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The decision, it seems, remains up to Dyric. His party is divided... what will he choose?

"But they just plain wouldn't. If we tell the Guild of the Blood Paws, the Shadeaux will tell the Guild of Hinckwell and Bors! The Guild need only find out about this if the Hinckwells get those bombs, as they'll need to know why the deal changed! If the Shadeuax get those bombs, everything remains quiet, all the houses save some face, and everyone lives, Karie. Just this onces, everybody lives!"

  On 10/22/2013 at 9:28 PM, Professor Flitwick said:

"But they just plain wouldn't. If we tell the Guild of the Blood Paws, the Shadeaux will tell the Guild of Hinckwell and Bors! The Guild need only find out about this if the Hinckwells get those bombs, as they'll need to know why the deal changed! If the Shadeuax get those bombs, everything remains quiet, all the houses save some face, and everyone lives, Karie. Just this onces, everybody lives!"

"Except for Henry on his horse, his captain, and the two Hinckwell soldiers. No matter how you look at it, someone has to die! The world isn't made of lollipops and sugary sweets, Thothwick, as much as you like to think that. I found that out when the rug was pulled out from under me on my first quest. As much as I want it to be true, not everyone here is going to live."

"Oh please Karie, you must be at least two decades old. If you only found out the world isn't perfect through your first Quest, you must have lived a life of luxury before coming here. The four Hinckwell men can be calmed down, but even if they do decide to fight us, it is nothing to be compared with the amount of people that will die when the full might of the Guild of Invision, the Hinckwells and the Shadeaux wage against eachother in the streets of Eubric, should the Hinckwells walk away with the bombs. Dyric, surely you see my point of view here."

"Oh, will you hush! The news the Shadeux hired the Blood Paw will get out. Everything does eventually! I'm not going to ruin my reputation and turn back on what we set out to do: return the bombs to the Hinckwells. I understand what you're doing Thothwick, but take it from experience: you don't want to get on the bad side of a group of heroes.

Dyric, I need your help. Convince him that the Shadeux aren't worth his time!"

  • Author


"You don't need to worry, Karie. I'll be sure to spare the Hinckwell. His men, on the other hand... well, we'll see how peacefully they come."


"I'll let Shawe crawl back to bemoan his failure. The hired hands of his will have to die, of course."

  On 10/22/2013 at 10:20 PM, Kintobor said:

"Oh, will you hush! The news the Shadeux hired the Blood Paw will get out. Everything does eventually!

"Silence your tongue you ignorant Witch! You know nothing of how the houses work. How on Olegia will the news of the Shadeuax get out? The Blood Paws won't tell, their purses have now been filled by Shadeuax, with the prospect of more coin in the future, they won't lose a rich customer. The Hinckwells won't tell, as I've previously stated in pain-staking detail, for the Shadeuax will just take retribution by telling the Guild about Bors. I'll say it again! Scenario one: Shadeuax get bombs, they sell bombs, Guild of Invision none the wiser, Hinckwells/Shadeuax never mention Blood Paws/Bors for fear of the Shadeuax/Hinckwells will mention the Bors/Bloodbows. Scenario two: Hinckwells get the bombs, the Guild want to know why the deal has changed with their consent, Hinckwells tell all, Shadeuax tell all, three-way-war, with at least two of the sides angry with us."

  On 10/22/2013 at 10:20 PM, Kintobor said:

"I'm not going to ruin my reputation and turn back on what we set out to do: return the bombs to the Hinckwells. I understand what you're doing Thothwick, but take it from experience: you don't want to get on the bad side of a group of heroes."

"Experience? Bah! Don't make me laugh! Do you know what my title is in Heroica? 'Thothwick, a Hero who is worth something'. I helped saved Dastan from plunging itself into a civil war! I helped delve beneath Eubric, and clear a temple of Zoot of a giant Demon! Later, Mr. Rone, myself and a group of others returned there to defeated a woman reaching the early stages of divinity! Do not speak to me of experience, witch. You're worried of damaging your reputation? I'm sure the three people who've heard of you will be most surprised. 'What [i'm] doing?' I wish I could say the same for you, I can't fathom your actions. Also, the collective noun for one hero isn't a 'group'."

  On 10/22/2013 at 10:20 PM, Kintobor said:

"Dyric, I need your help. Convince him that the Shadeux aren't worth his time!"

"Come, Mr. Rone, you said earlier in our debate that you believe these belong to Mr. Shawe, and the Shadeuax. Surely you can see how letting the Hinckwells walk away with those bombs can only lead to trouble."

