May 17, 20159 yr How can I make a Vinis Valorum TCW-minifig? Is it even possible without custom parts? The torso is what worries me and I hope there is an Lego torso which at least resembles this tunic. Edited May 17, 20159 yr by Flieger
May 17, 20159 yr Hi all, I saw in a post this quote "What you could do is download the LFX of it, run it through LDD Manager, and see how much it would cost in BrickLink." A couple of questions then: A) Is there a thread on just this subject that I cannot find. B) How hard/ time consuming is Bricklink? I have looked on BL a few times but come away daunted. I am in the UK so cannot be doing with US tax stuff. I have used pick a brick and enjoyed the site, though it is one brick at a time - but you can choose a set and then just tick away at the bits you want. Can you simply get an LFX, stuff it into BL and populate a basket in one or 2 hits (appreciating that not all stores would have all parts). PS - what I want to do is build a 9492 tie with some Rebels colour to it. I would love to know easily how much this would cost so as to know how much effort to put into making the build a reality. In the past, I just ebay a set that has most of the parts and go from there, but am I missing out not using BL?
May 17, 20159 yr BJM, to make the whole BrickLink process easier, you'll need to download LDD manager and Brickficiency. You can find both in the LDD/digital forum here. With LDD manager, you can put an LFX in and get a parts list for BrickLink out. After putting that parts list in, you can see every store that carries those parts. You'd most likely need to use more than 1 store, which is where Brickficiency comes in. You can run a parts list though there, and it will give you all the combinations of stores that carry those parts for the cheapest possible amounts. I would suggest downloading the LFX for 9492 (in the same forum) and then making your mods there. Then you can go and convert it. I hope this helps you out. How can I make a Vinis Valorum TCW-minifig? Is it even possible without custom parts? The torso is what worries me and I hope there is an Lego torso which at least resembles this tunic. I would suggest the pilots from the original Republic Cruiser. They are mostly blue and look pretty similar. Then you can add some grey hair and a wrinkled face, and then you have a Valorum figure.
May 17, 20159 yr I organize my Republic sets by Republic Space and Republic Land. However, I'm not quite sure how to place the 2013 Republic Gunship. It's not made for space, but it's not really a land vehicle either. It's specifically made for atmospheres. In which of the categories should I place it?
May 17, 20159 yr I organize my Republic sets by Republic Space and Republic Land. However, I'm not quite sure how to place the 2013 Republic Gunship. It's not made for space, but it's not really a land vehicle either. It's specifically made for atmospheres. In which of the categories should I place it? I would put it with ground vehicles since it was mostly used in tandem with other ground vehicles. That and it wasn't made to fight in space, so it would be kinda out of place.
May 17, 20159 yr I organize my Republic sets by Republic Space and Republic Land. However, I'm not quite sure how to place the 2013 Republic Gunship. It's not made for space, but it's not really a land vehicle either. It's specifically made for atmospheres. In which of the categories should I place it? If its the 75021 It is an land vehicule because at the time of the Battle of Geonosis the gunship were not fitted to go into space. But later in the clone war they had modified blast door to go in space. If you have the prievious gunship (with commander cody and ventress) that version is a space vehicule.
May 17, 20159 yr Thank you! The only other set I have a problem organizing is the Battle on Saleucami. Should it go with my CIS or with the Republic Land?
May 17, 20159 yr Thank you! The only other set I have a problem organizing is the Battle on Saleucami. Should it go with my CIS or with the Republic Land? I would break it up and distribute the different sections. The droids and STAP can go to CIS, and then Neyo and the speeder can go to the Republic. The ground section can just be put aside.
May 18, 20159 yr Will the new Death Star Final Duel and new Grievous' Wheel Bike still be out in December (hopefully somewhat discounted by then)? Thanks, all!
May 18, 20159 yr I think it is a safe bet to assume the Death Star Final Duel will still be out in December, as it is just about to hit shelves. The wheel bike will be tricky.
