "The last five Inn keepers here were murdered in their sleep for various reasons. And look at this!" he holds up a magazine that, surely, has a rather small readership: The Innkeeper's Times. "There was this battle in the Albatross in Eubric just a few weeks ago, and then, just a few days ago, the keepers of the Winking Gargoyle almost lost their lives in a brawl!" He sighs. "Oh, if you'll excuse me." Justin makes his way over to Dyric, Everyman and Shawe, but there are still many more patrons to engage if Thothwick still wishes. He glances around the inn and sees two duos - a blond haired woman talking to a fierce looking gremlin, and a woman in red flowing robes, followed by a militant looking U'Kin.

I'll take an Ambrosia, sir.

Out of curiosity, Shawe, how long are two planning on staying?

The two soldiers look between Karie and Raguel with a wee bit of worry in their eyes, but after a second or two Raguel gives a thin dry chuckle.


"That's the one," he says though a smile hardly plays on his lips.


"Inn Keeping is a dangerous profession," mumbles the sad pale man. "The last five Inn keepers here were murdered in their sleep for various reasons. And look at this!" he holds up a magazine that, surely, has a rather small readership: The Innkeeper's Times. "There was this battle in the Albatross in Eubric just a few weeks ago, and then, just a few days ago, the keepers of the Winking Gargoyle almost lost their lives in a brawl!" He sighs. "Oh, if you'll excuse me." Justin makes his way over to Dyric, Everyman and Shawe, but there are still many more patrons to engage if Thothwick still wishes. He glances around the inn and sees two duos - a blond haired woman talking to a fierce looking gremlin, and a woman in red flowing robes, followed by a militant looking U'Kin.

Karie gives a small hiccup before responding to Raguel.

"Oh. No, me and him never talked."

Karie notices the Albatross being brought up and attempts to focus on the barkeep.

"The Albatross? Wonderful place! Especially the sunroom! Lots of wonderful chaps hangout around there."

"Mreoow. <Barkeeper, can I get a bucket? Dump it over her head please.>"

Karie begins to rub her temples, trying to shake the drunken stupor off her.

  • Author

OoC: Trying to let Thothwick get some words in edgewise. :laugh: I hope the pace is good for everyone so far, we'll be slowing down significantly during the weekends in general, but there should still generally be one update every 24 hours (hopefully).

I'll take an Ambrosia, sir.

Out of curiosity, Shawe, how long are two planning on staying?


"Who, Everyman and I? I can't speak for him, but I'll be here until my mercs show their faces."

Justin shows up and plops an Ambrosia in front of Dyric. Shawe hands him a few gold coins.

"I'm quite honestly glad that some heroes are here. Your organization has been nothing but helpful in the past. I'm hoping you'll be doing the same. I've got to assume that you're on a quest - that is generally why you leave Eubric, isn't it? - but if you do happen upon my shipment, you'll let me know, won't you? I'd really appreciate it." Shawe leans in a little. "I don't want to look too much like a gossip, or too paranoid - though of course that comes a little with my job - but I wouldn't be the least surprised if the Hinckwells were behind my robbery. It's pretty common, truth be told, for them to hire some hands to come steal from the Shadeaux. Hel, they've used heroes to break into one of our warehouses before, handed the little Umbra girl her megablocks. I know for a fact that they're jealous of our deal with the Guild - they couldn't get one of their own."

Karie gives a small hiccup before responding to Raguel.

"Oh. No, me and him never talked."


"Well perhaps you ought to look for him, Karie. He is a guide for life, and everyone needs some guidance. He sadly cannot act on his own. He needs his agents here on Olegia, and he's always looking for more agents to spread the good light."

Edited by Zepher

OOC: Take your time Zepher, I'm really digging the quest! :thumbup:

Karie's stupor begins to wash away into a slight hangover as she begins to connect what Raguel is saying. She responds with a hint of curiosity.

"I don't see how out of everyone in this inn you single me out. What makes me worthy of Ennoc's grace? I'm no angel of purity, mind you."

I take a moment to drink from the Ambrosia.

Really? The rumour I heard was that the Shadeux were jealous of the Hinckwells.

OoC: Cheers Zepher, but don't feel the need to hold back the Quest on my account. Timezones are a tricky business, and if I weren't able to deal with them, I wouldn't be on a site featuring people from all over the Globe! :wink:

Following the pale man's departure, Thothwick moves over to the U'Kin.

"Hello. I apologies for interrupting your beverages, but I've always been such an admirer of Dastan, and I'm eager for news. Tell me, how is she these days?"

  • Author

Karie's stupor begins to wash away into a slight hangover as she begins to connect what Raguel is saying. She responds with a hint of curiosity.

"I don't see how out of everyone in this inn you single me out. What makes me worthy of Ennoc's grace? I'm no angel of purity, mind you."


"You were the one to approach me. The Lord Ennoc works in strange ways. Perhaps he drove you to me."

I take a moment to drink from the Ambrosia.

Really? The rumour I heard was that the Shadeux were jealous of the Hinckwells.

Dyric feels, suddenly, reinforced.