  On 10/23/2013 at 12:35 PM, Professor Flitwick said:

"Silence your tongue you ignorant Witch! You know nothing of how the houses work. How on Olegia will the news of the Shadeuax get out? The Blood Paws won't tell, their purses have now been filled by Shadeuax, with the prospect of more coin in the future, they won't lose a rich customer. The Hinckwells won't tell, as I've previously stated in pain-staking detail, for the Shadeuax will just take retribution by telling the Guild about Bors. I'll say it again! Scenario one: Shadeuax get bombs, they sell bombs, Guild of Invision none the wiser, Hinckwells/Shadeuax never mention Blood Paws/Bors for fear of the Shadeuax/Hinckwells will mention the Bors/Bloodbows. Scenario two: Hinckwells get the bombs, the Guild want to know why the deal has changed with their consent, Hinckwells tell all, Shadeuax tell all, three-way-war, with at least two of the sides angry with us."

"Experience? Bah! Don't make me laugh! Do you know what my title is in Heroica? 'Thothwick, a Hero who is worth something'. I helped saved Dastan from plunging itself into a civil war! I helped delve beneath Eubric, and clear a temple of Zoot of a giant Demon! Later, Mr. Rone, myself and a group of others returned there to defeated a woman reaching the early stages of divinity! Do not speak to me of experience, witch. You're worried of damaging your reputation? I'm sure the three people who've heard of you will be most surprised. 'What [i'm] doing?' I wish I could say the same for you, I can't fathom your actions. Also, the collective noun for one hero isn't a 'group'."

"Come, Mr. Rone, you said earlier in our debate that you believe these belong to Mr. Shawe, and the Shadeuax. Surely you can see how letting the Hinckwells walk away with those bombs can only lead to trouble."

"Don't give me that lip, you arrogant knight! I know enough, I have relations to a man who owns a joint shipping company with the Shadeux, so I know well enough what goes on in this town! The Guild is a business, just like any other business. They don't care who gets the package, so long as they get their money.

A hero who's actually worth something? So you actually need a title to be a hero? I have enough experience under my belt to have stopped at least one incredibly large, nasty demon and brought peace between two factions in this city, one of which I hold great animosity towards. Where do you even get a title like that? The Town Watch? It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if it was, the corrupt hoodlums that they are.

And surely you can see that the consequences are the same if the HInckwells get the bombs? It'd be wise to side with your leeway, Dyric. I'm the only one who can set of those bombs as a collective group, so I'd advise you to side with me, otherwise you're on your own with lighting those bombs off if we need to!"

Edited by Kintobor

Sorry for the delay. Stupid computer at home is really messed up lately.

This is not your choice, Karie! It doesn't matter who hired us, there are larger forces in play here, larger than you, your ego and it's definitely larger than anything you seem to think it is. Frankly, I don't care about your cynical view on the world, and when it comes down to it, neither does anyone else. In the end it doesn't matter if you've been exiled by your home or if you're a chaos user whose been deceived by all the wrong forces. What matters is that you make the choice - the right choice. The choice that ends with as few losses as possible, and the gets Eubric closer to peace. Call me melodramatic - I may very well be - but if you don't look at the big picture enough, you quickly lose focus.

You want to be a real hero, Karie? Stop caring so much about yourself and your own needs. It only distances yourself from the goals of Heroica. Who cares about your lonely soul!? We strive towards a larger goal. Our little lives don't count at all! Being a hero - a real hero - means putting the lives of the your team above your own. It means doing everything for the men and women in the streets - the ones that may never know your name - because in the end it's them that matter, not yourself.

Life isn't perfect. It sure ain't fair. But that doesn't mean we can't do our best to make it that way. Thothwick is right, the scale here is far larger than this shipment. In the future it may turn to be a prelude to war. And that is something I will not abide.

The shipment will go to the Shadeux. It may not have been fair game, but the Shadeux do have the contract. There is no need for wanton bloodshed, though. What would that gain any of you? Nothing. It may still be possible for the Hinckwells to gain a possible contract, but if needless bloodshed is spilled that option closes..

Edited by The Legonater

  • Author


"Splendid. I'm sure that my buyers will-"


"Take the bombs," says Hinckwell, turning to his troops. "Kill the heroes and Shawe's sellswords if they interfere." He turns back to the heroes and gives a humorless tight smile. "The Houses may not be able to wage war against each other, but we have no qualms harming 'heroes'." He spits out the last word as Grady leads his troops forward.


