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Thanks Gremer!

What's up man! Usually they do it in the fall, like September/October timeframe, that is if memory serves me correctly. I bought all the OT sets when they came out, but wished I waited now since on Shop At Home sells all of them for a package deal. Would have saved like $90.00, bummer. Oh well live and learn I guess.

Hola amigo! What have you been up to lately?

Ok, so I'll wait until October. Ugh, that will be tough.... but it'll give me more time to work on my current project.

Like TitanArch says, I don't think buying that pack saves you any money. I saw it and will probably be picking it up when the double points days start.

Hi everyone!

I want to buy my first lego set since my childhood and i can't decide between these 3 sets.

- the Lego Star Wars 75054 - AT-AT 88 euro

- the LEGO® Star Wars - 7965 Millennium Falcon 120euro

- LEGO® Star Wars - 10188 deathstar 338 euro

The deathstar will cost me the most but it normally cost around 440 euro.

Since i won't buy a set for maybe another 3-4 years, which one should i really get ?


Since i won't buy a set for maybe another 3-4 years, which one should i really get ?

You should buy the Death Star!

Thanks! What about the these ones

LEGO® Star Wars - 10225 R2-D2 135 euro

Super Star Destroyer 400 euro

Which one is the best buy? I don't want to sell it later but it would be great to have a piece that will be unique later.

The super star destroyer for example cost a lot on ebay. ARed Five X-wing Starfighternzahl

Edited by Weeman007

While the R2-D2 kit is nice, it's really just a sculpture that lies around. Not really any play value, if that matters to you, nor any real great aspects.

While the Death Star has been around a while and is constantly discussed about retirement, it is an absolutely fantastic set. It includes a bevy of minifigures, and by purchasing the Death Star you'll get figures of Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, RD-D2, C-3PO, Princess Leia, Imperial Guards, Stormtroopers, Grand Moff Tarkin, Death Star Troopers, Emperor Palpatine, and a multitude of droids. You'll basically have every "key" figure in the Star Wars pantheon in one set.

In addition, the build of the Death Star is INCREDIBLY fun. It's not real challenging, nor is it very repetitive. It's an awesome experience as you put it together and you see the iconic shape forming. The set also includes a small scale Darth Vader Tie Fighter which is nice to have, and includes all of the great scenes from the movies. Palpatine's Throne Room from RotJ, Trash Compactor and Prison Cell from ANH, The Destruciton of Alderran, The rope swing across the chasm from ANH, the Conference Room from ANH where Vader uses a force choke, etc.

I came out of my "Dark Ages" earlier this year by picking up set 7965 - Millenium Falcon which was a great choice as well. After building it, I then found out about the Death Star and was so happy that it hasn't been retired. At first it was tough swallowing the $400 plus shipping and taxes price tag, but that tough swallow soon turned to glee when the MASSIVE box arrived at my door. I spent a good three nights, with multiple hours spent each night, building the thing and have been severely addicted to Lego Star Wars ever since. In the past few years I've reviewed my financial planning and re-financed my house and was thus able to save a LOT of money. Since picking up the Death Star, I've spent probably far too much on Lego Star Wars, but feel that it's worth it. I mean, what's the point of saving up money if you aren't going to spend it? My collection now includes the new Sandcrawler, an AT-AT, Imperial Star Destroyer, Jabba's Palace, MTT, Hoth Echo Base, Wampa Cave, Jabba's Sail Barge, Mos Eisley Cantina, X-Wing, Tantive IV, etc. etc.

So if this is your first purchase and you won't be making another purchase for another few years, I'd say go for the Death Star as you will definitely get your money's worth, and the huge number of mini-figs that comes with it is also a huge positive.

Is the Mos Eisley Cantina already sold out, or is LEGO still updating the site?

Is the Mos Eisley Cantina already sold out, or is LEGO still updating the site?

Was it just made available on the site? It could actually be sold out; that wouldn't be unprecedented. The last iteration of Luke's Landspeeder was sold out very quickly after it was first released, and then was backordered for a couple months. Considering how iconic the cantina is and how long AFOLs have waited for a set like this, it wouldn't surprise me.

I didn't want to put this in the rumours thread as it's probably past that now but there was a member who said they'd seen an inventory for a store which included the fabled UCS Slave 1 for this month. If we were getting one would we not have heard about it by now? I know Brickset has assigned it a number and it may be slated for a later release... I just thought I'd ask those with better experience in this sort of thing than I.

I didn't want to put this in the rumours thread as it's probably past that now but there was a member who said they'd seen an inventory for a store which included the fabled UCS Slave 1 for this month. If we were getting one would we not have heard about it by now? I know Brickset has assigned it a number and it may be slated for a later release... I just thought I'd ask those with better experience in this sort of thing than I.

