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Posted (edited)

P.S. Did anyone else notice Garmatron in the junk yard were the Bounty was kept.

Yes i did! I thought I was crazy when I thought I saw it. Doesn't make sense since it was destroyed but it's a nice little throwback decoration for the junk yard. I feel like this season is one great big throwback to the fans. I've been so overjoyed by some of the little mentions to past seasons. Even so much as the same office that was attacked by Captain Soto in the second season being attacked by the sky pirates!


I'm not sure if this has been speculated before, but I'm thinking that, in the scene at the end of the last episode where the junkyard has a large crater in it, maybe a section of Ninjago has been lifted into the sky. Wasn't that mentioned as Nadakhan's end goal, to turn Ninjago into the new Djiinjago? Perhaps that's what's happened. I'm imagining it'll be explained in the next episode. Hopefully that means the Bounty hasn't been destroyed again, for like the fourth time!

Edited by Wall E2624
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Posted (edited)

I'm not sure if this has been speculated before, but I'm thinking that, in the scene at the end of the last episode where the junkyard has a large crater in it, maybe a section of Ninjago has been lifted into the sky. Wasn't that mentioned as Nadakhan's end goal, to turn Ninjago into the new Djiinjago? Perhaps that's what's happened. I'm imagining it'll be explained in the next episode. Hopefully that means the Bounty hasn't been destroyed again, for like the fourth time!

That would explain the background images for trailers and posters. I was wondering, "Wasn't Djinjago destroyed? What the heck is this then?"


Nadakhan apparently wants to marry Nya or something. But nadakhan isn't gonna accept that his relationship with Delarra is over, and she's probably dead or something.

Is this a lesson for Jay? That his relationship with Nya is also over? Is that what Jay will learn at the end of the season?

Doubloon is either an oni or a skulkin. A few skeletons actually do know weak spinjitzu.

Edited by gamejutzu

That would explain the background images for trailers and posters. I was wondering, "Wasn't Djinjago destroyed? What the heck is this then?"


Nadakhan apparently wants to marry Nya or something. But nadakhan isn't gonna accept that his relationship with Delarra is over, and she's probably dead or something.

Is this a lesson for Jay? That his relationship with Nya is also over? Is that what Jay will learn at the end of the season?

Doubloon is either an oni or a skulkin. A few skeletons actually do know weak spinjitzu.

The bounty wasn't destroyed. Someone get some images from the wu-cru website before it was taken down, and one of them have a image of the bounty on a floating island.

Posted (edited)

Bad news - it seems like CrazyWarriorsOfTheLight has been suspended... I wonder if any other site or channel will post the episode...

NinjaJayNuva - is it possible for you to post it on private youtube on your "Curtis Cheung" channel and share the link here?

EDIT: Found the new channel!

Edited by legozebra
Posted (edited)

Good, bordering on average, episode.

Don't really have too much to complain about. It was pretty solid overall. I'm glad to see we do have some character development coming in for Flintlocke and Dogshanks, and I'm also glad to see that the ninja aren't morons after all. Their behavior is what I've expected, but I did have some problems with dialogue and a few decisions.

- The ninja leaving Jay to fight the Tiger Widow by himself was not only dangerous, but stupid. It can easily kill a man, and they send in the least tough ninja to do the job. I get that it was his punishment, but really. Cole was the best and only choice for the job. 1) He's dead, so he can't die again except at a pool party 2) He has superstrength.

- Zane's wishes were refreshingly good, but it was painfully obvious to see how Nadakhan would twist them. The last one was utter garbage, though. Can't say I'm sad about PIXAL, since she rarely makes an appearance anyway.

As for the Sky Pirates, the only problems I had with them this episode was the new Djinnago and the chess game between Zane and Nadakhan. The new Djinnjago is visually disappointing, but I think that's the intention until later. As for the chess game, Nadakhan made an illegal move.

Edited by Mandate
Posted (edited)

I was thinking about how Zane would deal with Nadakhan when they inevitably met. I think he handled it well, I was rather hoping he would let PIXAL be more involved with the process though. I don't think PIXAL is gone for good, I imagine that she will return when Zane escapes the sword. I rather liked that Nadakhan and Zane played chess throughout the ordeal. It really set the scene that two smart personalities were going head to head.