"I killed the Blood Paws they hired easily enough, guess I'll be skinning you heroes next."

The sell swords that Shawe hired cluster around him in a protective barrier. It seems the heroes must defend their decision with their lives.

The Enemies


Sir Grady the Bold

Level 38 Humanoid *Immune to Instant Death, Asleep and Blind*

SP: 2

Health: 250/250

Special: Reposte – Sir Grady is encouraged and counterstikes for the remainder of the round. Sir Grady is encouraged and counterstrikes for the following round as well.

Drops: Nasal Helmet (Headwear, SP: 1), Hinckwell Sword (WP: 8), Traveller's Cloak (Backwear, SP: 1)


Hinckwell Spearman

Level 21 Humanoid

SP: 8

Health: 180/180

Special: Rebuff – The Hinckwell Swordsman shoves back the hero, dealing damage equal to their SP+WP, disregarding SP.

Drops: Hinckwell Shield (SP:8), Hinckwell Spear (WP: 4), 10 Gold


Hinckwell Crossbow Man

Level 25 Humanoid *Fights from the backrow*

Health: 145/145

Special: Triple Shot - Hits all the heroes for 25 damage, regardless of row.

Drops: Ranger’s Quiver (+1 WP to Bows, Suitable for Rangers), Hinckwell Crossbow (WP: 7), 40 Gold

The Party


Dyric Rone *Party Leader*

Level 22 Assassin
*Immune to Wood, Water, Earth, Ice, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Light, Darkness*
*Steals 50% more gold*

: 34


: 34/34

: 964

: Requiem (WP: 20; wood, light and darkness-elemental, ranged), Lucky Die, Tricorne (SP:3, Water, Wood, Earth, Ice, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Light, Darkness - elemental) Sticky Gloves
(Increases amount of gold stolen by 50%; handwear)

: Double Chain Whip (WP:10), Throwing Knife (WP:4, ranged, retrievable), Longsword (WP: 3), Aquamarine (Water), Diamond, 4 Potions, 5 Grand Potions, Elixir, 2 Remedies, 2 Meads, 2 Venoms, Smoke Bomb, Skeleton Decoy, 3 Mythril Shards (3
/4 of a Mythril), Silver Ore (Worth 60 gold), Bone, Winged Sandals, Smelling Salt Bedroll, Shovel, Banana (Restores full health to target), Diamond Lamp of Summoning (2/3 Uses Left), Tonic, Nordic Stomach Guard (SP: 3, Immunity to Ice and Water, Bodywear, Suitable for Barbarians, Regulators, and Beast Warriors),



Level 25 Black Knight *Damage Undead*
*Immune to Stunned*

: 39 (35 Ranged)

: 10

: 40/40

: 149

: Banana Sabre (WP:13, Heals Metasimians when used on them),
Skull Shield (SP:6; immunity to darkness-elemental damage; suitable to Black Knights only)
, Black Knight's Armour (SP:4, protects from stunned-effect), Cultist's Hat (regular attacks do Damage to Undead)

: Shuriken (WP 8), Sabre (WP 10), 1 Bedroll, 1 Telescope, 9 Cosmic Essences, 1
Venom, 5 Deadly venoms, Grand Zoot Cookie, Sapphire, Dragon Scale, 6 Meads, 5 Grand Potions, 2 Ambrosias


Karie Alderflask

Level 18 1/2 Witch


: 2




Oculoid Palm (WP: 11, Whip, successful hits lowers the target's level
Coils around the user's arm and mimics a tattoo outside of battle.) by 1. Ethereal Cloak (SP +2, Max. Ether +4)
Catsuit (Wearer has 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER and DAMAGE and Free Hits; suitable to women only; bodywear)

Grand Tonic, Mead (1), Remedies (3), Venom (7)
Smoke bomb (1),
Pixie Dust (1),
Telescope (1), Bedroll (1)
, Grand Tonic (3), Nostrum (1), Potion (1)

Quest Items:
Entry 11
Map of Brendenton (1), Spider Coin (worth 1 gp)
Forest Journal

Heirloom Dagger (WP: 3), Scroll of Newtity (costs 10 ether)(usable by ex-Amphibians only)
Lover's Locket (Accessory, Protects from
effect), Trickster's Mask of the Elf (Accessory, changes user's appearance into an Elf)
Sexy (WP: 8, Rapier, Disregards SP, usable by Knights and Rogues),
Paper Doll (Accesory, prevents Hexing),
Rusty Dagger (WP:2 - Deals the Badly Poisoned Effect, Breaks After 3 Uses)


Edited by Zepher

"No one has to die, eh Thothwick? A compromise can be made, right Dyric?"