May 18, 20159 yr Yeah... The Wheel Bike is something I've seen regularly discounted at different stores across the UK. Possibly with the new wave it's one of those sets that will just be down to store stock if you can find it.
May 18, 20159 yr Does anybody know of any good and non parts intensive mods for the cockpit area of 7965 Falcon ? I'm modding mine to give it the detail / dimensions of a ucs but without having to completely rebuild it. I've done the rear engine, front mandibles and top quad cannon but I'm stuck for ideas and running short of parts for the cockpit ! I'm not bothered about keeping a usable interior as I'm detailing it up as a display piece. Edit: I don't mean the cockpit itself, I mean the way it connects to the main hull of the ship, and the 'spine' that runs from it up to the central ring. How do I get thdose to look right by the 'real' falcon ?! Edited May 18, 20159 yr by miles teg
May 18, 20159 yr Another silly question by me; would Lego ever do more than one wave of MicroFighters a year? I love the line, with its pretty nifty range of vehicles and minifigures, but six sets a year doesn't fill the collector shelf very well. Either they had two waves of Microfighters next year, or expand the number of sets in the wave, either would be just fine.
May 18, 20159 yr Another silly question by me; would Lego ever do more than one wave of MicroFighters a year? I love the line, with its pretty nifty range of vehicles and minifigures, but six sets a year doesn't fill the collector shelf very well. Either they had two waves of Microfighters next year, or expand the number of sets in the wave, either would be just fine. I wish they would; we've still got (just from the movies) A-wing, B-wing, Y-wing, regular TIE, TIE Bomber, technically Luke's speeder & Boba's Slave I (previously only as convention exclusives), Lambda-class shuttle, Sentinel-class landing craft, maybe a Mon Cala cruiser, Sail Barge, Sandcrawler, and/or Outrider/YT-2000 freighter... and from the PT there's still the V-wing, N-1 Naboo fighter, Queen's Royal Starship, Sith Infiltrator (another former exclusive I think?), any of Padme's other silver ships, Geonosian fighter, Tri-fighter, Droid Control Ship (could have a Nemoidian instead of a boring droid!), Venator cruiser, Acclamator cruiser, Zam Wessel's speeder, Anakin's speeder, AT-TE, AT-AP, Delta-7 JSF, Eta-2 JSF, probably a few others I'm blanking on at the moment. Add in TCW & Rebels and there are even more possibilities! Not all are great, in terms of 'chibi' craft or even minifig options (I'm bored to tears of Battle Droids with little to no paint, I'd rather have various troops, pilots, officers, etc and even maybe some named characters with some more specific vehicles). And the EU possibilities are incredibly juicy, but I'm not sure they'd be allowed to tackle those anymore--tho it seems a shame to not get an Ebon Hawk with HK-47, a Hound's Tooth with a new Bossk, a Sith Starfighter with KOTOR Sith Trooper, some more TOR ships with appropriate class pilots (or specific class companions!) an E-wing with an R7-printed astromech or chibi "Jek-14 Stealth Ship" with Jek-14.
May 18, 20159 yr Does anyone know how I can build a Minifig scale RoTJ Millennium Falcon cockpit? With close enough parts to represent the computers etc as seen in the film. Thanks in advanced. Also does anyone know when 10236 Ewok Village will be discontinued? Edited May 18, 20159 yr by AudiBobaR5-D2
May 18, 20159 yr I would suggest the pilots from the original Republic Cruiser. They are mostly blue and look pretty similar. Then you can add some grey hair and a wrinkled face, and then you have a Valorum figure. Thank you, good idea! I hope I can get this pilot for a reasonable price somewhere... I'm bored to tears of Battle Droids with little to no paint, I'd rather have various troops, pilots, officers, etc and even maybe some named characters with some more specific vehicles Agreed. Non-Droid Seperatists are quite rare, especially from TCW. I'd love to have a Neimoidian officer e.g. Edited May 18, 20159 yr by Flieger
May 19, 20159 yr Thank you, good idea! I hope I can get this pilot for a reasonable price somewhere... Agreed. Non-Droid Seperatists are quite rare, especially from TCW. I'd love to have a Neimoidian officer e.g. I remember being excited by pictures of the Neimoidian Warrior from Hasbro's 2005 ROTS figure line, thinking maybe we'd see some new soldiers... but they were just guarding a door and hardly in the film at all, and the figures themselves suffered in having two action-features, a squeezy-leg "battle-swing" of their oversized, rocket-firing 'rifle', which meant they didn't get knee joints... and they also had fairly weak cut elbow swivels. They looked fantastic, but were poor figures overall. ...and again I got excited when Lego put one in last year's Vulture Droid set. I still haven't opened mine, but they did a much nicer job than Hasbro...just wish they were in a Battle Pack! 2-4 of them in a $12 set would've been sweet. At least TCW gave us the Umbarans, who are fun little figures even if not terribly screen-accurate (helmet-wise, anyway).