Another little grievance of mine, which Mandate mentioned, was that the others sent Jay alone to face a giant spider that has venom that could kill him with a single drop. Sure they have a right to be mad at him for withholding that information, but that is just awful. Even as Jay mentioned, Nadakhan could of come and made him use his last wish. I think Cole was especially out of line too. Granted he was right to share the Jay and Nadakhan business, but did he really have to tell Nya about what Jay saw in the tomb? That was something Jay wanted to keep private and Jay refrained from telling Cole because he didn't want to hurt his feelings. Then Cole stabs Jay in the back first chance he gets.

It's also pretty interesting that Lloyd refers to his mother by her actual name. Despite all of this, the episode was quite entertaining. My previous theory was confirmed, the bounty isn't destroyed (phew). Looking forward to the next episode.

Edited by Wall E2624

Well, Cole being a jerk is a good thing. It means any and all ways he's been growing on me as of late are back to square one and i can regard him as the Hufflepuff of the team again.



Am I the only one who thinks Zane-Pixal thing is a Halo reference? Either way, I was surprised they 'killed her off' so suddenly. But of course she'll come back, noone in Ninjago is ever gone for good.


Am I the only one who thinks Zane-Pixal thing is a Halo reference? Either way, I was surprised they 'killed her off' so suddenly. But of course she'll come back, noone in Ninjago is ever gone for good.

Well, at first it very clearly was. Zane's HUD, PIXAL's chip being inserted into the back of his head and PIXAL's general design really gave the idea that it was a HALO reference. They haven't really done anything with it since then, so it's kind of lost it's status over time as "pop culture reference".

Posted (edited)

How exactly does cyber-Alzheimer's not count as a form of harm? And why didn't Zane simply wish to have Pixal back as his third wish? Seriously, why can't the writers write a plot where all of the ninja consistently act intelligent? And I've got to agree, making Jay rather than Cole get the venom was pretty stupid. It's like the writers can't even figure out how to use the abilities they've assigned to their characters.

Also, how the heck did Cole survive the shipwreck? They weren't anywhere near close enough to the beach when they crashed for him to simply have gotten flung onto it.

On the positive side, it's nice to see Nadakhan actually has a reasonable goal. Plus, the Tiger Widow looks absolutely adorable. 10/10 mutant spider. Personally, I'd have preferred if they tried to trick Nadakhan into getting bit by it directly, rather than killing it off.

As for the Sky Pirates, the only problems I had with them this episode was the new Djinnago and the chess game between Zane and Nadakhan. The new Djinnjago is visually disappointing, but I think that's the intention until later. As for the chess game, Nadakhan made an illegal move.

What move was that?

EDIT: Also, Zane wished for Nadakhan not to exploit loopholes. Harming others rather than him counts as a loophole.

Edited by DraikNova

What I was mostly disappointed in was that lack of any mention of the broken realm crystal. You would've at least thought there would've been some talk about it between Nadakhan and Flintelocke. Also Cole backstabbing Jay was pretty useless. Kinda disliking him now.

Posted (edited)

The latest episode was ok, but not as good as other episodes like Enkrypted, my favorite out of them all so far. Zane's first two wishes were great, but his last wish for it all to go away... Meh. He couldn't stand to live without PIXAL? Really? He's Zane! He could think of a way to fix her or at least use up his last wish to bring her back, making him immune to Nadakhan's sword. What annoys me is that each episode is now seeming like a ninja gets captured episode, and I want it to be way more drawn out then that.

One thing I actually liked about the episode was Jay's antics as a lightning rod/spider venom milker. While the team really had no reason to send him at the spider other than they were mad at him, which was actually a really annoying plot point, the animation of his face and Michael's screaming made it one of the few Ninjago episodes that actually made me laugh at times.

It seems like they're following the pattern in the intro for Nadakhan's sword captures, so I guess next is Cole, then Lloyd, then Nya, and last Jay has to save them all.

I am worried that Cole's entrapment will be something along the lines of Clouse's. Since the teapot could only consume mortals, I assume the sword can do the same, I hope it isn't just a retread of Clouse's entrapment. What scares me is that he appears in the sets in his mortal form, which means he may get free and then stay a mortal. (I really want him to stay a ghost; it makes for more interesting characters...

Finally, I have high hopes for Flintlocke's character. He's been questioning Nadakhan's plans and judgement in the past few episodes, and every time he's been more or less appeased, but as he said, "trust is a wind that blows both ways..." I want to see him overthrow Nadakhan.

Also, what is it with the Wu Cru symbol appearing in every episode? Is this foreshadowing, or just a fun Easter egg?

Edited by legozebra
Posted (edited)

What move was that?