"Who told you that, a Hinckwell?" Shawe laughs merrily, his lips cocked into a grin. "No, no, I won't deny it, the Shadeaux are jealous of the Hinckwells just as often as the opposites true. I work for the family, doesn't mean I don't see their pettiness from time to time. But in this case, we won out. A hero, Guts Holla, opened the way for us, and a deal was struck with Madame Ladybug and her guild. The Hinckwells were extremely jealous of our shipment... until it went missing."

Following the pale man's departure, Thothwick moves over to the U'Kin.

"Hello. I apologies for interrupting your beverages, but I've always been such an admirer of Dastan, and I'm eager for news. Tell me, how is she these days?"

The U'Kin smiles and balks at Thothwick.


"It is rare to meet someone in Uland who has been to Dastan is hard to find. My name is U'Voros is my name!" The U'Kin offers his hand to the Black Knight. "The land of Dastan stands well. Surely you have heard of our recent troubles, but they are repairing the lands even as we speak." The U'Kin's travelling companion also turns and looks at Thothwick. A strange warm feeling spreads through his limbs.



"The Empire is doing so well, in fact, that there are rumors that they have been able to afford to send their princess forth," the robed woman tells Thothwick with a airy voice. "The word is that she is going to Eubric to study under the Oracle there. Of course, it would be foolish to reveal herself on the road... so the rumors go." The U'Kin looks back and forth between Thothwick and his companion.

Ha, ha... too true. Guts? Really? Guts never seemed like the type of man to broker a deal, but hey, he always had his hidden depths. Say, do you happen to know where exactly the shipment was lost?

The U'Kin smiles and balks at Thothwick.


"It is rare to meet someone in Uland who has been to Dastan is hard to find. My name is U'Voros is my name!" The U'Kin offers his hand to the Black Knight. "The land of Dastan stands well. Surely you have heard of our recent troubles, but they are repairing the lands even as we speak." The U'Kin's travelling companion also turns and looks at Thothwick. A strange warm feeling spreads through his limbs.

"A pleasure to meet you, U'Voros, more so with the good news you bare. I do hope Emporer Philius is settling into his new position well?"


"The Empire is doing so well, in fact, that there are rumors that they have been able to afford to send their princess forth," the robed woman tells Thothwick with a airy voice. "The word is that she is going to Eubric to study under the Oracle there. Of course, it would be foolish to reveal herself on the road... so the rumors go." The U'Kin looks back and forth between Thothwick and his companion.

Thothwick gave a slow, solitary nod.

"'So the rumours go' indeed. Pray tell, my lady, have you been to Eubric's temple of Fabula Sibylla? I only ask because a young lady I used to know works there, and I'd rather like an update on how she's been. A unique individual called Sküld."

  • Author


"The Eubric highway is a hard place to pinpoint anything, but if you travel about a half a day north from here - about half way between the Weeping Inn and Bric'Lin - you should find the general area."


"Yes, he is settling well into his new job he's settling well into. Emperor Victor is the man who got me and my kin this job within the armed forces is a job that Emperor Victor got me and my kin. Some people accuse him of flooding the armed forces with U'Kin too quickly some people say, but whenever the matter of flooding the armed forces with U'Kin comes up Emperor Victor always says its a promise he made to a friend and that's the end of the subject of flooding the armed forces with U'Kin."


"I should be arriving there for the first time in my young life in just a day or two," says the robed woman. "I will be certain to look for Sküld and make sure she is well."


"Yes, he is settling well into his new job he's settling well into. Emperor Victor is the man who got me and my kin this job within the armed forces is a job that Emperor Victor got me and my kin. Some people accuse him of flooding the armed forces with U'Kin too quickly some people say, but whenever the matter of flooding the armed forces with U'Kin comes up Emperor Victor always says its a promise he made to a friend and that's the end of the subject of flooding the armed forces with U'Kin."

Thothwick smiled at the news, but decided against revealing why. "Best to remain undercover. Don't want every Tom, Dick and Harry knowing we're from Herocia!"

"Wonderful news. How very noble of Emporer Victor to keep his promise, in spite of the criticism he faces. It seems your Kin has certainly made progress since I last visited."


"I should be arriving there for the first time in my young life in just a day or two," says the robed woman. "I will be certain to look for Sküld and make sure she is well."

"Congratulations, I hope you enjoy your new position. Well, it's not in the nicest of districts, but I'm sure you'll do well."

Thothwick looked around the tavern, and spotted Dyric conversing with some patrons. Careful not to get too distracted, Thothwick bid the pair a pleasant nights sleep, and moved over to Dyric.

"Wonderful news! Dastan's progressing nicely. I wonder if she recognised me? Probably not, I probably spent the least amount of time with her than everyone else in my party..."

"Hello again, Mr. Rone, Gentlemen. Are you having a pleas- Everyman?"


"You were the one to approach me. The Lord Ennoc works in strange ways. Perhaps he drove you to me."

Karie wasn't likely to believe some religious old men, but she less indoctrinated in the idea and more curious.

"So Ennoc is, in some ways a driving force? He's actually controlling some portion to me, or feeding me suggestions right now? Or am I getting this wrong?"

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