Karie wanted nothing to do with the duo, she knew that her ordeal in Brendenton, everything she did in that hell hole of a town was for not now. Being tossed into the sea, being turned into a newt, dealing with Marty and Fleur, all for nothing. Oh cruel mistress of fate, you are a strange being.

"I want nothing to do with this Henry. I would appreciate it if you told your lord I wanted the bombs in your hands and not in the Shadeux's."

  • Author


"Words mean nothing, girl. When I have the bombs, then I will hold you in some sort of esteem."

  On 10/23/2013 at 3:45 PM, Kintobor said:

"No one has to die, eh Thothwick? A compromise can be made, right Dyric?"

"Would you prefer to have hundreds die in Skirmishes with betwixt the Hinckwells, Shadeuax and the Guild of Invision? Four fools seems like quite a decent compromise."

  On 10/23/2013 at 3:45 PM, Kintobor said:

"I want nothing to do with this Henry. I would appreciate it if you told your lord I wanted the bombs in your hands and not in the Shadeux's."

"Pfft. Call yourself a hero, you worthless Witch? Going to flee into the wild? Bah!"

Thothwick goes to attack Sir Grady the Bold with his Shuriken from the back row!

"Mr. Shawe, care to spare your fighters?"

  On 10/23/2013 at 3:45 PM, Kintobor said:

"No one has to die, eh Thothwick? A compromise can be made, right Dyric?"

Karie wanted nothing to do with the duo, she knew that her ordeal in Brendenton, everything she did in that hell hole of a town was for not now. Being tossed into the sea, being turned into a newt, dealing with Marty and Fleur, all for nothing. Oh cruel mistress of fate, you are a strange being.

"I want nothing to do with this Henry. I would appreciate it if you told your lord I wanted the bombs in your hands and not in the Shadeux's."

You insolent child! After everything we've told you, you are still woefully ignorant of the end results of your outright childish actions. You're a coward. You're selfish. You're not worthy of being a hero of Heroica, you disgrace the name. You're not any better than Vonnetate. In the end, if we come to blows, you'll suffer the same fate. Trust me.

Furious, Dyric turns to the Hinckwells.

I attack the crossbow man with Requiem from the back.

Battle Order:



Edited by The Legonater

"Death is death, you hypocrite! You kill someone, they're dead, no matter how many they're are! Just like every other time, someone dies!

At least I don't wave my title around like a child, oh hero who's worth something. What are you worth, anyways? A turd? A single coin? And who gave you a title like that," Karie was ready to turn her rapier on Thothwick on a moment's notice, "you two faced, prune? I healed your sorry behind back there, and this is what I get in return?"

  • Author

OoC: Karie, please post an action, even if it is doing nothing.

Since Karie is not in the Battle Order, Karie assumes she not needed, and steps aside, crossing her arms.

"If you don't want my help, Dyric, fine, I won't."

Edited by Kintobor

  • Author

Hinckwell Battle Round One

>Thothwick v. Sir Grady - Damage ([38/2]-10=6)

>Dyric v. Hinckwell Archer - Critical Hit/Critical Hit [6: No Assassination, [20*2]+22=62 Damage]

Karie does nothing

Free Hits

Spearman v. Thothwick - ([21/2]-10=1)

Karie stands by moodily while Thothwick gets hit around and Dyric fires off a well placed arrow.

The Enemies


Sir Grady the Bold

Level 38 Humanoid *Immune to Instant Death, Asleep and Blind*

SP: 2

Health: 250/250

Special: Reposte – Sir Grady is encouraged and counterstikes for the remainder of the round. Sir Grady is encouraged and counterstrikes for the following round as well.

Drops: Nasal Helmet (Headwear, SP: 1), Hinckwell Sword (WP: 8), Traveller's Cloak (Backwear, SP: 1)


Hinckwell Spearman

Level 21 Humanoid

SP: 8

Health: 180/180

Special: Rebuff – The Hinckwell Swordsman shoves back the hero, dealing damage equal to their SP+WP, disregarding SP.

Drops: Hinckwell Shield (SP:8), Hinckwell Spear (WP: 4), 10 Gold


Hinckwell Crossbow Man

Level 25 Humanoid *Fights from the backrow*

Health: 83/145

Special: Triple Shot - Hits all the heroes for 25 damage, regardless of row.

