May 17, 201311 yr Hi, all! I've just been wondering: will the Series 4 Planet sets be released in the United States? I assumed they will be part of the summer wave, but I'm not so sure; the my local LEGO Store manager said they've been selling horribly, and that he heard a rumor that Series 4 was cancelled. I don't know whether he thinks the sets don't exist (in which case he is obviously wrong), or if he simply meant that they won't be released in this country. Has that ever happened before, except for the Battle of Hoth board game? I actually love the Planet sets; they are a great novelty, and a relief from wanting to buy huge sets that I can't afford. I have Series 1-3, so I hope they don't stop now...
May 17, 201311 yr Brickdoctor, do you have pics of those MOCs anywhere online? I never built true MOCs of either vehicle. I typically start building an MOC in my head, if you will, with ideas and prototypes for how I think I can build particularly unique or tough sections of a model, and then I have an idea of what sort of bricks I'll probably need to pick up before I can seriously start building. PT/CW models aren't usually very high in priority on my list of models I want to build, plus I've been building in Castle/fantasy for a good while now, so I haven't ever gotten around to it.
May 20, 201311 yr Hi everyone! Since i reentered my love for LEGO some two years ago, i have been longing for an ISD, system scale. TLG remains resistant to release this one of the most iconic SW starships although the last iterration went public some seven years ago (6211, Imperial Star Destroyer). So my questions: Has anyone ever bricklinked the necessary parts to build one? If so - how much did the sum of parts come? Is there any way to find a full parts list on bricklink ready for ordering? or any other help on the net? I am most interested in the ship; not necessarily the minifigs. Edited May 20, 201311 yr by Ki-Adi-Mundi
May 20, 201311 yr I Hi everyone! Since i reentered my love for LEGO some two years ago, i have been longing for an ISD, system scale. TLG remains resistant to release this one of the most iconic SW starships although the last iterration went public some seven years ago (6211, Imperial Star Destroyer). So my questions: Has anyone ever bricklinked the necessary parts to build one? If so - how much did the sum of parts come? Is there any way to find a full parts list on bricklink ready for ordering? or any other help on the net? I am most interested in the ship; not necessarily the minifigs. I bricklinked the 10195 Dropship in separated pieces. I just putted all the parts from the set inventory list in my wanted list and then looked for good deals and shops with the highest amount of pieces. Took me a little while to get all the pieces, but at the end, shipping included, I did save a bit of money. Most of the 10195 sets are over 400€, I think it took me 150€/160€. This was of course without the AT-OT, but I didn't want that in the first place. ;) Edited May 20, 201311 yr by Cyberbricker
May 20, 201311 yr Hello Cyberbricker, thank you for your reply! So i might consider to make an account on bricklink to create a 'wanted list'. It's good to know that it actually is possible to get sets within a reasonable price range. Still, i hope that TLG will make a new ISD, anyway.
May 20, 201311 yr Is there any way to find a full parts list on bricklink ready for ordering? Yes, there is. You do need a BL account first, though. On the Wanted tab, if you look towards the bottom, there are several links. One is labeled "Part Out a Set". You will need to know the set number, and there are a few other choices to make, but it will upload the entire inventory into a wanted list for you. Oh, make sure the "Set Minimum Desired Quantity" checkbox is checked. Otherwise, it will only populate 1 of each piece in your list. And you wouldn't want that, now would you? Once in a wanted list, there is a check box to "Query Shops". It will list which shops have the parts you want. Very handy.
May 22, 201311 yr I just bought the instructions for the UCS Venator seen here http://www.eurobrick...ic=37663&st=150 I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or knowledge on how I can print this in a style similar to the large instructions TLG makes for the UCS sets, eg. http://1.bp.blogspot...29 %28WM%29.jpg Could fedex kinkos do something like this? Has anyone tried something like this before? Edited May 22, 201311 yr by jmagaletta
May 23, 201311 yr Yes, there is. You do need a BL account first, though. On the Wanted tab, if you look towards the bottom, there are several links. One is labeled "Part Out a Set". You will need to know the set number, and there are a few other choices to make, but it will upload the entire inventory into a wanted list for you. Oh, make sure the "Set Minimum Desired Quantity" checkbox is checked. Otherwise, it will only populate 1 of each piece in your list. And you wouldn't want that, now would you? Once in a wanted list, there is a check box to "Query Shops". It will list which shops have the parts you want. Very handy. A big thanks, that's of great help!
May 24, 201311 yr I have a few questions for anybody who collects Jedi minifigs. Do you prefer PT and OT faces or CW faces? Do you have a separate collection of movie Jedi and a collection of CW jedi? I prefer regular faces but the problem is that there are much more jedi from CW. So I don't know whether I should ignore the fact that there are few versions of almost each jedi or I should have separate collections. Also, do you think we will get all the jedi in each version by the end of the LEGO SW licence? I am really interested to hear what other jedi collectors have to say.