I'm not sure. While usually we hear about and see sets before they're released, LEGO has become better at keeping sets secret. For example, not many people knew about the Sandcrawler before the official announcement.

Lego seems to be staggering their D2C sets this year besides the first two that came out the same day (but that was right after Christmas so people had extra $$)first PR and the Maersk Ship, then Simpsons, then Sea Cow, then Sandcrawler, then Mixer, then Mini Coop, then Tumbler. for at least half of these there was little time between our first glimpse and their availability, Slave 1 could easily come in September or October with a reveal in late August/ Early September. It has been the standard for years to get two D2C star wars sets per year if I'm not mistaken.

Edit: My point is that I'm not surprised we haven't heard anything, assumedly it's at the same price point as the tumbler and the fan base overlaps considerably and I'd wager that people are more likely to pay the 400 for both sets if they have already bought or been planning to buy the tumbler before they see the Slave 1. If they came out the same day many people would probably figure out which they like more and only but one if money is tight.

Edited by Archer

He Guys, In the Netherlands Toys 'R' us has now 20% off on Lego. This means the Death Star is now €314. What do you think is this a good deal. They also have the Ewoc village for €201,60 now. Thanks!

Hi guys! I was wondering if the new jedi intercepters will fit in the old hyperdrive ring, with little or no mods. I don't have one my self to test it out on, so any help would be appreciated! :sweet:

Edited by GuyDudeMan27

He Guys, In the Netherlands Toys 'R' us has now 20% off on Lego. This means the Death Star is now €314. What do you think is this a good deal. They also have the Ewoc village for €201,60 now. Thanks!

In Canada Toys R Us doesn't discount UCS set even during a 20% sale on "all" Lego Star Wars. Now we have a full month of 20% off on Lego Star wars but the Death Star is still 499.99.

20% off is better then the 15% off we got on Shop@home for May the fourth. So it's a pretty decent sale.

I guess that if you are paid in Euro, it's a good deal. (I don't know the original price in Europe) You might want to ask someone who also lives there.

He Guys, In the Netherlands Toys 'R' us has now 20% off on Lego. This means the Death Star is now €314. What do you think is this a good deal. They also have the Ewoc village for €201,60 now. Thanks!

Thanks for the heads up. I wish TRU wasn't so expensive to begin with though. Even with the discount, prices are just barely below msrp.

Thanks for the heads up. I wish TRU wasn't so expensive to begin with though. Even with the discount, prices are just barely below msrp.

But TRU pricematches with Walmart, Lego.com and many other retailers. I find them very reasonable compared to places like Walmart who don't even price match their own online prices. At least in the States we have that option.

You wouldn't be able to take advantage of the promotions however, I tired during a BOGO 40% on some Microfighters and Battlepacks.

Does anybody know the exact piece count for the new ISD? My two ones are still boxed until i find time for building.

Most online sites cite it at 1359 or so pieces. My expanded dictionary, however, says that the set has 1175 pieces.

1359 according to the Lego Catalogue.

Thank you, Robert. I checked it at S@H and the website also says so. Thus there is one more mistake about the expanded visual dictionary. However, i still like the book.

I have to ask one more thing:

According to some online sources, the sentinel class shuttle (imperial landing craft similar to the lambda class shuttle) had been added to a special edition of EP IV and been given some screen time. Not owning this edition - is it true or just a rumor? Is there any pic or video sequence about the "real" thing available?

I have to ask one more thing:

According to some online sources, the sentinel class shuttle (imperial landing craft similar to the lambda class shuttle) had been added to a special edition of EP IV and been given some screen time. Not owning this edition - is it true or just a rumor? Is there any pic or video sequence about the "real" thing available?

Funnily enough, I was watching that the other day! It is there for a few brief seconds, but I'm not sure of a video clip or anything.

He Guys, In the Netherlands Toys 'R' us has now 20% off on Lego. This means the Death Star is now €314.

Checked the site, but the Death Star is listed as 'not available'.

Funnily enough, I was watching that the other day! It is there for a few brief seconds, but I'm not sure of a video clip or anything.

Yep, its in the scene where the sand troopers find the escape pod out in the desert. The Sentinel is seen in the background taking off.

I have to ask one more thing:

According to some online sources, the sentinel class shuttle (imperial landing craft similar to the lambda class shuttle) had been added to a special edition of EP IV and been given some screen time. Not owning this edition - is it true or just a rumor? Is there any pic or video sequence about the "real" thing available?

Yes, but I have to admit that I barely noticed it.


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