June 18, 201311 yr That's tough. On one hand, I'm an OT fan, and I want to say that you should go for the barge. On the other hand, the gunship is one of those designs that's so good that even though it's a PT vehicle, I think every fan should own one of it. I think design-wise, I'd go with the gunship.
June 19, 201311 yr My conclusion is that the gunship is a coolest than the sailbarge, but the sailbarge, it´s from the OT, and Jabba, and the sarlacc scene.... Both are good looking vehicles and have one super cool female figure. Personally, the plastic sun shades really turned me off. Also, remember that you might need some figs from the Palace to complete the scene - Han, Guard, Chewie, Crumb. The LAAT/i suffers from not enough troops, even more than the previous 7676 (which along with a battle pack that was available at the time was ok). And it's difficult to get some 'normal' E2 clones, as the current battle pack only contains one. For me, the plastic shades would be of the essence here. Try to take a look yourself in real, and not judge by the rendered / prettified marketing pics from TLC.
June 21, 201311 yr This month, i´m going to buy one of the new sets of the summer wave. My options are the Sailbarge or the Gunship. I don´t have any of their older version. Sailbarge: + I don´t have the Jabba´s Palace, so, I could get the new Jabba. +I have the Sarlacc and the Desert Skiff of the 2012. This set it´s great to make the entire scene. +Mythical escene and mythical vehicle +A lot, A LOT, of brown bricks. -The design it´s a little "meh" (the cannon...). -Plastic sunshades Gunship +Minifigs of Anakin and Obi Wan o the Ep.II +Really cool design +I like the Episode II (ok, it´s the worst movie, but I like it, specially Geonosis part) -Not so mythical or important vehicle. My conclusion is that the gunship is a coolest than the sailbarge, but the sailbarge, it´s from the OT, and Jabba, and the sarlacc scene.... I wouldn't call it the worst movie I'd say phantom is in that category but clones I personally had no problem with in fact apart from phantom I love all of em. On subject I'd go gunship as the sail barge doesn't really have much appeal certainly not to me. I mean the original had guards and Boba Fett and han,solo,Chewbacca,luke,leia. The only principal characters with this one are leia and jabba and for a £100 price tag you don't get many good figures in my opinion as artoo units are a dime a dozen, jabba is available in a far superior set and the rest are sort of background characters and without Han or chewy or Luke you can't really justify such a high price plus the design is not too good. The gunship however has three well known characters updated and one that had never been released until now. Plus two brand new clones and two super battle droids. I never personally got a gunship so I am very happy is a new one and the design is spot on. I'd say the price of £109.99 on that one is easily justified. I'd go for that one if I were you but that just my two cents on the matter. Edited June 21, 201311 yr by legofreak86
June 21, 201311 yr does anyone have any insight on this; there is the planet Kashyyyk, though remember in the movie where the droids come out of the water, well I was wondering on how to recreate this, would you make the forest, and then get some wavy on the top plexy glass, and do stop motion from there, or would you make a small pool but get a billion clear studs and fill it up, any thoughts would be great.
June 22, 201311 yr I would go with the Barge, because the new Padme is . The set doesn't interest me. Consider the scenes as well as the sets. Maybe that could add new insight?
June 22, 201311 yr I would go with the Barge, because the new Padme is . The set doesn't interest me. Consider the scenes as well as the sets. Maybe that could add new insight? Better than the clone wars 2012 version ugh that version is hard to look at! Edited June 22, 201311 yr by legofreak86
June 22, 201311 yr does anyone have any insight on this; there is the planet Kashyyyk, though remember in the movie where the droids come out of the water, well I was wondering on how to recreate this, would you make the forest, and then get some wavy on the top plexy glass, and do stop motion from there, or would you make a small pool but get a billion clear studs and fill it up, any thoughts would be great. the first option would be great and I would personally do it that way because it's easier. Another option would be to use lots of clingfilm for the water. Hopefully that helped you, best of luck! Tariq j
June 24, 201311 yr Apologize if this has been answered before but when will the mini vehicle/planet sets from Series 4 be released in the US? Thanks
June 25, 201311 yr Apologize if this has been answered before but when will the mini vehicle/planet sets from Series 4 be released in the US? Thanks July for Toys R Us and August for Lego Stores, Target, and Walmart.