May 24, 201311 yr Some of TCW jedi faces are not bad real represantations of the real faces. Especially the molded head Jedi. Plo Koon, Nadar, Etc.
May 24, 201311 yr Some of TCW jedi faces are not bad real represantations of the real faces. Especially the molded head Jedi. Plo Koon, Nadar, Etc. I agree with that. A CW figure that looks better than any of the non-CW figures is Shaak Ti in my opinion.
May 24, 201311 yr I totally agree. Shaak could pass for a film minifigure. She is the least Clone Wars-y minifig in the theme.
May 24, 201311 yr I wouldn't say I collect Jedi, but I do like having a variety of minifig parts for use in other themes as well as a Star Wars. Do you prefer PT and OT faces or CW faces? Regular faces. And I like having them in yellow, too. (I don't mind Mace or Lando in reddish brown, but I don't like the fleshies.) Do you have a separate collection of movie Jedi and a collection of CW jedi? Um, they're...kind of mostly parted out right now. Also, do you think we will get all the jedi in each version by the end of the LEGO SW licence? Depends on where the new movies go. A big reason for all the new Jedi molds was the CW show. Before that most of these Jedi were minor characters or background characters in the movies, and at best they got one supporting appearance in a set or in one of the LEGO Star Wars video games. Ultimately the minifig selection depends on the sets, and the set selection depends on what Lucasfilm/Disney wants. But TLG has seemed to be trying to sneak in new minifigs lately. (And I'm sure the fact that they know minifigs can sell the sets has a lot to do with that.)
May 25, 201311 yr Personally, I collect CW Jedi because there are so many more of them. However, CW Yoda and Pong Krell, which I have, are compatible with non-CW Jedi because they are aliens IMHO. Edited May 25, 201311 yr by Dragonfire
May 25, 201311 yr I have lots of Lego but never bought a SW set. I think the license makes it quite an expensive theme. I still want to buy a SW set, so what would be the best set considering the following criteria: - below €100-120 - lots of parts - interesting figs - not too many stickers - still available
May 26, 201311 yr I am not sure about local pricing but I did like the Desert Skiff and the Tie figher
May 26, 201311 yr Couple other things that might help other members answer your questions: Are you an MOCer or a collector? Do you care if the set already looks good or has good playability, or are you looking for something with a good variety of pieces that would be useful for building Star Wars? Do you have a particular era of Star Wars that you're more a fan of than the others? Prequels fan, Clone Wars fan, Original Trilogy fan...
May 26, 201311 yr I would go with the 9492 Tie Fighter and 9493 X-Wing Fighter, 2012 sets, if you want to go for something iconic. Each set has 4 minifigs, including droids and maybe 3 to 4 stickers that can be ignored. And both together will fall under your price range. Edited May 26, 201311 yr by Knightsword
May 26, 201311 yr Are you a classic SW fan? Do you prefer Clones or the Prequel Era Jedi? A good set for piece count and interesting figs and just overall iconic factor is 7965 the Millennium Falcon. It has 6 figs, which gives you all of the main original cast except for the Droids. It's a great ship with a nicely detailed interior. It is still on the shelves but is getting a little hard to find. If you want to fully round things out also throw in 9490 Droid Escape, which will get you the 2 Droids plus a pair of really gorgeous Sandtroopers. For really interesting figs look to 9516 Jabba's Palace. It might be a little expensive at list. But it often goes on sale for well below your price threshold. For swooshable fighters you can't go wrong with the 9493 X Wing, the 9495 Gold Leaders Y Wing or the 9492 Tie Fighter. Each has 4 figs, are great builds, and really stand out on the shelf.
May 26, 201311 yr He's new to Star Wars sets and I would assume to this portion of the boards. So he might have not been aware of it. Also that thread is massive and he might have felt his question would be glanced over.
May 26, 201311 yr I think the Y-Wing and A-Wing are the best sets currently. Great builds, decent figures. X-Wing is a bit too inaccurate for me (the cockpit) but most people are fine with it. Also building 4 of the same wings were repetitive so I didn't like the build as much either. But I'm a ship guy who doesn't like the prequels much. For $20 the A-Wing is probably my choice since it comes with Akbar and I just like the ship.\ If you like Star Wars I'd just get whatever LOOKS best to you, what interests you more. If you like Clone Wars get something from there. If you love X-Wings get one. If you don't care about builds and just want good minifigures there's stuff like the Jabba theme (IMO all but the skuff suck build wise but have awesome figs).
May 26, 201311 yr I'm trying to make a Barada minifigure out of Kithaba, but I need a yellow/orange bandana, does one exist in that color?
May 26, 201311 yr Thx for your answers so far. Yes I have seen the big thread, but it is impossible to plough through. I prefer the original trilogies most, followed by the prequel trilogy. I prefer swooshable aircraft over buildings. And I am a collector, mostly into Technic and the modular buildings...
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