May 19, 20159 yr Hello Greetings, I have joined Eurobricks specifically because I need the help of all the Lego knowledgable people here I have acquired a couple of tubs of ‘lego’ (mostly if not all, Star Wars themed) which I would like to sort through and check I have all the ‘pieces’ before passing them to my son to build / play with. Nothing worse than starting a build and getting to the last couple of steps to find you are missing a vital piece! The tub is mixed with lots of partially constructed Lego kits (no instruction manuals were included) and a further level of complexity is that it is mixed with components from Mega Blok (similar to Lego) kits. I need help with identifying what kits are present in the mix, so that I can locate the instruction manual online with which I can check to see if I have all the necessary components to build a complete kit. I would be extremely surprised if there were NOT any missing components amongst these kits. So assuming that there will be some missing components, where and how do I get a hold / order the missing components? I’ll get around to posting images of the Lego / Mega Blok mix I have, will you help? Much appreciated Morty
May 19, 20159 yr Welcome to Eurobricks, mortiferum. As hachiroku says, post the pics and I'm sure people will help you out. As for where to buy replacement parts, is where most people would go. You may also find the pieces you need directly from Lego, from their pick-a-brick section on their online shop.
May 19, 20159 yr Here are the photos (hopefully I have them linked correctly!) I've left in what I believe are Mega Blok Halo components aswell (just incase I acidentally remove a genuine Lego piece) I think I have identified a few by myself (but would like your confirmation): General Grievious Star Fighter 8095 Plo Kloons Starfighter 8093 Emperor Palpatine Shuttle 8096 http://s34.photobuck... Identification My thanks in advance Morty Edit: Any tips on how best to go about efficiently sorting through this lot would also be appreciated: eg: sort components by colour first or try and seperate Megabloks from Lego first, then colour? Edited May 19, 20159 yr by mortiferum
May 19, 20159 yr Oooh, this looks fun. Ok, I see only megablocks in the first five images (maybe some Lego parts mixed in), but your sixth image looks to be all Lego sets. I see: 8092 Luke's Landspeeder 75049 Snowspeeder (?) Lego have done loads of these, it's hard to be sure 8093 Plo Kloons starfighter 9675 Sebulba's podracer and Tatooine (Half the planet shell, I don't see much of the model but it might be there) 9676 Tie Interceptor and Death Star (I see the death star sphere, but not sure about the model or figure) 9509 Star Wars Advent Calender 2012. You have the Santa "Darth Maul" figure, you may have some other figures from that set and possibly one mini-build. You also have one of the Chima brick-built creatures, but I don't follow that series and can't identify it I'm also seeing amongst the minifigs various of the collectible minifigures (can't find which series just yet) and a few of the Santa's elves I would suggest remove the megablocks, then sift through the Lego parts. Once you have set reference numbers, download the instructions from lego customer service, and try and build the model out of the parts you have left. If you're missing something, make a note and try and keep building. Hope this helps.
May 19, 20159 yr Hi mortiferum, and welcome to Eurobricks! I think has already mentioned most of the obvious sets, and offered some very sensible advice. For future reference, there's a general Q&A thread pinned to the top of the forum; I'll merge this with it in a bit. Cheers, Robin
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