I didn't rewatch the scene, but I think he played 2. Nb3, which is illegal (such things happen while blitzing :laugh:), but as far as I can tell the mate was legit, very pleasing to see that! A really enjoyable scene in my opinion :classic:

Also, what is it with the Wu Cru symbol appearing in every episode? Is this foreshadowing, or just a fun Easter egg?

All propaganda for next season's "Wu for President!" campaign :laugh: Just kidding, I don't know! :tongue:

While writing that, I realized we never got any info in who the formal ruler of Ninjago is. Maybe it's just governed by the police?

Edited by Exetrius

Um, Jay...I think you accidentally uploaded the ending of episode 60 as "Episode 60 Clip #2" on Youtube...

He posts cam job clips before the full episode.... It isn't a mistake :)


He posts cam job clips before the full episode.... It isn't a mistake :)

I assumed so, and I can appreciate that. But the credits roll at the end of clip 2, which means he spoiled the ending. :P

Posted (edited)

Watch the whole episode on HD here!


And here's a review!

Man, I love this episode! It's not like it's the best and can beat episode 23 or 19, but this is just amazing! After so long, they finally do another Jay themed episode, and this episode really do reveal many secrets, well kinda... But overall this episode is really good!

Edited by NinjaJayNuva
Posted (edited)

Poor Jay, he got punished in this episode. Well, we now know how he gets his eye patch. I was not expecting clancee to give it to him though. Snap and tap was interesting, just wish we saw more of it. Ronin once again helps the ninja, he's such a neutral character. The commissioner turning nice was a good surprise.

Only four episodes left!

Edited by amazingbricks

Happy 60 episodes! And may I be the first to say, this episode was absolutely FANTASTIC. By far my favorite of the new season!

It's great to see Gale Gossip show up again, no matter how inconsequential a character she may be. Jay's near-escape from the Sky Pirates was an awesome scene, it was exactly the way I expect the ninja to act. The camera angles on Misfortune's Keep were also excellent, they gave a feeling of militaristic dominance that I absolutely adore. Tiger Widow Island really is a freakshow, and while I expected Cole's "problem" to get in the way of things (and simultaneously be forgotten) the appearance of Ronin and the police more than made up for it and Jay's ill-conceived idea of getting the message to the ninja.

The addition of the Sky Pirate's backstory is much appreciated, and simultaneously unnerving. The only complaint I have is with Nadakhan's theatrics, it was excusable with the Djinn blade and the ninja's souls (because presumably the ninja would have more powerful souls than your average joe, or something), but why he doesn't just attempt to marry Dogshanks is beyond me because Nya would never say yes.


Really, really liked that episode. I didn't expect the focus on Jay and his capture, but it was much appreciated. Usually when characters get captured they don't do much until rescued, but this one was executed really well...

Will post a full review later; it's 3 AM my time zone...


Still annoyed that Jay isn't actually bothering to simply wish "I want Nadakhan to die this second". I know it'd be a bit too blunt considering the target audience, but if you don't want people to complain, then don't make a plot point that's so easy to resolve.

Each episode seems to introduce another adorable creature. This time it's a huge mole lizard. Kind of annoyed that they introduce such interesting wildlife and never bother to make it important to the plot of more than just one episode. The Tiger Widow could just as well have been a snake, or even a booby-trapped mystical fountain. I had the same issue in the Possession season, where they showed that Grundals still existed relatively recently (their prehistoric status confuses me anyway. Where exactly where they before the first spinjitzu master?) and carnivorous vines dominated the docks of Stiix.


Still annoyed that Jay isn't actually bothering to simply wish "I want Nadakhan to die this second". I know it'd be a bit too blunt considering the target audience, but if you don't want people to complain, then don't make a plot point that's so easy to resolve.

Each episode seems to introduce another adorable creature. This time it's a huge mole lizard. Kind of annoyed that they introduce such interesting wildlife and never bother to make it important to the plot of more than just one episode. The Tiger Widow could just as well have been a snake, or even a booby-trapped mystical fountain. I had the same issue in the Possession season, where they showed that Grundals still existed relatively recently (their prehistoric status confuses me anyway. Where exactly where they before the first spinjitzu master?) and carnivorous vines dominated the docks of Stiix.

Captain Soto said you couldn't wish to harm others, so jay couldn't wish for that, and wishing Nadakhan into the sword for some reason also falls into that category. (captain Soto also said that.)


So why not simply wish that Nadakhan has to stay within a meter of the place where Delara died? Or otherwise wish to restrain him to a certain spot. If deleting memories doesn't count as a form of harm, then making someone immobile definitely doesn't.

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