June 13, 201212 yr Take apart the 2000 one. The 2003 looks WAY better. or Take apart both and buy a ninjago rattlecopter. ...But seriously, Take the 200 one apart.
June 13, 201212 yr Take apart the 2003 and replace it with a 2011? This. Edited June 13, 201212 yr by AnnLee
June 15, 201212 yr I am looking to get a Y-Wing. I am not sure which to get. Money isn't important I just want to know in your opinions which one should i get including the CW variant. Edited June 15, 201212 yr by jmagaletta
June 15, 201212 yr I am looking to get a Y-Wing. I am not sure which to get. Money isn't important I just want to know in your opinions which one should i get including the CW variant. Are you just concerned about the Y-Wing itself or are you also concerned about the figures that come with it?
June 15, 201212 yr Are you just concerned about the Y-Wing itself or are you also concerned about the figures that come with it? Figures are a plus but not a dealbreaker/maker either way.
June 15, 201212 yr I am looking to get a Y-Wing. I am not sure which to get. Money isn't important I just want to know in your opinions which one should i get including the CW variant. Personally, i feel that bombers should be bigger than normal fightercraft. After all, they have a heavy payload to deliver. When comparing the Y-Wing bombers to Plo Koon's Delta-7 Starfighter in the Clone Wars episode Shadow of Malevolence, you can see that the width of the bomber is about the same as that of the hyperdrive ring of the starfighter, which translates to a good decent sized bomber. But when i look at the LEGO releases of the Jedi starfighters and the hyperdrive ring, the playset releases of the Y-Wing just really seem way too small for my taste. So i went through the trouble of getting me the 10134 UCS Y-Wing. I modded the cockpit to make it suitable for a minifig pilot, and even though it is an older release, it's still a beautiful design with lots of nice details and greebles. It may be just slightly oversized, but i couldn't be more content how it compares in size and looks to any of the Star Wars fighters in my collection. Anyway, that's just me. The big question is, what are you looking for in your Y-Wing? Are you looking for a particular size? Is there a design that appeals to you more than others? Or are you looking for certain playability features or minifigs?
June 15, 201212 yr I dont think i would want the UCS version. I do agree with what you say about scale but i would rather stay away from the ucs.
June 16, 201212 yr I dont think i would want the UCS version. I do agree with what you say about scale but i would rather stay away from the ucs. That leaves 8037, 7658 and 9495 as the most likely candidates i think. Set 8037 is the CW version, which has an inverse color scheme (more yellow than white), nothing special in the minifig departement, but a really nice play feature in the form of a cannon. Set 7658 was a very popular OT version of the Y-Wing from a few years back, with 9495 being the latest redesign of that set. Opinions differ on which design is better or more accurate, but i think the newer one looks quite nice. And it comes with more and better minifigs. So if you're going for an OT version, i would recommend getting the latest one. Just out of curiosity, any reason in particular you are staying away from UCS sets? They are of very high quality and usually hold their value well over time.
June 16, 201212 yr I'm not staying away from UCS sets but for the purpose of the y-wing I was looking more towards a system set. I will probably get the UCS b wing if it is good. I have the jsf and currently saving to get the falcon. The repblic dropship and isd are on my list as well. I was out of the collecting game for a few years an missed all of those releases.
June 17, 201212 yr I have the new Y-Wing, the minis are really good, although I prefer the shape of the previous version.
June 17, 201212 yr Does anyone happen to have a list of LSW vehicles that are in approximate minifigure scale? I know that the UCS Falcon and UCS Imperial Shuttle are, and I've heard that the system scale X-Wing, Y-Wing, and TIE Fighter are as well. Aside from that, I'm not sure, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
June 17, 201212 yr Does anyone happen to have a list of LSW vehicles that are in approximate minifigure scale? I know that the UCS Falcon and UCS Imperial Shuttle are, and I've heard that the system scale X-Wing, Y-Wing, and TIE Fighter are as well. Aside from that, I'm not sure, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Podracers Gunship AT-TE(more or less) Landspeeder Swamp Speeder Cloud car Arc 170 starfighter and a lot more. Remember, there are almost no sets that are perfectly minifigure scaled. This are just some closest models.
June 17, 201212 yr Is the new promotianl Darth Maul suposed to be a CW of TPM version? I know he never appeared shirtless in TPM, but he has normal eyes and not CW eyes, so he probably isn't a CW figure.
June 17, 201212 yr Is the new promotianl Darth Maul suposed to be a CW of TPM version? I know he never appeared shirtless in TPM, but he has normal eyes and not CW eyes, so he probably isn't a CW figure. He is indeed supposed to be a CW variant, I'm guessing it's a recycled print for the head? He's only appeared shirtless in TCW so it's got to be that. Unless he's from one of his expanded universe appearances, seeing as he also had a double bladed lightsaber whereas in TCW Savage only gives him a severed half of his original saberstaff.
June 17, 201212 yr If the shirtless Maul minifig in indeed based on TCW, I wish we could've gotten the cyborg chicken legs. Although if they would've been static like all other droid legs, I can live with how they gave him legs.
June 18, 201212 yr If the shirtless Maul minifig in indeed based on TCW, I wish we could've gotten the cyborg chicken legs. Although if they would've been static like all other droid legs, I can live with how they gave him legs. I dunno, I reckon some printed dark bley legs would be better. Or a new mould, like the cyborg arms etc, but legs, not arms.
June 18, 201212 yr If the shirtless Maul minifig in indeed based on TCW, I wish we could've gotten the cyborg chicken legs. Although if they would've been static like all other droid legs, I can live with how they gave him legs. The promo Maul is obviously based on the non-Clone Wars version, hence no robotic legs or cartoon eyes. Other licensees have been producing "Shirtless Maul" items for years...
June 20, 201212 yr Does anyone know if a UCS Venator is in the cards for the future? Also what is the frequecy at which Lego releases UCS sets, one or two a year?? Edited June 20, 201212 yr by jmagaletta
June 25, 201212 yr Thanks for the information! This is what I expected, it will hit U.S. Beginning of September, and will take the spot of the Imperial Shuttle which will be discontinued to make room for the B-Wing! It makes perfect sense! Also the price range will be between $200-$300 (Like the Imperial Shuttle was.) When Lego.com takes a UCS set off like the Imperial Shuttle, do they put it at a sale price first, or just drop it without notice? I would like to get one, but if it's going to go on sale here in the near future, i'll wait, but don't want to outright miss it either. Thanks.
June 28, 201212 yr When Lego.com takes a UCS set off like the Imperial Shuttle, do they put it at a sale price first, or just drop it without notice? I would like to get one, but if it's going to go on sale here in the near future, i'll wait, but don't want to outright miss it either. Thanks. LEGO S@H doesn't have sales too often. Other than May the 4th and after the Holidays, sets don't go on sale. Larger sets like the UCS sets tend to not last too long when discounted after the Holidays.
June 29, 201212 yr When should I expect the UCS Shuttle to be discontinued? I really want to pick one up, but I do not have the funds right now. I noticed that my local Lego store no longer has them in stock and that on Amazon they are $300 USD! Should I assume they are currently being phased out and just grab one off bricklink, or is there some time still for them to be at retail? Thanks
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