Drops: Ranger’s Quiver (+1 WP to Bows, Suitable for Rangers), Hinckwell Crossbow (WP: 7), 40 Gold

The Party


Dyric Rone *Party Leader*

Level 22 Assassin
*Immune to Wood, Water, Earth, Ice, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Light, Darkness*
*Steals 50% more gold*

: 34


: 34/34

: 964

: Requiem (WP: 20; wood, light and darkness-elemental, ranged), Lucky Die, Tricorne (SP:3, Water, Wood, Earth, Ice, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Light, Darkness - elemental) Sticky Gloves
(Increases amount of gold stolen by 50%; handwear)

: Double Chain Whip (WP:10), Throwing Knife (WP:4, ranged, retrievable), Longsword (WP: 3), Aquamarine (Water), Diamond, 4 Potions, 5 Grand Potions, Elixir, 2 Remedies, 2 Meads, 2 Venoms, Smoke Bomb, Skeleton Decoy, 3 Mythril Shards (3
/4 of a Mythril), Silver Ore (Worth 60 gold), Bone, Winged Sandals, Smelling Salt Bedroll, Shovel, Banana (Restores full health to target), Diamond Lamp of Summoning (2/3 Uses Left), Tonic, Nordic Stomach Guard (SP: 3, Immunity to Ice and Water, Bodywear, Suitable for Barbarians, Regulators, and Beast Warriors),



Level 25 Black Knight *Damage Undead*
*Immune to Stunned*

: 39 (35 Ranged)

: 10

: 33/40

: 149

: Banana Sabre (WP:13, Heals Metasimians when used on them),
Skull Shield (SP:6; immunity to darkness-elemental damage; suitable to Black Knights only)
, Black Knight's Armour (SP:4, protects from stunned-effect), Cultist's Hat (regular attacks do Damage to Undead)

: Shuriken (WP 8), Sabre (WP 10), 1 Bedroll, 1 Telescope, 9 Cosmic Essences, 1
Venom, 5 Deadly venoms, Grand Zoot Cookie, Sapphire, Dragon Scale, 6 Meads, 5 Grand Potions, 2 Ambrosias


Karie Alderflask

Level 18 1/2 Witch


: 2




Oculoid Palm (WP: 11, Whip, successful hits lowers the target's level
Coils around the user's arm and mimics a tattoo outside of battle.) by 1. Ethereal Cloak (SP +2, Max. Ether +4)
Catsuit (Wearer has 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER and DAMAGE and Free Hits; suitable to women only; bodywear)

Grand Tonic, Mead (1), Remedies (3), Venom (7)
Smoke bomb (1),
Pixie Dust (1),
Telescope (1), Bedroll (1)
, Grand Tonic (3), Nostrum (1), Potion (1)

Quest Items:
Entry 11
Map of Brendenton (1), Spider Coin (worth 1 gp)
Forest Journal

Heirloom Dagger (WP: 3), Scroll of Newtity (costs 10 ether)(usable by ex-Amphibians only)
Lover's Locket (Accessory, Protects from
effect), Trickster's Mask of the Elf (Accessory, changes user's appearance into an Elf)
Sexy (WP: 8, Rapier, Disregards SP, usable by Knights and Rogues),
Paper Doll (Accesory, prevents Hexing),
Rusty Dagger (WP:2 - Deals the Badly Poisoned Effect, Breaks After 3 Uses)


Thothwick attacks Sir Grady the Bold from the front row with his Banana Sabre.

Sorry about that, for some reason I though Karie wasn't participating in the battle. :wacko:

You want to prove yourself kid? Take that Spearman.

I repeat my action

Battle Order:




Karie uses Sexy on the Spearmen from the back row, saying nothing.

  • Author

Hinckwell Battle Round Two

>Thothwick v. Sir Grady - Special Damage (Encouraged and Counterstriking)

>Dyric v. Hinckwell Archer - Lethal Aim/Lethal Aim (1: Assassination)

>Karie v. Hinckwell Spearman - Special Damage (8+2=10/2=5 Damage Dealt)

Dyric quickly and efficiently ends the life of the Archer, while Karie and Thothwick are gently rebuffed. Sir Grady seems ready and rearing to go for another round, though.

The Enemies


Sir Grady the Bold

76 Humanoid *Immune to Instant Death, Asleep and Blind* *Encouraged (1 Round)* *Counterstriking*

SP: 2

Health: 250/250

Special: Reposte – Sir Grady is encouraged and counterstikes for the remainder of the round. Sir Grady is encouraged and counterstrikes for the following round as well.