June 26, 201311 yr Its not really a lego question but still... I was just going over my Star Wars Fact Files with the blueprint of the RGS and noticed that, in the big picture of the gunship, there is clone Lieutenant or something in the trooperbay , but hes helmet has no fin for some reason... Anybody know why that is? http://s1062.photobucket.com/user/Cyberfounder/media/EP2_aotc_republic_gunship_wallpaper_zps3baeece7.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0 Edited June 26, 201311 yr by Cyberbricker
June 26, 201311 yr It looks like his Fin is blue, so you can't really tell the difference between that color and the darkgray of the ship (I think) :) Otherwise really great find, it looks then if he's already a phase 2 clone :P Edited June 26, 201311 yr by Moexy
June 26, 201311 yr If you zoom in really closely, there's a lighter, slightly dark bluish area just above and to the right of the helmet, and then a darker spot where this area transitions to the bay door of the gunship. I suppose it could be an artifact or a shadow, but that fact that it's tinted the right color and in just the right spot suggests to me that it is the fin, it's just really hard to see in this photo because of the angle and the lighting.
June 27, 201311 yr I see what you mean, I think you are right, but its very hard to see. Thanks for clearing that. Edited July 1, 201311 yr by Cyberbricker
July 1, 201311 yr I'm a fan of nearly all the movies, should I get the new Gunship or 9516 Jabba's Palace? The reason why I say nearly is because I wasn't fond of the first two prequels, but I can still use the gunship for other battles like ones in ROTS
July 1, 201311 yr I'm a fan of nearly all the movies, should I get the new Gunship or 9516 Jabba's Palace? The reason why I say nearly is because I wasn't fond of the first two prequels, but I can still use the gunship for other battles like ones in ROTS As I told someone else with a similar dilemma, I'm an OT fan, but I think the gunship is one of those vehicles that every LEGO Star Wars fan should own at least one of. If you want to get Jabba or one of the minifigs in the palace, maybe go for that, but otherwise I'd get the gunship.
July 1, 201311 yr As I told someone else with a similar dilemma, I'm an OT fan, but I think the gunship is one of those vehicles that every LEGO Star Wars fan should own at least one of. If you want to get Jabba or one of the minifigs in the palace, maybe go for that, but otherwise I'd get the gunship. Yeah, maybe I'll pick up Jabba's Palace since it will be discontinued later around December and think about possibly getting the gunship later next year if I can find it on sale
July 1, 201311 yr Its not really a lego question but still... I was just going over my Star Wars Fact Files with the blueprint of the RGS and noticed that, in the big picture of the gunship, there is clone Lieutenant or something in the trooperbay , but hes helmet has no fin for some reason... Anybody know why that is? http://s1062.photobucket.com/user/Cyberfounder/media/EP2_aotc_republic_gunship_wallpaper_zps3baeece7.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0 Possible commando as their helmets didn't have fins
July 2, 201311 yr Possible commando as their helmets didn't have fins That is what I though 2, but the rest of the helmet does not feature the commando design...
July 2, 201311 yr I was recently searching the web to see if there were any rumors for 2014 sets floating around and I came across a post I forget where of someone claiming we'd get a new Zam Wessel's speeder in the first wave of 2014 anyone know where that rumor originated?
July 2, 201311 yr I was recently searching the web to see if there were any rumors for 2014 sets floating around and I came across a post I forget where of someone claiming we'd get a new Zam Wessel's speeder in the first wave of 2014 anyone know where that rumor originated? Most likely in that person's head. We get a lot of members (though this is not as much of a problem as I remember it was a couple years ago.) who claim to know what's coming and then post a wishlist.
July 2, 201311 yr Most likely in that person's head. We get a lot of members (though this is not as much of a problem as I remember it was a couple years ago.) who claim to know what's coming and then post a wishlist. Alright thanks I didn't know if it was true or if the guy was spurtin nonsense
July 5, 201311 yr This isn't really a question that has an answer, but I was wondering how many people think the CW Geonosian figs can double as non-CW versions, or if we'll possibly see new ones in the spring to accompany the new Poggle fig?
July 5, 201311 yr This isn't really a question that has an answer, but I was wondering how many people think the CW Geonosian figs can double as non-CW versions, or if we'll possibly see new ones in the spring to accompany the new Poggle fig? Not really the TCW one are zombies with exaggerated features, however in backgrounds they are probably not too bad.
July 6, 201311 yr Personally, I think the Clone Wars Geonosians work just fine as standard Geonosians- they're not really exaggeratedly cartoony and they have reasonably realistic printing.
July 6, 201311 yr Mmm, I have to agree that TCW Geonosians are a little exaggerated, If you put them next 2 Poggle, they look from a different species.
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