Drops: Nasal Helmet (Headwear, SP: 1), Hinckwell Sword (WP: 8), Traveller's Cloak (Backwear, SP: 1)


Hinckwell Spearman

Level 21 Humanoid

SP: 8

Health: 180/180

Special: Rebuff – The Hinckwell Swordsman shoves back the hero, dealing damage equal to their SP+WP, disregarding SP.

Drops: Hinckwell Shield (SP:8), Hinckwell Spear (WP: 4), 10 Gold

The Party


Dyric Rone *Party Leader*

Level 22 Assassin
*Immune to Wood, Water, Earth, Ice, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Light, Darkness*
*Steals 50% more gold*

: 34


: 34/34

: 964

: Requiem (WP: 20; wood, light and darkness-elemental, ranged), Lucky Die, Tricorne (SP:3, Water, Wood, Earth, Ice, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Light, Darkness - elemental) Sticky Gloves
(Increases amount of gold stolen by 50%; handwear)

: Double Chain Whip (WP:10), Throwing Knife (WP:4, ranged, retrievable), Longsword (WP: 3), Aquamarine (Water), Diamond, 4 Potions, 5 Grand Potions, Elixir, 2 Remedies, 2 Meads, 2 Venoms, Smoke Bomb, Skeleton Decoy, 3 Mythril Shards (3
/4 of a Mythril), Silver Ore (Worth 60 gold), Bone, Winged Sandals, Smelling Salt Bedroll, Shovel, Banana (Restores full health to target), Diamond Lamp of Summoning (2/3 Uses Left), Tonic, Nordic Stomach Guard (SP: 3, Immunity to Ice and Water, Bodywear, Suitable for Barbarians, Regulators, and Beast Warriors),



Level 25 Black Knight *Damage Undead*
*Immune to Stunned*

: 39 (35 Ranged)

: 10

: 33/40

: 149

: Banana Sabre (WP:13, Heals Metasimians when used on them),
Skull Shield (SP:6; immunity to darkness-elemental damage; suitable to Black Knights only)
, Black Knight's Armour (SP:4, protects from stunned-effect), Cultist's Hat (regular attacks do Damage to Undead)

: Shuriken (WP 8), Sabre (WP 10), 1 Bedroll, 1 Telescope, 9 Cosmic Essences, 1
Venom, 5 Deadly venoms, Grand Zoot Cookie, Sapphire, Dragon Scale, 6 Meads, 5 Grand Potions, 2 Ambrosias


Karie Alderflask

Level 18 1/2 Witch


: 2




Oculoid Palm (WP: 11, Whip, successful hits lowers the target's level
Coils around the user's arm and mimics a tattoo outside of battle.) by 1. Ethereal Cloak (SP +2, Max. Ether +4)
Catsuit (Wearer has 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER and DAMAGE and Free Hits; suitable to women only; bodywear)

Grand Tonic, Mead (1), Remedies (3), Venom (7)
Smoke bomb (1),
Pixie Dust (1),
Telescope (1), Bedroll (1)
, Grand Tonic (3), Nostrum (1), Potion (1)

Quest Items:
Entry 11
Map of Brendenton (1), Spider Coin (worth 1 gp)
Forest Journal

Heirloom Dagger (WP: 3), Scroll of Newtity (costs 10 ether)(usable by ex-Amphibians only)
Lover's Locket (Accessory, Protects from
effect), Trickster's Mask of the Elf (Accessory, changes user's appearance into an Elf)
Sexy (WP: 8, Rapier, Disregards SP, usable by Knights and Rogues),
Paper Doll (Accesory, prevents Hexing),
Rusty Dagger (WP:2 - Deals the Badly Poisoned Effect, Breaks After 3 Uses)



"Ha! Knew you'd show your true colors, girlie. Now come meet my blade."


"Unforgivable!" sputters Hinckwell.

Fortune favours the Bold. Karie, give the man his wish, I'll deal with the Spearman.

I attack the Spearman with Requiem from the back row.

Same BL

Edited by The Legonater

Karie stares coldly at Dyric.

"It's almost like you want me dead, Dyric. Don't take me for an idiot, Assassin of the Light. Why doesn't someone who can actually defend the attack go against that counter striking idiot."

Karie heals Thothwick from the back row, no matter how hard he resists.

Edited by Kintobor

Missed that. Figures this wouldn't be that easy. Still, no natter who attacks him and from where, he'll still knock us out. Healing him would actually be a good idea.

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